Hello everybody. Thank you for all the wonderful responses yesterday. I was so happy to see where you all are. From South Carolina to Shikoku Island to Croatia!! I will say more about that in the coming days. Here are the drafts of My Blean Year. And now I must turn in. Goodnight everyone, sleep peacefully.
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Oh, sorry. Hello, everybody. Yeah, it's getting late. I'm going to be turning in soon. But I was today, August 12th is the passing day. of William Blake and I wanted to do something today for him but I was so immersed in my work other work and I didn't do it
And then I was just about to turn in, and then I was looking for something, and I found this old notebook, because I was looking for, anyway, I was looking for something. And what do you think I found? I found my, some of my original lyrics to my song, my Blakey and Year. for William Blake.
And I just thought it was funny that I should find them just a little while ago. I was going to finish my night, and then there was something I needed in this one old notebook, and out slid these pages. So, yeah. So maybe I will do some small thing.
My Blakean Year
Sleepy nod to William Blake
Aug 13, 2024
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Earlier this week, my subconscious dragged me into a van and held me hostage; there, it forced me to write an essay inspired by this video. Although I’m terrified you might read it, I was told it would be polite to let you know I had quoted you and linked your work within mine. Also, while I’m not prone to being starstruck, I am a huge fan of your work. Thanks for just being.
You can find the essay here, https://genowrites.substack.com/p/like-some-sort-of-punk-rock-fairy
I love this song so! I heard it a lot in 2020 and think of that as my own Blakean year.
Next time I feel unappreciated, I will throw off my stupid cloak and make a magic carpet of it. Thanks for the inspo Patti.. We just ❤️ ya! Xxx
So throw off your stupid coat
And embrace all that you fear
For joy will conquer all despair.....
Thank you Patti - you are pure joy!
Awake in your sleep time-you send out sparks of light
And yes as artist we constantly face the challenge of the uncertain , alone
and yet
the road is paved with gold
and the road is just a road
As for the coat
We shed skin
Over and over again
So let us shed one more this stupid coat
and be in this world
but not of this world
This sharing you provide here is worth more then gold
ps:Yesterday was the 7th moon since my mother's passing
As i looked after her in the hospital once i wrote a note here
and you answered with a few powerful lines that meant more then you can possibly immagine for me in that moment, alone and my heart broken
Thank you again +
And forever
Sending Infinite love to allxxxxxx
God bless you
Merci Patti pour ce poème !
When I saw you and the band at Somerset House last month Patti I thought you were on fire. It was such an uplifting and beautiful night.
Now Somerset House is actually on fire burning in the Summer heat. Hopefully the people will have the power to put it out!! Wish I had a ticket to see you at St Paul's Cathedral. That will be an experience to treasure. All the best 😊
Thanks for sharing your drafts this song is so special to me. I'm glad you've come back to us about it again. Jane xx
while researching blake for a piece I listened to My Blakean Year on repeat <3
Agree so much regarding the flow of song lines with music - not always easy to remember them if you're not singing, I have done the same thing. The music and words belong together!
So lovely, thank you for making time even though you were tired, and I hope you slept beautifully.
I so identify with your train of thought. Never feel flustered. I can wait.
“For joy will conquer all despair”. … thank you Patti! I hope you had a good sleep. What a beautiful synchronicity to find your notes on Blake. X
Cool. Thanks!
So beautiful Patti Smith. Best bedtime story/song. Thank you for your wonderful soul. Your words and work have inspired my life since I first heard Horses in the 70’s as a 14 year old girl. Thank you for helping me grow and know People Have The Power.
What a treat to hear you recite your poem! Hope you slept well.,
Thank you, Patti. I adore your presence.
I so admire how you are able to find joy despite despair, and how you are able to celebrate life despite so much loss. It's very inspiring, so thank you for that.
Thank you Patti Smith
For all you do
And have done
This post was wonderful as I saw it after a dream. I dreamt that my cousin that had passed was with me by the sea. We were about to leave and saw you walking, so we asked if you needed a lift. We stopped to get coffees to go and I said to you how I’m struggling to do my art project, questioning every positive reason as to why I should continue to make art, why use my voice? You just said, “we all have to. In the face of everything, be brave and do your work”. I then woke to the morning of the 13th, the death anniversary of my subject, Eugène Delacroix. I guiltily went for a trip upstate with my friend, asking Eugène to forgive my necessary break from my work, my procrastination, but please come enjoy the country air too. In our wanderings we found a little vinyl and book store. I thought, hmm, wouldn’t it be wonderful… and yes, there was a book amongst few on art, on Delacroix. (and I might add a copy of Blake’s bio by Ackroyd I got for a friend). Sometimes, all we need are words in a dream, spoken lyrics in a video, and a found book to lead us out of the tunnel. Today I did good work. Thanks so much for your always perfect words . 🙏 and forgive my longwindedness. 🙏
Thank you for this wonderful post, Patti. It’s one of my favorites of yours so far- your sleepy, vulnerable goodnight message and recitation, and this community’s response. Such rich reading. Sending huge appreciation your way.
A lovely post, thank you.
I was born Gary Blake, and adopted several months later. In 1985, I began my journey to find out about my biological line, and found out I am related to William. It’s a distant connection, of course, but my close friends have told me it may have some connection to my own art journey. Who knows?
I'm a nurse. I often work in ICUs and simulation labs that don’t even have windows, and though I’m originally from NYC, I now live in Rockland County, just 12 miles north and west of the city. I don’t get to travel much, but I really enjoy seeing posts from those who do. They help broaden my perspective and make my world feel a bit bigger. Thanks to everyone who shares their experiences—I get to have a rich interior life because of it! Sometimes work does take me to far away places and I feel so lucky. Last year I got to create simulation labs in India and the experience was very special.
What a great photo of you in today's New York Times review of the Electric Lady documentary.
Fabulous Patti-I so loved this post.
Currently camping in Anglesey, Wales in a tiny place called Trearddur Bay. It’s an island off an island off an island & very beautiful. Have a few precious hours to myself & have listened to this twice (I had saved it to listen to on my own). I love these lyrics & love listening to you.
