
The continuing adventure

Perhaps down the hollow stump!

A very nice song by Tom Verlaine. Wishing all a pleasant evening.

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Thanks Patti and yes guiding is through those nights !!!!!!

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Thank you Patti. Blessings to heal your aching ❤

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Thank you for this installment of our Uncle. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. It may be a small consolation, but I've been listening to the radio, and his voice is everywhere! So we still have his words and music. And like some others here, I can imagine you singing "Guiding Light."

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love you so much Patti

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Hello Patti, I really enjoy all your messages, readings, music, everything you do. I wanted to tell you that I have been washing my hair once a week for all of my life. I'm 77 now and when I was younger we lived in places like Formentera and Goa where our water had to be drawn from a well. Now I live on a Swiss mountain and even though I have running water, the practice is still with me. The air is clean up here, not like in a city, and my hair is doing fine. Lots of love to you and Cairo.

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So sorry for your loss Patti, I also lost a good friend in December, as we age these things happen more often. RIP Tom. Thank you for your reading, I didn’t want Uncle W to go down there either! I have long hair too & only wash it once or twice a week, it’s something I read yrs ago too, bless you Patti & many thanks for your continued presence. I read your book of days every day, a loverly inspiration.

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Thank you Patti, I'm loving Mr Wiggily's adventures, and really enjoyed the beautiful Tom Verlaine song. I also use the 19th Century hair approach and it works well, takes a little time to get used to it but it's better for your hair and the environment too, so win win. Sleep tight.

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Love Uncle Wiggly and your sweet reading of it. Makes for a gentle end of day wind down. Will miss the beauty of Tom Verlaine. Thank you and pleasant dreams under the almost full moon.

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Thanks Patti! I've missed the Uncle Wiggly stories and look forward to hearing what the heck happened in the stump. Regarding hair, I've noticed as I age (just turned 60) , my hair gets really weird sometimes. I'm a daily hair-washer and will try washing less, though I hate the feel of unwashed hair. Thanks for the Tom Verlaine video. I first heard Television when I was an undergraduate at UNC-Chapel Hill. Bonded with a short-term boyfriend over Television one semester.

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Patti Smith is reading Uncle Wiggly book to me , OMG Life is good

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Between Uncle Wiggly and Verlain/Television's memorable and poignant song I'm feeling I'll be having a very nice sleep tonight. Thank you for reading this bedtime story to all your adult "children"... transcendent ....

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This is a great adventure!

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You are a one off Patti, a global treasure and an example to us all of how to live your fullest life embracing your past , present and future. Thanks for sharing your beautiful spirit and soul with us ❤️✌️♾️

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This reading was super exciting. Your children must have loved you reading them bedtime stories. There must be a role for you to do readings to kids on video or a podcast. I had to do a double take when you said it was winter. Here in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, we just had catastrophic floods, with deaths, people losing their homes to flooding, road slips, and other parts of the country being cut off by erosion. This is our summer! Climate change is here. I look forward to the next episode in Uncle Wiggly's escapade.

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Thank you! You are the sweetest person to read to us. So exciting. Can’t wait for the next episode.

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On tenterhooks again ! Uncle Wiggily keeps us on our toes for sure ! Thank you for taking the time to read and to talk to us again . This week has been a difficult one and you have been in my thoughts every day . Sometimes a guiding light is all we need ….. so thank you too for the lovely Tom Verlaine music . There is a bright beautiful moon tonight ! 🌕

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Thank you for being you 🍀

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Thank you everyone for your warm thoughts for Tom. I'm happy to read to you all at night time.

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I hope when you play his song, your friend shows up, and you can sing and play together again. Sing with your heart. I’m singing with you.

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Can't blame the old gentleman for jumping down the hole. No telling where treasure lies. Adventurers must have a brave heart.

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i fell asleep last night in the middle of Uncle Wiggely!

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I so enjoy listening to you reading from uncle wiggilys adventures .... feels like home and nurtures my soul...

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I'm scared of the stump!

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🥲 I just want to say, we love you Patti ❤️

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Ooooo, a cliffhanger, Patti! You're the best! I look forward to the next installment! I was sad to hear about Tom's passing, we're getting to that age when we're losing our loved ones too soon. Guiding Light is a lovely song. It's startling to come upon an old friend and realize that they've become older, and suddenly frail. I don't know about you, but I still feel nine-years-old inside, tho' my body objects at times like this morning when I had to wrestle with my tiny goat, Tessa. The little dumpling had managed to get her front leg through the neck hole of her winter blanket...so early morning goat rodeo was a bit much for me! (Exhausting.) I got it fixed, nobody got hurt, that's all that matters. For such a cute little thing, she can be obstinate about wearing her blanket when it's bitter cold. Thankfully, my wee donkey is content with her blanket. I'm glad to keep myself active throughout the day, always moving, and not sitting for too long. I'm much better retired than when I was working, that's for sure! I did way too much sitting at the office, my sciatic nerve was wretched. I'm outside more, even in this cold weather. It's very bitter out there this morning, I was surprised at how acclimated I've become this time around. Keep warm!!!!!

