Thank you Patti for your words and depth and love. I was recently told by my cousin Jennifer, who is an author, she has white guilt. And now I hear it again, guilt. Is it guilt for our privilege, our status, our freedoms, guilt for crimes we didn't commit yet were born into? Guilt is a strong word . . . I have a hard time with it. I was also told a long time ago, guilt seeks punishment.

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I connected with "if we pray for wisdom, that we may have the moral courage to act with it." (not quoted exactly)

Deep thank you for sharing.

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The energy of words formed from feelings and thoughts run deep. Thank you Patti.

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Thank you

You touched many of my feelings. Bringing to the surface of consciousness again

Like a prayer. Thank you again Patti

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Thank you for sharing this memory.

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I was working emergency dispatch in Greater Boston that day. TV on. Air gone. I can't breathe. This can't be happening. All those lives. Our nation terrorized. What do I tell my 12 year old boy? How do I explain? How? Can't escape the constant stream of news. Horrific replays at every turn of our upside down world. My son's eyes changed that day. The gleam of innocence replaced with gloom of grief.


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They are gone.....the light is different.

A morning of mourning. Thank you ❤️

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I feel so blessed to hear your words Patti, to be wrapped in your perspective through your poetry and art. Thank you. 🙏🏻

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As always exquisite words that express our loss

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Beautiful words as always. Sending much love from London x

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Moving. Thank you so much.

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Impressive words, deeply touching.....Thank you Patti

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wow.... 🖤

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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Your drawings are moving........NYC

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Such beautiful writings Patti at such a poignant time 💗Lx

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