Thank you so much. Once again I learned a great deal in those minutes of your post and from our collective comments--a great way to learn..

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Translation art is special. I remember how upset I was once reading a translation by Irene Gammel of a poem by Elsa Von Freytag-Loringhoven. The original had no articles in front of the nouns, but she translated into English using articles. It drove me nuts, because it destroyed the feel of the poem, the staccato of sorts, the rhythm… Irene Gammel did great work, but that irked me.

Now I have to read Rilke’s book - in German. 😉

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I have a long backlog of your posts, ramblings and delights awaiting my perusal! This one truely had me laughing out loud. So much thanks and joy for your sharing with us.

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Good night to you too, Patti. And thank you always for sharing the best reads. Your sister had the excellent gift of creating beautiful items for her favorite people. Sleep well. Dream of love.

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Gracias for a ray of shining light!

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I love these chats! I too listen late at night & feel lighter & more hopeful afterwards. Good luck with your writing.i love your hat!

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the hat!

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I love that hat! I wish I could wear hats like that. They always pop off my head! 😂😂😂

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The particularity of the images made your piece perfect for reading aloud.

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Hi Patti, Thanks for all your great messages. Please don’t forget James Joyce’s birthday on February 2. Gene B.

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Eugene, trust James Joyce to have a birthday at Imbolg and after St Bridgid's Day! x

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I love your surprise at the ending.

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If we didn’t have great translators books would not be read as well and therefore would not resonate with the reader, and so the reader may just stop reading and put the book away. As you mentioned, Jay Rubin’s translation of the superb book by Haruki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is amazing. What a journey it takes you on. A great mystery book—-it is hard to stop reading it.

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Thank you once again for a wonderful chat. You might not see this as I’m a day behind I think. I love our little visits and I hate for them to end as much as you seem to. And yes, the hat is beautiful! My granddaughter who is an artist also knits beautifully. It’s a great talent to have. I’ve tried to learn several times but oh well. Something about it alludes me. You mentioned Ground Hog day which has special meaning for me as it was .. and will always be my mother’s birthday. She only lived to be forty two and would have been ninety seven this year. I’ve now outlived her by over half a century which I find amazing .. her birthday is always special for me. Thank you for the visit, and by the way your hair looks fine.

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Ps. That word should be eludes not alludes !

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Forbidding drones fly over today, and nothing like a feather drops. Like Samson, you must hold some strength in your hair for the post hair wash videos. You do look happier. I read that Lulu is going to stop touring. Lulu and Bowie, who would guess?

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Hello. I had to share this moment of serendipity. I recently read Just Kids and I loved it so much that I had to read more of your work. I’m currently reading Early Work 1970-1979. I picked it up after watching your video tonight. I’m on page 64. And the title? Translators. It begins with “thank the stars for translators. The cream of the planet.” It also mentions a “seal skin skull cap.” How cool is that!

Your videos make me smile. Thank you for sharing a few moments of your world. 💜

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Thank you for speaking to us. I really enjoy your posts.

It is hard to age. I have worked for eons and now am receiving retired, although I I do part timei work as a social worker assisting women and children who were6 assaulted by their partners.

I am 73 and remember being so excited to listen to your music when I was young and staying in yorkville, in the hippie days.

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