Thank you Patti and Michael and R.E.M. I'm grateful for the work that comes through you both, that to me is real, honest, pure, loving, energizing, and healing. What would life be without art and artists? With you, I'm lifted upon the din of fear and anger to another realm, which is where I want to be today and always.

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I came across this today, and it is perfect for today as well as when you posted it - thanks for the encouraging message - so needed

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Thank you dear Patti!

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Im feeling the same way lately, and I have to Thank you for that today. Thank you for the encouraging words and thank you for REM that I Love so deeply.💖🙏🏻

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When I discovered this piece, there was something in me that recognized... It is a strangely magical sensation that happens to me sometimes, but not very often...... Thank you again🙏💝🌟💫

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Shake the dust off of my feet

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me ha encantado lo que escribes sobre el abatimiento y el resurgir de la pandemia. detrás de la mascara no te veo y casi no veo...

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Love this! All of it!

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Thank you—very close to my re-entering feelings and experience—minus REM.🙏 I particularly like your view that we will adapt again to the rush of people and traffic, and I also hope we can keep some of what we’ve found and adapted to during this overwhelming episode.

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Great post wrestling your feelings and an R.E.M. solution

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Another gem from our Gem

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You have put into words the stew of emotions I've been experiencing over the past several weeks. Restless, unable to concentrate (unless I'm watching a butterfly dance or poppies sway in the wind), and a general feeling of being "stuck." Unsure of what to do next. Excited to be getting out for live music again yet not wanting to go back to the old life of running around too much. I'm taking your words to heart and will "apply what I have gleaned" during this next phase of life.

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Once again, my exact feelings of these days.

Still underlying feelings of ...too much , too fast..

Is this the right time?

Easy does it says the cosmic jive between eclipses. Losing 3 more friends. A time of endings. A time of new beginnings ✨

My most reposted song of REM💎 As a Southerner, that phrase was often heard from elders. We've all lost a bit of our "religion " through these days

And gained the fruits of knowing what really matters.

So yes, finnish reading those words, got the laundry done, finally. Get rid of those books and STUFF you've been wanting to throw out for a year, to frozen to complete the task. Gone! Well most😉

Easy does it as we find our evolving and creative religions again.

I must say, NYC Pride Month really helps bring the Colors and joy of Love is Love🌈around the city. The lengths we WILL go to. To rise✨🤍🗽🌐

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Thanks Patti. Still holding tickets for your next visit down under, now scheduled for April next year. Your post about the reluctance to let the lockdowns fade away has an aspect of serendipity for me. I just finished reading a fine novel by Sarah Pinsker, 'A Song For a New Day', in which the writer (and musician) explores the aftereffects of a pandemic, insurrection and fear on the live music scene, and how the Before seems impossibly distant as we grope for an After.

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Michael Stipes’ performance was raw energy.

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