
For some reason I couldn’t make space in my head for your Substack. I now ‚binge watch‘ everything. This video has of yours made me think of Cairo three minutes in. I said out loud: Oh man, Patti really misses Cairo. It was palpable. I was almost waiting how long it will take you to say the name. Cairo. Until it all culminated in a Cairo crescendo. What a relief to see the crocheted little stuffed animal … 🤗

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So, in one hour, home, alone, recuperating from a hospital stay, I imagined you and others having tea with me (I hope you like Yorkshire Gold), learned about a new poet, ordered a Mishima book, printed out the Kinnell poem, and loved on Cobain with banjo. I'm not so empty now. Thank you.

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I love this train of thought sort of laid back chat. I am catching up on missed posts. Kurt's passing was just so odd when it happened, Shocking yet strangle not unexpected. Maybe not in the method but he seemed not long for the world at the time. I was painting my new living room a Vreeland Red. It was sort of a JFK moment for this older punk at the time in the early 90's I have two pairs of those glasses only not in white but blue and black.

Anyhow just saying hello and sharing thoughts of what this made me think of.

Bye for now

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I’m also catching up late.. thank you for your ramblings, as always it’s one of the best things to listen to on a day like today (February time tends to be even more January-y for me!)

Been listening to your version of Smells Like Teen Spirit in repeat now three times I think. And the video is beautiful.

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I'm a little late... but thought this was so great. So nice to visit with you. It really feels like I should have brought coffee and some cake.

You are right it is very sad that we lost Kurt Cobain so young. So much talent in him, but obviously he had demons that he couldn't fight. May he rest in peace.

I love your little friend that was gifted to you in Italy. Sooooo very sweet.

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Well, I watched the film before watching your visit. As I said below, I’m catching up with your posts on Sunday night, Feb. 25. I was actually comforted by this visit. Four-ish in the afternoon is, I think, kind of the declining period of the day for many of us who get up early and do what we can do/must do/try to do/maybe succeed/maybe fail/maybe fail better (in homage to Beckett)! By four-ish, perhaps the body and mind may lag … hopefully, with a second wind coming. You can visit us at four-ish any day that the mood hits you. I found this to be a meaningful visit, with your words of kindness and commiseration for Kurt Cobain, your description of the film, your thoughts on Cairo, your showing us the homemade gift to you, and the delightful Scorsese story. Just everything that came to mind at a halting moment or two on a weekday afternoon. It made for a special visit, even a few days after the real thing. 💜

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You said not many words flowing, but you gave us that lovely film! Words and sounds and visuals flowing. Thank you! I’m catching up on Sunday night - busy days here. 💜

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Merci pour ce partage Patti belle nuit sur la courbe de ton âme

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. And thank you for the video! I like it so much! sometimes we are all in a that mood, thinkimg about people and our dear friends - human and not human - that is good. Thank you again and well, Cairo is allways with you - and with us ...

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Hi Patti, I am a photography teacher and a fan of your work. I wanted to share a story of one of my AP Photography students. She is trying to work out her sustained investigation project where she is trying to create a series of still life compositions of objects that have sentimental value as well as a strong human presence. We tried finding artist she could research and couldn't seem to connect to anything I had in my library nor anything we could find online. I went went back into my own library and brought "Book of Days" to my class and asked her to take a look at it. Needless to say I think you have a new fan and my library is missing a book now HA HA, she really connected to your photographs and I believe might prove to be the source of inspiration for her research. Thank You!

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Sometimes that IS all you need…

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I appreciate you sitting with us. It's the simple things.

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Thank you for the lovely talk.

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Did you get Martin Scorsese’s place card at the National Review Board gala? What a cool invite! Jealous! 🎬🎥🎞️

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Thanks for this. I have always loved your cover of Teen Spirit - Jackson's compelling banjo and the video - the cats, the light and the bust of Blake.

PS whenever I listen to your posts my dog - Wyatt - will find where I am at and lie down next to me. He loves the sound of your voice. He is a dog of impeccable taste - he loves poetry and cats.


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I love your poetic writing ❤✨🙏🏼 and thank you for remembering to Kurt Cobain. The medicine of my young adult years. Forever grateful for his voice!

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