
April Fool's Message

Spoiler Alert: It goes on too long

Discussion about this video

Remember to tell us the Gogol story! I usually listen to your messages as soon as I see them in my e-mail, in the morning, and they always bring me joy and hope. This time, though, I forgot to watch it, but this way I can remind you to tell us that story. Hope you are well and enjoying every bit of your European tour. Thank you!

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Love the poetry readings and your literary recommendations. We relax listening to you in the evenings and enjoy whatever you feel moved to share. Glad you will be with us another year.

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Patti, this year has been very challenging for me. Thank you for being my voice.

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Thanks Patti. It was fun to come and enjoy this adventure. May it continue!

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Thanks Patti, that was great. Just catching up as visiting friends os. Have signed up of my friends to substack and they are absolutely delighted. I love the mix of things you post and the readings from your favourite writers..... adding to my ever expanding reading list. Thanks for sharing, I love it 💚

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i was saving this message to listen to/watch for a few days now and i am so pleased i did...dearest patti, every single thing you post i honestly gobble up...your personal stories, the songs!, the poetry, mini history lessons, glimpses of cairo, and on and on...hearing your voice soothes me so and i can't wait for this year w you...with deep gratitude and peace---lisa from clinton hill bklyn (i'm just a couple blocks away from your and robert's digs on hall street)

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it's been a great year, thank you, patti. what i admire about you is your work, work ethic, humility, and willingness to share your humanity. thank you for that. and i loved that we could hear cairo's purring in this video.

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Thank you Patti -so happy to have another year with you on Substack...It has been wonderful listening to your readings, songs and general conversations. Also enjoying the mischievious Cairo! It is also nice seeing the comments from subscribers.

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Happy Anniversary Patti! So lucky to have you here in my life, with you sharing so much of your intimacy and love for books and music.

I would also like to suggest that you talk more about your travels. I love that your books are also travel books! I have sketched in my mind a tour in Paris with only your special places of the city, like the statue of Jean Arc, Pere Lachaise cemetery etc. And I am travelling to Paris tomorrow, so you will be there with me as well. Take care!

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That was fun. Happy Anniversary Patti. To us!

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Your the brightest light of my night, shine on sister

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April Fool was always my favorite track on Banga. It’s more special now that I know the backstory of the rusted bike and all. Happy Anniversary! I have some catching up to do as a new subscriber. I can’t believe we get to be here with you on such informal yet magical terms. Oh, and Cairo, too. Bonus!

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Love this post and it wasn’t stupid. Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s all wonderful. Happy Belated Anniversary to your Substack! ❤️

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I love most of all that you share your daily life with us... The fact that you talk about your feelings and thoughts...is really nice because you were always in my life and when listening and watching you, I have the illusion/sensation to be part of your life too...grazie

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Hey Patti, I love your rambles, it's so sweet to feel so connected to you, an artist who's helped me stay connected.

I love hearing about what goes into your lyrics, where it comes from, I love the Patti Guide to Literature and your readings of other writers. I'm doing a crazy MA called the Poetics of Imagination, at Dartington Art-school, UK, and you're actually like an auxiliary tutor, hehe.

I also love your storytelling, remember to tell us about Gogol and Buls resting place!

Thank you 💫

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Happy anniversary Patti! I would love to hear the behind the stories of your songs. Thank you again and yay for the another year!

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Yay, I have become a subscriber on your first anniversary. I’m fascinated by dates also but don’t have your memory for them.

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Have a wonder creative week Patti ☕🌈☕

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Thanks Patti. Happy anniversary! Glad you are hear and I always enjoy whatever you decided to talk or sing about. Stay well.

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Hi Patti! I remember your previous April Fools substack post from last year; that's when I ordered myself the very same biography of Gogol. Today I just ordered Dead Souls and cannot wait to read it! I am wondering if Joy Division was referencing the book in their song "Dead Souls". Anyways, thank you so much for your year's worth of posts. They brighten my day and make me smile.

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Happy Anniversary Patti! I started subscribing almost from the start, but didn't become a paid subscriber until last fall - and I am so glad I did! I will certainly resubscribe again (and again)...I love seeing an email from you in my box. It is my manna, whether it is a song, a chapter of The Melting, book suggestions , or just something about your life, a memory, or your day. My favorite job of all time was when I managed an independent bookstore (here in little Delaware), I was so sad when it closed and so I just love hearing about the books you are reading or have read (Thanks for the mentioning of Nabokov's book on Gogol, I found a copy on my favorite online used bookstore!). Keep up the wonderful work, Patti, and I will keep reading and listening.

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Apologies, but on an earlier post I mentioned the show at the Fillmore in San Francisco with Michael Stipe, and your Birthday(it was not your 70th but your 69th). And, as I reflect back, it was a show commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Horses album. You and the band summoned the spirit of that album so impeccably that it transcended time and space. Now that I think about it, I remember Michael saying to the audience, “Who bought the Horses album back in 1975?” and so many people raised their hands, and although there were many people of that generation, there were so many more age groups present that iconic evening. The people of many generations were celebrating together that great night. Sorry, but time got warped. It was 2015, not 2016. Oh, and Happy Substack Anniversary!*~~*

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Congrats on the one year anniversary on your substack sanctuary. Learning and laughing in “real” time with you has been a delight. I am fond of all segments but look forward to the “what books are on my nightstand” segments. And oh my, The Melting!

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Wow, a year has gone by. I really enjoy being in the moment with you, listening to thoughts, singing and readings. Come

as you are. 🙏🏾😊

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Happy Anniversary Patti. I’m a relatively new subscriber so don’t have any suggestions for new things. Keep doing what you’re doing. It brightens my day in so many ways.

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Happy anniversary! So happy you’re continuing for another year 😊 Love all your posts. Sometimes I have a few to watch all on one go. Looking forward to another year, thank you 🙏

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That wasn't 'really stupid' as you say !! It was so lovely. Happy Anniversary to you Patti. I am catching up on your posts. I have been learning how to do graphic design and my brain hurts! But it is good to keep the cogs turning and stop the 'rust' setting in x

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Happy Anniversary, Patti, and thank you for such a wonderful journey getting to know you better. It is a delight to share this time with you. You don't have to do anything different as far as I'm concerned; I love that sometimes you sing, sometimes you read, sometimes you share a personal story, and sometimes you figure out what new devilment is plaguing your computer. Makes me happy. Thank you, thank you!

