
My cup runneth over

Even within theses troubled times

Here is my cup. It’s a perfect child size cup, just right for hot chocolate. If you would like to see my friend’s Instagram, it’s @dimitrilevas Thank you Dimitri, and to all a goodnight.

my wonderful cup

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My cup runneth over with gratitude. This post made my day! Thank you Patti ❤️

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That is wonderful.

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how amazing that cup made it thru all these years!! Quite a coincidence your friend was able to find it - it fits perfectly with your telling us the Uncle Wiggly mystery!

Don't forget honey for a croaky throat. Manuka honey is best. Sending love to u Patti!

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Loved the cup! And sometimes I eat misso soup at night too!

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so cute cup ! stay kind and loved in this troubled world .

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What a beautiful cup!!

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Soup, tea, warmth, comfort, love. The underlying indomitable force that affirms life in the face of the crushing cruelty and calamities. Thank you for your regenerative spirit.

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We love you Patti. Our cups runneth over with all your gracious videos. The cup is beautiful.

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a deeply empathetic friend of mine who is a long time activist and advocate for many causes, told me when he was a small boy and became overwhelmed with sadness for the state of the world ..his mother would quote Fred Rogers "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping" May we all find a way to be helpers in whatever capacity we can . Thanks for the reminder, glad you are well x

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Feb 15, 2023
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I'm sure she would be so pleased that you remember her words. Sorry for your loss. She is resting in your heart in sweet peace xox

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Thank you for this video visit Patti! I am only a few years younger than you, but when I listened to your posts, I felt like a worried child being consoled by her mother. Thank you for the readings, and for sharing your wisdom with us. ❤️

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As a librarian I love so much your readings ! Patti’s lectures you are unique (in french) you are the only one who can read a tale for children with such passion ! This is the power of books, any books, sharing other worlds. Do you know the book Anne from Green Gables written by Lucy Maud Montgomery in 1905 ? I am reading it and the young héroïne is charming because she has a great entouthiasme and great imagination ! It is a novel for every age. Thank you for all !

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It's a seriously wonderful cup, that one!

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Take care and feel better. 🙏🏻

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Patti, your words and wisdom help me stay more on that even keel. It is a troubled world but that is why your spirit and messages are ever more important and treasured by myself and so many others. Thank you! Please rest and feel better!

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Oh, that cup! So special!! I hope you're feeling better! I know there are those days when I don't feel right, not sick, but not quite right, can't explain it as there are multiple reasons why it is; it just is. Today was warm and sunny, and I hope you got out to enjoy it! I took a short nap on my porch with the little feral kitty I've named Harper Lee; it was so lovely to listen to her purr at my feet and feel the sun on my face. Taking it easy. Thank you, Patti!

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Thank you for your encouraging words Patti. This world needs you❤️

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Thank you, Patti. Love the cup!!! Uncle Wiggily looks so happy :)

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You light up my life- as you have for all these years...

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Thank you, Patti, for sharing your gifts and your concerns. It's such a gift to be with you. ❤️

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Thank you for this Patti ❤️

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Hope you enjoy a nice cupa coffee in that beautiful cup Patti! ⭐️

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🖤🌹🎶☕️There are no words but thank you Patti.

I’m there too.

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Your insight into the human situation should be taught in our education systems .Disasters either man-made or nature made people have little time left to reverse our paths to stop global warming environmental pollution and war to prevent man's total annihilation. Got to love that ovaltine cup and how exciting it was to wait for your special gift coming by the United States post office.

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Love to Uncle Wiggily and to you Patti!

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As I’ve aged, I live ensconced firmly between a sense of collapsing civilization & a sense of contentment with life. Contentment comes from art, poetry, music, friends, my kids. Patti always feels like a friend. In the ‘70s, I thought she/Robert/ Lenny & later Fred, would have been a supportive group as I searched for wtf it’s all about. Now, Patti is an old friend who helps me realize those things ARE what it’s about. Be well, dearest. Peace to you. Thanks for the conversations, the art, the “friendship.” 🌹✌️

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This visit from Patti reminds me of a Tolkien quote I have on my desk that I look at every day: "I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. 'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'" And I still drink Ovaltine!

