you sound like a female Bob Dylan. You still have such a powerful and wonderful voice - so great to hear - thank you for sharing these things with us

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What the hell! Your latest post isn’t locked but non subscribers can’t comment? Big change! Wishing you and yours the very merriest time of the season and that the new coming year is better than the last…



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Thank you Patti a beautiful tribute ❤️🖤

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beautiful <3

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Patti if you are around, I thought you might like this... I have set this to play as a broadcast starting in a few minutes. On this day in 1995. Beacon Theatre, New York. (This is a stereo recording of the full Bob Dylan set) ~ https://youtu.be/ZyutrZVeHuk

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Thank you for this. A good night for me to hear this. Your voice and how you sing the words really sound good here. I think I will listen to this a few times.


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just catching up on my listenings to my favorite artist Patti Smith!! I am excited to be going to see my family at christmas because i have a wonderful feeling that I will be receiving your beautiful new book!! i haven't been this excited since i was a 14, or was it 15 year old girl, having peeked under the wrapping of a stack, a big stack, of record albums and knew what they were. i was never patient in my youth . . .

thank you for this beautiful rendition of Chimes of Freedom and your honoring of one of the greatest female authors i've ever read ;) ;)

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This is so beautiful!!

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Another great song to remember Joan Didion! Patti you are so good at remembering and honoring all who have been here with us and are now in the heavens! Loved your San Rafael Book presentation and so glad we were able to see you and Tony Shanahan! Sending much love your way!

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Hello again. I hope you see this, Patti. Your story of Alice Ball and your recognition of people on their birthdays reminded me of Ada Lovelace. She is recognized as the inventor of computer programming, vs. computer calculations. When I was a burgeoning computer scientist who was often the only female at tech conferences (long ago), I was thrilled to learn that a woman invented computer programming. Her father was the poet Lord Byron. She called programming "poetical science" and wikipedia tells me that "her mindset of 'poetical science' led her to ask questions about the Analytical Engine (as shown in her notes) examining how individuals and society relate to technology as a collaborative tool." Her name popped in my head today and I discovered her birthday is tomorrow, December 10, also my dad's birthday. Then I opened A Book of Days to ensure she was not already there. She is not. And who was there right next to Dec 10 on the 11th? Alice Ball. Have a wonderful Friday.

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I just heard your take on the song, and it was amazing! You really brought a new life to the track and it sounded fantastic. Great job!

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Wonderful! I’m late on watching this! You were fantastic in LA! I was thrilled to be able to attend. You give of yourself so fruitfully. I left hoping that you realize how loved you are. I still feel the magic that was in that room and it’s been three days. You’re heavily surrounded with muses, angels and the souls who have passed but still visit you. I mean, who can blame them, right? Maybe that’s too woo woo but I felt it.

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Thanks paix a son âme d artiste ouverte et aimante

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When someone you think is the essence of cool (Patti) states that another person is the essence of the cool, you must dig more deeply into someone you may or may not be aware of. I appreciate so much that you lift up all who have inspired you over the course of your life, and those who you have more recently discovered, such as Alice Ball. Singing songs for them. Showing pictures of them. Sharing your enthusiasm for their work. Passing it on. Much appreciated.

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Wow, great rendition of that song. Didion enhanced our world so much and made it a more interesting place to be.

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So very nice. Thank you Patti.

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