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I love your bedtime stories and hearing about what you are reading. I am reminding you to tell us the story of Bulgakov and Gogol’s resting place. And, I know this sounds weird, but I would love to have you talk to us sometime while you sweep the floor or make coffee or some little domestic chore. I loved in Sebring’s film Dream of Life, how you would talk while painting or while sorting through items in your home. Your substack has been a wonderful gift this year. My husband got it for me as a gift. We celebrated our 29th anniversary this April Fool’s. The year we got married, our friends and family didn’t believe us for 2 weeks after we married at the Justice of the Peace. They thought we were foolin’ them.

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Every week I remain amazed that you are here talking to us about the weather and what you are reading and we get to watch one of your cats take flying leaps onto your lap. I imagine it might feel awkward but I personally love the unscripted just saying hi because that feels the most surreal - if I told 15 year old me I’d be watching you talk to us sitting at your desk I would have plotzed. Also I love seeing your little shrines and always appreciate getting to peek at your bookshelves. And I need an entirely separate reading list for your recommendations. I love so much that you care so much about doing the best job for us when you could literally roll up every time with a kazoo and the yellow pages and we’d be thrilled.

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Patti, you’re incredible! I’ve been listening here almost everyday when I’m in bed, to dial down my busy mind and it’s always so calming and cozy. Thank you, thank you <3

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Thank you so much Patti! Happy Anniversary! I love listening to your voice, your reading poetry that I haven't thought about in years, and the bits of songs. The anecdotes, present and past, and of course Cairo reclaiming your attention, it's all wonderful. I'm planning to catch up on the Melting soon...

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Happy April, Patti! Thank you for the reading, the singing, the musing ❤️

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Happy anniversary to us, dearest Patti

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I would love to subscribe to Cairo's Substack also. Good kitty.

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Happy Anniversary Patti!! I listen to and love all of your posts even though I am not a paid subscriber. Whether it's a poem or a song that you do, I love all of it. I didn't realize before now that I could write to you so I am so happy to hear that you read all the comments. My daughter and I are loyal fans and a few years ago she was in NY in the village and was in line behind you in a deli. She said hello to you and told you that your mother and her grandmother have the same birthday, March 19 th. Then as you were leaving you said to her- "tell your Mom I said hi." When she came home( Montreal)and told me she had seen you and what you said, I didn't believe her!! I said " yeah yeah of course she did!" After much convincing on her part I finally did!

Anyway, I was thrilled, and every March 19 I think of my mother( her name was Nell ) and your mother and it's very nice to think of us both celebrating our mom's birthdays at the same time. Sorry for such a long comment:) Thank you so much for your posts- they always make me feel good and have been such comfort through this crazy pandemic time. All the best, Sue

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Patti, I'm reading Chagall's autobiography "My Life." He was friends with Apollinaire and describes him lovingly.

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Happy Anniversary Patti!

I enjoyed every second of your posts this year so as far as i am concerned you don't need to change anything.

You are a Lovely Treasure and i look forward to another wonderful year.

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Keep on keeping on with all of your delightful and soulful stories/songs. Yeah, talk about anything you want. Saw you at the Fillmore on your 70th Bday in San Francisco with Michael Stipe, and then your daughter, Jesse, presenting a pretty cake to you. Great show! I am sure it would be fun to hear you ruminate about your time in SF—the concerts, the people. Anyway, we are all enjoying be with you with open ears and hearts! Hope to see you in the near future*~~*

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I've been so happy for the year of you!

Congratulations 🎊 👏

Enjoying every post!

I am the happy April fool!! Xo ☺️

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happy substackversary Patti Smith!

Your late night rambling messages & readings & jokes and dealing with Cairo bring me joy. Your photographs too, I love to see your pictures.

The Meltings are so packed with musings that I give myself space between my reading them. The Melting brings me to a headspace like watching all of the gears moving in a clock without knowing how they work, observing with awe and curiosity as you lead the reader through your ideas and their connections. I look forward to those.

Other subscribers asked for more stories about your Mom and Dad and your-day-to-day happenings in NYC. I agree I would love to hear more about both. I love your image of your dad as the humble intelligent guy who liked to feed the birds.


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Happy Anniversary 🎂

Banga is a wonderful album. Can't wait for the next one 😉


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Happy anniversary! I have been meaning to download SS for some time to catch up on your work. Turns out the universe wanted me to subscribe on your anniversary. So here’s to another year! Thank you, Miss Patti!

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That was great! I really love all your readings, sometimes I don’t understand all the words being Italian German speaking, so I look them up and learn even more English. I love the music sessions a lot! ( could be even more often). Would also be interested to see more of your visual art, your drawings ecc…. But the most I enjoy is just as you are, at night with your voice, with Cairo… sharing what’s in your mind with all your heart…. This is priceless for me, a real treasure. I am so happy to be part of this journey together… all together…. ( I wonder if I get a notice when to sign up for a other year! ) happy one year Substack ❤️Thank you for all the sharing !!!

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Your voice soothes

like a warm wintery soup

after twisted wind

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Nutball genius! Not a bit of it “stupid.” Kudos on the one-year anniversary. The substacking such an extraordinary sharing. Thank you, Patti.

That admirers of an artist have the ability for such intimate connecting. Anyone tuning in so fortunate, indeed. The wonderful frankness. The humour. The smiles and the laughter. The inspirations.

Any student of music, of literature, of art, the creative process… aesthetics, has all the material they could ever need: launching a thousand theses this past year, for any single curious, inquisitive listener. With wide distribution, what a formidably rich resource this is.

And beyond the possible support for scholarship: this tuning-in is very often a true highlight of my day.

Thank you Patti.

Going on, way way too long, ending with this. On the theme of anniversary: perhaps once in a while you might look at the calendar and choose the anniversary of a concert you played (or attended) on that day. Mention anything particularly memorable about that event or show, the day or events leading up, or subsequent. More about the art of music, or life of the artist, in process, in those moments.

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dear Patti

I dont know English. but it's a pleasure to listen to you. Greetings from Konya.

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Patti would you consider reading Sunday Morning


some Sunday morning or Saturday night. Thank you.

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I would like to see more of your visual work. The 100 Cities series was too short! Thank you. Looking forward to another year.

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Happy 1st Anniversary Patti! It's wonderful that you have signed up for another year. It's so heartwarming to know that you will continue to share your thoughts and stories with us. I absolutely love all that you do and Cairo is a comforting presence too. I have two cats and enjoyed hearing your story of the guy who helped, when you were taking out the trash, such a lovely gesture. This is the first time I've sent a message, don't really know why it's taken me so long. It's amazing that you are able to read everyone's comments, thank you for taking the time. You are a great blessing to all. Sending warmest wishes and much gratitude.

Jane 🌻

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Happy Anniversary Patti! Thank you for all of the wonderful posts – being read to, in particular, has been a source of absolute joy for me! Looking forward very much to what the next year will bring!

