
A rambling visit imaginary candle

Nothing in particular save Kurt Cobain's birthday

This is Jem Cohen’s film. I’m wearing my favorite skirt.

It’s a dreamy kind of day. Not many words are flowing. Perhaps more tomorrow. but happy just to sit and talk happily about not too much.

Happy birthday Kurt Cobain. See you all soon….

Another fine mess
Kurt by Anton Corbin

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Discussion about this video

For some reason I couldn’t make space in my head for your Substack. I now ‚binge watch‘ everything. This video has of yours made me think of Cairo three minutes in. I said out loud: Oh man, Patti really misses Cairo. It was palpable. I was almost waiting how long it will take you to say the name. Cairo. Until it all culminated in a Cairo crescendo. What a relief to see the crocheted little stuffed animal … 🤗

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So, in one hour, home, alone, recuperating from a hospital stay, I imagined you and others having tea with me (I hope you like Yorkshire Gold), learned about a new poet, ordered a Mishima book, printed out the Kinnell poem, and loved on Cobain with banjo. I'm not so empty now. Thank you.

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I love this train of thought sort of laid back chat. I am catching up on missed posts. Kurt's passing was just so odd when it happened, Shocking yet strangle not unexpected. Maybe not in the method but he seemed not long for the world at the time. I was painting my new living room a Vreeland Red. It was sort of a JFK moment for this older punk at the time in the early 90's I have two pairs of those glasses only not in white but blue and black.

Anyhow just saying hello and sharing thoughts of what this made me think of.

Bye for now

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I’m also catching up late.. thank you for your ramblings, as always it’s one of the best things to listen to on a day like today (February time tends to be even more January-y for me!)

Been listening to your version of Smells Like Teen Spirit in repeat now three times I think. And the video is beautiful.

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I'm a little late... but thought this was so great. So nice to visit with you. It really feels like I should have brought coffee and some cake.

You are right it is very sad that we lost Kurt Cobain so young. So much talent in him, but obviously he had demons that he couldn't fight. May he rest in peace.

I love your little friend that was gifted to you in Italy. Sooooo very sweet.

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Well, I watched the film before watching your visit. As I said below, I’m catching up with your posts on Sunday night, Feb. 25. I was actually comforted by this visit. Four-ish in the afternoon is, I think, kind of the declining period of the day for many of us who get up early and do what we can do/must do/try to do/maybe succeed/maybe fail/maybe fail better (in homage to Beckett)! By four-ish, perhaps the body and mind may lag … hopefully, with a second wind coming. You can visit us at four-ish any day that the mood hits you. I found this to be a meaningful visit, with your words of kindness and commiseration for Kurt Cobain, your description of the film, your thoughts on Cairo, your showing us the homemade gift to you, and the delightful Scorsese story. Just everything that came to mind at a halting moment or two on a weekday afternoon. It made for a special visit, even a few days after the real thing. 💜

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You said not many words flowing, but you gave us that lovely film! Words and sounds and visuals flowing. Thank you! I’m catching up on Sunday night - busy days here. 💜

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Merci pour ce partage Patti belle nuit sur la courbe de ton âme

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. And thank you for the video! I like it so much! sometimes we are all in a that mood, thinkimg about people and our dear friends - human and not human - that is good. Thank you again and well, Cairo is allways with you - and with us ...

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Hi Patti, I am a photography teacher and a fan of your work. I wanted to share a story of one of my AP Photography students. She is trying to work out her sustained investigation project where she is trying to create a series of still life compositions of objects that have sentimental value as well as a strong human presence. We tried finding artist she could research and couldn't seem to connect to anything I had in my library nor anything we could find online. I went went back into my own library and brought "Book of Days" to my class and asked her to take a look at it. Needless to say I think you have a new fan and my library is missing a book now HA HA, she really connected to your photographs and I believe might prove to be the source of inspiration for her research. Thank You!

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Sometimes that IS all you need…

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I appreciate you sitting with us. It's the simple things.

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Thank you for the lovely talk.

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Did you get Martin Scorsese’s place card at the National Review Board gala? What a cool invite! Jealous! 🎬🎥🎞️

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Thanks for this. I have always loved your cover of Teen Spirit - Jackson's compelling banjo and the video - the cats, the light and the bust of Blake.

PS whenever I listen to your posts my dog - Wyatt - will find where I am at and lie down next to me. He loves the sound of your voice. He is a dog of impeccable taste - he loves poetry and cats.


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I love your poetic writing ❤✨🙏🏼 and thank you for remembering to Kurt Cobain. The medicine of my young adult years. Forever grateful for his voice!

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Thanks Patti. Even though I'm reading this a couple days after you posted it is timed just right....it's a dark gloomy day where I live. Your positivity is more than enough to lighten my day.

It is amazing to me that Kurt has been gone now longer than he was here...so glad to have his music, and your words, to keep the spirit alive.

Same with Cairo. You thinking of Cairo brings us all to think and smile of the gentle creatures that gave us the pleasure of being in their company.

