
I've learned a lot about Stefan Zweig. thank you. Great that you took that Beuys picture.

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good job to take that picture

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I didn't know that about Stefan Zweig, Patti. So, thank you. I've gone done another rabbit hole...the best kind!

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Hey Patti...hey Cario... I don't know Joseph Beuys. I did see the photo in the book. I will look him up now. Thank you. XOXO

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I really love that you got to take that photo. Good trouble! Cairo is just too adorable and thanks for being you.🖤

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Hey Ms. Patti, I am always late to the party, but I really enjoy your posts and save them for when I can actually focus on what you are sharing. I appreciate your stories and insights that help bring to life artists both known and unknown to the larger world. Your story about Joseph Beuys' suit fibers vibrating with life reminded me of seeing Dr. Martin Luther King's suit at the King Center in Atlanta many years ago. There is something deeply moving about seeing, years after the fact, the clothes of those who have died. They definitely have a particular presence. The most moving exhibit to me at the Holocaust Museum in DC is that of the shoes of those murdered. The smells of old leather, ancient fear, and blind courage combine to hit one directly in the gut. Thank you, Patti and Cairo, for the gifts you share. Be well. ❤

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Never heard of Beuys but will check him out now, Patti, thank you!

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Thank you, Patti, for the Book of Days, for the many meaningful photographs you have made and shown us, and, in general, for your visits to us all, Cairo at your side. This visit, about the Rimbaud manuscripts, and Joseph Beuys, is no exception. I think the copies of Rimbaud's manuscripts are probably deeply meaningful, not only in the actual words he wrote, but in the beauty that appears in his actual penned words. Flowing and active. So glad I can now comment, and thank you and Cairo again........Peace.......C......

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Consider this:

Jessica May

We're all ache and warmth.

Be warm about aches. Don’t lash out to those who’ve lashed out. You’ve no idea what they are going through.

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Also, might you read all comments before reacting? Starting with the most recent.

I’ll say this now. My husband and son were killed in an auto accident May 11, 2017. Spring is hard for me. Hallmark’s Mother’s Day is a day I wish did not exist. I hate this time of year. I didn’t mean to lash out. I did. I’m sorry for having done so. I apologized.

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It wasn’t about the suit. Might you check your anger?

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A lot of energy around these days!

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Sincerest apologies for my having contaminated this beautiful literary forum of love, sweetness, art, community, education, and love of Patti. And Patti, sincerest apologies for having offended you. You didn’t call for it in any way. I’ve held you in my heart since I first heard you at age 14, 1976 or 77. My 86 year old mom knows this such that she still alerts me when she sees media about you. I am so averse to social media being used for negativity. Yet, I used it to hurt others. Didn’t realize at the time. Then I got defensive, and piled on. I’m mortified by having done so. I’m so sorry. So very sorry, to all I harmed. And sorry in general. 💔

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The photograph is wonderful. I'm so glad you misbehaved!

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My husband shares Joseph Beuys‘ birthday. ♥️

Beuys! In art school I was discussing the idea, of Social Sculpture - extra curricular. It definitely wasn’t part of my curriculum in art school. Way later I realized how it ‚subversively‘ influenced my Art as Human Ensemble performances, 8@8.

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I am in New York visiting. And yes, it was hot yesterday. Today is better!

I wish you an early happy Mother’s Day. I came to spend it with my son.♥️

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