Unfortunately our garden is under threat due to a proposed new development at the building behind us. We've put some info on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thephoenixgarden?locale=en_GB

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'something small you can count on'....so true and a lovely thought...as a Londoner, no longer in London, I must go back and spend some time there...so easy to take for granted what you may be missing...

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Thank you for sharing this place, Patti! I’m in London for two days and I just visited the Phoenix garden. Cold and drizzling and kinda mis on the London streets today, but it was a beautiful spring day inside this tiny oasis.

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Food for the soul…enjoyed being a companion on your stroll through the garden. ✌🏻

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Ah, so lovely and green! I've not been to London in quite a while. Will try to go and visit this little garden when I'm there next!

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RollyPolly wood lice lovin up the oak that must have dropped its drooping limb like winds do common folk… and everyone really.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodlouse These little creatures play an important part of our ecosystem. Mostly live in wooded areas and degraded rotten bits of plant life. A little bug worthy of note 🙏🏻

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Love this sweet, contemplative space. It’s the type of place I seek when I travel and then love to return to again and again.

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Wisconsin has a beautiful Japanese garden just over our border to our friends in Illinois sending you a link


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I so love packet gardens. We don’t save much of those here at my homeland. This is such a treat. 😊

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A pleasure to walk with you

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Oh man I needed that little stroll through natures gifts, thank you!

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A very lovely experience you shared. When you said “something small you can count on” I thought of the little birds who stop by several times each day, on my deck outside my window, to feast on the seed I put out for them, and the squirrels who stand st the foot of the window waiting for some peanuts. These small lives never fail to visit and never fail to bring joy to my heart. Phoenix Garden seems a magical place to find one’s self, and you have given us that opportunity. Thank you Patti.

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Beautiful little garden.

Hello bird!

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Watching this is so soothing. Thanks Patti!

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What a lovely garden. Thank you for taking us with you on your visit there! It's so nice to see green leaves! It's snowing here again, as it will be on and off until winter finally gives up! I have little white violets flowering here and there in the south-facing areas after a couple of sunny days. They're tough, I'm not worried about them. Love & hugs!

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