
Backstage in Barcelona

The crew the chandeliers and peanut butter

Hello everybody

Despite temperatures at 101 F. we had a great concert in Barcelona. The people were awesome and I felt completely connected with them. Of course I made the usual mistakes and fowl ups but a good sense of humor gets you through those moments. As the song says it’s only rock and roll and after all we are just people gathering together for a night of communication, mutual appreciation, and inspiring fun.

Here is another one of those really bad backstage videos. But when are you going to get to see an ironing board backstage in Barcelona? Good wishes to all. I send positive energy as we tramp through our troubled world.

With Tony Lenny Jackson and Jay

Discussion about this video

Wow, Patti, that was such a fun and incredible tour! I'm sure everyone loved you guys - wish I was there!

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It's wonderful to see so many bright and genuine smiles. I feel the swell of excitement seeing the backstage happenings.

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Yeah it's great! Thanks so much Patti🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🌞

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Seeing these venues through your eyes is so much fun

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J y étais à Barcelone on connexion totale 😀👍🥰

Je t ai offert un livre « one connexion » de Kae Tempest

Patti tu l as eu ?

À la fin du concert de Barcelone j étais devant toi

J ai lancé le livre sur la scène

Merci 🙏❤️

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Sweet. Are you the Jesuit Priest I was looking for? I will be at the monastery in Lleida, Spain.

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I love these! Please also thank your band and crew for letting us have a glimpse of their lives and work too with such great humor and patience. These notes counteract so much of the negative going on now in our world, for me.💕💕

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the versailles of backstage areas !!!!! hahahahahaha thanks to all the crew!!

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Thanks for the behind the scenes at your shows. Awesome as usual.

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This was just so much fun! I am smiling cheek to cheek! Your joy and energy are palpable...happy summer solstice everyone xo

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Arte, admiración, respeto y amor por la música: lo que se puede aprender de la relación de Patti Smith y Bob Dylan

Ambos mantienen una amistad poderosa que habla de la grandeza de un modo de entender el arte musical y la belleza de la vida que no se ajusta a la actual lógica de los tiempos


Madrid - 20 JUN 2020 - 11:47actualizado: 20 JUN 2020 - 15:31 CEST

Art, admiration, respect and love of music: what can be learned from the relationship between Patti Smith and Bob Dylan

The two maintain a powerful friendship that speaks of the greatness of a way of understanding musical art and the beauty of life that does not conform to the current logic of the times.

Patti Smith y Bob Dylan se conocen desde 1975 y se puede afirmar que su amistad poderosa es un ejemplo de algo más grande que el mundo que habitamos diariamente. La grandeza, como una palabra que guarda todo su profundo significado y no como un cliché, es siempre compleja y, ya se sabe, que lo complejo suele ser reducido, ridiculizado e incluso vilipendiado en un mundo movido por el imperio del capital, la posverdad y el ruido de las redes sociales. Lo complejo es siempre enemigo de la ignorancia.

Patti Smith and Bob Dylan have known each other since 1975 and their powerful friendship is arguably an example of something greater than the world we inhabit on a daily basis. Greatness, as a word that holds all its deep meaning and not as a cliché, is always complex and, as we know, the complex is often reduced, ridiculed and even vilified in a world driven by the empire of capital, post-truth and the noise of social networks. The complex is always the enemy of ignorance.

Patti Smith acaba de ofrecer unos conciertos en España fabulosos, que nos recuerdan que su figura en el rock’n’roll también es algo más grande de lo que estamos acostumbrados a ver sobre un escenario. Conciertos en los que además recupera canciones de su amigo Bob, como esa sencilla y emotiva One Too Many Mornings, compuesta por un jovencísimo Dylan recién llegado a Nueva York a primeros de los años sesenta. Aquel Bob Dylan, que dejó todo en Minnesota para irse a conocer a un enfermo Woody Guthrie y empezar su carrera de músico en Greenwich Village, era el ejemplo que tuvo una jovencísima Patti Smith cuando dejó todo en Nueva Jersey y se fue a vivir también a Greenwich Village.

Patti Smith has just given some fabulous concerts in Spain, reminding us that her figure in rock'n'roll is also something bigger than what we are used to seeing on stage. Concerts in which he also recovers songs by his friend Bob, such as the simple and moving One Too Many Mornings, composed by a very young Dylan who had just arrived in New York in the early sixties. That Bob Dylan, who left everything in Minnesota to go and meet a sick Woody Guthrie and begin his career as a musician in Greenwich Village, was the example set by a very young Patti Smith when she left everything in New Jersey and also went to live in Greenwich Village.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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Thank you for sharing and wow! Beautiful back rooms and enough tea/ lemon slices and ginger for you to go play! Sending love ❤️

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Some serious lookin folk. I visited Barcelona a few years ago, and I found the tension between the Catalan and the Spanish tangible, with a certain sadness in the air.