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You beautiful soothing soul. Love all that flows from you🙏🕊️❤️

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So lovely to hang out with you, Patti!! I loved your story about asking Martin Scorsese if you could have his name card when you sat across from one another at an event. When he asked you why you wanted his card your reason was just so sweet.I love the idea of having a tea party with a friend who is there with you in your imagination. And you would set his name card beside his cup and yours by you cup. That made me smile. Thanks for posting the video of your amazing cover of Kurt Cobain’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” from your album “Twelve.” I love that album so much. I remember you telling the story of riding in a taxi with Sam Shepherd and his son. They were picking on a guitar and banjo and you were inspired to have them play with you and your band on the song. It’s an iconic song and you covered it in such a perfect way. It was slowed down and a little bit Appalachian. It was lovely to see Cairo and to meet Jesse’s cat, “The Kitty” in the video. xoxo

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I loved your version of Smells Like Teen Spirit.

And am happy as I finally have a copy of The Temple of the Golden Pavilion.

It is also very nice to know your Chinese Zodiac sign, and your love of dogs which stretches way back in your biography.

I’m very grateful to have spent much of my life with animals, especially dogs, who seem to defy appropriate description they are so extraordinary.

On Instagram I follow @vincentjmusi - he is a lovely guy, a professional photographer, who photographs dogs with his equally fabulous story-lines which are totally hilarious and often with a special message. His wife Callie is lovely too. She is the dog whisperer of the family.

And the dogs... are all adorable in their own beautiful ways.

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Wee Elizabeth is a traditionally marked Jerusalem Donkey, also known as a grey dun, with a dorsal stripe on her back and a crossbar on her shoulders, she also has some very faint bar stripes on her upper legs. She's a miniature donkey, she's 9 hands tall (3 feet) at her withers; her father came from Sicily, and her mama was a local, American-bred mini donkey. She and her tinier goat have been with us since August 2013.

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Thank you Patti.

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Lovely to have a chat with you. Kurt Cobain was such a talented amazing young man. It was so sad when he died, here in London people were very sad, his music played wherever you went and young people hung out on the street mourning.

That photo of Cairo is beautiful and how kind was it of someone to make you a Cairo, you are much loved Patti🙏

Thank you for the video, it’s also one of my favourites and l have wonderful memories of watching you and the band in the Roundhouse doing songs from Twelve. Much love from London 🙏

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Loving every visit, love your journey. You seem so content and free. Peace.

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So when someone asks, "Did you know Patti Smith?" I'd answer, "Never met her, no, but yeah I kinda did know her a bit."

Thanks for sharing yourself and the film and the poetically prosaic.

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You are right.

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I so enjoy and appreciate your visits, Patti. Thank you for sharing all the joys of your day to day. It reminds me that there is joy to be had every day, and to notice and not to discount even the smallest of them.

Your comments on the sadness of Kurt Cobain really hit me. A sweet friend of ours took their own life just last week and we have all had those same thoughts that you and Fred had; why didn't we know? Why did we miss the signs? Were there signs? We only saw the smiles, the love they shared with their partner and their two small boys. To try to imagine the desperation and pain they had to have been feeling, pain so overwhelming that leaving their partner and children, family and friends behind was preferable to bearing one more day in this world. I cannot spend too much time in those thoughts.

Thank you, and rest well.

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Love you ❤️

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My nine year old old soul son and I discovered Kurt's genius while living in Sydney on a sabbatical in 1992. Seeing the SLTS video on state TV my reaction was "Punk isn't dead, alright!" Back in Portland we attended an outdoor Nirvana concert held to raise $ in opposition to an anti-gay ballot initiative brought by a right wing Xian group ( it was resoundingly defeated, but it's important to realize even progressive states have been faced with regressive laws trying to get passed, and the fight for liberation and justice never ends). When Kurt died it was a terrible day, having to tell my 11 year old his musical hero was gone. We did some ritual, made a shrine, and played all the music his fervent and sweetly childlike mind and heart had manifested. Kurt actually appeared to me in a dream the night before he was found, and I remember waking thinking this was someone I would like to be friends with. No idea why he affected me so deeply in life and death, and imagining him at age 57 seems impossible. This video and version of the song that brought him fame beyond his imagining is heart breakingly beautiful and sad. I feel in great company having been touched as you were by this Beautiful Boy's offerings.

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This post is so generous - you are generous with your time and thoughts. It made me feel tender when you were talking about Kurt and then laugh when you gave the Cairo stuffed animal its debut. Thank you.

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" hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello..."

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It's such an honor for you to drop by, Patti, for nothing and everything all at once, which always adds up to "more than plenty." Thank you for loving and honoring Kurt….you did such a beautiful rendition of Teen Spirit. The teensy tiny picture of Cairo with your guitar along with the teddy bear cat with her name definitely choked me up…I'm sure you miss her dearly. I gave my aging cat an extra long cuddle today in her honor…much love to you dear Patti.

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Sometimes that's all we need! So true. The connection with you is always so special. And your words give comfort and inspiration whenever you drop in. Thank you so much! For sharing photos and Cairo and luncheon place cards with famous people. Fun!

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When last night I read your post, it was past midnight in Italy, and I was soon filled with feelings and thoughts. So many things...These are indeed hard times and I feel fortunate to be sitting here pretending to have coffee with you. Twelve has been my soundtrack for the whole past week and the video is awesome. I hadn’t seen it before. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to comment today as I would have liked. It has been a long day and I feel exhausted. But I just want to let you know that your “having not much to say” means so much to me, and I guess to the many of us. Good night, dear Patti. See you soon. ✨✨✨🌙 🕊️

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You are so sweet in your giving. It's like I just had a cup a tea with you. Thanks needed that "teen spirit" today!

