this is so lovely and kind and elgaic ...so much happened in the year since...

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What a lovely and kind post. And also the memory from last year I enjoyed. (I miss Cairo, too. )

Just got back from Germany to bury my mother and from Italy where I hope I could comfort another mother….😔

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Happy New Year to you, Patti! And thank you for posting last year's video. Always lovely to get to visit with Cairo again.

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Oh Patti, thank you, and Happy New Year!

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Beloved Cairo. <3

May we see in 2024 a free Palestine, an end to the brutal occupation, an end to the horrific genocide in Gaza & the West Bank. No more war. No more warmongers. A grassroots movement for peace. We are all interconnected, and no one is free till everyone is free, including nonhuman animals (go vegan ;-)) Much peace and love to you Patti

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Happy New Year Patti! Happy new year everyone!

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So many things to thank you for Patti. One of which is the Year of the Monkey - am getting near the end so am limiting myself to a couple of pages at a time as I don't want it to end even knowing that I will reread it again. :O) Losses of dear friends and pets are so poignant as is the unbelievable crazy happenings and misery going on around the world. Am just trying really hard to concentrate on good good things. Keep safe and sweet dreams to all.

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1978-9? Capitol Theater , Madison Wisconsin , Clarinet .

😏Celery ; for the cat ?

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Thank you and have a great time this year, next year, everyone in general, you deserve it. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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Lovely Cario, here, betrays the look of an artist deeply aware of the vast infinities within.

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Happy New Year Patti. I very much enjoyed your story about your Mom and Dad. I find myself doing the same thinking of things my Mom and Dad often did. My Mom always would hang our sheets on the line and I can still smell them in my mind.

I also enjoyed seeing Cairo. She looks like such a sweet girl. I would miss her as well.

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Sturdy! Let’s all get as sturdy as possible with you 🦉

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Happy New Year Patti 💛

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Thank you Patti. What a beautiful way to start out the new year, remembering those we loved and lost from the year before. Thank you.

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Happy New Year and as always thank you for your words, inspiring, reflective, filled with love. I look forward to all the experiences yet to be in 2024 and your part in them, Patti. Loved seeing sweet Cairo and loved hearing from you!

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