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What fun to take this backstage tour with you!

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Just missed you in Barcelona. 😢. Maybe next time at the Bowery Ballroom

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So fun, enjoying these tour videos so much. 💗

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How about a book, but not a huge one, with backstage pictures from around Europe and maybe beyond. Think of all the ironing boards that would love to be included, to strut their stuff to readers . Anybody ever seen such a book? Maybe there is a publisher somewhere just drooling to bring out such an unusual book. Title? With Patti & Co. Backstage: True Stories.

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Your posts are just awesome and brighten my day. Thank you Patti for your generosity and kindness. XOXO

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Thanks for the tour Patti, that was fun.

I've heard many bands say that Spain was one of their favorite places to play, the audiences are so great. And their hospitality is renowned, the little practical touches like the ironing board is a good example.

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Why won’t videos play? Anyone else have this issue?

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Love these backstage tour videos 🌻🫶

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On tour with Patti Smith. Who knew. And we don’t even have to lug gear. Loving the tour diary, photos and your writings. 💕🎸💕 Your authenticity is something everyone should aspire to. Go Patti 🎶

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Omg! We have the same taste in food/ drink <3

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Again it is a real treat to see you in your element. The ironing board added a special touch. I feel like I have a backstage pass. I love your simplicity, and kindness. It must be great to travel here and there and hope is hoping that you also get even a few hours to be outside and see the people on the streets. Hugs from VA.

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Thanks Patti...that was cool.

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It is such fun ti see how many different ways ginger, lemons, and hot water can be presented…sometimes with a flair of Versaille!

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I'll have a cookie.

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Happy Father's Day to all the Dads on your tour. I just saw a video of your band playing Helter Skelter last night and it was great. Jackson looked like he was having so much fun, especially when he looked over at Lenny. When musicians play with such joy and passion, they spread that feeling to the audience. And I can't imagine what it was like to perform in that heat. Please let them know how fantastic it sounded.

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So cool 😍

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These videos are wonderful. I’m really enjoying them. Thank you Patti

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What a treat! Especially - “I guess I should brush my hair. Probably won’t.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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As a musician and the Mom of musicians and living in a house/studio full of them I totally understand why it's so important to know the mistakes, fowl ups and all are a vitally important ingredient in the mix (literally & figuratively). Common sense and a sense of humor are critically important as we "tramp through our troubled world." Music is Real and it simply cannot exist without our imperfect selves. The world either.

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Hey Patti, I loved that you noticed in the mirror that you probably should brush your hair, and then immediately said, "I probably won't." Since I retired last April, I have neglected to brush my hair on occasion...I probably should more than I do because it becomes a "rat's nest" (as my Mom used to call it when I was little, the snarls and tangles were the rats.) I usually keep it in a braid these days, or tied up in a bun. It's gotten so long, it drives me nuts tickling my face n' being in the way whenever it's down, it is frizzy curly hair, but I won't cut it ever again because the last time I did, it was 1992, I decided on a whim that I wanted to have a bob cut (I cut it myself since I had no money to go have it done right.) Of course, I regretted it right away and vowed "never again." So...the frizzy curls are growing longer and grayer and I'm happy about it. I'm loving the tour notes and back stage tours, take care, dear lady, you're an inspiration! Love & hugs

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Thank you Pattiiiiii!!!!!

Such a lively , lovely tour , as if we are following the group and you !!!!

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With these videos I can at least stay in touch with your wondeful trip throughout the tour. I’ve seen the concert in Brussels, and now I can enjoy the feeling of you and the guys working and performing everywhere around Europe. The after feeling of that concert I’ve seen now lasts so much longer. :-) Thank you so much. Please stay safe Ann’s enjoy this crazy wondeful world we live in.

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I don’t iron. Hahaha. Loving these tour insights, stay safe dear Patti & all the band & crew…one day I may see you 🤗❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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That is one cool photo..😻

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I have often similar thoughts about my hair 😂 and it's always end the same way. And it's always good to see the ironing board... I don't have one at home because I don't like ironing🙈 send much love💞 xx

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thanks for giving me strength & hope in these challenging times! lov'd the concert & the crowd! getting back to work! peace & love

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Your backstage tours are a gas, detailed, insightful & inclusive.

