Article voiceover
Hello everyone. I hope all is well in your quadrant. Today I wrote, read some needed portions of the Ellmann biography of James Joyce, took a walk, met with my dear cousin Anthony, and prepared the ingredients for the evening meal. Cod, purple sweet potatoes and micro greens. So, I would say, a good day. May you have a good night unfettered by dread or doubt.
I loved this installment. So many wonderful images... the milk of time, the living architecture, the bullseye closes, the fleet of kites. The echoes of the Beats and of sacred texts (though all art may be sacred). The rhythm of the words, the taking of the holy and bringing it down to Earth, so that we the living, the mortal, become the new Jerusalem. Absolutely exquisite.
I'm so glad you had such a good day. This poem has given me a good night. I will return to it many times. Thank you and take good care.
Still in the grip of migraine with burning mouth pain. Have been useless today but had to say thank you for this reading, Patti. I’ve listened to it again and again. For its beauty, truth, the transformative vision, the hope it lends, the night dotted with constellations, the conviction that there will be nothing we cannot imagine and therefore accomplish. Thank you, Patti. And everyone, amen.