patti, how are you? i just finished astragal and wondered if you’ve read the runaway ? x

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that was pretty cool seeing the different editions. thank you for showing us, patti.

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Thank you so much for sharing all those translations..amazing differences...and great to hear you tell us the stories behind them...!

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Spring has sprung in Oz. The perfume smells at night are incredible 😊❤️I love those pocket book😊

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Just catching up with this long ago post. Loved seeing all the different editions from around the globe. Intrigued by how each country comes up with a unique photo to use on the cover. And the petite sized Dutch edition. Oh my! Charming. Ribbons on books are easy to do. They are part of the head and tail bands that make up the hardcover binding. Yes, adds some expense to the unit cost, though, for you Patti, they will do it. If/when you reprint your Book of Days, do a ribbon marker (or two!). You can even pick the color!

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These wonderful translations of Just Kids are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing these. Well, it must be amazing to have this beloved book getting around the world like it has. It is a great book! I remember when I got it in 2010. I loved the intimate New York stories that were were a part of your life. You and Robert Mapplethorpe’s friendship is so lovely. Happy Anniversary! *~~*

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Thank you that was great .

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I like the little book. The kitten size! But nothing beats the audiobook of Just Kids with your voice. Just like walking the streets of NY with you back then. What a ride. Art, survival, love, and dreams...

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If Macbooks still have Quickbooks, you can try to record yourself via there instead of Photobooth. I think that's what I used to use to avoid the flipping.

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Dear Patti, Thank you for sharing the books with us. Very cool!

I agree... it is really nice to be in the city when it is a little bit quiet because of the holiday. Enjoy.

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Happy belated September 1st! We had no long weekend here in the U.K. but it’s been super warm and unusually sunny the last few days so I’ve been to the local beach and woods (big sand dunes and woods right behind the dunes)…

That was such a cool little video, regardless of the reverse image issue! Thanks for showing us all the books in translation!!! That’s so interesting. I especially liked the Brazilian Portuguese, the Dutch (small one!) and the Korean version but they’re really all great to see!!

One of my favourite posts :-) :-)

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I love "Just Kids", and gave it to my grandson, who also loves it. The photo of you and Robert is so happy. Coney Island brings out the happy in most of us, and you and Robert together is perfectly suitable to the Cyclone behind you. Congratulations to you having so many differently printed language editions of "Just Kids". The images are only backwards in the video, but not in the images you have attached to the page. Yes. We are with you when you are with us, too!!!!! And so glad....

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I actually enjoyed watching this! Of course I had to get my copy out. Swedish one! No one understood why I gave a little celebration sound seeing the author hold up my copy on the screen. Felt quite special having the book! Thank you! Where do you keep all the copies?

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That was so cool!! Thank you for sharing. How wonderful that you have so many translations.

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Surely you are not "Lost in translation"!

Happy weekend ♥️

You are always an inspiration!⭐️

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