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I never read the Tolkien books, so thank you for sharing such a very wise and meaningful passage.

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that is a wonderful quote. thank you. And thanks to Gandalf.

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Ovaltine+coffee actually sounds like it would be good, malted mocha. Could become a trend!

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A Wiggily Mug!

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A timely reminder to count our blessings ! Thank you Patti ! Your Uncle Wiggily cup has cheered me no end ! What a thoughtful gift ! I hope that today you are in good spirits and the coffee / Ovaltine tastes all the finer in that wonderful cup ! ☕️ 💙

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Thank you for your generous spirit - I am also a sloppy eater - because I love food and the joy or solace it brings so I dive in… miso soup is my go to medicine when I am out of sorts and green tea - sending love ❤️

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Wing, you are in our thoughts.

Please update us as to how you are doing.

Much love to you.

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Your friends reflect your loving nature with thoughtful, perfectly times gifts....to sooth your body and spirit.

Sharing this with us helps us as well.

Yes,I adhere to having compassion for those that are suffering and not losing the loving awareness of who we inherently are .

Energetically this aids in the balance for all.

Love you much,Patti,Cairo and you all.

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

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Thank you for your thoughts and words that you share with us. Balance is also an art. I love this beautiful old cup. Tonight I dreamed very vividly of my great-grandmother and still feel inspired. Soups are an elixir of life. Be mindful of your energy. So nice that you and this substack exist here! Greetings from afar.

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Love the cup a little work of art.

Feel better soon Patti!

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What a sweet gift! Cool little Uncle Wiggily cup, bringing joy for nearly 100 years. Thank you for the reminder about balance, I really needed to hear that tonight. Sending love & healing vibes, and hope you feel better soon ☀️🌈🌻

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Love your cup. Prayers to our planet and to all those affected by recent tragedies. I have so much respect for relief workers.

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I hope you feel better soon, and the world around us rights itself

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Uncle Wiggily and Goosey Gander ! And Ovaltime coupons — my old world 💔.. I so miss those sweet wanderings within the fantasies of loving stories with evocative joyful drawings of lovable characters. Thank you for carrying me back there - on your gossamer wings (your darling smart spirit🙏)

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Sometimes it’s just all to much, so heartbreaking ❤️ my love goes to all the living beings who so much suffer now...and I resonate with what you said ... “it’s how we respond “ ...uncle wiggly’s kind and genuine nature shows me how to keep my heart open and find ways out of the dark holes where I/we can end up...so grateful to you and uncle wiggly ...spirits of light! Thank you

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That cup is beyond wonderful! Ovaltine house? Are you kidding me?

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Sorry to hear that you are feeling kinda out of sorts. There is too much trouble and trauma in the world. Your friend Dimitri sounds like a beautiful human being. Love to you.

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Love to you, Patti. Thank you for your wisdom as we drift off to sleep.

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Your talk, Patti, isn’t lecture, it’s love….and it’s so helpful…..it gets us us thru. ✨ Thank you so much 💗

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Feel netter soon!✊🍀☀️🌷

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Thank you for for your last couple of sentences. It felt very comforting to me. Good night then & feel better.

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Thank you so much for your words of wisdom, Patti -- They really touched my heart. What you said about balance was such a good reminder. It comes down to a balance between compassion for others and compassion for self, I believe.

The title of your chat and your gratitude for your white miso soup from Oliver and Ovaltine (!!) cup from Dmitri were also such a good reminder of the power of gratitude when things seem overwhelming. Gratitude and balance -- Good medicine. Feel well soon.

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Adorable cup! Rest well, look forward to more stories tomorrow

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I hope your soup a d a cup of Ovaltine help you to feel better, Patti. You certainly made me feel better by your thoughtful post. See you tomorrow.

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Oh I needed this pep talk and your joy about the cup. Thank you 🙏🏽 sweet dreams.

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Good Night, I hope you feel better. Thanks so very much for you words of wisdom.

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I feel all humanity is slowly picking its way through rubble and debris, bruised and stumbling, looking for an outstretched hand to pull it to safety.

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A beloved cup for a most beloved human being!

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I hope you feel better. Thanks for talking to us.