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Thankyou for a year of smiles, new learning about poets, writers and musicians. You have been an inspiration and a lovely diversion during never ending ever changing Australian lcovid lockdowns and restrictions. I would love more of everything, including Cairo's fun appearances and maybe some little stories or vignettes of your day to day life in New York. Thankyou Patti

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Happy One Year Anniversary Patti! My husband just bought me a substack subscription for my 65th birthday which is coming up this week! Really love hearing and seeing all your posts and of course seeing Cairo pop up now and again. Don't change a thing! I love hearing your songs and your nightly readings. They are priceless and I am such a huge fan of yours! Thank you! Barb B, (written under S Jersky's e-mail account)

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Happy Anniversary Patti. Just be you sweetheart. Much love to you and Cairo...from me , Ed The Cat and Millie Cat. X

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and another thing... re: suggestions about things you could share... a tour of your apartment?

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i could cancel my cable and 'survive' on your substack! THANK YOU! When you say 'Goes on too long' in your spoiler alert, i say go ON .... and ON! Your film and writer recommendations are priceless. Boop' to Cairo :-) and PS: don't forget to post about Golgov and Bulgakov's resting place.

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Happy Anniversary Patti and Cairo! I love everything you do here. You voice is such a gift and I love listening to you read to us. I enjoy your posts so much and Loved the song! Thank you! 💖

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I'm new here, Patti ... exactly one year late, but eager to catch up 📚📝💬🎶

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Hi Patti - Happy Anniversary! I love your Substack. From The Melting, your readings, songs, books on your table, to Cairo's hijinks. You always make it special. Here's to the next year! 🌹

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I have enjoyed every second of your posts for the past year.

I was born in April and have proudly been an April fool all my life.

I would love to hear more stories about your parents. They must have been extraordinary people to have influenced you and in turn that influence has passed down the line to your extraordinary children.

I consider myself as one of your every “buddies “ what a privilege that is. Thank you.

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Hello Patti, Thank you for your April Fool song and chat. I love hearing about books you're reading. I've just looked up Nabokov's Gogol. It brightens my night.

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Read to us at night! Or even in the morning!

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You bring so much love to this world through the clouds of the Internet.May you be blessed with many more good mornings. xxx

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Patti, I so enjoy you talks about your favorite poets, artists, writers, etc. Thank you! And I love hearing Cairo purring:)

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I truly admire you! Your talent, creativity and basic goodness is such a gift which you are kindly sharing with so many people.

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I don’t know how you do it. You must possess divine grace. Your kindness is unmatched. Thank you for your gifts!

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I love everything about this… our/your Substack journey! It’s wonderful in every way to be here dear Patti 💕💕 I’ve read many of the comments … (your messages) …. and EVERYone agrees!! 🥰👍We love and appreciate your authentic self, your immense creative talent, your literary knowledge and willingness to share all this with us here. Did I mention your sense of humour?? 😉Cairo too😻 …and you are just so sweet and amazing! You inspire us to keep going, to stay calm and to be gracious and grateful in our own lives. We love you for coming into our lives … on Substack. Happy anniversary and long may it continue! 💕💕

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Happy anniversary and thank you! I love when you discuss books and read poems in the evening, and of course singing songs. And I love Cairo’s mischief!

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I just wanted to say, I live-streamed Benefit for Ukraine a couple of weeks ago and loved your performance in that concert. I also thought Gogol Bordello were hilarious, first time I saw them, very good and infectiously danceable gypsy-punk. Eugene’s lyrics and singing are a force to be reckoned with.

I have yet to read Gogol himself, it’s interesting that his birthday anniversary is April 1 (yesterday in the UK). Ukraine and Russia seem to have a close cultural bond despite being in conflict. I hope Benefit for Ukraine resulted in good fundraising for the humanitarian effort.

I am glad you signed up again with Substack. About the content in your videos, I would like to see you discuss in more depth some more of the current inspirations of your writing. I have just started writing poetry and songs. It’s good to see what inspires people. I enjoyed your talk today. Thanks again, Jasmine 🦋

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Happy Substack-Birthday Patti,

Happy Substack-Birthday Cairo,

So no April Fool here, the party is on our side, with a wonderful host (or two?) for another year. Yeah! Thank you very much.

I can't really think of any preferences, even within your different Substack categories, they intersect, there is permanent mutation, surprises.

Today's post is just another smart example of this blend.

Thanks for creating a very natural, spontaneous and caring space. You make it human.

I am so glad I found it, by coincidence, shortly after thinking aloud with a dear friend "we need more food" and wishing for a regular gathering of this kind as we were "leaving" a concert/poetry reading by Tucker Zimmerman in a small blues bar, a meeting attended by all generations, all hungry.

And now we are embarking for another year here.

I am amazed how prolific you are.

I kept my ears wide open on the radio all day for "April Fool", and here it is...!

PS: "Banga" is a magnificently varied album.

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Happy Anniversary Dear Patti! I love the intimacy of your messages including the Cairo appearances and contributions. I’ve been with you since the beginning and really enjoy the splendid mix of songs, poems and readings. It’s especially inspiring and poignant to hear you sing snippets of songs ‘live’ and then click to the ‘official’ recording you provided from years gone by. Keep it up, my dear friend! ♥️👏🏻

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that wasn't stupid at all Patti - these messages are wonderful and i look forward to seeing them, even if get them the day after here in New Zealand. you & your music are so inspirational and every little story you tell on here and obscure book you mention is so interesting. (hello to Cairo too)

eleven minutes is in no way too long, your voice is so comforting

besides, there are twenty minute Grateful Dead songs that are still interesting

looking forward to getting The Melting as a book - i joined halfway thru the year and it makes little sense to me cos I missed the start, tho' it is very poetic and atmospheric

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Thank you so much Patti, love your readings, they would be fine for me. Happy anniversary, luv you lots. 🤗❤️🖤

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Happy 1st year anniversary! As long as you are here, so will I be. Reading the other comments, there are so many good ideas and this "room" is full of love and inspiration! Thank you!

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I would love to here more stories from CBGB, Chelsea hotel, hear about all the musicians and how it was to be a leader of a band at that time- you have seen so much and met so many and you seem to have a thousand stories inside of you🤗🤗

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Thanks so much Patti! I love your intriguing, mysterious journey on the Melting. I love hearing the history, the warp and weave of your own journeys and explorations. I also love it that when you talk about a song , you post it. Rudolf Steiner created a "Calendar for the Soul" and I love how you thread your narrative between past and present to give us a magic carpet ride.