You are a gift,
Thank you Patti
Natasha x
Kathleen Rosenberg
I lovingly agree w all of your comments. I’m just here in New York City , not far from our Patti Smith when shes not traveling, but it is so beautiful to realize that we all span the globe drawing the same inspiration ,courage and fun from her
Patti, you light up my life with yours!
Stay well and close everyone
THANK YOU PATTI. A timeless song.
Thank you, dear Patti, for sharing with us the wonderful lyrics of My Blakean year.
For sharing hope and humanity. For sharing your time, even when you are sleepy.
“Embrace all you fear, because joy will conquer all despair” – I will make these sentences to my motto. To embrace all you fear is very difficult, but will certainly help.
I like how you discover things in your books, like hand written papers or photos. A moment of magic, of memory.
Much love from Hamburg, Germany.
Good Morning from London.
What a joy to wake up to. I live quite close to William and Catherine Blake’s final resting place and pop in every now and again to let him know he is in our thoughts.
I So Appreciate you Patti, thank you. Joy is vast and deep.
Nighty night
Thank you, Patti X
Blakean Year and Grateful are 2 of my all time favs! Hope you had a restful night.🌛
A definite favorite of mine - moved me to tears.
Thank you Patti for your precious time.
We had Internet issues yesterday, so I’m coming in the conversation late.
I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately, especially time travel.
One thing that always comes up, if in the future time travel is possible, is that you can’t interfere.
I was thinking, if there was a way to inspire people without actually “interfering” and therefore changing situations, poetry would be a great way to do it.
Maybe the great poets were time travellers, inspiring us, comforting us and helping us towards a brighter future world.
I believe this is totally possible and maybe the “magic” people have mentioned, is just someone who wasn’t sticking to the rules. 🙊 just a thought.
Voted in my primary for Minnesota. Was number 300 in my voting district. So many coming in as I was leaving. That’s my funny way of saying where I live and also reminding people to vote in there primaries. In this Blakean year. I was singing along trying to remember the words too. 😉
I love you, Patti. Thank you for this ❤️ greetings from brazil
Yes, William Blake is wisdom Writing. Good for you to have spent a year with Blake. What an experience!
Hi Patti,
You‘re sleepy me too but i just wanted to tell you how much I love your spontaneity.
Being true to oneself what a gift
I wish u a beautiful night
Your honesty and genuiness are so endearing and engaging: sleep tight and pleasant blakean dreams.
Wow! What a beautiful dream and the song it birthed through you. Beautiful!
This post arrived on August 13th, my birthday and so it's even more of a gift. Thank you. When you recounted the pages falling out of the book I thought of my old neighbor Ralph Gardner who very much believed in magic. Whenever something like that would happen he'd smile and say "Now you don't think that just happened all on it's own do you?" No, there was magic and there is magic.
Cheers to Ralph and happy birthday Kevin.
Good night dear Patti and thank you for your voice and your humaness. Your energy is so calming to me. Thanks for being here reciting poetry while I wait in a doctors office. Soothing like a meditation in that it brings me back to the present moment and reminds me of beauty creativity art and joy
Awesome, Patti! Thanks for the beauty!
Thanks so very much Patti
Beautiful use of the language showing us the beauty of humanity ❤ 🙏⚘
I am a struggling poet just writing with my heart, that one day I hope to share myself once I have the courage to throw off that cloak.💕
I loved this visit with you. I hope you slept well.
Thank you so much for this reading of that powerful song. I really needed to here it's message today.
From those opening lines -
In my Blakean year I was so disposed
Toward a mission yet unclear Advancing pole by pole
Fortune breathed into my ear Mouthed a simple ode
One road is paved in gold One road is just a road...
It sums up so much about the artist life.
I love the idea that ol' William Blake helped you write the song. A gift in a dream. And maybe he helped you find those lyrics last night. I often think of Blake as the progenitor of Romanticism and the Holy Church of Rock and Roll.
Thanks for lifting my spirits and I hope that you are having a magical Tuesday.
Cheers from Detroit.
What a marvelous recitation of a beautiful song. Thank you, Patti, for You and all you do. Strength & length of days...
We appreciate you, Patti. Thank you for the reading and the check in. Always wonderful.
Patti - at least we have autos like RAM that only need some gas ⛽️
Wonderful.... think I'm living A Blakean year. Your reading this helps.
I'm listening to "Piss Factory" on Youtube right now. Here's a comment that I really like: "Classic Patti w her young little girl voice. This song tears me apart every time I get to hear it: the palpable yearning you can hear coming straight from her heart, the knowledge that she was meant for a different life. Even back then, her perfect phrasing, her honesty & belief in her lyrics cut thru any bs without Fear. Her msg was always clear, inspiring, & poetically beautiful. Patti was worthy of the greatest admiration, showing generations of women how to live fearlessly, without hypocrisy; to follow their dreams, walking in her footsteps." ️
That's quite a tribute. Shows that you have been appreciated. And I appreciate you right now.
Hey hey Patti; thanks so much for reminding me of that beautiful song. It has kept me going in many a dark hour. I hope you slept well last night- we did, and woke up to a lovely rain here in Charlotte. Happy Tuesday.
Hi, me yet again, Patti. I cannot express how excited I am to discover you. I look forward to listening to all of your songs. I am intrigued by the titles of many of these songs: People Have the Power, Free Money, Paths that Cross, Looking for You, Pissing in a River, Beaneath the Southern Cross, Dancing Barefoot, Till Victory, April Fool, Pumping my Heart, Radio Bahdad, My Madrigal, Distant Fingers, Fireflies, and This World Is Something. It's wonderful that I found you before you died.
For your other readers who want to hear more of your songs, here's a list of many of them at this URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=patti+smith&oq=patti+smith&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg7MgYIAhBFGDwyBggDEEUYPDIGCAQQRRg80gEIMzE2OGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#wptab=si:ACC90nzPxdNavdDDcwxBhdvE0UKQ7g-F9alfoeqcwvXDztUuFgA-_hnBcPhqfBOl_dijARXXYR1_oMaXaYRhmubAJBpSPWfHsprQVIIPSd6-cdoERxW-JXiahFN3ichTtBkiz-AoiJwb
Or they can do their own Google search.
