I am on my way to soundcheck but wanted to share a wonderful morning with young climate activists lead by Greta Thunberg. I will post tomorrow from Finland. I was so happy to be with the climate activists, hope of the world.
Mother Earth. Be gentle with her!!! Love these kids. I have two daughters 28 and 24 and they are both very active in taking care of our home (earth) in the everyday things they consume for food, cleaning products, cars they drive (one doesn't drive) and activism. This generation is very aware of what needs to be done. We need leadership to listen to them.
Patti and Greta rock! Thanks to you and everybody who cares about this planet. We must leave this gift of a world as green and clean as possible for the future of these kids (animals, plant life, etc.) and future generations. Thanks to Captain Greta Thunberg and her Green cohorts. Keep fighting for climate justice*~~*
I am not sure about everyone else but I am kind of frustrated that @substack email notifications about posts have stopped coming to my inbox. Do we know what Climate Justice ⚖️ is yet? It all goes back to the original issue of what to do when someone else steals/destroys wantomly, your carefully tended cabbages etc.
This is so wonderful! Sweden is the most efficient country in terms of recycling in the world. Only about 1% of their garbage ends up in landfills. They are at the forefront of caring for our planet.
leading them into the raised fist - you always know how to energize people - if the world can be saved it is surely by the young - however the support of those like yourselves with a platform from an authentic responsible life lived much in the public eye can give them the fire to keep up the good fight. xoxoxo
Here In Germany, these brave children are often ridiculed and not taken seriously. Yet we should bow gratefully and humbly before their commitment, follow their example and change our habits. Instead, we bury our heads in the sand and act as if we still have all the time in the world. This is shameful and I am ashamed of my generation. I am 70.
Thank you for sharing! Greta is brilliant. Her last "School" strike as well as she is graduating. What a special day. Thank you for lending your voice to the climate activists. Hope you had a wonderful rest of your day in Stockholm!
Thanks for using your power to support these young wonders. We all have to keep expecting hopeful change to be possible, I think this next generation are so much more switched on than mine, (I'm 43). I think the world will be better when they're in power.
Lila Rae who lives in Toronto, age 13, an activist-in-training.
“Nana”, she says to me: “You know what my friends call the United States…GUNS, the Country ….Seriously, Nana,
if it gets any worse, you should move here.”
The outbreak of repeated gun violence and the refusal to stop the proliferation of firearms in the America, does not go unnoticed by children who are unsafe in their schools, playgrounds streets, and their homes. It’s a concern that does not escape them.
A child worries if her Nana is safe and offers a haven in Canada .
Thank you for joining and sharing this ray of hope from these young folks! My generation has, overall, failed miserably yet young ones can and will do better at being stewards of planet Earth.
Sunny Carolina blue skies over the holler today, with a cool breeze - yet we're still under an orange
alert. Grateful in these times to be surrounded by woods filled with beech, poplar, locust, oak and pine,
and evergreens that come up along the pasture. These are my life sustaining companions.
Grateful too for all the young activists and their champion, Greta. Patti, I don't know if you were expecting to join them, or if it was just good timing. Good that you could. Be well - stay hydrated.
Welcome Patti to Northerrn Sphare and Finland. Enjoy early and late dusk smells and birds while at hsene latitudes. 8 to 11pm and 3 to 7 am. 3 to 7 am is the best.
I know the blue skies of Stockholm well. Beautiful. I also know smoke filled wildfire skies, living in Seattle. Sometimes it goes on for weeks, months. My heart bleeds for NYC and East Canada/US now. It is no way to live.
As I sit here under the hazy skies caused by the forest fires, I have to say how inspiring it is to see Greta on her final school strike and you joining them. How incredible that she has accomplished so much already. How wonderful you got to join in. Every action, every message of hope makes a difference. Thanks so much for sharing this moment. And, I have to add, the comments here are also inspiring. Thanks everybody.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Wonderful to see you there with them. Happy graduation to Greta! I can’t wait to see what she will do next.
...."If the climate crisis is the great existential crisis on our earth, then smoke is the great daily crisis. Happily, they’re both caused by the same thing: burning coal and gas and oil. And even more happily, we know how to end it. We just stop burning stuff, and rely instead on the fact that there’s a large ball of burning gas at a safe 93-million-mile distance. We get all the fire we could ever want, and none of the smoke. Call it “external combustion.”
