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amazing..thank you

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It’s beautiful

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wonderful. thank you so much. Jo

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This is so sculptural. It seems to represent the storyteller in native American history. Joshua Tree is breathtaking. Thank you for sharing this, Patt. C

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Hi—tried to open link, but it said owner had stopped sharing. Any chance you could send again? Thank you!

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Amazing landscape!!

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Tree under a sitting monk-rock

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That was the first thing I saw too, a person seen sitting in profile with some sort of hood on!

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As you were panning across the "desolate" landscape, something in the shapes of the vegetation, the smoothness of the paths, the looming rock formations, made me see it in my mind's eye as an underwater scene--clumps of coral and sea plants growing out of the sandy bottom...Otherwordly. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks for sharing! Seeing a Joshua tree in person is on my bucket list!

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Thank you for sharing x

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Video worked. Magical place I hadn't seen before. Thank you for sharing. x

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En réception par mail la vidéo fonctionne après téléchargement.

Incroyable. Quel paysage. Cela fait penser dans un autre registre aux paysages de l'Islande. Vide, textures.

Merci Patti.

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So sad this wouldn’t work for me in London. I always imagine the Joshua Tree as a magical place and evokes memories of Gram Parsons 🙏

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Your memory may also be triggered by matters more prosaic though grossly amusing namely the Chuck Jones Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner cartoons deeply inspired by similar landscape. It seems unlikely Jones didn't go to Joshua Tree as well as other locations. But the first time I went to see the trees named after me at the Nat Park, gazing out in that silence looking across a wide valley in the mid-day heat and bright sun without any signs of civilization; the teetering rocks, the prehistoric trees I swear there were the ghosts of large lumbering dinosaurs working their way across. (No drugs were involved just to clear)

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