Well, I realized that yesterday I sent pictures of the rocks. I was so tired yesterday that I forgot. So I will find new images and send them.Below is the magnificient ceiling mural by the artist Jose Clemente Orozco and a statue in his honor. The domed mural is the centerpiece of the room we had our press conference. My collaborator Stefan from Soundwalk Collective can be seen gazing at it. I will send more soon. Now I most go to work. Good wishes to all….
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Hello everybody. I'm in Guadalajara and I'm actually sitting on my bed in my little hotel room. It's so pretty. And yeah, the light in Guadalajara is especially beautiful. And so, but it's very hot today. It's like 90 something. And I'm not really great with
heat. And so I had to come in. I did walk around a bit. I really loved the streets and looking at the markets and all the architecture. But I had to come in and see what was going on. And have a little rest. I have a performance with Sound Walk Collective, spoken word with
film and of course the soundscape, live soundscape of Sound Walk Collective. And it's our first time, well it's my first time in Guadalajara. And so I'm excited. We had our exhibition yesterday. And I'll put some pictures, kind of abstract because the exhibition is sound, film, installation
Saying hello from Guadalajara
light, heat and the fifth sun
Feb 28, 2024
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Love Light Aloha
Hola Aho Hello
If the smoke signals of your heart should ever inspire you to return to Guadalajara please take the timeless time to connect with Victoria Avalon, a very loving and deeply soul seasoned curendera-like practitioner of spiritual maturity who serves as an ambassador to the angelic realm, while in Akashic addition to being an impromptu tour guide to various incomparable places in and around the Guadalajara area! She’s also published numerous books and is very connected to the community of healers and golden liquid love light workers throughout Mexico! (victoriavalon@gmail.com)
Entreatingly Blessed Be
Bendiciones Eternally
Mahalo Ever So Blissfully
This is Louis-Virie Blanche the Cherokee-Lumbee, Choctaw, Blackfoot, Afro French Creole Gumbo Ya Ya Guy
“We’ve never heard anything like his music before! Some of the Sound textures he gets are amazing and his poetry is quite intriguingly good!”
(Radio Ethiopia-Patti Smith/Lenny Kaye)
Wow! What a ceiling. Thanks for thinking of us as always. I'm grateful to hear from you.
I believe that is a beautiful piece of Snowflake Obsidian which has healing properties. It is known to give courage when one is feeling hopeless.
I love that constellation stone,
it carries a cosmos in it.
Fascinating and beautiful, tonic for the soul, thank you.
THE BLACK STONE FROM THE VOLCANO LOOKS LIKE TOURMALINE - so shiny and I cannot find it like that on the web - very cool Patti -♋
I know that I am writing something trite - and I was surprised that I heard Because the Night on XM 33 (First Wave) today and I was happy !
And to Patti- today March 1 and the wondrous time of Pisces - the world melancholy and wonderous, it is, waking up and hello to you in Guadalajara💢💥✝☪
This particular Substack community is such a lovely respite from the frankly awful stuff that I have to focus on for work; thank you one and all.
While I’m doing what I have to do, I’m also looking forward to these dispatches, for Patti’s observations and then for the civility and beauty and concord that ensues in the comments.
I love the installment in Medea! I was mesmerized when I saw it in Bogotá
In fact you looks very excited to be there... Medea is a masterpiece
The ceiling mural by painter José Clemente Orozco is unique in its use of perspective. The way heaven is depicted also seems to be different in the Land of the Sun.
Don’t you just love Mexico. Was lucky to be in the Yucatán for a couple of weeks last year. Mérida is a beautiful spot to anchor in for a trek around the Puuc. So much culture, so little time
Happy March 1st have a great show in Mexico City. Drink water and stay cool. Take time for yourself Patti. Sending you energy and strength for travel. Peace to all
Take a break. 😉
Wow! That volcanic rock is stunning! It’s as if the celestial bodies and their mysterious qualities and powers and secrets are embedded within. What a beautiful gift to you with a special message from the 5th sun. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I love what you share Patti. It expands our minds and gives us a bit of insight into yours .
You are most generous.
Love and light
Thank you for your posts. I enjoy each and every one and appreciate this Substack connection with you. You are such a treasure. And yes to rocks; I also collect rocks wherever I go. That's a gorgeous deep rock.
Thanks for these last two posts and for taking the time to give us a glimpse of more of your work.
The "rock" - a universe contained within. Maybe it will offer up its secrets. It may well speak to you - in
its way.
With each rock I've collected, be it from creek, river, mountain or field, I have imagined the universe it holds inside as I hold it in my hand.
Wishing you safe travels, Patti - and mind how you go.
