
Wow, Patti, that was such a fun and incredible tour! I'm sure everyone loved you guys - wish I was there!

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It's wonderful to see so many bright and genuine smiles. I feel the swell of excitement seeing the backstage happenings.

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Yeah it's great! Thanks so much PattiπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸŒž

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Seeing these venues through your eyes is so much fun

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J y Γ©tais Γ  Barcelone on connexion totale πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ₯°

Je t ai offert un livre « one connexion » de Kae Tempest

Patti tu l as eu ?

Γ€ la fin du concert de Barcelone j Γ©tais devant toi

J ai lancé le livre sur la scène

Merci πŸ™β€οΈ

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Sweet. Are you the Jesuit Priest I was looking for? I will be at the monastery in Lleida, Spain.

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I love these! Please also thank your band and crew for letting us have a glimpse of their lives and work too with such great humor and patience. These notes counteract so much of the negative going on now in our world, for me.πŸ’•πŸ’•

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the versailles of backstage areas !!!!! hahahahahaha thanks to all the crew!!

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Thanks for the behind the scenes at your shows. Awesome as usual.

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This was just so much fun! I am smiling cheek to cheek! Your joy and energy are palpable...happy summer solstice everyone xo

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Arte, admiraciΓ³n, respeto y amor por la mΓΊsica: lo que se puede aprender de la relaciΓ³n de Patti Smith y Bob Dylan

Ambos mantienen una amistad poderosa que habla de la grandeza de un modo de entender el arte musical y la belleza de la vida que no se ajusta a la actual lΓ³gica de los tiempos


Madrid - 20 JUN 2020 - 11:47actualizado: 20 JUN 2020 - 15:31 CEST

Art, admiration, respect and love of music: what can be learned from the relationship between Patti Smith and Bob Dylan

The two maintain a powerful friendship that speaks of the greatness of a way of understanding musical art and the beauty of life that does not conform to the current logic of the times.

Patti Smith y Bob Dylan se conocen desde 1975 y se puede afirmar que su amistad poderosa es un ejemplo de algo mΓ‘s grande que el mundo que habitamos diariamente. La grandeza, como una palabra que guarda todo su profundo significado y no como un clichΓ©, es siempre compleja y, ya se sabe, que lo complejo suele ser reducido, ridiculizado e incluso vilipendiado en un mundo movido por el imperio del capital, la posverdad y el ruido de las redes sociales. Lo complejo es siempre enemigo de la ignorancia.

Patti Smith and Bob Dylan have known each other since 1975 and their powerful friendship is arguably an example of something greater than the world we inhabit on a daily basis. Greatness, as a word that holds all its deep meaning and not as a clichΓ©, is always complex and, as we know, the complex is often reduced, ridiculed and even vilified in a world driven by the empire of capital, post-truth and the noise of social networks. The complex is always the enemy of ignorance.

Patti Smith acaba de ofrecer unos conciertos en EspaΓ±a fabulosos, que nos recuerdan que su figura en el rock’n’roll tambiΓ©n es algo mΓ‘s grande de lo que estamos acostumbrados a ver sobre un escenario. Conciertos en los que ademΓ‘s recupera canciones de su amigo Bob, como esa sencilla y emotiva One Too Many Mornings, compuesta por un jovencΓ­simo Dylan reciΓ©n llegado a Nueva York a primeros de los aΓ±os sesenta. Aquel Bob Dylan, que dejΓ³ todo en Minnesota para irse a conocer a un enfermo Woody Guthrie y empezar su carrera de mΓΊsico en Greenwich Village, era el ejemplo que tuvo una jovencΓ­sima Patti Smith cuando dejΓ³ todo en Nueva Jersey y se fue a vivir tambiΓ©n a Greenwich Village.

Patti Smith has just given some fabulous concerts in Spain, reminding us that her figure in rock'n'roll is also something bigger than what we are used to seeing on stage. Concerts in which he also recovers songs by his friend Bob, such as the simple and moving One Too Many Mornings, composed by a very young Dylan who had just arrived in New York in the early sixties. That Bob Dylan, who left everything in Minnesota to go and meet a sick Woody Guthrie and begin his career as a musician in Greenwich Village, was the example set by a very young Patti Smith when she left everything in New Jersey and also went to live in Greenwich Village.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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Thank you for sharing and wow! Beautiful back rooms and enough tea/ lemon slices and ginger for you to go play! Sending love ❀️

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Some serious lookin folk. I visited Barcelona a few years ago, and I found the tension between the Catalan and the Spanish tangible, with a certain sadness in the air.

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What fun to take this backstage tour with you!

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Just missed you in Barcelona. 😒. Maybe next time at the Bowery Ballroom

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