For joy will conquer all despair! Yes!
I love the production on the recording and the lyrics to this song. I wrote one I called The Ghost of William Blake and recently found the lyrics while packing up my classroom and began rewriting new music to them. Listening to your live solo performance for the Youth Forum and your introduction was excellent. I understand that perspective. Re my lyrics are posted below. Than you so much for your inspiration for all these years since I first saw you at the Red Rail in Nanuet in '76 with Garland Jeffries.
the Ghost of William Blake
last night the ghosts of philosophes swirled all around my room
Rousseau Voltaire and Montesquieu d’Alembert Diderot and Hume
while the ghost of William Blake sat at my bedside pen in hand
saying 'come my child beyond these minds to a milk and honey land'
he drew a spirit so inspired arising through the night
through gloom and rage and charcoal seas on up into the light
he sat there at the whirlwind's eye in white linen attired
the ghost of William Blake wrote on as if his hand was wired
who writes these words? who sings these songs? who draws these visions near?
'who has the eye to see the voice to sing the ear to hear'
'don't judge them all so harshly Bill we all make some mistakes'
through candlelight i whispered to the ghost of William Blake
but still his pen drew lines and shapes and words upon the page
till like a weary sunflower he ceased to rail and rage
the ghost of William Blake arose and stretched above the beams
as i with heavy lidded eyes fell into fitful dreams
i'm not quite sure i understand the meaning of it all
some message from beyond perhaps mere shadows on the wall
but dawn's light shimmered through the glass as i lay half awake
pond'ring all the words i spoke with the ghost of William Blake
it might seem strange inviting ghosts to be a welcome guest
to watch for visions in the night when normal people rest
but if you should meet William Blake one night at half past three
please do one small kind favor friend and say hello for me
Words & music by BRoues © 1999 Sharkabilly Music; ASCAP
Hi Patti, me again. I would love to see the photo of William Blake's grave that you mentioned. Where is his grave?
I found a recording of this song, My Blakean Year, that you made at the New York Public Library. I posted on my Facebook and shared it just now, along with more musings about the message of the song as they relate to my own life. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DymmPc7qpFww%26si%3DDgTWx0ZDLQN
One of my favorite songs, My Blakean Year. Singing and Speaking are two different ways to express oneself. Singing the words must put one in a totally different sphere of living the song. I guess when one sings the words it is a bit more freely presented than speaking the words. The music of the song carries the words easier than speaking the words. And then if you have a band and an audience the song is lifted further like a musical carpet ride. Anyway one of the best crafted songs from the Trampin’ album(20 years ago released). As always, I dearly appreciate you!
This is yet another new favorite! I honor you and love Blake -- thanks for reminding me.
At least on my laptop, my comment was truncated, so I am sending another comment with the end of the first one. I suppose there is a limit on the length of comments. I need to find out what it is.
...within us, whether it's the genius of a William Blake, our own genius and eternal spirit or an expression of the zeitgeist of our times (my mentors are Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Jung, Margaret Fuller and Margaret Sanger).
I am pleased to meet you in this way, Patti. I am fairly new to Medium, and I followed up the referral to follow three other people that another writer here follows who I like. I can't remember his name right off. You are a sweetheart. Watching your podcast inspires me. I keep thinking that I want to start podcasting, but I never seem to get around to it. I know this is a lengthy comment, but hey, what do you expect when you connect with other writers. I look forward to getting to know you and reading more of your work.
Pattti, I love your sleepy, slightly raspy voice. While I was listening to you, my cat apparently did too, because he came over and curled up in my lap to sleep. I had tried to coax him earlier, but he was having nothing to do with it. Your voice lured him over.
I loved your Blakean Year. You reminded me how I used to memorize the poems I wrote and how I'd recite them to myself. I also used to memorize pieces that I played on the piano to perform for an older friend. You said something about thinking that you'd been gifted by William Blake, but then you questioned it. I want to tell you that your first instinct was right. And the way I know it is through an artist friend who felt a deep infinity with William Blake.
She asked me to go with her to an exhibit of his paintings at a gallery in Huntington Gardens in S. Pasadena. She knew that I was sensitive and could see energy, and she wanted to find out what I saw when she was looking at a portrait of him that I think was painted by one of his students. What I saw was William Blake come out of the painting energetically and merge with her. Her name was Andrea Willow. We'd lost touch a long time ago, and I'm not even sure she's still living.
She earned a degree at Antioch College by creating a book of her writing and art. You know William Blake was gifted both as a writer and an artist. My cat is sleeping sweetly on my lap all curled up as I write on my laptop with my arms fully extended over him. I, too, have devoted myself to a creative life of writing, photography, singing and drawing on occasion. I value the deepening creativity within me as I express it in many different ways.
The way of the artist is not always appreciated, but it keeps our lives fascinating, and walks with us as we grow older in unexpected ways. Old age is full of treasure of a spiritual nature, even if it's not the kind that you take to the bank. I have always loved surprises and ah-hah moments. Life continues to surprise me, even my own inner workings still surprise me at age 70.
The path to knowing ourselves is one of a lifetime, of expressing ourselves, of expressing all that is within us, whether it's the genius of a William Blake, our own genius and eternal spirit or an expression of the zeitgeist of our times (my mentors are Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Jung, Margaret Fuller and Margaret Sanger).
I am pleased to meet you in this way, Patti. I am fairly new to Medium, and I followed up the referral to follow three other people that another writer here follows who I like. I can't remember his name right off. You are a sweetheart. Watching your podcast inspires me. I keep thinking that I want to start podcasting, but I never seem to get around to it. I know this is a lengthy comment, but hey, what do you expect when you connect with other writers. I look forward to getting to know you and reading more of your work.
I remember learning (and trying to learn) to play this song on guitar. I love it so much. To hear you speaking it really helped me understand the song more and all its depth. I gotta get back to practicing. There's a few songs of yours I play with my partner. We have busked around the country playing a few of your songs. Always love you so much Patti and all the gems of your offerings. 💎
We lived on a semi trailer truck and when we got to the cities we would busk there.