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thank you Patti

somuch love and wisdom you share thank you 🙏🏻

feel better

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Thank you…thank you

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That is such a delightful cup! Take good care and Good Night.

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Thanks for all your abundant energy and generosity.

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Thank you Patti for your sharings. You are a love. Yes, the destruction of the Ukraine is devastating. but the light shall prevail. "What defines us is how we respond" did not feel like a lecture but more as a nudge and a reminder. Thank you.

Good night, sweet dreams & feel better. sending you love and tender hugs.

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Fabulous cup! I hope you perk up and regain your energy soon. It sure is a troubled world, and Nature is letting us know of our wrong-doings. New Zealand is being hit by Cyclone Gabrielle right now, just after terrible floods not long ago. I've been sandbagging my door with 40 litre bags of potting mix, after all the sandbags sold out.

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Hope you and your home weather the storm, Wing. Let us know what happens when you have a chance.

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Will do - the worst is yet to come, tomorrow and next day. Thanks for your concern. There are others in much more dire predicaments than myself. The terrible flooding two weeks ago, in another freak storm, made people homeless, and decimated parts of the country, with slips and erosions.

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Wishing you and everyone in harm's way nothing but the best. So sorry about the losses already suffered.

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Jim - thanks for your kind and caring concern for our small shakey isle. There is now a National State of Emergency, which is only the third time this has happened I new Zealand's history. There is much carnage of erosion, slips, floods, trees felled, houses destroyed, people and animals gone to evacuation centre's, amid danger to first responders. One volunteer fire fighter is lost inside a house, and another was critically injured. Rural communities are cut off, and there are still multiple weather warnings. Much will be learned from this for our future response to climate change and managed retreat, intensified housing building, storm water and drainage, and road reconstruction. Meanwhile, it is not over, and people are traumatized. You can probably see news on CNN as the one in a hundred year event has reached overseas media. I'm lucky as far as damage is concerned, but others need much emergency response. Nature Rules!

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Thanks for the update, Wing. I saw a report on last night's national news here in Canada. The video was extraordinary and frightening. I'm so glad to hear that you've been lucky when it comes to damage but I can't imagine what it must be like for so many who have had their lives turned upside down by this storm. My heart goes out to everyone down there. You are so right about climate change. We all have so much to learn even if it does seem a case of too little, too late. Please keep us informed about your situation. I hope you continue to be, as you say, lucky. I know that having little or no damage doesn't change the effects of this storm on your community and your day-to-day life in the days to come. My thoughts are with you.

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Feb 15, 2023Edited
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We really appreciate your kind thoughts. People are feeling lost, broken and exhausted. I saw a photo of a poor horse which had somehow been swept up by floods onto the roof of a house. That bewildered creature died, sadly. Some sights are beyond belief. It is the most catastrophic event we've endured. Mercifully, the cyclone is moving away from the country, with one final nasty flick of its tail. Visions of hell.

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Feb 15, 2023
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It could be even worse! It's a relief we don't have bears snakes or crocodiles here. By Friday Gabrielle should be gone.

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Feb 15, 2023
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Janet - there are so many terrible things happening in the world, perhaps the news media has moved on to the next calamity. I live where Gabrielle has bid us farewell, but there are other regions in the North Island of Aotearoa, which are completely cut off. They are encircled by flooding of rivers, where roads have been destroyed, or erosion and slips have blocked access, and bridges have been destroyed by floods. These regions currently have no electricity, because a major power sub station was under water . Food and water is running short, and ironically, they are being urged to conserve water. Many have their homes collapsed by land slips, and are in evacuation centres with their pets. With no power, there is no internet, or cell phone, so this makes it more difficult. ATM (money) machines are out of action, so supermarkets are asking for cash, which people don't carry much now. It is only through the old fashioned radio stations, that these people are getting vital information from civil defense. Generators are being sourced. People are trying to charge up their cell phones, sitting in their cars. Elon Musk's new baby a "Satellite" phone is selling out fast. (I gather it is more like a walkie-talkie.) Water supplies are being shipped in, helicopters doing drops. A local newspaper printed out hundreds of copies of a paper edition, so it could be distributed by hand to get info out to people. The first responders are heroes, and people are resourceful, in the face of all it will take to recover. There are 4 deaths now, and some people have lost everything. This is my brief excursion into journalism! - I hope you now have a clearer picture.