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helpful guiding spirit and i saw clearly immediately why even as your books re-affirmed already the gentle knowing kind spirit, your extreme level of evolution: not one third thru your video is revealed why we gravitate to this forum a small path by river rather than the Thruway 1-95 madness of Twitter or whatever where you segue briefly from Wiggly intro into how we all can succumb within the frenzy of no water, food, exercise, find ourselves immersed as writers do ,not necessarily dangerous but this intense inner examination which at the borderline of madness may obscure what we really want to say and if we actually jumped back into life sporadically on concrete level : bam!! (is this "travel" a metaphor in uncle wiggly? hmmmm i will watch later) and with both feet in whatever way is joyful to us and then the perhaps the writing gets more genuine because genuine has nothing to do with the pile of cigs in ashtray, dinner uneaten, sleep curtailed , ego furiously masturbated with fingers flying

(oh yeah ive already deleted my first post on account of that shit) or whatever other fuckin drama we pretend is needed for creativity....thanks for this and now i see we are all kinda team here, each with uniquely human yet universal expertises.....in the moment here so wont go back and read all back posts you have done.....as someone below so aptly says: onward! thanks.....

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Hi Patti! How about making "Guiding Light" live on your tour...? I'll be in Helsinki in June to hear if you do🎶

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Sorry for your loss Patti. Your friend won’t be far from you. As you know, only way is Onwards. Sending love

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Yes I believe that too.

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So lovely to have this story and loved hearing Guiding Light - beautiful song. Sending you all strength at this time of loss. Looking forward to the next instalment.....

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Thank you both for a new episode of Special agent UNCLE Wiggly, in words and music. On the cliff and watching out for the helicopter! But also sending strength. Goodnight.

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What a cliff hanger! I can't wait to find out what happens in that stump hole. Best bedtime story ever.

Goodnight all and sweet dreams............

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Thank you for the bedtime story Patti and thanks for sharing that beautiful song my heart is full breathing deep

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I really like his guitar sound, it’s so unique and what a songwriter!

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I hope Dr Possums advice is going to prove beneficial to the Rabbit Gentleman!

Loving your reading to us Patti you bring the story to life so well. Just captivating.

Thank you for being with us all tonight.

Have been thinking of you and Tom.

Sending well wishes to you.

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Don't leave us hanging. Thanks for the link to the beautiful song.

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Tom fell into the arms of the Venus de Milo....

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Oh, I wouldn’t go down down the hollow stump!! That sounds daring!!!

I may need that Light song for support! Last, but not least, you are great at leaving us on a cliffhanger….

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Thank you,Patti , for Tom's Guiding Light.

Condolences for the loss of your dear friend.

The plot thickens with Uncle Wiggley's adventure.

The hint is he thought the voice was familiar. Well we'll have to wait til tomorrow !

Goodnight Patti and Cairo

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You are a joy Patti! I am sorry for your loss of Tom. He left his guiding light with you ❤️🌟

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We are all with you Patti. So much love ✌❤🙏

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Thank you ❤️ 🙏 ttm...

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I’m so sorry for your loss, Patti. Thanks for these Uncle Wiggly installments.

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I love this song too. I listened it to it the other day and I thought the vocal sounds a lot like your voice.

I remember my introduction to Marquee Moon, in 1979 from a student named Scott. We joked about the band's name. He said "not watch Television, listen to Television" <giggles>

Thanks for the Uncle Wiggily story. Imma little anxious for him.

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Condolences on your dear friend, Tom - beautiful song link. Love the 19th century hair care tip, which I actually practice myself and agree! Can't wait for the next Uncle Wiggly episode....thank you Patti

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I can’t stand the suspense!! I did not want him to go down the stump😬

Again, I am sorry for your loss and thank you for the music.

I may try the 19th century hair care also as it’s too cold to go out with a just washed head of hair.

Stay well🖤🌹

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I'm with you, Patti . . . I didn't want Uncle Wiggly to go down that hollow stump either!

Thanks so much for the reading and for sharing Guiding Light. Wonderful! Wishing you a good evening, too.