Thanks for sharing again. 🖤

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Patti, the reason you’re my idol - you said it: “I guess I should brush my hair”.😃 I wish you were coming to Florence, but Rome gets you this time. Have a great day!

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Thank you so much for sharing with us! Merci!

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Love these little backstage tours. So intimate! Stay safe!

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Texas has been so hot too!

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Thank you, Patti! What a beautiful venue. Really love seeing all the places you're visiting. That is such a great group picture . . . you all look awesome. Travel safe.

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Thanks for the tour Patti, love the ironing board.😺

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So great to get a glimpse of these venues behind the scenes. And what could be better than a Helter Skelter vibe coursing throughout. You are too kind to share the unique perspective, Patti. I’m sure all of those things leave a mark on the live performance and it’s something “we” never get to see. Thanks for sharing. Visually really cool!

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Thanks Patti, I love these tours! By the way, look for Manuel. He works at Fawlty Towers, but "he's from Barcelona"...

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Loved the tour, Spanish style is cool.

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Thank you for the 'backstage' tour. It is so nice to see the different venues and meet the crew that help the show go seamlessly. Everyone looks great! Stay safe!

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I love these backstage videos so much. What a lovely bunch of people you get to work with. You deserve to be surrounded by such people as you are such a lovely person too. Thank you for the joy you bring.

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G'day Patti, your right so many mirrors, love how the building has a old but modern touch and a iron board swirls in blue. Great update creative energy rocks ohh don't forget to drink water. Keep safe everyone 🙃☕🌈

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Very cool ✨✨✨

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Love your videos, they spread joy❤

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I love the old European flavor of this Barcelona backstage! You're so good at capturing great details about wherever you go or write about! Glad it was a good show. Thanks for your generosity, Patti!💖

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Your hair is perfect! Such an upper, seeing your setting, your lovely tribe, & you, generous Patti. Thanks for bringing us along on the tour. Have fun, keep well, everyone, & as you always say, “Bye…bye.”

❣️Lisa in the🌵

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Grand tour. Thank you and good luck💛💛💛💛💛

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What a crowd! I could feel it through the videos posted.

Congratulations on a fabulous tour! Back in your groove, what a gift to us and the world 🌎 ✨️ 💖 ❤️

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Love this! Thank you for this "glimpse".

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It’s so nice from you to “ backstage us” with you.... I really enjoy it.... and I am so happy because I got a ticket today for Stresa, also curious about the tecnoparco and Pier Paolo Pasolini’s energy there meeting you..... all the best and much love and strength for You, Jackson, Tony and Seb and all your people .... you are amazing❤️ thank you for your music, your poetry, your commitment to life, to us, to the world.... your are such a inspiration for me ... the best teaching I can get! Thank you!

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Thank you for the tour, Patti. It was wonderful seeing you, the band, and all of your crew. It sounds like Barcelona was awesome in spite of the heat and lateness of the hour. I’m happier than I can say for all of you.

Be well, Patti.

Until next time, gratitude and warmth to you,


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Love these tours of the dressing rooms!

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Thanks for the tour... you might like to know- Bob Dylan is playing out here in San Diego tonight!

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Very hip venue, love these tours, hair looks great - with gratitude and happy birthday Paul McCartney!

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Oh my goodness!

You are so generous sharing.

Love you!

And hope you come this way again soon.

East coast…usa

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On first glance at group photo I thought you were holding the holy grail! I’ve been awake too long!

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A very civilized practice, indeed!

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Just awesome! Glad the show was a point of connection. Who knew an ironing board would be as well!

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What a pleasure to see you Patti. You have incredible strength. You are wonderful 😍💙☕️❤️

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“I guess I should brush my hair. Probably won’t. Bye!”

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This is so fun! I hope to see an exhibit of your ironing board photos one day. :)

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Thanks for taking the time!

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Thank you! This is fun for us from afar!

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Capitan Mani actually translates to Captain Peanut! It's probably inspired by Mister Peanut--? Just in case you decide on ordering it in bulk when you return home from Spain! Ahhh language (!) always an interesting thing. :)

Love ya!

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Good to know! Often when I get offstage I have a peanut butter sandwich and black coffee. I find it very calming.

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Thanks, that was fun!

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You are amazing Patti. See you later in Vitoria!!

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Getting ready now. Can’t find my hairbrush.