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I love the book tips you give us and the readings and songs you offer. The Melting's stories are also something I enjoy immensely, they are a break during which I can immerse myself in your unique stories. So more stories, sung, written, advised, and/or read, or in other forms, again and again ! Anyway, I will be happy to discover any new experience. Thank you for everything you do, for being who you are, a beautiful and inspiring person.

And happy birthday !

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Patti, my best friend, whom is also a subscriber, just had a conversation the other day and we both said we would be happy even if Patti just told us what she did all day, how many cups of coffee she drank and what she ate and read. Silly huh? 🤪 but we love you!

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What did you do today? The little story about the person helping with the trash...all the little bits in M Train that are just so perfectly human and you. Love everything you have posted. Here I am way out in New Mexico, so far from NYC. You bring people together. You bring the world together. We need this magic. ❤️

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Hi Patti, I just want to tell you how much I love your work, both writing and music. And I enjoy so much watching the more casual side of you on Substack. Your work has been and continues to be a creative inspiration to me. I’m not a writer but a designer and at one time a fledgling musician in my younger days. I’m 61 now and focusing mainly on my photography these days.

Because of you and a few other artists I have found Substack and am enjoying this platform very much. I hope you keep posting here for a long time to come. Take care

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I love your intro. And you don’t have to come over and cook dinner. I have left overs. We’ll heat them up together 🤡😜

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Happy Anniversary, and thank you! Glad you spoke about the genius of Gogol!

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Just your presence your voice your observant & curious Be-ing brings a sense of secure peace & tranquility into my “room”. Since I too am a Cat Woman would love to see & hear the backstory of Cairo… the One who knows how to turn the knob off or on. Our feline fur babies are mystical self-possessed Magis from another Galaxy. Congratulations to another year on the Substack Train. Gratitude From one of your loyal passengers…

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I love when you read and sing to us. Also, I can never get enough of Cairo! More Cairo!! 😺

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I treasure your poetry and literature selections - the excerpt from Woolf’s The Waves you read recently has lingered in my mind

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Hello Patti, Banga is my favorite album of yours--truly!--so thanks for posting your song 'April Fool'. Secondly, since you enjoy sharing reminiscences from your life, perhaps you can share some favorite stories about Bob Dylan. Keep on ripening!

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I wait until the door is closed, phone is quiet, windows barely open, I pour myself a coffee, climb into my big comfy brown velvet armchair, off the music and press play on my Patti Smith message of the week. Its church. Regardless of what you do in these few minutes as I listen I grow, learn, and get inspired. Thank you

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Patti, Thank you for each and every post. Anything you do is delightful. Love the book recommendations, readings, and your stories. Just keep being you!

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Patti, I could not love you more! Here you are (and you have mastered so many worlds) singing to us from behind a (way overdue library?) book. Amazing. I am definitely here for the book recommendations. I feel like you see into my soul. I am right this minute reading Philosophy for Poor Explorers, and just ordered Nabokov's Gogol. (For some reason I thought you said Dostoyevsky's Gogol, which I couldn't find anywhere, but I think I have it straight now.) Thank you for a wonderful year. I am re-subscribing for sure.

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Dear Patti, Thank you for your messages, songs, creativity and inspiration. It’s easy to feel insignificant as we age and the battle that goes on in our minds. Your stories and readings are new to me. I am grateful for the knowledge and my 1st year anniversary as a subscriber. Happy Anniversary to you Patti! I look forward to another year. What I really enjoy is your sense of humor and demeanor. It’s terrific.

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Darling Patti, happy anniversary to you. Please don't change a thing with your substack - I think it is perfect as it is. I love it when you chat to us, read to us, sing to us, tell us about Cairo, educate us about poetry.... Honestly, every time I listen to you you make me smile and, for a little while, I stop fretting about the world and all the madness out there. Your wonderful voice had meant so much to me some I first heard it in 1976 and your worths and music have been ever present since then so to find this substack community, especially at this time, had been a blessing. This feels like an intimate little space where I can get to hang out with you and other subscribers - it's just delightful 💕 ♥ 💕

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The world needs more Patti. Every time she starts a video and says "Hello everybody..." I already feel comforted.

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Patti, you have such a soothing voice - love that you share your interests with us - giving us new ideas and new things to explore! Thank you, gentle Patti! Have a peaceful weekend!

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Dear Patti and Substack friends,

I awakened today with this Wordsworth poem on my lips and wanted to share it with all of you. I’ve long loved it for its beauty and truth. Fittingly, it’s called: “Lines Written in Early Spring”:


I heard a thousand blended notes,

While in a grove I sate reclined,

In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts

Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

To her fair works did Nature link

The human soul that through me ran;

And much it grieved my heart to think

What man has made of man.

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,

The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;

And ’tis my faith that every flower

Enjoys the air it breathes.

The birds around me hopped and played,

Their thoughts I cannot measure:—

But the least motion which they made

It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

The budding twigs spread out their fan,

To catch the breezy air;

And I must think, do all I can,

That there was pleasure there.

If this belief from heaven be sent,

If such be Nature’s holy plan,

Have I not reason to lament

What man has made of man?

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Patti I really have relished every different type of post this past year. I especially enjoy just hearing you talk about books, poetry, music and your favorites. You are a wonderful teacher and artist/writer/musician/parent/citizen of our planet! Thank you for what you share.

Ever trying to stay in the now. Denise

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I tell you what Patti, you've introduced me to so much wonderful literature, poetry, so many authors, artists and more, in the few months that I've been a subscriber, than I had ever known. If only our teachers at school (for me it was many moons ago..) had your gift of sharing words....I'm so grateful to you. It's so relaxing to listen you talking to us. I cherish these times that we have you to ourselves....and Cairo is an added treasure! Thank you and a happy anniversary..X

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Hi Patti — I reserve each of your messages to listen when I can afford the time to absorb comfort and release from all the current immense turbulence & worry & grief Re the war, the frustration & sorrow not being able to help Ukrainians, except in spirit.

The talks from your room at nite w Cairo are so special.

(Ps Can u come to dinner? My son & I will cook for you!) Xoxo thank you, Patti

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Patti, it’s so funny that you were talking about Gogol as I am reading my friend’s Russian novel she just published called Monkey, and of course she references Gogol. She wrote it in the winter after her son sadly died in San Francisco. She (and I) live in Maine. I read it as she was writing, 100 pages at a time (it’s 600 fascinating pages!) She and her husband run a small publishing house - littoralbooks.com. Please check them out if you can! Anyway, Monkey isn’t on the site yet but will be soon. I would like to send you a copy if I can. I really think you would love it. I know it’s long, but ♥️

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Hi Patti, first I want to say thank you for all of the wonderful books and music you have shared with us. Your work has touched me deeply and I am incredibly grateful for it. I love these low-key videos where you just chat and talk about books. I have read every book you suggested in your posts and books. I love them! The Wind-up Bird and the Master and Margarita are fantastic! I wish we could sit down and have coffee together and talk about books and music, but alas that might not be possible so please continue to send book recommendations :)

Much love,


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happy one year Patti! and i must say i love this space the way it is now: your visits in the evening reading something or just talking about everyday life, so for me it is already too interesting, love you!