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Hi Monica, it really is a lovely film and made me feel a bit nostalgic for the days of cassettes! The final scene is one of the most beautiful pieces of film I have ever seen

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Thank you for sitting with us. Always good company. Such beautiful thoughts for Kurt Cobain and his memory. That is an especially sweet photo of Cairo w/ Bo. And a super cute stuffed animal. A Cairo talisman.

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... and thank you so much for this episode! Cairo, tea with Martin, talk about nothing, emotions and nuances in your talk. It all makes perfect sense. Keep talking- recording for us. I hope your writing is making you happy; taking some time off is needed in creative struggles, isnt it ? and that little photograph, I can sense how much you miss her X your fluffy friend

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Don’t apologise Patti for not having much to say, that’s the best conversation I’ve had all week! You dropping in for a chat feels like a friend FaceTiming me, but then you drop in you were sitting opposite Martin Scorsese…and I’m reminded this is THE Patti Smith! 😁 Love the photo of Cairo and guitar in that little frame and what a beautifully knitted Cairo cat 🐈 THAT video of Teen Spirit in black and white, what a great look … Kurt would have approved! Sweet dreams from a rainy night in Scotland 🍂

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Dear Patti, I played this episode in the morning, before going to work. and this evening there was a program on the BBC radio and a talk with Wim Wenders, your friend - and your music is in his latest film about Tokyo toilets, and the craft and slow motion of the city. As recorded on cassetts ! Patti, could you chat to as about Wim and your friendship? Or ... maybe something along these lines..

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Thank you, Patti. I've been feeling a bit down lately because of the terrible issues going on in this country and the rest of the world, along with personal things, and it was nice to hear from you. As you said, sometimes it's not what you have to say, but I feel like an old friend sensed I was troubled and gave a call just to chat about different things to make me feel better.

I loved the Jem Cohen film, I hadn't seen it before. Think I will pop my "Twelve" CD into my player and then some Nirvana....

And thanks again for the call...have a peaceful day...


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Thank you, always, for taking time to share, to laugh, and to have us into your world on a regular basis. I loved the video of you singing Curt’s masterpiece…such a magnificent job of filming as it reflected Curt’s words, his world. I was also touched as you shared your experience in the world of writing. I’m currently reading Kesey’s ‘Sometimes a Great Notion’, and am stunned by his ability to write in such detail this complex story. It’s the second of his books that I’ve read and I’m curious as to whether you’ve ever read his work. I can’t conceive of how he can create the story line, and proceed, unerringly, for over 600 pages. Would love to hear your thoughts/comments on this and whether you’ve read his work. Tkx!

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Like Kata(riina) i haven't been here for a bit but it was such a delight to tune in to your message just now. You truly make this world a better and more bearable place Patti - i love you SO much. Also, just to say that i saw a preview of the new Wim Wenders film, Perfect Day. The music was a very powerful part of the film and perfectly chosen - i loved that he included Redondo Beach and reference to you. Beautiful film - highly recommended xx

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hello Sarah, there was a talk about this film on the BBC radio this evening , here in UK; and apparently Pattis music has been played from his cassettes! Its not in general release yet , but Ill see it as soon as it comes!

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One of my favorite times of the day is when I pull up outside my studio building in the south end of Boston and sit in my truck. Sometimes I’m listening to the radio and I don’t want to stop. Sometimes listening to a book on tape and don’t want to stop. Sometimes I all I want is to look outside, the old brick buildings, the sky. Sometimes I sit in my truck and watch or listen to you. When you’re with me during that time, I feel part of a bigger group of us. I love that feeling. I love listening to you talk about what you call nothing. Thank you so much for this and thank you so much sharing your observations and ideas on this life.

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Listening to you read M TRAIN while I paint…bliss. Thank you. Alternate between that and listening to Dancing Barefoot on a loop. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank YOU!

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I have not been here for a while, been busy… Now that I’m here again I’d like to say that sometimes all one needs is a video about Patti Smith, rambling about anything. Thank you, your absent-minded ramblings are somehow very uplifting. ❤️ Kiki de Montparnasse, my partner’s cat, is sitting at my lap and we watched the teen spirit video together. Nice shirt, nice cats… and cheers to that, just drinking some green tea here and lifting my cup to salute the beautiful video. (My partner tells me that Kiki is not actually named after Kiki de Montparnasse, but… Oh well.)

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Thank you for sitting with us. My sweet Giorgio cat died a year ago today, so it made me happy to see your Cairo cat from Italy.

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P.S. Love the video and background info. Kitty is beautiful! And Jackson is so talented. Trying to figure out whose death mask is moving around.

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Yeah me too, I always wonder who that death mask is . I used to think it was of William Blake, I don't know why. Wish Patti herself could let us know in the next video.

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I wasn’t going to comment in fear of becoming the lady who always talks about her dog, but here I am, commenting anyway. I’ve mentioned in a few times here already, but around the same time as Cairo, my dog Bo left us. It really made me smile to hear his name with Cairo’s, even though you were referring to a guitar. It was like a little sign from him. For Christmas this year, my husband got me a small dog stuffed animal that looks like Bo and when you press his paw there’s an audio recording of his little voice. He too likes to sleep under the covers. Thanks for the magic in this video that seemingly could be about nothing but was really everything to me.

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That's so nice. I still love my dog that was killed in 1957. I don't have one as I travel too much and wouldn't want a dog in the city. But I love dogs, was even born in the year of the dog.

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Thank you, Patti, for sharing your time with us. I appreciate your calming force in such worldly tumult.