This is entirely doable—solar power is the cheapest way to make energy on earth. If someone tells you they don’t want to look at a solar panel, or that mining required for a wind turbine does environmental damage, it’s fine to see their point. But everything is relative. This is our chance to understand what it really feels like every day on a fossil-fueled planet, for the billions of people unlucky enough to really bear the brunt. My eyes stung a bit from the smoke, but I’ve never seen more clearly. Everything is in perspective, even—especially—through the haze." - Bill McKibben
Why can't the politicians quit nipping at each other's heels & instead put all their energy and wits into 100 big fat solutions to this climate emergency? What is wrong with them? Work together for the good of all ! Seriously ..get over yourselves and step up TOGETHER !
Every time I see Greta in action I am overflowing with emotion and admiration for her steadfastness and courage. Thank you for being there and posting this morning. A fellow Brooklynite.
that is so fantastic. So glad you were able to be with these young activists and share it with us. Gave me hope...!
Mother Earth. Be gentle with her!!! Love these kids. I have two daughters 28 and 24 and they are both very active in taking care of our home (earth) in the everyday things they consume for food, cleaning products, cars they drive (one doesn't drive) and activism. This generation is very aware of what needs to be done. We need leadership to listen to them.
How do you feel about Natural Gas as a bridge fuel to get us to 100% green?
Is really moving the way you support this struggle...the way you are always on the right side... You energy is an example ...grazie cara Patti
Happy to see you with the young climate activists❤️
Patti and Greta rock! Thanks to you and everybody who cares about this planet. We must leave this gift of a world as green and clean as possible for the future of these kids (animals, plant life, etc.) and future generations. Thanks to Captain Greta Thunberg and her Green cohorts. Keep fighting for climate justice*~~*
Check out the NYC chapter of Greta's movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6LZ12MRZVU&ab_channel=ZoedePedro
Yes! Go Greta, go Patti! Inspirational kids ✊🏻
I am not sure about everyone else but I am kind of frustrated that @substack email notifications about posts have stopped coming to my inbox. Do we know what Climate Justice ⚖️ is yet? It all goes back to the original issue of what to do when someone else steals/destroys wantomly, your carefully tended cabbages etc.
This is so wonderful! Sweden is the most efficient country in terms of recycling in the world. Only about 1% of their garbage ends up in landfills. They are at the forefront of caring for our planet.
Just found this clip of our hero last week in Gothenberg:
🌼 🌸 🏵 🌻
flowers for voices in bloom
fragrant our world will be soon
Every time I fold up an empty box and slide it into a bag to go into re-cycling is an act of belief. From there other small actions mount up.🎼🎶✍🏼👍🌿🌊
leading them into the raised fist - you always know how to energize people - if the world can be saved it is surely by the young - however the support of those like yourselves with a platform from an authentic responsible life lived much in the public eye can give them the fire to keep up the good fight. xoxoxo
She is amazing!
Greta is our modern Joan of Arc.
Thanks - a shout out to all the climate warriors around the world
Here In Germany, these brave children are often ridiculed and not taken seriously. Yet we should bow gratefully and humbly before their commitment, follow their example and change our habits. Instead, we bury our heads in the sand and act as if we still have all the time in the world. This is shameful and I am ashamed of my generation. I am 70.
It doesn’t matter so much how they are received. It is in the doing that we are transformed. 🙏❤️
So incredible. I am so proud of them. And so glad you were there to support their bravery.
Totally awesome! Seeing this truly inspires hope . . . Greta is an incredible young woman!
Thank you for sharing! Greta is brilliant. Her last "School" strike as well as she is graduating. What a special day. Thank you for lending your voice to the climate activists. Hope you had a wonderful rest of your day in Stockholm!
Marvelous! I saw your post on Instagram too. Greta is a force!
What a great bunch of youngsters! 💙
Thanks for using your power to support these young wonders. We all have to keep expecting hopeful change to be possible, I think this next generation are so much more switched on than mine, (I'm 43). I think the world will be better when they're in power.
BBC reported it. It was great to witness.
Climate activist Greta Thunberg graduates from 'school strikes
YASSSSSS! The people have the power!
Yaaaa Greta! Thanks for sharing, Patti!
They are the future of our world. May they make a difference for all of us.
Enter the conversation:
Lila Rae who lives in Toronto, age 13, an activist-in-training.
“Nana”, she says to me: “You know what my friends call the United States…GUNS, the Country ….Seriously, Nana,
if it gets any worse, you should move here.”
The outbreak of repeated gun violence and the refusal to stop the proliferation of firearms in the America, does not go unnoticed by children who are unsafe in their schools, playgrounds streets, and their homes. It’s a concern that does not escape them.