Dear Patti
thank you for posting your news.I love your work with SoundwalkC.I have the catalogue from Evidence, found it in my favourite bookshop in Barcelona, Les Finestres( when you come to town you must visit) and i really found it inspiring.Love the music you guys make too.So lucky our mexican friends that get to see you guys perform together,Take care of yourself, stay cool and Viva Mexico querido y lindo
O Patti, you give me/us the whole world with such stunning insight and beauty. Your visits on my screen often bring me to tears of joy...Thank you.
This conversation (we were talking, you and I) came at just the right day, just the right minute, just the right place. I’m away from home in a beautiful place- a stranger with no language. You made it all ok. Thank you.
Welcome to Guadalajara, my hometown! I know you have many fans here that will be enchanted with your performance and visit. ¿And a concert with your songs? I hope it will happen pretty soon. Best regards, Patti.
I loved this video so much. You look beautiful, Patti. It’s your appreciation and wonder as you showed us the gorgeous rock, rotating it and observing all the beautiful details it holds. It reminds me of a video from you last year, where you started with the words “I have this rock...” and shared its wonder with us. You notice and appreciate things that bring me so much joy. I never feel so at peace as when I’m in your company. I’m looking forward to your message from Mexico City. One of my favourite capital cities. I hope you’re sleeping well and staying cool.
Seeing your beautiful, gentle face and listening to you talk, always with such wonder and appreciation, calms my spirit. What a beautiful, sacred rock!
Enjoy your shows in Mexico and safe travels back to the States.
Welcome to México 🇲🇽 !! Beautiful rock!.
So excited to see you tomorrow at El Teatro de la Ciudad!. By the way, your pronunciation of Guadalajara it’s perfect, not an easy word ☺️
That is an awesome rock! Volcanic rock is pretty amazing. And the exhibition sounds fascinating! As much as I love warmer weather, I must agree, 90 is hot, and your sun-filled room looks delightful! It's snowing like crazy here! It's the Lake Effect from Lake Ontario following a storm that ran through here Wednesday, we were 60 degrees only a day ago, and then, a clap of thunder, a blustery wind, and back down to 19 degrees by this morning. My wee donkey and tinier goat are back in their blankets, the poor things are so confused! Tomorrow, we'll be in the forties and sunny, and spring-like through the weekend. Thank you and have a good day, Patti!
Thanks so much for sharing—what an absolutely gorgeous ceiling— Inspiration personified!🙏🏼❤️
Orozco 🙏
So focused! Great good work!! Thank you for the peek into what you do👁️👁️!!!
The volcanic rock is so beautiful. I love rocks of any kind but this one looks special. I hope your travel does not get affected by the volcano eruptions (but then it is part of nature - and how we get to see those beautiful rocks, anyway, let's hope for no travel problems for you! I was supposed to go to a good friends wedding on the weekend, flying tomorrow, but can't go now because I caught covid19... luckily not too bad but I don't want to infect others.)
At the moment I'm finding it really hard to concentrate and read longer pieces (not covid19 related, I think just overload and the state of the world all in all). But your videos or voice notes and the photos are always so refreshing!
Hi Patti, I was wondering if you've taken any Polaroids during your visit to Guadalajara? Hope so!
Patti, I came across this quote this morning and thought of you
“Music is a means of rapid transportation”- John Cage
Do you like the Mutts cartoons by Patrick McDonnell? It came in his daily newsletter.
I love his cartoons. I think you would too🥰
He cowrote a great book titled guardians of being with Ekhart Tolle. It’s about how our pets teach us about being. It’s delightful.
Anyway, have a great day working and traveling around
Lots of love
Thank you for this video, Patti, and for speaking about your art exhibition in Guadalajara. The Aztecs, all so interesting. And that piece of rock is absolutely awesome. The five suns in it are stunning – where Sky meets the Earth. It left me speechless.
I’ve always been fascinated by the energy within volcanos and by the fact that they show us Earth at its primordial stage. This even if I’ve only walked twice on a volcano – Etna, in Sicily, and another one with an unpronounceable name in Iceland.
I’ve recently seen at the theater this incredible movie: The Fire Within, by Werner Herzog. Maybe you know it or maybe you will find it interesting. It is not a documentary, the approach of the two authors was scientific but the developing of the movie is humanistic. Herzog himself beautifully describes their work at one point of his narration: “It appears to me that the Kraffts were shooting a whole film about creation in the making”. Here are below a couple of clips:
While I hope you enjoy your stay in Mexico (I suffer heat too so I can understand) I look forward to your next post from this beautiful and colorful country. Thank you again for sharing all this. You’ve brightened up my day. 💕💕
Thank you for the clips.
You're welcome, Robin!
Your little rock is most likely obsidian which is volcanic. The natives made arrowheads because it’s so sharp. Your room is very charming and so are you!
At 43 I just found out I was born on a leap year, and so my late father; I always thought we had so little in common and, yet, one thing was there since the very beginning. It never occurred to me to check, thank you for this gift, Patti.
