thanks for the reading and also for the book recommends! Good night, thank you.

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I LOVE to know what you are reading. Always.

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Thank you, Patti. Thank you, Cairo. Good night.

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Thanks for the reading. As a "Sebastian," named in particular for St. Sebastian and his perseverance, "Boy Cried Wolf" has always resonated with me. I met you briefly at an in-store/CD-signing at the long-gone HMV Records in Philly in November 1997. You told me you liked my name and that made me very happy. Then I was so happy again when a couple years later you SUNG my name on the Gung Ho album....though I hope I never get shot full of arrows like my sainted namesake!

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Thank you, Patti. Every moment with you is a joy.

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I just found this, which inexplicably landed in my spam folder instead of my inbox. The only reason I looked for it in spam is because in your subsequent missive you mention that you’re wearing the same thing as last time and I didn’t know what last time you were referring to. If anyone else has issues with some of Patti’s missives going to spam, please let me know — especially if you have a solution to the problem, that is, a way to prevent it happening.

Thank you for the reading, Patti, and hello to anyone who is new. I’m glad that you mentioned “M Train,” because, while I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary to have read it to appreciate “The Melting,” I think it adds a great deal to have the background about the Secretary and how Patti came to be acquainted with her. I also think that the movement of mind that guides “M Train” is continued, deepened, elongated, in “The Melting.” The thread is lengthened, and it’s wonderful to know where it all began, so I also recommend reading “M Train” for anyone who hasn’t.

Again, thank you for this reading, Patti, and if anyone can solve the mystery of why some things go to spam, please let me know.

As for the mirror issue, it brought to mind the writings of the Russian esotericist, P. D. Ouspensky, who, in “The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution” (1950) writes:

“I've found that the chief difficulty for most people was to realize that they had really heard new things: that is things that they had never heard before. They kept translating what they heard into their habitual language. They had ceased to hope and believe there might be anything new.“

This made me think that the mirror issue won’t be solved, if ever, until we have all read “the book” (the book that is always being written) and come to understand the symbols. So we must wait until we are able to do this, all of us, even the new initiates. Here is Ouspensky again:

“When I lifted the first veil and entered the outer court of the Temple of Initiation, I saw in half darkness the figure of a woman sitting on a high throne between two pillars of the temple, one white, and one black. Mystery emanated from her and was about her. Sacred symbols shone on her green dress; on her head was a golden tiara surmounted by a two-horned moon; on her knees she held two crossed keys and an open book. Between the two pillars behind the woman hung another veil all embroidered with green leaves and fruit of pomegranate. And a voice said: "To enter the Temple one must lift the second veil and pass between the two pillars. And to pass thus, one must obtain possession of the keys, read the book and understand the symbols. Are you able to do this?"“

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Boy Cried Wolf speaks to me.

I hear the whisper. I give my blood for world peace. For a better world for my boy, my Sun. I'm on my knees. Father, hear me please. I give my life for a peaceful world for all beings.

And I was heard. 🙏

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When you read Boy cried Wolf, sweet Patti, and the way you read that : goosebumps, sacred. Thank you, we love you. I ve always felt like you are an Ancient Soul, so wise. You ve seen a lot, you know a lot, many lifetimes here and elsewhere. Your soul is deep, deep and beautiful.

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Thanks for showing the books and for the wolf cries and Cairo's participation - such composure, not a whisper from Cairo, just funny looks!

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Very nice! Goodnighht! Quelle merveille ce triste texte, triste et à la fois rempli de rédemption...

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Thank you!

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Oh, Patti. This is so wonderful. A look into your world, your current reading. This is so beautiful. And thank you for reading "Boy..." So wonderful. Please do more.

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I'm so sad! I would really like to hear that but it doesn't work!

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oh man, boy cried wolf was a great choice, thanks Patti and whoever requested it

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Hello Patti! I'm a new subscriber I had to get my mother to pay for this so I can see your show online - you were going to be coming to my home city in New Zealand but damn covid got in the way. I love these videos they are so sweet (hello to Cairo too) really makes it feel like you're talking to me. Could you play Easter at your online concert? It's one of my favourite songs ever and I find it full of solace. Or Changing of the Guards - I dare say I like your version even better than Bob's I can picture it like a painting in my head.

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