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Thank you for this detailed update Wing. And to Janet for continuing this conversation. I was grateful for your insights into the tragedy. We get a minute or two on the news but that barely scratches the surface of the wounds your country has suffered. I hope relief gets to everyone as quickly as possible. I know people will say the storm is over but the clean-up and restoration of vital resources will be going on for a long time. By then, the news outside your nation will have moved on to the next horror. But my thoughts are with you, Wing, and your loved ones. Let us know how it's going over the next weeks and months. Take good care.

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Thank you Jim. I hate to be using Patti's forum for the dispersal of such news, but maybe she will glean some fodder for her writing for the poem "Green"! I have been heartened to see a video of a herd of cows swimming to safety as the farmer called to them. We had a 6.1 magnitude earthquake last night too. You heard it first here! Arohanui.

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Ka aroha hoki, Wing x and all brothers and sisters affected around the world

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Yikes. I hope the earthquake didn't cause any more damage. I don't think Patti minds. It's all about sharing. Thanks for the image of the cows. Quite amazing. Be safe.

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All's good. Princess Anne From UK Royal family is visiting NZ for a few days. She's having an adventurous time. Clean up and recovery is underway, with amazing stories of survival coming to light. Thanks to all for your kind thoughts.

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Oh I am fine everyone. Thank you, all is well.

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Golden treasures during troubled days ✨️ Peace in our hearts and do what we can to help those in pain. TY. Look for the light,and it will come..times are changing, always 💙🙏

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Thank you Patti for the encouraging reminder to keep an even keel. It feels good to be reminded. I hope you feel better when you wake up tomorrow. Now, I am going to check out your friend's Instagram page!

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Thanks Patti for the check in. The cup is lovely indeed! Sometimes it takes an effort, but you're right about staying on an even keel. Rest well tonight dear Patti.

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Let’s dream of life tonight. Sweet dreams.

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There is so much heartbreak these days. I really appreciate your thoughts and comments . . . reassuring and inspiring. And that Uncle Wiggly cup is perfect, pure joy! Just what I needed to lift my spirits this evening. Here's hoping you have a good night and wake up feeling better tomorrow. Be well, dear Patti.

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I love your cup! I can’t tell you how often I make Ovaltine to make me feel better and to remind myself of being safe and loved with my parents. I think any of us who have any sensitivity at all as we think about our troubled world are often feeling out of sorts and not quite right. Sleep well. See you tomorrow night for the reading (I’ll be drinking Ovaltine from a mug that my daughter gave me!). Thank you. 💜

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Dear Patti, A thoughtful message even with a wind - cold invasion. You have someone in city who gives you acu/ herbs I’m sure. If your early with this you can process it quickly. I treat patients daily with different pathogens. If you need anything please do not hesitate to email me for advise. Im a short train ride away. I do house calls. I’m acujim on gram. Hydrate water, but you would benefit with acu & herbz. Rest. Sending love & wellness prayers. Dr. Jim

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Very sorry you are not feeling well. Age is a whole new consideration and landscape, I am finding out. Interesting journey, though. Get some good sleep. That seems to be very important. Drink Miso from your new cup, too. Thank you for your posts. I will hopefully start posting more on my Substack, soon. God bless you! rsp

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In challenging times, it's these quiet moments of surprise, of friends who get us through. I hope you feel better when you wake tomorrow. with gratitude and hope, w

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I have been feeling very troubled by rubble today. Thank you for the hope of the cup, the soup, the refusal to be defined by destruction. We all love you so much, Patti. See ya tomorrow night.

