Perfect that Cairo joined you. This is the year of the kitty on the Vietnamese lunar calendar.

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Almost looked as if Cairo had been read that before: she sat expectant! Almost breaking into late night biscuit making lol

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I didn’t know this book, thanks for sharing!

And happy lunar year for you and everybody!

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It feels good, to feel good, doesn't it?! Thank you Patti ❤️

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I hope you get to Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy next time!

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Tashi Delek!

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I enjoyed this so much, thank you Patti and a very happy year of the rabbit to you! My subscription was a new year's gift to myself. You are such an inspiration ❤️

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I loved your New Year message and story time with Cairo.It’s always so nice to spend time with you. I did feel sad about the pigs though 😢

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Always enjoy your event descriptions and being read to at night! Thank you Patti.

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you are so energetic

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I love this! Happy New Start! And thank you❤️

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Uncle Wiggly sounds wonderful, is it an American author as not heard of this here in UK? 🤗💜🌸

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How loverly, thank you dear Patti 🤗💚🌸

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Happy Year of the Rabbit to Patti and Cairo ; your hair looks terrific . Love the Uncle Wiggly reading . He reminds me a little of Leonard Cohen ☮️💙🎶

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the best for tonight, thanks for the bedtime story

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Happy Year of the Rabbit to you too, Patti-! Can't tell you how delightful it is for you to "drop in" for visits. I'm loving your Substack. Waiting in suspense for more Uncle Wiggly and Green. You are indeed a flamenco dancer yourself, full of inspiration. I recently watched your Dream of Life documentary and was so excited to see younger Cairo appearing with you there, too! Beautiful little girl…much love

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