Lovely Patti, what a treasure, have a good sleep.
As always a joy. And just what I needed to hear. Much love.
Thank you for that little bit of magic at the end of your day and now the beginning of mine. From West Chelsea. xa
Thank you so much for connecting with us. Hope you had a refreshing sleep.
Patti, I needed this!! My love of poetry sang in my heart this morning,can't wait to see you both nights at Pappy & Harriet's!
Patti you are the sweetest person. So lovely to listen. Always.
Good morning everyone! I'm happy there seems many connections to my sleepy post.
I am still amazed and happy to have had so many responses of your coordinates yesterday.
Now I can imagine you all globally...
Dear Sister and Friends, so very privileged to have this Space and a direct Line to our Muse. Such strength and softness hère in our Patti Place ✌🏾🔥💕🕉️🪷🎉😊🦋
Dearest Patti, I understand completely your moment of self doubt, you are human after all…but please, Dear Legend, don’t ever think that about yourself again. One of the things I love most about you is how you have always been one to honor another artist, how important it is for you to do so, and basically how much heart and soul you invoke into everything you do. Your posts always give my day so much more meaning, they always leave me feeling so much satisfaction at what I have just experienced. I am thrilled to have these experiences on Substack. We love you so much. 🙏🩵🙂
GM Patty! Your Blakean post was
a joy! You can imagine me down here in south Jersey, mere minutes from your old stomping grounds!
Sorry, it’s Patti and I knew that!
What a joy, to sit and wait for the words. To perhaps hear my own...What a Joy, thank you Patti
Love this poem/song. Your honesty is wonderful. I hope you slept well.
Patti, this post thrills me and reminds me of something I discovered watching Shakespeare. I love the oratorio at least as much as I love the full performance. It really brings something special out about the language when the words are so well crafted, and My Blakean Year certainly is at that. Sweet sleep…from Boulder, Colorado.
Just getting to this just now. Last night I was at Figaro celebrating my birthday (which I will never mention again, well till next year lol) Love these chats be they late night or early morning, and this great community. It's funny how you can often just find things at moments when you are thinking about them, like your book of notes. Or sometimes you find things when you have removed your focus from them entirely and then....there they are! Does this make sense? Hmmm, maybe it's too early for me:))
Either way, I did want to briefly share a kind of similar experience I had this past Saturday.
My friend was graduating as an NP (Nurse Practitioner) on Saturday. The ceremony was live on You Tube and I started to watch it but had to leave for work. I reluctantly closed the lid on my laptop and left. When I got home at night I opened the laptop to begin to search for her part. The screen was frozen at the part when she was walking up to the podium - about 2 hours after I had shut it down!
Not 100 per cent connected to what you are talking about but another example of something revealing itself in an unexpected way. No reasonable explanation that I can come up with for it at all.
What a great unreasonable occurrence! Happy birthday, Lee.
Thank you, yes unless my bird was watching it while I was gone lol
Happy birthday, a day late, Lee. I look forward to your comments in this space. And, yes, that was weird. Take good care.
Thank you Jim, it was actually the 11th but I am still waving the flag lol - typical Leo:)
And yes, so weird I took a pic of it in freeze frame!
Happy birthday Lee. The miracle of friendship....
Yes, it was the strangest, totally inexplicable thing I have seen in my 62 years on this planet! And thank you, again:)
I love that song! Really the whole album. Thanks for the message, Patti.
Yesterday was full of positive signs, small ones for me, after coming to an understanding about something. I then awoke at about 2am and saw this new post. I was so sleepy that I thought it couldn’t possibly be true, another encouraging message from wherever these things come from. It must be a dream! I thought, uh-oh, I’m creating imaginary Patti Smith posts to suit myself while I sleep! But here it is, clear as day, a story about which road to take, discerning the joyful path of courage. (Your way of saying it is better!) As someone’s said, listening to you recite songs I long thought I “knew” is a whole reacquaintance with them. Deeply meaningful at any time, but especially right now, for me. And it wasn’t a dream! Thank you, Patti.
I hope your sleep was peaceful and filled with beautiful dreams Patti ! As an artist I have long been inspired by the work and life of William Blake and your song has always been a favourite of mine . My road is just a road at the moment but I’ll keep looking for the golden one ! Thank you Patti ! 💛
Dear Patti,
I am grateful to see your drafts, to hear you recite your song, and to read everyone's comments here the morning after your post. It's a gift to me, starting my day with a hopeful reminder about joy, and a sense of a caring and loving community. Have a lovely day, and night.
Thanks Claudia that is fascinating. I was in Rye which is East sussex.. also on the coast but the other end.. !
Hope you had a good night Patti. I love these little videos. Makes us all feel so connected to you and each other. 💕❤️
so beautiful.. thanks Patti.. seems like the Spirit of William was with you. I'm listening to this just before dawn breaks, with a cup of coffee, having been walking out under a clear starry sky.. I remember seeing you sing this live a few times and how powerful it was. And I too honor William Blake and his incredibly body of celestial work!!
I had a night that flirted with depression due to a personal issue and, so, went to bed early to read and, eventually, fall asleep. As a result, I didn't see your post until this morning but it is the perfect way to start a new day. 'For joy shall conquer all despair' is just the message I need. I've been writing all my life but, with the exception of a single haiku, have never been published. I realize that is the result of my own lack of drive and ambition and, possibly, a streak of self-doubt but that's beside the point. What I'm getting at is that I've long been inspired by the life of Blake who continued to create despite his own lack of material success. Not that I am comparing myself to Blake. That man is on the Mount Rushmore of writers as far as I'm concerned. What I learned from his example is that the joy is in the work. Or as Eliot wrote: 'For us there is only the trying/The rest is not our business'. I love writing so much. The work is its own reward.
Okay. I'm rambling. I just want to say that your greeting touched me deeply and shone much needed light on my own patch of darkness. It's a new day. Hope it's one, for everyone gathered here, no matter if it's the beginning, middle or end of your day, where joy conquers despair. Thank you as always Patti. And thanks for sharing your drafts with us. Seeing the work is fascinating.