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I have no words Patti. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Tonight was one of the best concerts of my life. I was floating all the time like in a cloud. You're awesome.

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Doesn't matter Patti!!! 🥰🥰🥰

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Hahaha please hairbrushes

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Loved the tour!!

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chapeau patty!!

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That was a great tour and love seeing the crew and bandmates. I hope they feel we're waving back in respect for having your back. Lub U Patti.

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I will tell them.

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Thank you for the back stage tour. Loved it, ironing board and all. Hope you guys all stayed cool during the gig. Can’t wait for the PMc music treat.

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Love your backstage videos. Thank you for inviting us into your life. xoxom

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Beautiful backstage venue! Love these tours❤️

Don’t brush your hair! I love it🎶🎸

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I'm loving the backstage scenes videos! Also, beautiful portrait of the band. Wonderful to see Jay there with you, too.

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Wow, it really is the Versailles of all dressing rooms, an ironing board, too. Thanks for the tour. You and everybody looks healthy. Keep on the sunny side through this troubled world. Keep the love going. Always good to see you and your view pop in to our lives! Keep the magic going~**~

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Ironing Boards... OMG I used to iron my hair straight in the 60s, then dropped acid and that was the end of that! Irons and girdles, out the window. THANK YOU PATTI -- Backstage in Barcelona. And the love and energy in the crowds and you and the band. Wow. How incredibly wonderful to have these experiences. While you were on stage, I was with my mama going over family history of the Ximenes/Chimenes -- Jews ousted to France -- we lost our name in Spain and had to take the grand inquisitor's name Ximenes before we got to France where it changed to Chimenes. We were studying as Eric and I are about to head out for 7 weeks, part of them in Barcelona going about researching ancestry. So thank you for this tour. Please keep sharing your videos of everyday life. What a wonderful way to wake up in the morning. Love Linda

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Love the backstage tours...looking forward to more! Hope you're getting some rest since you're working so late x

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Such a beautiful venue. I see the yellow umbrella chair in which your presents sit (I've one in our attic as my children had given a thorough romping to that handed down relic from my own childhood, now in dire need of these hands to stich new cloth). You endear us so. Thank you for the tour and lovely chandeliers Patti please be well and safe 💞 Your inherent joy transports us and washes away the mind blues to iron in strength. Love and peace all together now

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What a fun 'tour' - especially love "Helter Skelter" my fave, playing in the background! Hope you had a marvelous show! Thanks for your generosity, Patti! xoxo

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I love this backstage tour Patti!

Thank you!!

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Thank you, Patti! Love the throne chair. Very fitting for a queen of rock and roll. Stay cool!

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Happy 80th super amazing birthday wishes to Sir Paul McCartney

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I stopped loving you well before 64, but happy birthday!

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Fabulous!! I just loved this little tour of your Barcelona backstage!! What an amazing crew you have too! Thank you for sharing all of this with us!

Patty ironing boards rock I have one as well and that “brush my hair maybe .. maybe I won’t!”

Love you giant hugs!

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I saw the Barcelona crowd video. WOW!! What energy there. Hope you are not too much affected by the heat wave. Love your backstage tours. Today is Saturday. Happy Birthday to Paul and continued good tour vibes for you, Patti! Thanks for everything.

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Last comment endeared you to me even more. " I should brush my hair, but....

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So true! Apologize for reuse of word endear in my comment, hadn't read yours yet! Punk on, our names! X

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Such a fun video. Loved the ironing board. So glad there were foul ups. Perfection is boring.

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Versailles !!! You are the queen of the place ! Love ❤️

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LOVING these backstage tours. Seeing things we never get to see is fun.

Great idea, thankyou

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Thanks so much for doing this it is so awesome to watch these videos.

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Thank you so much,Patti! This was an awesome tour!

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Your hair comment cracked me up and I love the way you always say bye more than once. xo

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These back stage tours are the best. Take care.

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More backstage Patti! Of course we want to see the chandeliers and where you hang out before the show. Stay well! Thank you for sharing!

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I loved that Patti!!! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!!! Stay well and safe you guys…

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the show was beautiful, patti! hope you and everyone had a great time here. btw, those ensaïmadas at the table… i think i would eat them all.

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What fun to see where you are-- thanks for these little tours, Patti Smith.

I'm just finishing re-reading M Train yet imagine I'll want to read it yet again sometime. And maybe sometime I'll make a list of books to which you were drawn as a kid. For some reason, the only ones which really stick in my head are Little Women and Uncle Wiggily. And there were your mom's childhood books, too, I think-- Daddy Long-Legs and some others.