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Hi Patti, it would interesting to hear you speak of any poignant and/or interesting episodes from your life that haven’t made it into print (I’m sure done this already but I’m new here) 🦋

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Hi Patti. I just love the improvised evening visits, it always brings a smile to my face. Thank you

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Happy Anniversary Patti, I love your late night visits & poetry readings. You have been a light and mean so much to me. Your music and poems have saved me many times in my life . My mother passed exactly one month ago and knew how much I loved you since I was a kid. I’d blast “Horses” through our suburban house after school everyday and dance with my mom. Your art has been a constant in my life and I look forward to this new year on Substack with you.💕❤️💕

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What a lovely natural presentation - the 11 minutes simply flew past! A possible topic for future "chats" could be anecdotes about your concert tours or other travels. I always enjoy listening to your posts.

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thank you Patti for all you have shared here . i remember the story you mentioned of your friend with the rusty bicycle and you and him on the never ending Tarkovsky night. I’m looking forward to the loft being available here soon and wonder if you’ve finished reading it. i look forward to hearing about anything you feel like sharing.. you are funny in a very natural way, bringing much shared happiness here, which is a great gift to us all.

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It’s been a wonderful year, waiting for your posts each week, listening to your stories, readings, songs, getting to know Cairo, taking advises and discovering books, and most of all this feeling of having your so amazing presence, somehow just for ourselves….

Your wisdom and insights on things and facts about the wild world we’re living in, balanced with your inner unique sense of humour, makes this weekly rendez-vous so much an expected and happy comforting moment.

Also Jesse and Jackson are just such a genuine extention of you topped up with their own so awesome personalities and qualities from the heart 🧡

I met you once in Paris Place St Germain des Prés, we said hello, exchanged a few words and it made my day happy.

I’ve made a short documentary with Jean Genet and always appreciate your posts about this another unique person.

Mille merci Patti et à Jeudi prochain 💛✨

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Hi Patti. Happy Substackian Year. Thank you for all you do here.

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Happy Anniversary Patti, we love you !

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I love your cyber visits Patti… I wish you could come visit for real so I can cook dinner!😅 Seriously- if ever you’re in Italy I hope I can meet you in person (last time you were on stage in Ann Arbor in the 70s!). I think I already told you I translated the Mapplethorp/ Michelangelo catalogue Perfection in Form. What a great exhibit 💕 (I missed the inauguration when you were there cuz my dad was passing away). Hoping to meet you on your next visit if ever you’re in Tuscany. 😊

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This! This is my favorite thing! When you just speak from your heart and ramble from your memories and joy in even the smallest things! Happy Anniversary!

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Happy Anniversary ! it's been a wonderful year in this little community , looking forward to more of whatever you wanna share with us. so much fun so far, thank you x

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Hi Patti, happy anniversary to you!

I truly enjoy your readings from books (as I’ve allways loved and I still love when someone reads for me). So, if you enjoy it too, it’d be wonderful to have some other night readings.

Also I’m very grateful for your book recommendations! And I like when you post your pictures with the texts, I find them inspiring, hiding some magic inside.

And I really wanna say Thank you for your video messages. I especially remember and cherish the one with Uncle Wiggley, which I seriously played several times when I was upset. It made me laugh every single time, so thank you for your sense of humor!

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I enjoy your stories . Listening before I go to sleep or when I wake up in the morning is always pleasurable. Thank you .

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Patti you have taught me so much...i order books you recommend...i am inspired by your willingness to share...your immersion into life and those in your life is wonderful. I want more of Patti the poetry, the stories, the openness to what is good in life...we surely need your voice in the largest sense of the word....

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Being a part of your Substack community has been an absolute joy over the past year ! Looking forward to the year ahead ….No need to change a thing ! Happy Anniversary ! Happy April ! 💛

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I love when you talk about your songs and the meanings behind them. Love all your little messages.

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Was it Mr Rogers who said “You are perfect just the way you are”? Well, You give me that same feeling, like an adult version of his show, listening to you tell stories of the people

in your life, read beautiful poetry, sing songs.

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Happy Anniversary - don’t change a thing- love you as you are💫💫

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Thanks for your Song so fast its here! Thank you DearPatti🌺

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Hello Patti, a very happy birthday with your substack- platform. I also want to thank you for this. my husband passed away a year ago and it was a difficult time for me but I found you through your substack and it has helped me a lot...I am always been a big fan of yours, all my life now. It's fantastic what you're doing. Your view of the world, it's very inspiring in a positive way. I enjoy every message that comes in, you have already taught me a lot of new things, especially about poetry and art. I also learn a lot of new words. I am originally Belgian, I speak Dutch and I am living now for 15 years already in France, so I learned to speak "Le Français". My English has become a bit more in the background so reading the melting was a challenge but because you are reading it for us, its helping me very much and I learn. So Patti...I wish you lots of inspiration and I am so happy that this story continues.

with lots of love Hilde

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Hilde, i’m so sorry for the passing of your husband, a year is not long to recover from such a loss but so glad you found Patti’s substack,. You say that your English is more in the background but it’s pretty impressive for a 3 rd language, I wouldn’t be able to communicate in Dutch at all! Anyway Hilde this is a good place, glad you are here , we all hope it will continue

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You were fun on April foolsday Patti ; not real stupid! Your yourself to us Love it..

Maybe we can find the April Fools song you sang on YT? By who was it?

The friend with the rusty bike?


I love you singing anyhow, wish I could sing! I do though.. while cycling (flat as a pancake Holland).. and when I hear Dylan song..

I can’t put photo’s here.. Pity!

Have great inspirations with your big Projects.. Is there 1 having to do with Grand Opening of the BDC Tulsa Ok.?

Would hope so!

Keep well! Bye Thanks so much

And love yr red 😻

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Happy Substack anniversary, Patti! I've really enjoyed your posts and love hearing your insights on art and life. I have learned so much about so many authors and artists from you. Looking forward to another year!

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Dear Patti, since you asked for suggestions, I would like to know more about your favourite films. I love cinema and I enjoy hearing you talking about films. I watched "Dune" after you mentioned that you saw it for the second time and I quite liked it. Also "The Power of the dog" is amazing. Have you seen "Licorice Pizza" by Paul Thomas Anderson? Fantastic film and captivating soundtrack.