It's so nice to read your beautiful writings Jim! Unfortunately I also often host depression in my days and nights and for this very reason I wish you with all my heart to be able to host as much light as possible in your life.
A big hug dear Jim, Luca 🤗
Thank you, Luca. Fortunately, I have learned, over the years, how to handle depression when it rears its ugly head so I can get through it without too many scars. I'm sorry to hear about your bouts. Wishing you the best Take good care.
Dear Jim, I hope things are going better today and that you will keep on writing, you're such a good writer! Mind how you go, Jim. 🌄
Thanks so much, Anna. I am feeling better today. And your comment on my writing is much appreciated. The fact that I write will never change. If no one but friends ever see it, the words still get down on paper. Take good care of yourself. Your kindness is deeply felt.
Dear Jim, I just want to saw in my short English that I ´m sure it’s very important to keep writing even if you aren’t published.
I recently discovered the paintings of my mother, amazing, a lot I’ve never seen before. She died in 2006, but I couldn’t access to her work before this year now. She was in dark trouble, that ´s what she expressed to me, but in her art I also found light and colors, so I think that both were in her life, darkness and light, and this is moving and a deep message to me. So I think that art, to you writing and to her painting is a strong way to be alive.
Thank you for sharing your haiku!
Sorry for my English
Warm wishes to all
How wonderful that you were able to access your mother’s paintings and that you found light in them as well as darkness, Dora. Your message is moving and deep indeed.
Thank you for sharing your story and your encouragement, Dora. How wonderful that you accessed your mother's art and that it touched you so deeply. I will keep on writing. And there's no need to apologize for your English. I'm amazed by people who can communicate in more than one language. Take good care.
Thank you Jim
Jim, I gotta say that you have inspired me with your writing from the get go. Keep going
even when you get tripped up by one obstacle or another, physical or the ones that fill the head. I encounter those daily and often succumb. I'm not as nimble as I used to be but can
still give myself a few swift kicks in the butt one way or another. Keep repeating Elliot's words
and keep writing. The love of it will most likely bring you back. And to echo Robin - your voice
deserves to be heard. "Show me a day when the world wasn't new"... Here's to a light heart on
this new day. Mind how you go, Jim.
Thanks Suzi. Like I said to Robin, I have no choice but to keep writing. It's a lot of who I am. I'm doing fine today. Still a little off balance but holding on. I'm cleaning the kitchen while listening to Patti. Does it get any better than that? Take good care of yourself and thanks again for your kindness.
Dear Jim,
I’m sorry that last night was hard, and grateful for your sharing your feelings about writing. For what it’s worth, I think you are a gifted writer, and I’m sure that plenty in this community would agree. And I agree that the joy is in the work, though if you want to be published, I hope you will pursue that, confident in the knowledge that you have a voice that deserves to be heard.
I would love to see your haiku that was published if you ever want to share it with us.
Hoping that today is a good one, Jim.
In friendship, as ever,
Thanks, Robin. Here's the haiku, if you're interested.
the edge of the storm
passes over the garden
your voice like the rain
As always, I wish you nothing but the best. Your support means the world to me. Hope it's a good day for you.
This is beautiful, Jim! Thank you so much for sharing it. I love that it’s the “edge of the storm” that passes over the garden. One imagines the storm passing over “the edge of the garden,”which is a spatial edge. The contrast between the spatial and temporal “edge” - that of the garden and the storm, respectively - lends the poem added depth and intensifies the power of that last intimate line: “your voice like the rain.” It’s really beautiful, Jim. Keep writing; I know you will.
As ever,
Thanks so much, Robin. Your insights are humbling. And I will keep writing. It's what I do and I love it.
I’m glad you will keep writing, Jim. Your writing is a gift. Looking forward to more of it.
As ever,
Good morning, Patti! I just love how you found your manuscript tucked away in a notebook, it's like finding treasure! I opened a copy of Wordsworth the other day and had several pressed four leaf clovers tumble out of it! (There's a lot of them up here on top of Irish Hill, I found another one yesterday and pressed it in an 1872 copy of Xenophon's "Anabasis" which is in Greek with notes in English.) I hope you slept well, you, like me, will keep going to do that "one more thing" before bed, making the most of our waking hours. Have a nice day, Patti!
Thank you, Patty! I love that song. So true
Hi Patti, greetings from Austria/Vienna, where I come from and have seen you several times! Always magical! Love - from the "Third-man-place" ;)!
Thank you for this, Patti. I’m always fascinated when you recite your lyrics, because I can appreciate them from a different perspective, I would say more intimate. It’s high noon here in Italy and, to escape the heat, I’ve just decided to drive to a mountain pass near here and go for a long walk in the woods. So I’ll be thinking about and recite them to myself along the trail. Good morning to you!
May your walk in the mountains be beautiful, and more so for your reciting poetry as you go.
Thank you, Robin! Yes, my walk in “the forest of the flying daggers” (as I call it - if you know this movie) was really beautiful… some poetry, some reading and I also used my imagination, Robin. 💫 The sky was mostly cloudy, but it cleared towards evening, and I could see the mountains. I’ll post a few snapshots on IG Stories later.
Sending you a dear hug. 🤗🌼
I’m so happy to hear that your walk was beautiful, and that you used your imagination, Anna. Thank you for letting me know. I look forward to seeing the photos.
As ever,
Ciao Anna, buona passeggiata nei boschi 🌲 🦌🌳🐿️🌲. Vai al passo della foto che c’era nel tuo account? I too have been a regular on the passes, especially those that lead to Valais (where your cousins are), to Grisons and to the Canton of Uri). When, before I got seriously ill, I went to Montreux for a radio station where I worked as a DJ, I often passed through the Nufenen Pass (Passo della Novena).
A presto cara Anna.
Un affettuoso saluto e un grande abbraccio.