A child worries if her Nana is safe and offers a haven in Canada .
Now is the time!!
Thank you Patti for sharing hope.
Thank you for joining and sharing this ray of hope from these young folks! My generation has, overall, failed miserably yet young ones can and will do better at being stewards of planet Earth.
GO PATTI-!! Thank you for supporting Greta and these young people for our blessed climate and planet....xoxo
Sunny Carolina blue skies over the holler today, with a cool breeze - yet we're still under an orange
alert. Grateful in these times to be surrounded by woods filled with beech, poplar, locust, oak and pine,
and evergreens that come up along the pasture. These are my life sustaining companions.
Grateful too for all the young activists and their champion, Greta. Patti, I don't know if you were expecting to join them, or if it was just good timing. Good that you could. Be well - stay hydrated.
My looong comment went to BitSphare.
Too bad. Maybe it was meant to be.
Welcome Patti to Northerrn Sphare and Finland. Enjoy early and late dusk smells and birds while at hsene latitudes. 8 to 11pm and 3 to 7 am. 3 to 7 am is the best.
Be well
A bien tot,
Wonderful!!! Truly hope for the future! Must have felt so good to participate! 🫶
Happy to see you in Finland❤️
Patti, trank you! This is The most Importen thing ever!
Patti you are always on the right side of history!
I know the blue skies of Stockholm well. Beautiful. I also know smoke filled wildfire skies, living in Seattle. Sometimes it goes on for weeks, months. My heart bleeds for NYC and East Canada/US now. It is no way to live.
As I sit here under the hazy skies caused by the forest fires, I have to say how inspiring it is to see Greta on her final school strike and you joining them. How incredible that she has accomplished so much already. How wonderful you got to join in. Every action, every message of hope makes a difference. Thanks so much for sharing this moment. And, I have to add, the comments here are also inspiring. Thanks everybody.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Wonderful to see you there with them. Happy graduation to Greta! I can’t wait to see what she will do next.
Teach The Children Well 🪴
Every activist is a revolution. All growth is an act of defiance.
Great respect for your work and for Greta.
oh boy, don't we ever ... NOW, Bill McKibben just wrote this: https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/wildfires-smoke-climate-emergency
...."If the climate crisis is the great existential crisis on our earth, then smoke is the great daily crisis. Happily, they’re both caused by the same thing: burning coal and gas and oil. And even more happily, we know how to end it. We just stop burning stuff, and rely instead on the fact that there’s a large ball of burning gas at a safe 93-million-mile distance. We get all the fire we could ever want, and none of the smoke. Call it “external combustion.”
This is entirely doable—solar power is the cheapest way to make energy on earth. If someone tells you they don’t want to look at a solar panel, or that mining required for a wind turbine does environmental damage, it’s fine to see their point. But everything is relative. This is our chance to understand what it really feels like every day on a fossil-fueled planet, for the billions of people unlucky enough to really bear the brunt. My eyes stung a bit from the smoke, but I’ve never seen more clearly. Everything is in perspective, even—especially—through the haze." - Bill McKibben
Patti and Greta, I’m filled with admiration and appriciation of you two. On my way to see you tonight. ❤️
Why can't the politicians quit nipping at each other's heels & instead put all their energy and wits into 100 big fat solutions to this climate emergency? What is wrong with them? Work together for the good of all ! Seriously ..get over yourselves and step up TOGETHER !
Wouldn't that be something '?
Big, big respect to Greta. I know, I am from Sweden.
Every time I see Greta in action I am overflowing with emotion and admiration for her steadfastness and courage. Thank you for being there and posting this morning. A fellow Brooklynite.
no bell. language is the V I R U S.(Boom!)
Thank you Greta. Thank you Patti. Hope is needed in this climate fight as much as anything!
"Out of the mouths of babes do we learn,"
-Rudyard Kipling
Yes indeed
People have the power. Blessings and deep thanks to today’s youth. And to everyone. Safe travels.
So cool that you hooked up with these young people!! Thank you!
Go Greta! Such an honour for you both. Climate justice NOW! 🌍🌎
I’m right there with you all, in heart, in spirit, and in ACTION!!
Thank you for putting your body out there with Greta, et al.
This is filling up my climate activist heart with joy. Keep up the fight against climate injustice. Power to the people ✊✊✊✌️✌️✌️
Be safe and keep up the fight.
Clear skies, anyways!