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Happy Substack anniversary Patti! I've been part of this amazing community since day 1, and I am so happy everytime you post a video or a new episode of The Melting. Each of your posts light up my day. I am so glad to hear that you're going to continue for another year. Thank you Patti! 🙂

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Hi Patti, Happy Anniversary - I am so grateful for this platform and especially, grateful for you! I love hearing your stories please do not worry, they are never long enough. I love your knowledge about all geniuses, about creators of all art and there are so many interesting things you say that I didn’t know and I want to know more of.. so please, do not cease in sharing your knowledge 🙂 your stories are the best so that’s what I would love to have and hear more of … thank you ♥️ Xxx

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Happy anniversary dear Patti, I am so glad you're going to continue for another year. We need your good soul in this bleak world.

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Happy Anniversary dear Patti. Your video messages are such a joy to me. I tend to wake to them (as in the UK). Especially a boon this last week when I've been ill - the once dread, now irritating, covid - and unable to focus to read/work. I adore you speaking about artwork whether novel, poem, film, song: a true artwork has connected stories gathered about it, impacting our lives, and the speaking of these is true soulwork. Thank you for giving voice to curiosity, instinct, and peace.

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Happy anniversary Patti! I love all your stories, no matter if you talk about your life or the life of others. Of course it is always wonderful to hear you making music or singing a capella or reading poems... so, I love all news from your side... Have a great day and thank you for all things you do and for sharing them with us.. Have a great day

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This is brilliant. Even if you can’t visit and make dinner…we could get takeaway!! 😀 I’m a really bad critic as happy with whatever you give us. Congrats on your year! And Substack are lucky to have you! X

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Happy anniversary, Patti. I hadn't heard that lovely song before and now it'll be in my head all day. I'll be singing be my April Fool thinking of the story behind the lyrics. Watching the little films you post made me think about the possibilities that someday they may be edited together. I think if them as self portraits which you make for us. They could be shown in a gallery. It's amazing how things unintended can become something else. All those combinations of little clips which are threads for a rich tapestry filled with stories, ideas and love. Thanks Patti for sharing these moments. ✌️❤️ David

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It is lovely tti hear the inspiration behind a song, I loved this track anyway, but now even more so. & any choice of book or poem is appreciated.

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Absolutely love hearing your daily musings about your thoughts, your day, your life, what you read and why.....

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We'll break all the rules !! Happy anniversary Patti .. talk , read,sing,videos, and Cairo !!! Always warms my heart when you say Hello everybody !!!! Thank you for all the things you do !!!!!

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please talk about your link to the Dalai Lama and Tibet; cheers from Poland, Warsaw, remember our meeting at your gig at Palace of Culture and Science Hall, maybe 2002; lovem Mag

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Oh ! good morning from London. Happy anniversary Patti! Well, what to say ... the most wonderful thing about your video talks is that YOU are very present here, right now. You say that you have a good sense of us, but can you believe that we ( the people with our keyboards to write back to you) have a tremendous sense of sitting next to you! This thing, this delicate connection, could not have been " designed" by any PR or communication agency. What has been happening between us here is real, frank, fun and sometimes sad, deeply nostalgic, as life can be at times. THANK you for sharing and being a mirror for me. Lots of love to you, Cairo and to everyone else here. Could you talk about you and Robert making jewellery and Tshirts ? texture of your clothes and fabrics, materials.

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Always so lovely to wake up to one of your messages. Luckily Cairo didn't succeed stopping the recording today 😂 I love seeing her in your videos!

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Happy anniversary, Patti! And thank you again and again.

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How funny!!! Great to wake up and the first thing to do, still lying in bed, is listening to you! The second thing then was to read about Nowodewitschi Cemetery in Moscow. Looking forward to your message about the resting place of Gogol. I love your stories and pictures of cemeteries and Graves. Happy anniversary!

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Hey Patti! When I receive your emails it's like we are at a cafe sitting next to each other and having a little chat. Your videos are so intimate, simple and so so good! Congratulations for the anniversary and thank you for your work!!

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I love that song too. Happy anniversary.

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Oh what fun, Patti! Congratulations on 1 year and happy you're continuing. I did my master's thesis on Nabokov so I especially appreciated your stories about Gogol, whom I also loved, as well as weaving in Nabokov!

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Thank you Patti, I love what you share, your readings, your little stories, your songs and when you talk about the people who inspired you. I love your sense of humour too, don’t change anything ❤️

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I love everything you do, Patti!

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Love all you do! Happy Anniversary!

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Happy Anniversary Patti, thank you, your posts are never too long for me and i love the melange of treats you offer us, the beauty and the humour, the poems and songs, The Melting and you reading to us, i love when Cairo visits and when you talk to us, so thank you, never thought I’d be someone who’d write on a list but its been a hard year and i’ve appreciated you and everyone who writes here, so glad we will share in your light and messages for another year x

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Happy anniversary!

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Not sure you can make it better! I already love what you do. I love when you share your personal life stories, when you read any poetry and when you sing or read your songs.

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Thank you.

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Thank! thank a lot to you, you are such a great great great human being

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Hallo Patti! Would you come and cook for us!?? 🙏😅😅Perhaps one day...!😊Thanks for your interesting stories about your friends! I love your sense of humour.....and I also love my bike! Your substack give me a feeling of home which I really need at the moment...In the last two months my family and I we had to move for the fourth time 😢because our house is demaged...long sad story! But we have hope that everything will be good! A lot of greetings💚 and see you soon!

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I live in London so I hear you in the morning. I love to hear you read excerpts from books and poetry and please don’t stop rambling it’s wonderful, like I’m having a conversation with you. Congratulations on a year of substack. With much love from a cold, frosty beautiful sunny day in London 🙏 xxx

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I love you

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Couldn’t see what I was writing then, still can’t . Both Capricorns born 9 years apart on either side of the pond and even had same initials PS , u kr

pet your original name, I hated mine and loved the one I took from my mam and gave to our children. OK enuf when I can’t see what I am doing Good morning when you wake up from Liverpool ♥️✌️

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Always so nice to see and hear you. Appreciate and benefit from it all. Would it ever work to take us outside? Would be fun to sit and visit there. Would miss Cairo but it would be fun.

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You just keep on keeping on, love ya Patti just as you are , you make me smile and I feel we are on the same way

Ve length

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Yes I remember when I first heard that song.

Now whenever April 1st comes around It always reminds me of it.... Be my April fool.

I've even use that lyric on some friends and family....

I do enjoy listening to you telling what inspiration to certain songs that you have written.

It puts a new meaning and understanding of your music.

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Being a night owl, I love receiving your late-night chats, readings, etc. Thanks for really putting in the effort.

