My favourite!

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Thank you Patti

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I didn’t know it was Buckley. But, listening to it again now, of course it is. What a voice. Crossover, boy xx

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I love this one and love that photo of you.

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Thank you, Patti. I always enjoyed the song, and watching you perform it, but this time, even though it was the recorded version, I didn't have to wing it when it came to some of the lines. lol

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One of my faves! I've seen Patti perform this song so many times. One of the best was at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in SF Golden Gate Park.

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Apr 17Edited

One of the best songs of Patti’s canon of songs. To hear it live at one of the many concerts I’ve experienced makes one swoon deeply into the song. And with Tony Shanahan’s soulful moans toward the end of the song, the song is elevated further as he seems to scream downwards from the stars into a deep canyon below. We, the audience are in that hallowed canyon. Everyone in the band, Lenny Kaye, Jackson Smith, and Patti Smith mend the song along with their expressive guitar strumming, as Jay Dee Daugherty elevates it further with his soulful drumming. The song communes with the living, the missing, and the gone. Here is to Robert Mapplethorpe, Richard Sohl, Jeff Buckley and to all of our dearly departed. Here is to Beneath The Southern Cross*~~*

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A beautiful song from a wonderful much appreciated album …..Thank you as ever Patti !

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Just lovely. Thank you Patti. Much love from London 🙏

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Thank you for this. Such a stirring, powerful song.

It always stops me in my tracks. Especially the line "Where gods get lost...".


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The last thing before bed. . .Remembering my own moment under the Southern Cross. Thank you, Patti.

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In the past, tens of thousands of Japanese in the Solomon Islands also saw the Southern Cross.

A gravestone in his place reads

“my brothers and sisters, we wish to remain in this land and be the foundation of peace forever.

We swear by the Southern Cross to protect them”

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Thank You Patti

With lots of Love Particles

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Incredible. Thank you so much for sharing this song with us.

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Roberto Bolaño inside this song.

Loving Patti's words in my goodbye from another world.

Bolaño's words inside this words in Beneath...and fly,fly,fly to Eternal Firmament.

Thanks Patti and this summer meet you in Barcelona.

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