
My cup runneth over with gratitude. This post made my day! Thank you Patti ❤️

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That is wonderful.

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how amazing that cup made it thru all these years!! Quite a coincidence your friend was able to find it - it fits perfectly with your telling us the Uncle Wiggly mystery!

Don't forget honey for a croaky throat. Manuka honey is best. Sending love to u Patti!

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Loved the cup! And sometimes I eat misso soup at night too!

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so cute cup ! stay kind and loved in this troubled world .

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What a beautiful cup!!

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Soup, tea, warmth, comfort, love. The underlying indomitable force that affirms life in the face of the crushing cruelty and calamities. Thank you for your regenerative spirit.

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We love you Patti. Our cups runneth over with all your gracious videos. The cup is beautiful.

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a deeply empathetic friend of mine who is a long time activist and advocate for many causes, told me when he was a small boy and became overwhelmed with sadness for the state of the world ..his mother would quote Fred Rogers "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping" May we all find a way to be helpers in whatever capacity we can . Thanks for the reminder, glad you are well x

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Thank you for this video visit Patti! I am only a few years younger than you, but when I listened to your posts, I felt like a worried child being consoled by her mother. Thank you for the readings, and for sharing your wisdom with us. ❤️

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As a librarian I love so much your readings ! Patti’s lectures you are unique (in french) you are the only one who can read a tale for children with such passion ! This is the power of books, any books, sharing other worlds. Do you know the book Anne from Green Gables written by Lucy Maud Montgomery in 1905 ? I am reading it and the young héroïne is charming because she has a great entouthiasme and great imagination ! It is a novel for every age. Thank you for all !

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It's a seriously wonderful cup, that one!

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Take care and feel better. 🙏🏻

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Patti, your words and wisdom help me stay more on that even keel. It is a troubled world but that is why your spirit and messages are ever more important and treasured by myself and so many others. Thank you! Please rest and feel better!

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Oh, that cup! So special!! I hope you're feeling better! I know there are those days when I don't feel right, not sick, but not quite right, can't explain it as there are multiple reasons why it is; it just is. Today was warm and sunny, and I hope you got out to enjoy it! I took a short nap on my porch with the little feral kitty I've named Harper Lee; it was so lovely to listen to her purr at my feet and feel the sun on my face. Taking it easy. Thank you, Patti!

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