Luca 🌸❤️🤗❤️🌸
Grazie Luca! Scusa ho potuto leggere soltanto al ritorno…
unfortunately – or fortunately (depending on the point of view) there’s no internet connection from the pass onwards, only calls. Yes, the snapshot was taken on the suspension bridge located in the area of the Pian delle Fugazze Pass, in the Little Dolomites, between Veneto and Trentino. Today I walked up to Campogrosso “Hutte” where I spent a couple of hours reading. I’ll post a few snapshots on IG Stories later. My IG account is annie.ongaro (I’m neither a regular nor a skilled user, but everyone here is welcome). Grazie per le dritte sui passi svizzeri, sono stata qualche volta in Svizzera ma soltanto di passaggio, e non a camminare, dev’essere bellissimo! Un abbraccio anche a te, 🤗 buona serata. 🌓✨✨✨
Che bello Anna!
Unfortunately I have never been to those parts but some names, like Pasubio, resonate in my memory. Who knows what magnificent places ⛰️! However I can tell you that on the Brenta Dolomites, with my brother, we learned to ski with the Italian ski school. It was beautiful with many other children and nice instructors! We went there for two years, to Madonna di Campiglio, when our father had not yet fallen ill, in 1970/71 if I'm not mistaken.
And how wonderful, dear Anna, to visit the Alpine huts!
Usually, for years, some very dear friends take me with them on holiday to the Grisons mountains for two or three weeks. But in the last two years I have preferred to stay home to take care of our two eighteen-year-old kittens 🐈🐈 because my brother works as a photographer and I prefer not to burden him with too many commitments. And anyway, since I'm always at home, since our mother is no longer with us, even the female Pussi has become fond of me and is always with me...
Scusa Anna, mi sono un po' dilungato. Negli ultimi anni mi sono assai ritirato e solo qui con voi ho ricominciato a comunicare un po' (comunque visiterò il tuo account IG).
A presto! Un saluto affettuoso e un caro abbraccio 🤗 .
Luca 🌸❤️🐿️
one of my favourite songs! thank you so much for this 7 minutes Patti***
love from portugal <3
Thank you for all your hard work in writing.
Inspiration must come to you when you are writing.
It was Artaud who pondered the relationship between inspiration and breathing in.Good night.
Hey Patti , so cool to see your writing . Could not see a video if there was one . Peace to all . Love you as always Patti . ✌🏼🖤
Dear Patti - please take a look at www.findingblake.org.uk I'd love to send you the finished film if you'd like to see? Best, James james@sky-larking.co.uk
dearest Patti! THE JOY WILL ALWASY CONQUER ! What a beautiful piece of inspiration for my day. Thank you. Sending you lots of nice weather from small coastal town in East Sussex, the region of England you have visited many times xxx
Thank you for posting this. I was about to go to sleep (here its 2AM ) and did a last minute check of my social media. This will send me off to wonderful dreams!
One road is paved in gold One road is just a road…I loved listening to you read the lyrics…music lends a different feeling response. Both are wonderful. Thank you, as always, for your words and thoughts 🧡
Peace, love and all good things to you Patti
Thank you, one of my favorites.
Absolutely lovelY Thank you so much!
Sweet dreams, sleep well x
Thank you Patti from an Ulverston morning on the first leg of a long hike - your posts are so heart warming and somehow land exactly when they should - synchronicity is a wonderful thing
Goodnight Dear Patti! Your intimate, trusting, vulnerable goodnight moment and Blakean Year recital warmed my night and, night owl that I am, soothed my feathers. I may even sleep before morning's light. How can you be so dear to me who has never met you in person? Oh. Maybe because you cast down your cloak!
About the difference between singing verses and saying them (so interesting!) -- I'm thinking, the words become wedded to the notes, become part of music, and you (or anyway, I imagine you) focus on the music-with-lyrics when you're singing, yeah, and on the tone you're using to convey meaning/feeling and cue musical form. So much goes on!! When you read, there is some music attached to the sound of your voice intoning a poem -- sound's still the carrier wave, in this case breath on its own through the vocal cords -- but the written words, their flow, their devices, laid out on a page, take precedence. The body itself is subject to the music, and its tensions are modified. Not so, when you read. It's the word, the meaning, the feeling, the day, the lack of or gifts of recognition, all of it, that tune the instrument of your voice when you read, and block memory too if that's what it needs. There probably is a different part of the brain that gets engaged. Fun to think about, anyway.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreamer!
Thank you for your reading Patti, such a wonderful lyric - sleep well.
I think you’re right, when you sing it feels more direct from the soul but when you speak it is more from the brain/head. Which is probably why I can sing comfortably to a room full of people but not talk!(Also why people that have a stutter can often sing without one)
Thanks Patti its co-incidence I looked in my Blake book yesterday, ‘Blake’s Poetry and Designs’ never looked into it since long. Not knowing it was his passing on day. Great memory of this versatile man.
I’ll check on your song. Good night✨🌓💥❣️
Your willingness to share in spite of your fatigue is much appreciated, Patti!
Blake is a wonderfully fascinating character, someone who (to me) seemed to be tapped into something greater and yet more subtle than the tanglible world around him. The fact that he did actively reject many of the views of his day--on religion, racial and gender equality--speaks to his desire to go beyond those boundaries. I admit I don't really know enough about the man, but his visual work is instantly recognizable and thoroughly unique.
To speak to your own song and it's evocation of Blake, I appreciate this especially. I used to desire the kind of musical success that you acheived (by your own admission rather by chance) but it would elude me until I came to a crossroads in my life (on a sandy beach in Ghana, pristine in its natural beauty but touched by such monumental tragedy). Suffice to say, it was no longer enough to be that which I had wanted to be. In time, I also came to recognize that I lacked a certain maturity and sense of self without which I most likely would've been chewed up and spat out by the music industry.
So I spent many years without the certainty of a goal or vision that a proper artists needs by which they may be guided, regardless of desires for success or financial gain. I have in these last few years, however, found "it"--much in the same way most art takes shape, it is an ephemeral apparition that flits here and there in my being. Sometimes it comes easily (as with your song "Gratitude") and sometimes with more bloodletting. But the boundaries, though they may at times serve to comfort and protect us, must always be pushed against so as to make more room for us to grow. And for the artist, the boundaries are as much internal as external, for as Blake said "men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast".