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This…. much needed distraction. Recovering from sinus infection and eye infections. Car broke down on my way home. Resting and waiting for car repair. Thank you for cheering me with this. You call nothing to say. I call food for the soul.

Cairo photo in front of Sam Shepherd guitar is gold for the heart. Then the Cairo someone gave you is so sweet. Video with The Kitty and Cairo and you singing Kurt on Kurt’s birthday day. My heart.

The sacred heart in the video??? How did you know that symbol and meaning keep showing up when I do not expect it. Just wow to see it.

Big thanks to you. Hope this small thanks reaches you in a big way. Needed this. You are so kind.

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I hope today is a better day for you!

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You are a permanent joy to watch and listen and inspire, thank you

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I was so surprised to know of Joan Baez’s life, as told in her film that you executive produced — we watched it last night painfully — the power, and the glory that gets showered on some who greatly crave it, who are that talented and capable of receiving it, can crush! — the silent oppression within her beautiful family — she is more pained than her bright, bright spirit can endure. Like Kurt Cobain…. “more than sad”

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Patti, you spoke volumes of things in such a short time! Thank you for everything! I too, have had my days of stillness, not doing anything much, recharging, I guess. And I've spent hours writing a thing that only takes five minutes to read. (Sigh.) I adore the little Cairo, so thoughtful of the maker to give it to you! I'm going to make another cup of coffee and settle in for a day in the studio. Love & hugs, and thank you so much for sharing your time with us!

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That will be 5 minutes well spent reading. Hope to see it in one of your posts. Also, really loved the rhino drawings. Thanks!

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I loved making those little rhino sketches; they were so fun to do (especially the baby rhino; I watched lots of videos for that tiny study!) Even though I had what I wanted to say in the post about the rhino mostly ready to go, it took most of Monday morning to edit, tweak, second guess, cut and paste, and fiddle about, make another cup of coffee, fix a snack, sit and watch the birds at the feeders outside for a bit, browse Instagram, then go back to fiddle, tweak, and before I knew it, it was noon and I needed to feed my wee donkey and tinier goat their lunch...good grief, where does the time go? I have to laugh at myself! I love what I do, and I'm happy that you're enjoying it. Thank you!

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Absolutely! Btw, is the beautiful wee donkey a Jerusalem donkey? In her photos, she has a stripe on her shoulder, but I can’t see her upper back, if there is a cross. Perhaps she is a New Jerusalem Donkey, unique to all of us who so enjoy Patti’s writings.:)

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"spent hours writing a thing that only takes five minutes to read" - a pain I know well! Hope you enjoyed your day of recharging and I now feel inspired to make time for some of that today.

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Remember me ploughing into overcoming group phobias last year? Monday at the dance I got invited to go see your last show in Vienna. Wow. Also Monday I found and rehung my painting of Kurt Cobain 🌟 I have almost written two reams just inspired by you, and many reams beyond that. Tonight for the first time ever I will attend a poetry group subject "New Born"- you could join the title in spirit, anyone....?

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Heck yeah that video is great. I love the way you did that song. The cat and your son playing banjo are a nice touch. What a great song. It brings back a feeling of that time and being younger. That songs was like the beginning of something different. I remember discovering it for the first time. It felt revolutionary

I love all you share youre authentic and that feels comforting

I was thinking this morning that I haven’t had the space in my mind for meandering so nothing creative is swelling up but I have faith that something will emerge.

Thank you as always for being here and just being.


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Thank you for you.

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I've decided to imaginary gate-crash one of your imaginary tea paryies with Martin Scorcese...I know we'll have great imaginary fun...X Thank you for your time Patti as always it's precious to spend moments with you. X

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I’ve just spent an hour writing a reply herein and I swiped something and it’s gone. I’m so frustrated. I had only stopped in to say thank you for this which I found before going to sleep after a 36 hour stint of writing a brief trying to release an incarcerated man who was unjustly given a disproportionate sentence for a crime he committed when he was 25, just two years younger than Kurt Cobain when he took his life. I wish that no decisions made by people that age were irrevocable. So many things can change, and they do, if people can hang around long enough to ride it out.

Patti, I’m so moved by your sharing that you and Fred felt like a mother and father who wished they had done better.

The film is gorgeous, so poetic. The skirt is wonderful and I love that it’s your favorite even though you don’t much wear skirts. I don’t either and I have a favorite too. The Kitty and Jackson’s shadow are beautiful.

Your imaginary tea party with Martin Scorsese is wonderful. I have a photograph of the late poet, Max Ritvo, who passed away at 25, in his room having an imaginary tea party with cups and saucers and stuffed animals. He’s grown, but has returned to his childhood room because he is unwell. In the distance, his mother can be seen standing in the doorway. It’s a beautiful testament to his imagination and sense of play, qualities you have abundantly, Patti.

I so appreciate your acknowledging instances in which you change your mind, Patti, as with Kurt Cobain’s glasses or the coat disregarded and then admired. Once when I saw you perform, you prefaced “The Boy in the Bubble” by saying that when “Graceland” came out, you didn’t like it, but Fred did. And then, over time, you changed your mind. And it’s a good thing because your cover is brilliant - including your channeling Dylan when you sing “Staccato signals of constant information.”

I agree with the comment above that whoever made that Cairo the cat is a beautiful soul. Thank you for showing us, Patti. When you turned it around and I saw Cairo’s name, not in typeset as it usually is, but stitched, I felt a pang of longing for her. She was a presence here and she’s really missed. Something about seeing her name as it was sewn by hand invoked her more powerfully, making me wish I could see her name in your writing, Patti. I assume you’ve written it out. If you’re willing, would you share her name as written by your hand?

