Earlier this week, my subconscious dragged me into a van and held me hostage; there, it forced me to write an essay inspired by this video. Although I’m terrified you might read it, I was told it would be polite to let you know I had quoted you and linked your work within mine. Also, while I’m not prone to being starstruck, I am a huge fan of your work. Thanks for just being.

You can find the essay here, https://genowrites.substack.com/p/like-some-sort-of-punk-rock-fairy

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I love this song so! I heard it a lot in 2020 and think of that as my own Blakean year.

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Next time I feel unappreciated, I will throw off my stupid cloak and make a magic carpet of it. Thanks for the inspo Patti.. We just ❤️ ya! Xxx

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So throw off your stupid coat

And embrace all that you fear

For joy will conquer all despair.....

Thank you Patti - you are pure joy!

Awake in your sleep time-you send out sparks of light

And yes as artist we constantly face the challenge of the uncertain , alone

and yet

the road is paved with gold

and the road is just a road

As for the coat

We shed skin

Over and over again

So let us shed one more this stupid coat

and be in this world

but not of this world

This sharing you provide here is worth more then gold

ps:Yesterday was the 7th moon since my mother's passing

As i looked after her in the hospital once i wrote a note here

and you answered with a few powerful lines that meant more then you can possibly immagine for me in that moment, alone and my heart broken

Thank you again +

And forever

Sending Infinite love to allxxxxxx

God bless you

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Merci Patti pour ce poème !

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When I saw you and the band at Somerset House last month Patti I thought you were on fire. It was such an uplifting and beautiful night.

Now Somerset House is actually on fire burning in the Summer heat. Hopefully the people will have the power to put it out!! Wish I had a ticket to see you at St Paul's Cathedral. That will be an experience to treasure. All the best 😊

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Thanks for sharing your drafts this song is so special to me. I'm glad you've come back to us about it again. Jane xx

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while researching blake for a piece I listened to My Blakean Year on repeat <3

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Agree so much regarding the flow of song lines with music - not always easy to remember them if you're not singing, I have done the same thing. The music and words belong together!

So lovely, thank you for making time even though you were tired, and I hope you slept beautifully.

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I so identify with your train of thought. Never feel flustered. I can wait.

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“For joy will conquer all despair”. … thank you Patti! I hope you had a good sleep. What a beautiful synchronicity to find your notes on Blake. X

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Cool. Thanks!

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So beautiful Patti Smith. Best bedtime story/song. Thank you for your wonderful soul. Your words and work have inspired my life since I first heard Horses in the 70’s as a 14 year old girl. Thank you for helping me grow and know People Have The Power.

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What a treat to hear you recite your poem! Hope you slept well.,

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Thank you, Patti. I adore your presence.

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I so admire how you are able to find joy despite despair, and how you are able to celebrate life despite so much loss. It's very inspiring, so thank you for that.

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