Well, forgive me if I'm being overindulgent, but I am grateful and feel moved to share if only for my own sake. Still, must press on, eh? Good sleep and useful dreams to all!
Thank you Patti, love your vulnerability
Such a beautiful, hopeful and optimistic message, much needed, grateful 🩷🪷🦋
A joy to wake up to your post this morning Patti. I thought this might be of interest to you and others here https://www.albion-rose.com/ a film about William Blake in the process of being made here in the U.K.
That looks great Claudia. Where in Sussex did William Blake go, do you know? I'm from sussex but now live abroad...
He lived in Felpham, near Bognor Regis. More info here: https://www.blakecottage.org/about
Whereabouts in Sussex were you?
Thank you
How does that happen? I know. It makes one pause. That’s for sure!
Thank you for sharing My Blakean year...
I have a fabulous book about William Blake that I cherish. He was really a great and gifted man.
And what a poet with his Auguries of innocence. It just says it all.
Hope that you had a good night sleep. Love from Malmö.
G'day patti, ohh the times when thoughts don't turn off and footsteps are heavy in mistranslation🤯. Your song "my Blakean Year" has always been a gift to help my mind keep hate away in a world bent on war, fear and division. It helps remind me, alone we travel but not alone in suffering of joy and hope. May you have sweet dreams hugs from downunder 💞🕊️
Thank you! Wonderful poem/songtext! 🤩🙏🏻💓
A hopeful song, and I love the flow and rhyme.
I have been obsessed with William Blake since college.
Good morning from London where l live not too far from Bunfields where as you know William Blake is buried. It’s a place l like to go to, in the hustle and bustle of the city all becomes quiet and peaceful and many people come and visit William. Thank you for your lovely words this morning, I hope you have a lovely sleep 🙏
Thank you this is Beautiful, much love to you Patti X
Ah, William Blake:
"And we are put on earth a little space, That we may learn to bear the beams of love."
At the time I am writing to you, I hope you are having a good night accompanied by delicious dreams.
It is 7:30 in France, so 11:39 in New York, if I am not mistaken.
I wish you a good awakening and a wonderful day Patti.
I am leaving tomorrow for the "Route du rock", a festival in Saint Malo where we had the chance to see you in 2018.
I hope to see you again soon in Paris.
It is a long time since that last concert in Paris, on October 9, 2021.
I love you Patti.
Patti I greet you from Mexico City. I saw you perform in Chapultepec Park next to the Casa del Lago, the House on the Lake. I also love William Blake. I was fortunate to translate his "Marriage of Heaven and Hell" and perform it in Guadalajara and in several theaters in Mexico City, I love you and your work, I feel you are a kindred spirit.
Almost missed you tonight. Glad I decided to check email before shutting everything down. I had been outside hoping for more shooting stars. Too much cloud cover tonight, but last night's clear sky was full of them. Awesome in the truest sense of the word.
Appreciated your recitation - though spoken, it felt like a lullaby. Rest well with sweet dreams.
Thank you for invoking the shooting stars, Suzi. I’m so glad you saw them.
I was just reading a selection of William Blake poems when I saw your message. It is always a pleasure to listen to you words and readings. I am looking forward to the event at Baryshnikov Arts - Jerome Robbins Theater - "World Premier of Woolgathering" October 23rd and 24th. I understand there will be a recording of you reading some sections accompanied by dancers and musicians. I hope other 'substackers' in the NY area are able to attend. Wishing a pleasant evening to all.
Warm wishes to you, Diane.
Good night Patti, what a trip.
Thank you Patti for the check in and reciting your lyrics. Milton Nascimento and Esperanda Spalding have a new record. I was just listening to When You Dream which features Carolina Shorter. It's ethereal and chaotic all at the same time. It sounds like a Wayne Shorter composition. I wonder how Carolina got involved with this project. But that's me, wanting to know everything -- that is the back story of music. One reason why I'm here, I appreciate you sharing the stories about your music. Thanks Patti.
Oh, I posted the cover of Horses on Twitter today in response to a post asking "what is the most iconic photo in rock". That photo of you meant so much to me back then and is still compelling.
Sweet dreams 💞
This was wonderful; thank you, Patti. I wrote a reply but, as sometimes happens with substack, I went to look something up and when I returned, my text was gone. So frustrating, and I am not feeling up to recreating it.
In essence I said that I was grateful for another opportunity to hear you recite a song (as you did “Grateful” recently) in what I experience as “poem form”. And I greatly appreciate and always welcome hearing the circumstances under which you write, so thank you for the background on your Blakean year.
I can’t begin to express what it means to me to have this venue. As I’ve said, I came to you first as a fan of your writing. I didn’t see you in concert until 1995. After that, I never missed one in New York. I have loved them all and sorely miss them but health issues preclude me from attending. So this platform means so much and I especially appreciate the focus on writing, both yours and others.
“Throw off your stupid cloak embrace all that you fear for joy will conquer all" is what I need to hear now. It is not always easy, but I believe it.
With gratitude and warmth to everyone here, as ever,
Oo dear Patty,
I couldn't write to you yesterday because, due to the heatwave going on here in the canton of Ticino, there are days that I can't do anything at all. Now I'm going to Lugano to take a fasting blood test because next week I'll see my new endocrinologist who will be looking for a new treatment for osteoporosis.
Saturday was the birthday of our dear mother Lilian who left us almost eight years ago.
Now I have to get ready because in an hour I'll take the tram to Lugano to go to the hospital. During the trip I'll listen to your post from yesterday. Luckily the morning is a little less hot and on the way back a dear friend who was a nurse and who has just retired will give me a lift.
I say goodbye with lots of kisses and with you I say goodbye to all those who have been with us so far.
Your dear Luca. 🌸❤️☮️❤️🌸
Hoping that your endocrinologist finds a good treatment. There are so many new ones for osteoporosis. I’m glad that you will get a ride home.
As ever, dear Luca.