I really have to try to sleep. I’m so grateful for this message - and all the comments herein - that I had to say so. Patti, it brought tears to my eyes that you had a striped shirt on for Kurt Cobain’s birthday.

I want to add that as I worked all these hours on the motion for compassionate release of a man who has used his time in prison to better himself through education, service, expressions of regret, it seems so ludicrous to keep him there. A penal system is supposed to be aimed at rehabilitation. Ours - and so much of our culture - is instead about retribution. We are funding a massacre right now the justification for which is retribution.

Last thing: what you said about writing, Patti, reminds me of Yeats’ “Adam’s Curse.” The lines I am thinking of are:

A line will take us hours maybe;

Yet if it does not seem a moment’s thought,

Our stitching and unstitching has been naught.

Dylan Thomas used to say that poetry was a bottomless well that he could dip into at will. And yet many a day, after working for hours, he would emerge, satisfied for having written but one word.

Thinking about Kurt Cobain, about all whose suffering feels as if it will never end, here is a little poem by the late Irish poet, Galway Kinnell. It’s called “Wait”:


Wait, for now.

Distrust everything if you have to.

But trust the hours. Haven’t they

carried you everywhere, up to now?

Personal events will become interesting again.

Hair will become interesting.

Pain will become interesting.

Buds that open out of season will become interesting.

Second-hand gloves will become lovely again;

their memories are what give them

the need for other hands. The desolation

of lovers is the same: that enormous emptiness

carved out of such tiny beings as we are

asks to be filled; the need

for the new love is faithfulness to the old.


Don’t go too early.

You’re tired. But everyone’s tired.

But no one is tired enough.

Only wait a little and listen:

music of hair,

music of pain,

music of looms weaving our loves again.

Be there to hear it, it will be the only time,

most of all to hear your whole existence,

rehearsed by the sorrows, play itself into total exhaustion.

With warmth to all and prayers for peace,


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Thanks for the poem, Robin. I'll be adding this one to my notebook.

Warm wishes back to you.

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I’m so glad, Suzi.

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I feel like I’ve been on the phone with a friend. Just checking in and catching up.

Love you Patti 💛💛💛

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I love your ramblings, Patti, they make me happy and they make me think. Thank you.

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Thank you always for your windows of insight whether in life, writing, photos or song. It warms my spirit in an ever present glow.

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Oh Patti, you're so sweet. Thanks for everything 🙏

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Hi Patti, it's late. I'm tired and I need to go to sleep. I didn't know it was Kurt Cobain's birthday today. It's also my mother's birthday. She died 25 years ago. But it's still her day to remember her.

It's nice you have a huggable kitty.

Thanks for the visit. You manage to get a lot of interesting things in.

Good night. First, I'll watch the video. Then bed.

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god Patti thankyou for the imaginary tea party idea - so so good, especially with name tag …

I now recall that walking down a street in Kameoka Japan in 1987 suddenly thinking ‘ heck i could have an imaginary cup of tea with my mum ! ‘ but your lovely post brought the concept back / I love the way you extol the imagination again and again , also the fact that you talk of your process here and the para , Most of All that you communicate this ‘ nothing ‘ in such a lovely way! one of my favorite posts !

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Hi Patti, thanks for saying hello. Sometimes it's just good to hang out with you. Really gets my day off to a good start. Thanks Jane x P.S. I really love Jackson's Banjo 🪕 part.

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Film poétique, tendre et nostalgique.

Love you Patti.

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Patti, that is a fabulous flashback to see your Teen Spirit video. There is a great cover of Kurt Cobain's song "Rape me"- an anti-rape song misunderstood in its day, by Amanda Palmer and NZ singer Reb Fountain. Called "Blurred lines +rape me mash up" the video of Kurt's song gets its day. It is also Nina Simones birthday on 21st February.

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My Nono Severo died today in 1963.

My father Evandro died today in 1983. (his son)

My brother called today to tell me my auntie Dot passed away today 2024.

Feb 20. Such a day.

Oh well, love always, Avandra Ann.

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I’m so sorry for these mournful anniversaries, so many in one day. Sending the light of many candles, and blessings your way.

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Thanks for shining the light Patti. I just realized that is the effect you have on me. And certainly it is uplifting everyone around us too. Super cool video.

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Patti, I want to comment on everything you said and shared... but I'm too overcome to do so. Instead I'll suffice it to say, you have the heart of a lion! Just so beautiful and loving!

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I'm home from my vacation and of course there's 3 inches of snow and ice from last week waiting to be shoveled. None of the able-bodied neighbors even did the front sidewalk. It takes me a long time. I apologized profusely to the mail man making his rounds, for having a treacherous sidewalk. He said it's the stairs that's bad cause he can't see the steps. Oy! Then the neighbor from across the street pops over to tell me that he has a dispute with someone else on the block and is being sued. His court date is over zoom. I said "Really?" as I'm heaving snow onto the grass. He eventually walks back to his house and yells out "you should get a security camera. There's all kinds of weirdos around" "ok, gotcha" <sigh>

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This is a good story and what a homecoming.

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Thank you for your ramblings Patti ! A very special film and song indeed! My best friends dog died last year; she was my zip dog and every now and again, I think I see her just around the corner in the kitchen. Sweet memories, sweet dreams.

