Beautiful poem Patti. The sound of waves crashing is such a soothing sound, as I too live near the beach😊

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I love Brice Maiden’s work. During my first time in the US when I did a SAAM internship in DC , I met him. A great artist - and I was smitten, too. He was very good looking. 😉 Very sad he passed, but we have his presence through his gorgeous work staying with us. ♥️

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Thank you so much for sharing this. The poem and the painting resonate beautifully.

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Briefly, Brice's work is interesting because it raises questions about the state of Benjamin's aura in reproductive art.

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Dear Patti...

I’m going to NY in November to research the artist Louise Bourgeois in her archive at The Easton Foundation in Chelsea.

I’m Portuguese and I’m doing a Masters in Architecture, the topic of which is the “Border between Architecture and Art”.

I’ve been following your work for several years... I was at your concert in Oslo in June (I was right in front of you ☺️).

In October, an exhibition will open in Antwerp on the work of three women: Louise Bourgeois, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Simone Rocha.

I know you love the work of Ann Demeulemeester, a fashion designer whom Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker is friends with.

Another curiosity: my mother was born on 28 December 1946...

That’s a lot of coincidences and relationships between very important women on the world art scene.

I’d love to talk to you, if only for a few minutes, about these artists and find out your point of view on the relationship between Architecture and Art.

Do you think it would be possible to have a coffee when I’m in NY?

I could even speak to the head of Louise Bourgeois’s Easton Foundation and she could make you a visit and we could talk in Louise Bourgeois’s House (it would be a dream)... what do you think of this crazy idea (I know)?

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It doesn’t surprise me he called it star he was a gifted artist that had a trained eye on the outer and inner light, he saw your bright, bright light!

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Nice one Patti. Condolences 🙏

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Thank you for posting about this artist. I love that Brice wanted to offer his art to that Greenwich Village folk singer (Bob Dylan) to help out his career. Not much has changed in NYC with these type of heartfelt collaborations. I just released my debut single called "Love Is The Revolution" and the cover art is by NY-based Ukrainian-born artist and activist Misha Tyutyunik aka mdot_season. He painted that same message "Love Is The Revolution" as public art on a construction site in my Red Hook neighborhood. I was so excited and filled with such gratitude when he allowed me to use a photograph of his art as the cover of my single. As with public art, it gets painted over and erased, which is what has happened with Misha's art, but now it lives on as part of my song. What a beautiful collaboration between artist and songwriter! So grateful!

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Hi Patti, we are in Portland on vacation and saw you are performing tonight at The Square. We’ll be there and eager to see you! Hope your tour is going well. The Northwest is an amazing place and lots of good coffee and evergreen viewing. Love those trees and their survival. Kathy

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My sincere condolences to you Patti and all who loved him. Thank you, for what is again, a most generous post and a beautiful tribute to the artist and friend. ❤️

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Love this sound... the ocean ..🪸🌊

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Thank you and I haven’t been able to get down to up to any ocean water in awhile ....

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"Saw a shooting Star tonight, and I thought of you" all.

This is a great space. Thanks from this star gazer.

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A post so densely packed with meaning and beauty ( as they all are). First, a video of the sea. No words, just the endless crash of waves. Enough in itself. Then to find out that the sea is crashing in time with thoughts of a recently passed loved one. And then there's the painting, a portrait in black and white rectangles with a prophetic name. Perhaps. And as if that wasn't enough, we then have a meditation on art and its importance and place in our lives. But wait, there's more! there's an audio file too, of that poem, upon a star.

Is there anyone like Patti in the whole wide world? I don't think so. We are all so blessed to be reading and listening her ways of being in the world. thanks Patti. Love always. xxx

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Beautiful. I just love your posts!

Looking forward to seeing you in Seattle this week! Safe travels!!

And if you need a little song for the road, here's one that I wrote called Star. https://seastar1.bandcamp.com/track/star - peace and love!

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