Robert Mapplethorpe and Jim Carroll as the Everly Brothers

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I never read these as a kid but I have a 7 year old that I think would love them so I'm getting her a collection for Christmas. thank you!

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i have the uncle wiggly board game which i used to play as a kid, but i never knew it was based on books! ive always loved the illustrations

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Haha. I teach. Just back in the physical classroom today for the first time. This means that my students will no longer get the pleasure of meeting my cat Ziggy, which, unwittingly to her, were a large part of their classroom experience.

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Nice update

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Will have to read Uncle Wiggily!

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love the cherub drawing / angel sketch / drawing on your tee shirt, Patti

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You're such a lovely, lively person. Thank you for your unaffected self. It's so refreshing.

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Patti! I loved seeing you and I have never read Uncle Wiggly books, so I am interested now to find what scary thing happened in that forest. :)

I wanted to ask you also, regarding favourite books, which books, if you have any that you've read multiple times?

Interested in Canada.

Warm regards,


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Uncle Wiggley and Ellman’s Joyce and beautiful Patti and Cairo = so very comforting. Thank you.

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I really enjoyed this visit. Thank you, Patti. Uncle Wiggly was one of my Mom's favorites and now I will have to check it out. I'd love to hear you read your favorite Uncle Wiggly tale. I had difficulty reading James Joyce...might try again.

Love and light to you!

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Wow, Cairo's a harsh editor! I enjoyed your dissertation anyway.

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Thank you .. now I will have to check out uncle wiggly !!

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Why am I here? I have this question everyday. I think it may be so a lovely animal can turn me back into life. Love this and Uncle Wiggly.

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i love you Patti! my mom started reading to me when i was in the womb and so i feel this connection to you around books . . . i don't remember uncle wiggly though. A.A. Milne which i still have and then all of the Oz books. the innocence of those days since i am now in my 60's and my mum has been gone for over 10 years now. my life is fulfilled as long as i have cats, books and music and trees.

watching and listening to your posts are like bedtime stories for me. thank you, thank you, thank you dear patti. my mom wanted me to read, which i did, Just Kids as she was dying. she loved it and it was the best gift for us before she left this plane. she loved art and studied to be a docent; it was fabulous. So she loved Robert too.

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Oh please read Uncle Wiggly next time !

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