I just started the Glass Bead Game, cannot wait!!! Thank you!

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What an incredible treat! You make me happy...I loved the breeze!

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I could have gotten lost in that breeze. It was beautiful to watch.

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Ill bet the room acoustics were pretty interesting! Thanks for sharing🪐🤞🏾🪐

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You truly do see the beauty in everything💜

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how are you? hope you are on the up and up...

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Sending Patti good vibes strength and courage. Miss your posts but sometimes we all need to recharge. Hope all is well for those that see this. Peace and love to you all.

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Steve, stop deleting! I can’t get to your comments fast enough.

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I felt I was asking personal questions and it seemed weird to leave up longer than 3 minutes.

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Steve, what’s with the deleting? It feels like “Mission Impossible.”

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Dear Jim,

Ugh, I can’t find the thread where this communication appears, so am just writing, as it were, into thin air, hoping that this reaches your eyes.

I’m relieved to hear from you, sorry that you’re going through a rough patch, but grateful that you have good friends to see you through. Your haikus are lovely, and I hope that you are still writing them even as you are struggling.

My recovery has taken a detour, and that’s been disheartening. Not sure what’s wrong, but I have to - and I do - trust in the wisdom and dedication of my healthcare providers. This has been a particularly hard time because the procedure has already happened, so one can’t (anymore) look ahead to that as a cure. Nothing to do but carry on and have faith. And if not faith, then abundant gratitude for any kindness on any given day.

I wish you - and everyone in this warm community - ease of suffering, and hope for brighter days ahead. I’m sure I’ve quoted these lines from Keats’s poem “To Homer” before, but since I think of them every day, it can’t hurt to repeat them herein, for you, Jim, and for all our substack friends:

Aye on the shores of darkness there is light,

And precipices show untrodden green,

There is a budding morrow in midnight,

There is a triple sight in blindness keen

With warmth and the promise of the untrodden green,


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So sorry to hear about your detour. My heart and hopes go out to you. I am fine Compared to what so many others, including yourself, are going through, mine was a blip. Please keep in touch as you're able. And thanks as always for your kind comments and for sharing that wonderful quote from Keats. Thinking of you. You are a very special person.


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I feel the same about the suffering of others. Life is beautiful, and it can also be really hard. We have to take the whole package, because no one gets out of this without some scars. Those that do haven’t really been alive (in my opinion). Here’s a beautiful poem (for everyone) by the late Galway Kinnell. It’s called “Wait”:


Wait, for now.

Distrust everything if you have to.

But trust the hours. Haven’t they

carried you everywhere, up to now?

Personal events will become interesting again.

Hair will become interesting.

Pain will become interesting.

Buds that open out of season will become interesting.

Second-hand gloves will become lovely again;

their memories are what give them

the need for other hands. The desolation

of lovers is the same: that enormous emptiness

carved out of such tiny beings as we are

asks to be filled; the need

for the new love is faithfulness to the old.


Don’t go too early.

You’re tired. But everyone’s tired.

But no one is tired enough.

Only wait a little and listen:

music of hair,

music of pain,

music of looms weaving our loves again.

Be there to hear it, it will be the only time,

most of all to hear your whole existence,

rehearsed by the sorrows, play itself into total exhaustion.

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Nothing wonderful about pain unless you’re into that type of shit, but it’s very different from 24/7 pain…it’s consuming, not in a good way. My 2 cents. Fucking hate it! No beauty when it never lets up!

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My spiritual advisors say give it (the pain) to God. Offer up the pain. Having written this I feel like a hypocrite. I had my shoulder replaced on 7/8 . Ive been in varying degrees if pain since January. Maybe my response will help

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I do appreciate your thoughts, but I’ve tried giving it away, paying various people to take it away (docs, PT, acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, RIC Pain Clinic Chicago, Mayo Clinic Pain Management Program Jacksonville, FL)…and I’m sure I’ve missed a bunch. It’s been 30 years…it wears you down! According to CBT if I tell myself I’m good, I’m good…never had much success and I’ve been playing that game for 15 years! Now the pill popping, doctor shopping freaks have made a difficult life not only more difficult but also more expensive! Talk about a failed system!

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Wow Steven! What a journey you’re on. True that about the USA health system. We need Patti’s positivity!

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So wonderful. The fact that you share all this extraordinary art with us is such a gift. Saying thanks seems inadequate. Sending all good thoughts your way.

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Thank you. Your room and garden are simple and wonderful. We haven’t heard from you since and miss you very much. ❤️

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single rose breeze!

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Thank you for the gift of the light breeze and a rose. Please take care of yourself in the heat... the singer Santana just passed out of heat stroke on stage in a performance. They rushed him to the hospital and it looks like he will be fine. getting over heated is a dangerous thing. PLEASE TAKE CARE. 😘💝🙏

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When One Is surrounded by the essential One Is full of himself and can perceive the world in the Way It Is not usually looked at.. if Life can be our artwork then simplicity and essential become art

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If only every room had a breath of simplicity, if only my consciousness would be as free of clutter asa simple room that is more empty space than things not needed, if only.....

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What a wonderful, mystical title! Of course, it is a mystical place. When I travelled to Florence, the pensione I stayed at was right across from Santa Maria de Novella, although that was 38 years ago! I never got to see this lovely inner courtyard with garden, though. Thank you for the detail and wonder you bring to your posts: it is so uplifting in these times of trouble. Buona notte, Patti, & grazie.

p.s. don't forget to grab a gelato for the heat.

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