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In times like these, up north is cold and downunder is hot and cold thoughts fly between the moon and tides a mother's heart is like a croaky voice. Was just listening to blame it on the sun feeding my little grandchild newborn and I share your sadness the blame we throw at each other leaves us astray. We can create or destroy, hinder or help. We can only deal with what's in front of us creative change in small footsteps. I share your heavy load and balance along the narrow way. Kindness is not weak quite hard to stay strong and humble when war is all about. That's why your substack helps us see , feel less lonely and try to keep hope and true love alive without judgement of who we are. That's a beautiful gift Patti it hurts and heals along the racing seas. As I drink the last drop from my jaws coffee cup I say sweet dreams rest up. Whoops got to go and show these little ones how to solve conflict creativity without the screams and shouts 🙃🌈☕😅🌠🌜

Edit.... Love love the cup

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What a lovely gift from your friend Dimitri. What a lovely gift to here from you. Rest recharge read to us when you feel up to it. Happy Saturday night all 👋

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Spot on Lady Patti! Your kind & compassionate advice to "stay balanced... stay on even keel" is a mantra I've been working to adhere by in my daily re-entry back into a more active life following way too many medical challenges. Just today I had a similar conversation with my husband about his retirement future... possible interests... what he may be able to do to advance others forward. While he leans into "I want to rest for myself" I softly encouraged him to think about involvement with humanitarian movements and projects. His answer back to me was "well what are you going to do tomorrow... what projects are you going to involve yourself in" to which I replied "I'm going to start with my little pod family" ... I want to practice unconditional love and compassion first with myself which is the place of emanation for how proactively I interact with others around me eventually reaching my community and beyond. If we could all just start with ourselves... start with quieting the ego that wants to lead us into all kinds of chaotic adventures and allow our own Light to radiate out to the greater community, we will indeed bend the arc toward justice, compassion, love. You my wonderful Muse is an embodiment of one's indivitual journey... its why your beautiful friends bring you white miso soup and beautifully crafted porcelain gifts from another century. You are ageless ... divine ... and I thank the Universe you are here fighting the good fight with the rest of us.

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I'll have some coco going for tomorrow's read.

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What a wonderful gift and so thoughtful of your friend Dmitri to send this mug to you! It certainly complements your Uncle Wiggly book readings! Always good to hear your voice and see you! Hope you feel better soon and hugs to Cairo also! :)

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I, too, was having one of those 'out-of-sorts' kinda days, not ill but dragged out and overwhelmed by the destruction in Turkey and the on-going horrors in Ukraine and Iran and, frankly, all over the world. Your joy at receiving that great Uncle Wiggily cup lifted my spirits. The picture on the front is a delight and it was so good to see you happy. Your thoughts about how we have to be defined by our response to the troubles of our times is just what I needed to hear tonight. So have a good evening. I look forward to tomorrow's reading and the innocent pleasure of Uncle Wiggily. I hope you feel better and share in the balance you offered us. Take good care.

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What an amazing gift. Good friends are such gems ♥️

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God bless your big beautiful heart ♥️ xo

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This was very moving, and true. I hope you feel better in the morning.

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thank you .*

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G’Night Patti…lovely gift..it will be 100 years old next year! On the worldwide scene, did you know that Habitat for Humanity has extensions in Europe, and has been creating housing for refugees in the countries that are harboring them, Poland, Germany and wherever they need to assist the host countries. Habitat is on my list of aid first responders along with Doctors Without Borders. Every little bit helps…..🎼🎶⛑

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When the world is in such pain and such a source of pain, so much of that pain is the result of the further and further separation of the human world from the world of nature and animals... Isn't it curious that in response, many of us turn to fantastical animal characters to soothe and rejuvenate us. oxo

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I have a few of your books thanks to Patti. Who are you?

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Could not be a more perfect cup for you. I am a new subscriber and hope I can look back at your Uncle Wiggly posts--I read all the books as a kid.

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What a great cup you found!

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What a nice gift! Feel better soon!🙂

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You're a good friend, Dimtri!

Your timing couldn't have been better.

You lifted her spirits with fantastical Mr. Wiggley.

Animals always there to support and uplift us .

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Feel better Patti- love the cup!

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Healing vibes to you! You look spiffy in your new glasses 🤓

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And also remember to celebrate all of the beauty and love in the word as we help each other through these destructive times. ❤️🌷🌍

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Treasure's like your cup keep you young!

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Patti, You sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders tonight. Know that others care & are concerned about the state of the world, too. Uncle Wiggly's mug was a welcome distraction. (Teeny Tiny Teacher)

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