Sweet sentiments...

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Dear Patti, I have just subscribed to your account in substack. It's so simple writing to you...It seems impossible to me, but there is a little possibility you will read this "attempt of speaking" from a fan, so I will try to reach you.

I didn't knew about this platform: it's absolutely great!

I just wanted to thank you for the gift of your time.

Your soul is so sincere like fire and pure like water.

My name is Silvia, I am 31 years old, I send you all my love from a little city in Italy called Saronno. I've been listening to you since many years. Your songs and your entire life is so inspiring to me because you are so autenthic, because sometimes I can feel the same way you felt and because all your person transmit love. Your natural istinct for music (wild and armonic at the same time), dedication to art, reflection about life and death, affection and great respect for people: I admire you for all of these reasons and more.

As pearls in my heart, your words, your smiles and your infinite hope in the great little things of our fragile days, give me hope.

Thank you for your music, thank you for your books, thank you for your photos, thank you for your marvellous and simple presence, strong and sweet as the wind. Thank you for your hope.

I love the sea and the coffee too. I am an educator and a psychologist. I write little songs and I like to sing and to play a guitar a friend of mine, a boy, gave to me as a wonderful present, one year ago. And when I sing what I write, I feel free, because usually I listen to the heart of people, but when I sing and play guitar, I listen to my heart.

I saw you in Cervia the last summer with my boyfriend. It was pure magic. You give me strenght to try to believe in myself and in another day of light. I am a little bit shy, so I hope I didn't had a bad idea writing to you.

Thank you Patti. You really are brilliant and humble as a pearl.

Oh, I love your cat! I lived with a friend of mine, a girl, and our beautiful cat. Oh, and your sons are just so full of positive energy. I hope I will have one day sons and daughters too.

Thank you just for the time spent reading this. Sending a hug to you. I wish peace for you in your house, with people you care and in your soul.

Take care


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Patti, so much love to you! I waited awhile to watch this because your song has a special meaning for me. I got goose bumps sharing it right now with you all these years later. Thank you, be well and enjoy Paris.

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I was lovely of you to share your song and the memory of its composition and thoughts of Fred. made me feel sad-happy-happy-sad...

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Oh Patti you are so cute and sweet. Bopping away to Frederick, turning it up so it blasts louder... and yes, your dr is right. Coffee is not water. Repeat, coffee is not water!

look forward to hearing from you in France.

Love the way Cairo snuggles in. :) Good Everything to you too Patti!

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Love this song!

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Thank you, Patti. Beautiful!

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It is so good to listen to that song with you. I had always pictured u sitting in a studio writing it. When I was young I pictured every musician writing their songs from a studio. But u were in the beach? Now that’s a place where I know all things can b made possible. The ocean . Seriously I FIND SO MUCH PEACE looking at the ocean😎”Frederick” is a beautiful love song. Not just the words, but the melody, always took me away. So cool yo hear it with you today. A very nice surprise . Happy belated anniversary.

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Thank you so much for this video, and telling us about Fred and you, and about coffee (and water too ;) I agree with the doctor's orders, doctor here too.. but must admit I think I'm one of the "not enough water drinkers" too...).

Yes, there's a happy feeling in the video! Thank you for keeping it like that for posting here. It comes through how much you remember him.

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you inspire me every day ! happy anniversary !

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Beautiful love

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That was so sweet 💛💛

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Amazing song, great album! I love your stories. Oh, and I still hear the south Jersey accent in your pronunciation of “wooder.” We share that Gloucester County attribute.

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Watching and listening today, on my late husband's birthday, this really touched my heart. Bless you Patti.

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I'm 19 again when I hear this song. We saw you at the Aragon Ballroom when this first came out. Even after all these years and oh so many concerts, that one show of yours is a stand out in my head and heart. I had forgotten how beautiful this song is. So much, that it hurts. Anniversary blessings F&P

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One of your most joyous song, in my opinion. I've always adored it, and it's a superb album opener. The delight on your face while playing it back says everything. When "Wave" was released, my friends and I would often play it loudly and begin to dance naively and with abandon. This song sparked such immediate joy. It still does. Many thanks.

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