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I can hear Cairo purring 🥰 shes a wee beauty! X

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Oh Patti, you ask what we’d like. Exactly what you do. It’s a perfect surprise every night. We love your face, we love your voice, we love your laugh and your cat, Cairo. We also love hearing about the nice man who helped with your trash. Happy Anniversary to you. And in case you’re wondering about my Downing Street name it’s Downing Street in nyc. ❤️

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Thank you. You are really amazing. I learn so much from you-literature, actually all art. From my first exposure seeing The Patti Smith Group at Vassar College…in the church! Rediscovered you @ Selby Gardens recently. Substack is a great platform and you are able to make it a meaningful and intimate experience. Also you are a lot of fun. Thank you

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I was at Vassar chapel, too! It was April 7, 1979. My boyfriend and I decided to make that our wedding. We eventually went our separate ways, but are still good friends, and wish each other Happy Anniversary almost every year on that day.

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Thank you for reaching out. There is an exhibit at Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, FL “ Robert Mapplethorpe and Patti Smith: Flowers, Poetry, and Light”. Look it up, try to see it. Patti Smith was there and she is coming back. Always good to hear from a fellow Vassar alum

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I saw pictures from the exhibit. It looks so beautiful! I live in Austria and won‘t be there anytime soon. Grew up in Rhinebeck, NY. Did you also see her at the Hudson Valley Winery? I think that was shortly before Vassar. I still remember Patti walking around amidst the audience and we were like „is that really her?“ and then so excited to get her autograph. It doesn‘t seem possible that it has been 43 years!

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Austria, that is great! I grew up in NYC. Only saw Patti at Vassar. I love the Hudson Valley and return to Vassar to attend the Powerhouse Theatre. 43 years! Yikes! So nice ‘meeting’ you. Isn’t Patti such an inspiration?

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Yes, and over the years I have connected with several people through her - like you! 🌻

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Happy Anniversary Patti. I'm so happy I'm here. I enjoy your readings late at night. Almost getting to be a habit. I'm impressed with how seriously you take your job as substacker and glad to know we'll have another year.

Hello to Cairo. I hope you can feel us waving back at you. 💖

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You disappeared from the outside world, us fans were left with question marks, when you and Fred set off to raise a family. It filled my heart with joy that you were living your best life as it was...but we missed you! Now you are here, so present in our lives. I just wanted to say that I always feel Fred in you. Thank you, and Fred, and all your loved ones, for being here on substack! May it go from strength to wonderful inspirational strength.

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I love listening to your messages Patti x

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Happy 1 year anniversary Patti! You're visits make me happy! When you're here talking, singing, reading, being your charming self, for a few minutes all else falls away.

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Patti, have you ever covered a Television song? What song have you always wanted to cover? Obviously, doesn’t need to be a Television song….thinking Big Star….but who cares what I think!

On the topics/segments I enjoy…everything! You are very generous with your time and I feel a sense of excitement when I see you’ve put something up (I hope it’s not locked), cuz if I paid for everything I read I’d be poor and I always feel charity comes before my personal pleasure….I guess guilt, but I love who you are, how you live, you convictions, and you are more than welcome to come over for dinner when I Chicago! I first saw you when I was 17, I’m now 56, soon to be 57….you are the one steady “thing” in those 30 years….very comforting, because they have not all been good years.

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So glad we get to be with you for another year. makes 2022 better already. xo linda

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I just cherish you being yourself doing whatever you do, especially when you just talk with us naturally as you do. reading to us is always a gift.

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PS you're never stupid... just a lot of fun.

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Thank you Patti! You are the best, you make the sun shine. Can’t wait to see you this summer in Vitoria!!! 🌺🌺🌺😘

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Happy anniversary. I always think about your April Fools song on this day. I do remember your first posts. How your friend hung a sheet up and played movies for you.

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Thank you everybody for making it a fun anniversary.

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Happy Anniversary ❤️ I’m a fool for you!

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Oh my goodness I feel giggly and sweet - not my usual - an April fool trick! How do you do it! .. make me feel so nice. You’re a Dalai Lama - 💕😊

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My gosh, I cannot believe it has been a year. This has certainly been the most delicious and delightful thread that sparks joy, exudes loveliness and inspires great reading - and whatever you post and in whatever form it takes, it always makes my heart lift. Here's to another year!! Thanks Patti 🙏✨

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I have to ask…did you figure out the mirror image issue and are just scarring us with it again on April Fools Day….or you just haven’t held up an image with writing in the English language. Happy fools day Steven…and all other fools.

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its just an average self idiosyncraticy.

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If Lou was average….I’m fine being average! Can’t wait to see you in Chicago in May. Cheers!

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Thank you so much. I love all these evening missives. They make me smile. Your stories and off-the-songs are the best. Happy Anniversary!

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Happy Anniversary, dear Patti and fellow Substack people!

I can’t believe it’s been a year. It really seems like just yesterday that we were talking about Andrei Rublev, one of my favorite movies. I was so happy when, in the early days, you spoke of Tarkovsky, whose work I love dearly.

What a joyful April Fools message, and a beautiful song you wrote for your friend with the rusty bike!

It’s been my good fortune that your anniversary turned out to be this week, and that you also chose this week to make several evening visits. I’ve been sick with Covid and (obviously) isolated, so each night that you’ve appeared has been a gift. Being sick and alone, especially at night, is something that reminds me of childhood because I was often so. It’s a hard memory because being sick can be scary, especially with fevers that induce altered cognitive states. I think having those at such a young age grew my imagination, for which I’m grateful, but such gifts come at a cost.

I remember clearly Elsie the cow out my bedroom window, just her face, checking in on me. And Emily Dickinson, whose face I also would see, reciting poems to me. That’s what I have thought of these nights when suddenly your face appears. I’ve loved your reading, singing, joking, smiling, and just talking. Tonight I noticed that you had three pillows stacked on your bed the way one does when it’s been freshly made. My bed is also all white, but my pillows are not neatly stacked. My bed is sort of wilted the way sheets get when one has been in them sick. As soon as I am well enough, I’m changing them! For now, I’m febrile, beneath a blanket of lethargy. Despite the fatigue, I walked twice in the living room for 15 minutes each because it’s important to move around to keep the lungs clear. I’ve been diligent in doing respiratory exercises: pursed lips breathing (exhaling with force as if blowing out birthday candles); using an incentive spirometer; taking deep breaths frequently; and forcing myself to cough even when it hurts.

I can’t stop thinking of those who got this in the darkest time (before vaccines, boosters, anti-virals), many of whom suffered and died terrified, and the heroic efforts of those who risked their lives caring for them.

