Love to you and Cairo...a very tender and precious image....

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Sweet Cairo!

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Cairo is 21?! Amazing. Much love to you both!

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power to Cairo and more sweet life. SC

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Precious Cairo 💜

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Precious Cairo❤

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So much love to Cairo ❤️❤️❤️

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How beautiful.. I have two lovely.. affectionate cats.. acquired last September 13th.. ( brothers) never knew I could be a “Cat Mom” .. They recused me.. as I believe cats do.. thank you for sharing your cat.. so nice to Cairo’s long life..❤️❤️

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Cairo is a beautiful senior- and so are you!

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We had a beautiful rainbow here in Santa Monica yesterday afternoon. I hope that’s a good sign rainbows coast to coast.

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Sweeet dreams!

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I've always enjoyed photos of French writer Colette with her cats. Patti is maintaining this grand tradition of 20th Century literary figures!

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Hello Ciaro. It's always nice to see you. Here's a poem for you and mama. ♡

Pangur Bán



From the ninth-century Irish poem

Pangur Bán and I at work,

Adepts, equals, cat and clerk:

His whole instinct is to hunt,

Mine to free the meaning pent.

More than loud acclaim, I love

Books, silence, thought, my alcove.

Happy for me, Pangur Bán

Child-plays round some mouse’s den.

Truth to tell, just being here,

Housed alone, housed together,

Adds up to its own reward:

Concentration, stealthy art.

Next thing an unwary mouse

Bares his flank: Pangur pounces.

Next thing lines that held and held

Meaning back begin to yield.

All the while, his round bright eye

Fixes on the wall, while I

Focus my less piercing gaze

On the challenge of the page.

With his unsheathed, perfect nails

Pangur springs, exults and kills.

When the longed-for, difficult

Answers come, I too exult.

So it goes. To each his own.

No vying. No vexation.

Taking pleasure, taking pains,

Kindred spirits, veterans.

Day and night, soft purr, soft pad,

Pangur Bán has learned his trade.

Day and night, my own hard work

Solves the cruxes, makes a mark.

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sweet Patti and cute Cairo

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G'night Patti and Cairo XXX

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