I wait until the door is closed, phone is quiet, windows barely open, I pour myself a coffee, climb into my big comfy brown velvet armchair, off the music and press play on my Patti Smith message of the week. Its church. Regardless of what you do in these few minutes as I listen I grow, learn, and get inspired. Thank you
I wait until the door is closed, phone is quiet, windows barely open, I pour myself a coffee, climb into my big comfy brown velvet armchair, off the music and press play on my Patti Smith message of the week. Its church. Regardless of what you do in these few minutes as I listen I grow, learn, and get inspired. Thank you
I wait until the door is closed, phone is quiet, windows barely open, I pour myself a coffee, climb into my big comfy brown velvet armchair, off the music and press play on my Patti Smith message of the week. Its church. Regardless of what you do in these few minutes as I listen I grow, learn, and get inspired. Thank you