It’s not been an easy year for so many, and for so many reasons, but anyone who has been lucky enough to pass some of it here, has been lucky indeed.

As for what works, it all does. It’s wonderful to have so much variety: music, poetry, reading, speaking, and of course, the experience of The Melting. It’s all wonderful, thanks to your warmth, dedication, generosity, hard work, and imagination. It’s a joy and a gift to be here, and I think you set a tone for kindness and camaraderie among us all.

Happy April to everyone; it’s not the cruelest month!

With gratitude and affection,


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Hello Robin, i’m so happy to see you able to write through Covid and that you are taking care. I always enjoy your posts. Tarkovsky- his films have a special place in my heart and I’m re-reading Sculpting in Time, and looking at Instant Light,his book of Polaroids. Imagination and curiosity - two saving graces for many of us. Hope you feel better soon and we all continue to delight in Patti’s time travelling substack salon x

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Thank you so much, Ruby, and apologies for the delay in my reply. Sleep when sick is strange: by turns restful and exhausting, and it takes a long time. Speaking of, I love “Sculpting in Time,” and the book of his Polaroids. “Andrei Tarkovsky: Interviews” is also wonderful and his Collected Screenplays. I think they are both available at thriftbooks (or, alas, at Amazon). Thank you again for your good thoughts. Wishing you, and everyone, a happy April day.

Warmly, as ever,


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Thank you Robin for those suggestions (Andrei Tarkovsky. Interviews and Collected Screenplays) I have heard that the screenplays are wonderful to read, very visual so I'lll look out for those. I hope you are feeling some improvement in your condition,- with all good wishes to you and everyone

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The screenplays are really wonderful. Thank you so much for your well wishes, Ruby.

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Take good care of yourself Robin. Your thoughts in the comments section are always welcome. I, too, went through the Covid experience in January. I’m totally fine now and look forward to hearing that you’ve beaten this damn thing. I hope that’s very soon.

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Please take care of yourself Robin. Frank l. Baum and Robert Lewis Stevenson were both sickly children. The magnified imagination is a gift to the sick little ones as we were. maybe change just one pillow case when you get the strength. Small things....

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Thank you so much for your good thoughts, Patti. They mean more to me than I can say. I agree about the magnified imagination. I can’t think who or what I’d be without it. Not me. I sometimes wonder whether the sickliness begot the magnified imagination or the reverse. Imagining is exhausting and some of the imaginings are not easy. I suppose it’s a chicken and egg thing: impossible to know. I will change one pillow case tomorrow if I have the strength, and I will call that pillowcase Patti. Have good dreams and a restful sleep. Xo

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🎼Come, be my April fool!🎼🪲

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Thanks and Happy Anniversary- looking forward to many more. You are so You!

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Lovely as usual

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I love everything you share, Patti. Your take on life and our time is great! I love hearing little songs you want to share, poetry, reminiscences, The Melting…

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Not stupid! So appreciate the time you give ! Happy anniversary

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Your chats and recommendations are perfect, and I am loving discovering amazing writers and poets. Thankyou for the educational enlightenment.

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I've found so much love, inspiration, and laughs here. Thank you for all you share and for putting it out there. I second the don't go changing, what it is, as it is, and as it evolves and changes is what makes it so special. Thank you thank you thank you for the authenticity and beauty and all of it. Happy one year. xx

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I love all of it💙🙏

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It is WE who should thank you! This subscription is amazing and cool and fascinating. I feel so privileged to partake! I like it best when you read your own writing, which is sublime. If you read others, and I don’t know them, I buy and read them. So it’s like taking two university classes: 1) The Works of Patti Smith (favorite class) and 2) Works That Have Influenced Patti Smith. I am getting an A in the first one and trying very hard to keep up with the second one, which means I now must go read Gogol, whom I have not (read). Happy Anniversary and thank you for this brilliant and fun journey. I’m on my rusty bike, trying to keep up and loving every second.

Thank you …❤️📚

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Such a great message!

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Thank you, Patti. Everything you share is wonderfully warm and welcome. ♥️xo from Maine.

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Don’t go changing!! Love it all. Especially, the late night readings 📖 Everything you share has been enlightening.

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Thank you for your generosity. My reading list has dramatically improved thanks to your suggestions. Congratulations on one year of SubStack. .

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Happy Anniversary, Patti! I always look forward to all of your posts. There are smiles or emotions waiting for me in every single one. I even find myself responding out loud to what you say, as if we're just sitting and chatting. I love this. Thank you.

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Hi Patti I’m so happy I found your sub stack !!! I’ve been a fan for many years and love when you read to me!!! II just love you and look forward to your messages ! It was muy dream to meet you one day and now I feel like I have!!

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We all meet in this small yet expansive world we are creating.

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Yes! New friendships!

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I love when read poetry at night. No matter how stressful the day, it ends well.

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Happy anniversary Patty! I am so happy that I discovered you on Substack. Delighted delighted delighted. I learn a lot from you given that your reading is so different from what I’ve read in the past and I love it. I love listening to you “ramble“ which wasn’t in fact rambling; love the song. You are quite erudite. I have read M train many many times. I close my eyes and I’m sitting at Café Figaro with you off in a corner writing away drinking coffee with a Jaunty beret on. Have a good night.

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Happy Substack Anniversary to all of us! You couldn’t possibly be more interesting than you already are.🌹


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I agree.

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Hi , I know the french are your specialty because you read from them so, please do keep quoting them and other writers, your personal connection is so important.

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very nice surprise and thank you lol

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I love to hear you ramble, gathering your thoughts as you go.you know, just a regular ,down-to-earth one-of-us kinda person sharing your self. (I would love it if you checked messages ,just silly little stuff,that I have left you over the years over at Instagram.) Thank you for being you.

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Happy Anniversary…happy April (Fools Day)🌷

Keep writing.

Maybe post note a reminder about telling us a story about Gogul and Bulgakov because lord knows I won’t remember 🙄….

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The thanks go to you! For always sharing a part of yourself, great reads, Cairo, music, history, art in all it's forms... Your Substack is just wonderful... Don't know how it could be better!

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Great post! I subscribed (paid)! By the way, did you hear that a Sasquatch was captured in Minnesota today?

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Love you so much Patti. Your company means so much to me right now. I love hearing what you’re thinking about, remembering and celebrating. I particularly like being introduced to poetry that I have not heard and your personal connection to the work. I also enjoy the bits of history you share. It makes me happy that you read the comments and that you feel us here. I am so grateful for these posts and probably late May I will be able to be a paid subscriber. You are such a delight. Thank you.

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Happy Anniversary Patti! You are always in my pocket! Treasure all you give us. Thanks.

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