I'm rambling.

Have a fun, safe trip and thank you for using your voice for good power in the world!

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Merci Patti

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Thanks for the great tour!

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I really enjoyed that 🥰

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I LOVE the backstage tour videos!!!!

Keep ‘em comin’…

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It’s unbelievably refreshing to see a backstage area that looks so healthy and sane! Would love to get a post-show tour next time! :)

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I love seeing your dressing rooms. Each one looks so unique. Sure wish I could see the Barcelona concert. Thanks again for sharing.

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Helter Skelter and an ironing board! Who could ask for anything more? Thanks for sharing your time with us again, Patti. Love the backstage tours. It must be unbelievably draining on stage when it's a hundred degrees. Climate change is so harrowing. Stay safe and keep cool!!! Though all your interludes with us confirm that you're one of the coolest people on the planet.

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Hi Jim, I like reading you. Have almost recovered from Covid 🙏 Thanks for your kind message and advice during this period.

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I was just thinking about you this morning so it's wonderful to hear from you. Great to know that you're recovering. I hope it wasn't too bad. Thanks for your kind words. Take good care.

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so fun. happy touring to all of you!

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Thank you Pattie for sharing. Spanish lemons look so good…

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Thanks for sharing this backstage footage, love you, you amazing gal!

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Really love the little tours and please take care of yourself in the heat! We need a better name than "substackers", just saying...

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I love your little backstage tours Patti ! Thank you and thank you too for the much needed positive energy ! Have a great night …..Happy Birthday Sir Paul McCartney ! 🎶🎸

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Dividers folding chairs Victorian fluffy furniture and bleachers🎶💕

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Barcelona is my favorite European city. Wish I could have been there for your concert. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks so much. I love that you are so generous with your time and do these backstage tours for us, ironing boards included. It's great fun to see behind the scenes.

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so much fun to see the dressing rooms and backstage. thanks for this!

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the setlist was on 🔥 and you looked to be really happy. one of my biggest friends from brazil attended to this concert, in the front row. it was her first time seeing y’all playing live (she wasn’t able to do that when you guys came to popload festival ‘19, in são paulo). she told me just after that the sensation was the same as meeting good and old friends. people that may she knew from other lives. even though i’m miles away from barcelona, i’m grateful for that.

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This is so much fun(!!!) -- a guided tour of backstage at your Barcelona venue. It's also refreshing to see that you're not one of those "artistes" who insists on a roomful of white only peonies and buckets of M & M's with all the blue ones picked out...

Looking forward to the rest of your tour. XXXX

As others have said: stay hydrated. Europe is heading into a heat wave...

"Sorchcio" as "they" say on The Fast Show.

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Rock n’roll Versailles atmosphere !

Are you looking for Louis XIV ? 😉

Thanks for this nice visit and hello !

We are really lucky people 🌿🌿🍀🍀

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I was last in Barcelona on 10/8/19, for my birthday. The first time, it felt like home. The second, I felt like an unwelcome tourist. I bet you rarely see that side of it, but the graffiti doesn’t like us much. :-) Have fun!

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Oh, and I love the ironing boards. You should post a series on your insta!

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Patti, I agree with @Leslie Fuquinay Miller and others about chronicling the shared Michael Stipe Ironing Boards... so Beautiful Patti, a sweet glimpse into friendship and necessity and your reverence of both. (as if your plate isn’t already full!)

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Among other things, I’m inspired by the ironing board and your drummer’s stylist.

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You’re the sweetest! Am I crazy in thinking that Lenny wasn’t on the first couple shows!?

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Lenny is always with the full band! He just wasn't backstage. The quartet is a different configuration, which features Tony, Seb Rockford and Jackson.

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Ahh cool! It’s the first time I’ve heard about the quartet❤️ Have fun and have good shows.

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Great tour. I especially love your clothing rack. One jacket😂

Have a wonderful concert but please stay healthy with all that heat. Drink lots of water🎶🌹🖤

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I love seeing backstage(s), thank you!

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a fabulous backstage story tour... and the chandeliers and ironing boards are familiar and comforting, especially with you as illustrious guide. thank you for an exquisite slice of a day in the life 🌏

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Hi there Patti. What a nice video. Nice beautiful people you have round you too. Love you'll celebrate Macca. Actually, I think his birthday is today. Enjoy your stay and kick A...

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I remember the venue well. A great place for an evening show

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