Stellar! Julia Vinograd is legend. I've been exploring other Zeitgeist Press poets, especially the newer ones like Romanelli and James Norman. Poetry is indeed alive and thriving.

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Beautiful. True. I rather the poems, not the poet, too.

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Oh that’s divine Patti! Thanks for sharing 🦥

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Sweet story

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Love this! And absolutely true

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Thank you for recalling Brian Jones , himself a poetic figure. I've learned a great deal about Julia Vinograd, from the comments to your post.

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RE - K Rosenthal


I must bring to your attention that this film maker has violated the rights of a previous subject (and musician, cellist) named Madigan Shive, and he should be ashamed of yourself.

I’d be very hesitant to share anything with him.

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Powerful work! Loved it!

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First Rolling Stone



Melodic piano on scene

An end

Time stolen

From me

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Exquisite. Heading off down a Vinograd rabbit hole ... ✨

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She was the bubble lady of Berkeley. There’s a mural that’s next door to People’s Park and on the corner of Telegraph that she’s on. It’s a depiction of the turmoil and community of the late 1960s. She’s blowing bubbles in it. She would do that during demonstrations. I remember seeing her and bought a book of her poetry from her. She deserves to be remembered. Thank you for this!

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That was great, thanks Patti ❤

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Lovely way to start the day and what a great poem, read beautifully of course. We in London keep being threatened by ice too, it’s so cold but the daffodils are still coming through and reminding us that Spring is coming…….

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Offering to send Patti a copy of Julia's new selected, if you provide preferred address to orders@zeitgeist-press.com. We're just poets keeping the work owe love in print. Book is for anyone at https://www.zeitgeist-press.com/index.php/product/a-symphony-for-broken-instruments/.

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Oh my. Another winner. I love reminders that we all feel pissed off and destructive sometimes.

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Wow! She's a force of nature - I'm excited to read more. Love her tone and energy. Thank you for sharing her work and especially for reading it. Hearing poetry read well is just the best thing. ❤️

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