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I really like your version of this song. I remember when it was the first anniversary of his passing. I worked for a child welfare org in those days, and we were instructed to be very vigilant with the teenagers that week as many of them were obsessed with Curt.

I hope he found peace.

Thank you for reaching out to us, I love it when you have no real reason other than wanting to chat.

In my part of Australia it’s 33° Celsius which is about 92° for you. I’ve been floating around in the pool saving Lady bugs and bees. I’ve been wondering what birds do when it’s really hot. We have a big row of Cypress trees, I thought if I was a bird I’d be in them where it’s cool, waiting for the cool change.

So if you think you weren’t doing much, it was a whole lot more than me! I said to my Husband when we were having lunch, what are we doing to contribute to society on days like these. I don’t think saving Lady bugs and bees is going to win me any awards. My husband said that we have contributed all our working lives to others, he in disability and me in welfare and later on in aged care.

Sometimes just being there, bringing nothing to the table but your own energy for people to enjoy is more than enough. I hope that Lady bugs, bees and concern for birds was enough for me today, tomorrow I will try harder.

I hope all is well with everyone, wherever you are.

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I loved reading this, Jane, and for what it’s worth, I think that saving lady bugs, bees, having concern for the birds and lunch with your husband is a day well spent. It’s a blessing to enjoy the moment of existence.

Sending you warm wishes and hoping that your husband is doing well.

As ever,


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Thank you Robin, and I hope you are feeling well yourself!

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How's you husband doing, Jayne? I hope things are well.

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Hello Jim. Wayne is doing well, although things were a little worse than first thought. It takes a while for the outcome to surface but we are hopeful that he won’t need additional treatment. We won’t find out until May. Thank you for asking, It’s very kind of you.

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Thanks for the update, Jayne. The rhyming couple of Wayne and Jayne makes me smile. Give Wayne my best and take good care of yourselves.

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Haha, yes, we say it’s the Wayne and Jayne show!

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My daughter called just after I finished watching. your post, and I told her (again) about your wonderful ramblings. They help reduce the stress from the ugly things going on in the world! I loved your anecdote about Martin Scorcese! It was priceless! I saw a picture of your Jerusalem book advertised on the Strand Book Store site. Are copies still available? They didn’t have any. Thanks for all you are to us!

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Hi Cheryl,

You can order a copy of that book if you google 'Nexus Patti Smith'. Nexus has her office in Ansterdam. The book costs 20 euro plus transport costs. I bought it !

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Happy to see you. Listening to your memories makes me cherish the past, present and future. 🫶

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As always, thanks for just being here. Love our little time together. I have to admit I was worried when you weren’t here for a couple of days. Good to see you again and I love your handmade Cairo… sweet.

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f'in amazing.

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Brought your swoony breath to it and gave the song energy, more life, a different life. Your choice during his screaming was thrilling. Love the banjo I feel faint and can't ever thank you enough.

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Happy National Pet Day to you and your memories of Cairo:) I am reminded of this as my bird chews the leg of my glasses as I type this. But yes, on another note I love the idea of "purposely doing nothing".. I have found that applies to my own work on my book. I am sure the second half of the next chapter will come to me soon (ish). The fact that you have just stated it makes my repose more justified:)

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I love your version of this song. Very cool video. That looks like your son. Awesome.

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I love your poet's take on smells like teen spirit - brilliant with the banjo 🪕 and the starring roles. And loved your story of the imaginary tea parties with Scorsese! And the Italian Cairo cat. And everything about your visit with us.

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This song ’Smells Like Teen Spirit’ is from Patti's 2007 album Twelve.

The music video is great.

Acoustic Guitar - Duncan Webster

Banjo - John Cohen , Sam Shepard , Walker Shepard

Fiddle - Peter Stampfel

Written-By - D. Grohl, K. A. Novoselic, K. Cobain

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In your photo, the stuffed Cairo is looking at the back cover of BABEL. Your wonderful guitar playing figure.

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Perfect winter evening ramble

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Hello. Hello. So glad to have been with you.

Henry James said, "Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those. have always been the two most beautiful words in the. English language."

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Thanks for stopping by, Patti. Sometimes that IS just all we need. Well, that and imaginary tea parties with Martin Scorsese! ✨🫖✨

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Dear Patti, you pay homage to the dead in extraordinary ways. Not many people do that today. I try to do to my immediate family in a cemetery in Flushing at Christmas and you seem to do it always as a way of living. Death touches us all and you and Cairo touch us beyond Scorsese and his films in my humble opinion. Thank you for your honest extraordinary female spirit.

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such tender words for kurt cobain. I remember the day he died my mother said as I was getting ready for school "some musician you like died" and I knew exactly who it was. felt devastated. Like River Phoenix the year before. Thanks Patti, love this video and the awesome cover of smells like teen spirit, I think Kurt would feel very honored.

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Hi Patti,

"so much to be concerned about, so much to mourn" ... that's about where I'm at ... just a lot of very heavy, sad situations. But your visits always lift me up at the end of a long day. I love Kurt Colbain. Thanks for the video and all you do to make the world a better place. Just keep being you and keep writing and don't compare yourself to Stephen King. He probably struggles too, all writers do.

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Just having you check in and share a few thoughts as your day winds down - perfect. I was smiling

all the while, watching you search for more to share - and you never come up empty. The beautiful

photo of dear Cairo and your Bo, or the gifted handmade Cairo kitty, plus the video in honor of Kurt's

birthday - which gets better with each viewing - But literally, at the end of the day - Patti, you yourself are more than enough. Wishing you a good night.