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I’m sorry for your and your family’s great loss

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Hi Patti! Glad to see you again, and to hear more Uncle Wiggley in the year of the Rabbit! I also enjoyed “Guiding Light”, since for the past 2 nights we’ve had a moon steadily growing, but tonight is cloudy, no moon, no Guiding Light. I’ve never heard Television before, although I’ve heard the name and Tom Verlaine’s name, but much of my cassette tape and CD collection depends on yard sales and the like. I’m lucky to have found 2 R.E.M. CDs, and I only bought them because I recognized “Losing My Religion”. I can’t remember where or how I found “Horses”, but I loved reading the play “Equus” despite loving the animals so much, and your “Horses” brought something of the essence of the play, and “the soft noses….” I think the combination brought me deeper into the craft of writing…….of what was possible. A pleasant evening to you too, Patti……

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We had a bunch of Uncle Wiggly books around the house when I was little. I think my mom had them as a child and would read them to us. I loved them then and am enjoying listening to you read these stories so much. Thank you. #SkyBluePink

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Thank you, Patti! How lovely to spend this time with you and Uncle Wiggely! Smiles aren’t to be taken for granted these days and your sharing always makes me smile. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Thanks so much for the bedtime story! Now I'm off to lay my little old head down for the night. oxoxo

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Isn’t there a comet careening about this week.. I hope I see it. I hope a radiating golden stream washes through everyone that mourns

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Sending you green comet magic to inspire your green knight poem. Thank you for the uncle wiggly reading installment.

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Tom Verlaine.

“I woke up and it’s yesterday.”


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Patti, you are leaving us with a cliffhanger...

After I started working out of our home office decades ago (rather than remaining in public) I started lengthening the number of days between washing my hair and it has been wonderful for my hair.

Here in Northern Minnesota we have a wind chill warning down to -60 degrees for the next 17 hours, so I am off to get a lot of rest. It was heartwarming to listen to you read to us before I go.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. A nice Uncle Wiggly reading in his honor. Thank you.

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Uh oh Uncle Wiggily! Thanks Patti, nice song! I only wash my hair once a week too so it's less frizzy!

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thank you Patti for the beautiful reading- always a highlight of my day! So sorry for the loss of your beloved friend! I actually discovered the music of Television and Tom Verlaine in the last days, since I wasn‘t that familiar with his work. Very fine, complex, and also mysterious music. I’ll go on with my discoveries! Good night!

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Beware of the stump!

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Your hair is lovely unwashed.

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Move over Alfred Hitchcock. It seems we have a new Master of Suspense... Patti Smith! What a place to end your reading! Tomorrow's installment can't come quickly enough.

Thanks for taking the time to read to us. And how wonderful that your dear friend, Tom, enjoyed Uncle Wiggily too. Guiding Light is a great song to share. Guiding through these nights. So beautiful.

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Thank you for sharing your and Tom’s beautiful music, and for reading to us, Patti. Thank you for showing us how to honor and to love, even when it’s hard. Sending you love and healing vibes 🌻✨❤️

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Very nice, Patti. I have felt over the last couple of years that Television is, in many ways, better now than then. The flow just seems so now & relevant. Condolences on Tom’s departure. May you, Jesse, Jackson, Lenny, Jay Dee, Tony be well & safe. 🙏✌️

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You are such a sweetheart Patti Smith, I'm sorry that you lost your friend. Thank your for the song.

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Just wondering if you’ve come across the Fourth way in your readings and what your thoughts are of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Thank you for your generosity of spirit in holding up a ‘guiding light’ over and over.

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thanks for coming on to read...such a big loss is hard. ps where is Cairo?

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So sorry for your loss dear Patti🖤🌈☀️

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Thank you for this greeting and reading. Patti. It was so much what I needed. I also needed the reminder about getting up because I constantly set about to work and before I know it, hours and hours have gone by and I’ve forgotten to drink or take the little breaks I’ve been admonished to. I’m relieved to hear you do it too. It’s so hard to stop, isn’t it?

I’ve found that not washing my hair often helps it a lot. Sometimes I just rinse it with water in the shower and then use a good detangler. I’m laughing as I type this because that is truly my only hair care or beauty tip. But it’s an important one, I think.

I’m so happy you suggested “Guiding Light.” I love all his music but that is my favorite and during this recent bout of illness I listened to it all the time, even before he passed away.

Thank you again for this warm message. And again, heartfelt condolences on the passing of your beloved friend.



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Thanks Patti. Nice remembrance for Tom.💖

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I jumped into many a talking, hollow stump when I was in my 20s. Oh boy. I hope Uncle Wiggily is okay! Losing a kindred spirit is never easy, Patti. Love to you. I think I heard Ram Dass once say that “death is like taking off a really tight shoe”- not that it makes any difference when one is grieving. I do think he’s closer than you think though. Hugs.

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love love love...

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“Everywhere else, death is the end...Not in Spain.” Lorca

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so sweet. and wishing you a pleasant evening too. thanks for sharing 💙

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