You are busy as a bee, my friend! Traveling as you do in search of your passion(s)is a sort of pollinating us all. You nurture us as you nurture yourself. Sharing is caring. Thank you so much.

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I never went to Venice. I went to Rome and Naples and a few other places, but never to Venice. Venice must be some very special place.

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Nice to see you Patty! Say hello to our man for me will ya!!! lol

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I just opened it. It looks fine to me. You need to subscribe

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Patti,thanks so much for stopping by...my cats and I love your stories;they purr and curl up in my lap when you tell them.Love the jacket:you will be forever cool to all of us! Looking forward to seeing the pictures from your exhibition...take care of yourself.💕😺

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I feel a kindred spirit with you, Patti. Besides the fact that we share the same name, mine is spelled Pattie, and I am 76 years old. I have three sisters and we live close to one another. Your comment about buying jackets together with your sister, and feeling cool, made me smile. My sisters and I have fun doing things like that. I never thought we'd still be having fun together in our 70's! And feeling "cool".

The four of us went to see the Bob Dylan movie together, relived those years when we were coming of age. Outside the theater I looked at the four if us and thought how cool are we! 😎

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That comment made me smile too :-) I only have one sister and it's only just over 40 years together now and I hope it will be many more like you and your sisters!

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I think Gilles Deleuze calls it " the event", that moment you describe in which the trajectory of life or reality suddenly shifts, seemingly with no connection to the moment before. Like a rupture. .

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wow hearing about that sequence in Death in Venice unlocked a deep memory of being 17 in Berlin and trying to get into reading that book and probably only making it as far as the yearning to travel passage ! And the image of two sisters being cool together - 70 more years would never be enough ! 🩵

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Watching this is so serendipitous! I pulled a copy of The Transposed Heads off my shelf yesterday morning. A book I remember as being a favorite in my 20s and so have kept all these years yet couldn’t remember much about it. While i found it difficult to read I trusted my young self enough to work through the difficulties and was greatly rewarded. I haven’t yet finished it as it inspired me to deep dive the internet to find more about Thomas and consider the fact that I never read Death in Venice nor any other book of his yet had considered this one so highly. Thomas Mann seems to be calling to us and revealing our connection to each other whether we are “here” or not! Love the way you faithfully follow the breadcrumbs dear lady.

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That is a very cool jacket, Patti!

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Strbske Pleso, Tatry Mountains, the answer to some wanderlusts.

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Patti, sitting with you as you “ramble” is a deep pleasure every time. I’d love to share a most beautiful poem: Andrea Gibson’s A Plea for Our Planet. My way of saying THANK YOU! for being YOU. https://youtu.be/4M-0QFtVauk?si=buuTAYj5r0EsxBi2

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Thank you Patti for the Genet essay. And thanks Uschi for posting a link to it. It reminds me of some of Herman Hesse's autobiographical writings - especially his essay 'A Guest at the Spa' in which he is suffering from neuralgia and depression and meeting the eyes of a person at breakfast creates such hilarity in them both that they are unable to restrain their laughter. Reading it always lifts my spirits and makes me smile when I'm feeling depressed, as now, about the greed, inhumanity and lack of compassion in the world. It's a reminder that there is another world behind it in which tiny things can be transformative and that we are all connected. It's just given me a helpful insight into a character in a novel I'm writing who's very traumatised after his experiences in the Second World War and the Partition of India. So thank you. Your generosity, wise thoughts and gentle humour are wonderfully reassuring in these times.

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Good morning Patti !

So lovely to start the day with a visit from you ! Your thoughts on Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice have lead me back to my bookshelf to look for my copy of the book. I read it a few times many years ago and I loved it ! I can’t remember if I struggled with the vocabulary but maybe that’s why I read it more than once ! However the copy I have now ( I think my original book must have been lost in a house flood twenty plus years ago ) is by a different translator David Luke whereas the other was by H.T. Lowe-Porter so it will be interesting to see how I cope with the vocabulary in it this time ! Perhaps I too will struggle after all these years !

Anyway I look forward to revisiting Venice in book form !

Your year ahead looks exciting Patti and I among everyone here so look forward to sharing some of your adventures!

Sending love and best wishes to all . Good to keep the world away for a while whenever we can ! Thank you !

PS Love the jacket and the image of two cool sisters in matching denim ! 💙

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