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Wonderful version of that song. I stick my banjo into every song of mine I can without causing a band walkout. Thank you.

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The banjo is like musical MSG, it makes everything you add it to just a little tastier.

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It was such a comfort when first heard your rendition of this song. Some of us are just plain nuts. Creativity is a rough road. I remember someone calling my writing something like a modern day Sylvia Plath. Maybe they knew about my debauched attempts. Maybe not. But I’m ever so much more alive adoring Plath’s daughter’s owls. And covering your song Patti…Ghost Dance. I’m alive for my son and daughter…I’m alive for anyone who needs a reason for hanging on. Strange cats don’t climb trees for nothin’…

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I love this!

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Dear Patti - I was thinking - well hopefully you know my background so you don't mind my pungent advice - why don't you make us a documentary so the fans like us would have more ventures from your artist time 💫❤️‍🩹😏

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We remember Kurt with gratitude. I love that book, we have it on display at indie Quimby's, Chicago, among quite a few titles by the author

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I'm always saying to friends, one thing that seems to be rubbish about modern life is people don't just hang out as much. Everything's for something. I dunno. Anyway, I love the drift.

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I miss Kurt very much. Such a feriociously talented young man. I wonder what his music would be like today? I think of his friend, Mark Lanegan whose passing day is Feb 22 and how Mark's music kept evolving and he wasn't afraid to try new things.

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I loved Kurt and Nirvana - so brilliant. I only wish he could have gotten the help he needed for his physical and mental pain. when he died, I let my daughter stay home from school that day; she was so distraught. Love your handmade Cairo! She IS THERE in Spirit with you always. Have a sweet night. xoxo

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Kind Barbara, My mom did the same thing for me. ♥️ I feel this to be such a deep gesture of care and kindness. Recognizing the impact his death had on your daughter and honoring her need to grieve and mourn such a tragic loss.

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I agree. Amazing, both your mothers doing that.

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"Hello Hello Hello, How Low?"

Nuance is prominent in that song, it's not joyful. But your version is in a way. So now I understand more of your video!

I've been wondering where you were!

Absolutely adore the crocheted (?) Cairo you got in Italy, what a thoughtful gift! I'm so glad little girl you went and showed him to us! I'm glad he likes to sleep under the covers, he looks like he's be forlorn otherwise.

I did not work on any of the syntax, Sturm und drang, paragraphy editing so this is just me talkin' to you.

Have a wonderful evening-- if you want to; Kurt was amazing, zany and serious all at the same time. He was fun to hang with. You guys might have liked Seattle then, it wasn't all glitzy like now. Pretty gritty in the late 70s and 80s.


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Drop in anytime....

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that looked like fun! missing Kurt <3

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Exactly what I needed! Thank you for sharing ❤️

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My two favorite words in the English language right now are “ hello everybody “

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Happy Birthday, Kurt!

The more I learn about Kurt, the more I adore him. His inspiration keeps me afloat.

I most love your rendition of Teen Spirit. My favorite part being the banjo. Every listen I hear something new. And I love the artful b&w film. I watch many times each year.

I miss Cairo very much. Jesse brought me comfort with her words on that sad day. Words I will revisit when I'm overwhelmed with grief.

May you meet Kurt in a land of no time.

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That was a lovely little video to watch before I fall asleep. Such a little piece of your day, and a nice tribute to Kurt Cobain on his birthday. Was that Cairo coming to say hello? Thanks Patti xx

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Thank you for the visit. The film is awesome, and the amigurumi crochet cat is really sweet.

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Loved your late afternoon gentle ramble. The photo of Cairo and the guitar is beautiful. So curvatious; sculptural. And so nice to hear your tribute to Curt Kobain. Thank you.

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This morning I played some Nirvana in honour of Kurt's birthday and, then, started reading the transcriptions of The New Jerusalem you so thoughtfully provided. First I read A Matter of Time aloud, savouring the sound of the words. Then I read it silently twice. When I began, I let the words flow through me, not concerned about meaning. But, as I continued to take it in, the phrases formed into shapes and structures and my interpretation of the intent behind the piece took form. Like the architecture of poetry. Only two other poems have captured my imagination like this work. The Four Quartets and Howl. When my own copy of the book finally arrives, I know it will be one of the most read volumes on my shelf. Thanks again, Patti, for sharing this extraordinary work.

And thanks for the Smells Like Teen Spirit video. It's the perfect cover - something you do so well - taking the original and expanding on it, seeing a piece of art through new eyes.

And thanks for reposting the Oliver Ray piece. Lots to think about there. It needs at least a couple of re- reads.

The Cairo stuffy is adorable. I can only imagine how much you miss your long-time companion. Thanks for sharing that with us.

Have a lovely evening.

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Hey Jim, I really appreciate that you shared your process of reading here with all of us. It’s a kind of meditative approach, the musicality of it is well worth taking to heart. Take good care!

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My pleasure, Heidi. I'm not the best at literary analysis so this is how I approach a poem. I know I miss a lot but it connects me to the work in a very real way for me. Take good care of yourself as well.

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cairobear ❤️

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Chatting is so much more than chatting so never underestimate the value of sharing that with others. It's offering presence and presence is truly a gift!