The infectious disease doctor who has been treating me since the early nineties reassured me by saying the same thing. Thank you Robin, you are truly a sweetheart and so attentive to your fellow man !
I’m so glad that your infectious disease doctor reassured you of that, Luca. To strong bones and long life!
This is so kind Robin! 😊
This was perfect - and oddly just the message I was needing 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Me too, dear Patris and Robin. So happy to hear Patti speaking about William Blake.
A dear hug to you and all the others here in Patti’s Substack.
Luca 🌸❤️☮️❤️🌸
And to you, Luca 🌸
Me too.
💤🤍🙏✨ sweet dreams Patti.
"Throw off your stupid cloak embrace all that you fear for joy will conquer all"
Thank you Patti, hearing this song, in this moment, was a gift for me
Goodnight Patti! Here is time for waking up. I'm still sleepy. It is always nice to wake with your video messages
Thank you Patti
Your words lifted me up. Today was a better day. I am one of those creatives now walking a long and winding road with no end in sight. Perhaps I will find gold at the end of it, perhaps not, but walk on I must as this is the only life I know.
Wishing you all the best.
Goodnight dearest Patti from Australia on Kaurna country, I always love the fluidity, spontaneity and humanness of your work. I have been a great admirer of all your work for many years, this platform is a joy & I look forward to each morsel & delight. Sweetest of dreams & sleep to you.
Patti ive missed a few posts...how perfect to drop in
when you are honoring William
Blake! i am a Blakean!! in graduate school SFS,Blake prof had a Blakeathon..over a weekend .we brought sleeping bags and pillows and recited the collected works of William Blake!!! San Francisco in the 70s!! What a gift!!! Im 80 now..memories come and go..
Good night Patti.
i appreciate you!!
A Blakeathon! How wonderful! Thank you for telling us about it!
and eternity in an hour... !
That sounds amazing your Blaeathon, how wonderful.
Some strange music draws me in, makes me feel like some heroine
Thanks for that Patti-
you are the best.
Good night Patti, Thanks for the company and the reading!
gnite sleepy head, sweet dreams
Sleep well Patti, blessings for the new day.
Good night Patti! Cool to know that Blake and my mother, Nora, shared the 12th as their birthday. It is also the dying day of Robert Earl Hiott, the love of my life, from AIDS.
Dear Sandra, I am so sorry for the loss of your great love Robert. Since 1985 I have been dealing with AIDS and I spent about ten years in serious conditions. Then with therapies I was able to recover but always with great difficulty.
Also for this I feel very close to you and to Robin who lost his brother to the same disease.
A big affectionate hug dearest Sandra. I also send you so much love.
Luca ❤️🌸🤗🌸❤️
Dear Luca,
I am sorrier than I can say that you have been dealing for so long with AIDS, especially that you have been in serious condition. I am grateful that there are therapies that have enabled you to recover, though I wish your recovery had not involved so much difficulty.
I give thanks whenever I encounter someone who has survived AIDS. In the days when my brother had it, there were no therapies. The government in the United States did not even talk about it.
Stay well, Luca - that is my wish. May you enjoy all that being alive is - and gives.
Dear Robin, many dear friends and acquaintances, like your brother, did not survive until the arrival of safe and effective therapies, and even today I am so saddened when I think of them and the great suffering they went through. I often think of Africa and how, also because of the patents of our pharmaceutical companies, this continent had to suffer. I know the drama that in your country has been added to the disease itself, since the time of President Reagan. Some time ago I saw a film about it (which I also recorded on DVD from the Italian TV version and which I watch again every now and then) called "Dallas Buyers Club". Do you know it? What do you think? Do you think it represents well the situation experienced by AIDS patients at that time? I know that it tells the true story of a patient who fought so hard for the recognition of the problem and for the distribution of symptomatic drugs not accepted in Texas and the first experiments with Azidothymidine. 🌸❤️🌸
Dear Luca,
I do know of that movie but I have not seen it and don’t plan to precisely because my sense is that it does accurately depict the situation as it was in the US and it is just too upsetting to me to see a movie about it.
AIDS was sweeping through the country in the 1980s, yet Ronald Regan did nothing - did not even call it by its name - until 1987. In places like New York and San Francisco people were dropping like flies and still it was not spoken of.
So I know of the movie and have heard it is good. I just can’t bear it. There is a movie called “Philadelphia” about a lawyer who is fired because he has AIDS. I saw it within months of my brother passing and it brought me to my knees. It’s just better for me not to see movies about it.
I’m so grateful for all the medical advances that have made AIDS a condition that can be lived with. Wishing you the very best, Luca. I’m glad to know you here.
Warmly, as ever,
Dear Sandra,
I’m so sorry that you lost the love of your life. My brother died of AIDS so I know how terrible it can be. I hope that your Robert did not suffer. Sending you comfort on this mournful anniversary.
With warmth, as ever,
Dearest Robin, I didn't know that your brother also died of AIDS and this makes me feel even closer to you.
Thank you dear Robin for everything you do, for your love for others and for the compassion and sweetness that you spread around you.
A warm greeting and a big hug I send you.
Luca 🌸❤️🤗❤️🌸
Thank you for this kind message, dear Luca. With warmth and in friendship, as ever,
It must be a day of very mixed emotions.
I’m sure a day to remember their love but you must miss them very much.
I’m a Substack late responding but I’m from Vermont, not really another country but I’ve had many people both in US and other countries not knowing where it is, asking if it’s in Canada etc. Of course we have Bernie which helps!
I love Vermont!
You are such a nice presence on Patti’s Substack, leaving nice notes on people’s comments , it’s really appreciated.
Thank you for saying so, Jim. I’m very glad that it’s appreciated. This community means a lot to me. I’m glad that you are here.
Also on this date Janis Joplin played her very last concert at Harvard Stadium in Boston.
Joy to everyone. There are magnolias blooming and clouds forming fantastical shapes. Magic is everywhere and you are here. No War. Love is the master plan.
Amen. Thank you for this.
Have good dreams.
Good night dear Patti! I look forward to listening when I’m in a much quieter place. Sleep well