Kurt Cobain: I wasn't a fan of those white sunglasses either, as far as their appearance. But I always loved that he wore them because I think he knew they would be provocative to many people. It was a statement to wear them I think.

I have a child (an adult child but always my baby of course) who has battled mental illness for years. Kurt Cobain's story always hurts my heart beyond the loss of his artistry. I know it is always a day of great blessing when I can speak to my child before I go to bed at night and know that I have had that goodnight moment. On many nights I worried I'd never have those again.

Things are in a much better place lately and I am grateful, but for all the other children and all the other parents who have not had as many goodnights as they should, my heart truly aches. Kurt's story always reminds me of that incomparable pain. I would not wish it on my worst enemy, because even the fear of it ever happening is brutal.

Apologies to all for that downer of a comment, but it is heartfelt. It has been a beautiful day where I am today. I hope all are well and will enjoy what remains of their day, wherever y'all are. I'm about to go walking to do just that!

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Never apologize for feeling as you do. Arms around you. You’re not alone. Witnessing someone you love fighting daily to just push through is unimaginable.

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Thank you for your kind comment, I sincerely appreciate that you took the time to post it. I wish you a wonderful day!

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Love the photo! Cute cat and you have a kind heart towards Kurt. Bless you!

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As always, thanks for spending some time with us.

Just a few weeks ago I saw an exhibit of Anton Corbijn's photos at the COBRA Museum, just outside Amsterdam. So many great ones, but a particular favorite was the photo of your pal Michael Stipe. No doubt you are familiar with it.

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I would imagine that Corbjin exhibit was a wonderful experience. I am more of a music fan than a photography expert but I see his photos often throughout the music world and I always find that they have a sense of power, emotional presence and timelessness. It's lovely that you were able to view a collection of his work. And if the Stipe photo is the one I am thinking of, in the ocean, I love that one too.

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I wouldn't call myself an expert either, I just know what I like.

I realized after I posted that he likely took many photos of Michael, and I should have been specific. No, it's not in the ocean. It's one where he appears to be asleep.

Don't know if you will be able to access this, but here is a link to some of my photos of the exhibit, including the Michael Stipe:


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I was able to view the photos you posted, and they are wonderful. I hadn't actually seen that particular Michael Stipe one before and it is a great one. That Johnny Cash one is a whole vibe, I love it! I appreciate you letting me peek at those, thank you so much for the link.

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In case you didn’t recognise her, that’s Kate Moss in Johnny’s arms.

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I didn't recognize her and I had even zoomed in because I was wondering who that was, so thank you for solving that mystery for me! Definitely makes the story that photo's telling even more interesting.

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Just really appreciate hearing your thoughts and memories.

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It wasn’t much at all, but it was all I needed!

You are such a precious and generous soul, please don’t carry the weight of the world alone. I see you wringing your hands on the video, expressions of empathy and compassion for everyone. Try to release some the burden you carry, we can share.

It’s the least I could do 😉for all you do 🕊️

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Thank You Patti. So delightful that you shared this. Sometimes a little bit of nothing is all we need. Loved the video and the little photo of the cat.

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What a thoughtful gift - I was looking through the photos while listening to you speak and wondered if your sister had crocheted 'Cairo' - then heard the story. Loved spending a few minutes with you after work.. Hope you and everyone has a safe and peaceful evening.

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I’d just made a cup of tea and settled in to experience the lengthening of twilight through the treetops when your visit popped up…

And then my eyes saw a soft brown mound of color on the bed and my heart whispered “Cairo!”

For a short few seconds she was with us again, and I melted a bit inside.

I covet those moments, when we catch sight of a loved one’s spirit visiting us to say hello.

Love never dies ❤️

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Thank you Patti! I like this song very much and I sing it sometimes on stage. Kurt is surely very happy to ear your version of his song… from the sky 🌟✨✨🎶🙏🏻

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Thanks for the visit. ..I like to think that over the course of my life, I had nothing but in depth, probing, thoughtful conversations with my friends. But in reality, most were just drop in, nothing to say times which ended up frequently being memorable. So, thanks for stopping by, even with nothing to say. Friends do that. Emily your evening. Peace. ✌️

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Thanks you for this sweet and everyday conversation. It was very welcome.

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Loved the conversation the music was mysterious a little bit of the Doors. Hello

Film very nice I use to shoot with super 8

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Thank you for sitting with us Pattie. It means a lot.

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Patti sits in her home - she always stands, even at this age, in the stage 🥳 - even though she could have used Biden's senior falling skills: that's for bike; that's not for base, though 🙊

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So beautiful and perfect. It’s the coldest night of the year so far this night in Nova Scotia.

The fire crackling in the woodstove, and I just entertained us with that magical. Wonderful video. Thank you so much for sharing perfect slice of music poetry. ! 🔥🎶❄️

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I didn't realize you had a video/film for that cover. Love it. Have a happy evening.

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Exactly - That's not a happy ending yet.

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Patti- I love your stripes and plaid shirt combo. It’s an inspiration! Putting on some Nirvana now as the outside light fades and the inside light comes on.

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thank you- just caught this message about 5 pm. I needed to hear the "intentionally not working" as I have a big project I have been working on and you described perfectly the getting caught up in the minutae. Stopped at a nearby place for food instead of coffee. I always feel

like napping at 4:30. Be well!

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whoever crocheted Cairo for you is a beautiful person

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i played your version of smells like teen spirit in my yoga class yesterday, not realizing that today is kurt's birthday ... hello hello hello hello hello hello hello ...

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