This is so moving. I’m glad you found you have this in common with your late father, and that you have had this “since the very beginning.”
Thank you.
Thank you for this great post! You look so well and happy. Love it. Also a gorgeous jacket...!
I was in Guadalajara aged 20 in 1979, fresh from London, not a clue what I was doing :) - and then I went to Mexico City which I loved. How fantastic to be working there.
Morning Patti x you feel so happy! Holding that fabulously shiny rock and pointing out the 5 elements - your face and eyes are glowing with awe and happiness ! Great that you have the opportunity to be in a new country & culture. Go well today :) water and lemon, good to have them in your bag , thanks for dropping by xo
Patti, you are a great gift to this world....so grateful.
Thank you as always Patti, so interesting I love the rock. Not felt so well recently, but slowly improving. Will try to find the Brian Jones album, as a girl he was my favourite Rolling Stone. Happy Leap yr & safe travels Patti xx 🤗🩷
Beautiful rock! X
Dome looks superb.
Stay safe
The colours in this video are beautiful Patti. The walls and the Klimt, complimented by your clothes. Then the black shining rock rotating in your hands. Visual poetry 💛
Safe journey and good luck on your travels x x x
It’s another overcast rainy day in London and very different to Guadalajara in the heat! It’s wonderful to see and hear you this morning, it always cheers me up. Your eyes are full of excitement when looking at that amazing volcanic rock, it’s so beautiful and the 5 white dots look like sparkling stars, magical.
I have a large Mexican Pendant made of silver which has an Obsidian carved head inlaid in it. It’s very special to me, l think you would like it.
Safe travels and enjoy the wonderful Mexico City 🙏
Once again, I wrote something and it got erased. This is what happens when I try writing after working until 3am. I should eat and sleep but your visits and the responses of this community always call to me.
Thank you so much for the incredible photo of the ceiling. It must have been amazing to be beneath it.
Amazing rock. I love rocks and have always collected them. I know nearly every one, how it looks, feels, its provenance. When I’m writing, I put specific rocks on top of the pile of a draft. If I’m writing a brief I’ll put a rock on each section and I always feel it helps to strengthen it.
When health issues precluded travel I began asking people to bring back a rock (picked up, not bought) from wherever they’ve been.
The state of Texas tonight has executed an innocent man. It is hard to fathom how much blood we have on our collective hands.
Wishing you a good show, Patti; wishing everyone strength and peace. We need them, in times such as these.
As ever,
The other thing I wanted to say was that I hope the heat is less intense today.
I love the press conference pic ❤️
The Fifth Bridge. (But that’s another story) 🪄
Ossidiana is a wonderful extrusive igneous rock and your piece is very remarkable. Thanks for sharing 🙏
When you are home and get a chance, tell us about how you came to collaborate with Soundwalk Collective?
That rock is gorgeous! It looks like it’s covered in pearls. And the shape!
That volcanic rock took my breath away as soon as you held it up, Patti. It seemed to hold the history of the world in its brilliant black facets.
Wow. You’re right! That gave me goosebumps- the 5 ⭐️
Truly mesmerising. Gazing must be irresistible.
Hi Patti,
I love between the buttons too. the mysterious blurry cover of the album and Charlie Watts’ magical silver buttons.
it’s been hot here today too... this last day of February already here- here, and as the world turns and the hemispheres harmonise to experience and enjoy this extra day... like the extra lesson, or extra-ordinary- like a little miracle... a series of random, scattered minutes which attract to themselves like atoms, to culminate in making this special, extra day.
Your invocation of your room at home was such a lovely image- with the peace sign and the ol’ pink blanket.. instantly transporting and familiar home ground. It made me smile, hearing the fondness for your room in your voice.
good wishes to you for this trip away and all your experiences, whilst staying in your home away from home room.
that is an especially impressive piece of rock you have with you. embedded with the balanced progression of the five suns... it made me think of the invisible fifth chamber of the spiritual heart, where love and the etheric reside.
and you saying I am the fifth Sun... reminding me again of the irrevocable connection to the Sun, the Earth and the human Heart.
Hello Jill, I’m just replying to your message regarding the moldavite. Cesky Krumlov is a magical place. The town in part has a high stone wall, from there the view is breathtaking. I was fortunate enough to be with a group of very close friends and it remains one of our fondest memories. I urge you to Google it, the history is fascinating. They have a museum dedicated to Moldavite.
Jayne i’m so pleased you saw my message ! and thank you for sharing more of your Moldavite story... what a beautiful shared memory and experience for you all. i will certainly do more research on your magical town, Cesky Krumlov.
After many years, I was only recently made aware of the origin of a pendant i have, and its unusual history. My piece of Moldavite is in its raw state and is placed near a piece of uncut yellow topaz, both set in silver. i also found out later that Moldavite is often placed with other moderating stones to balance its unusual energy. This has been a lovely exchange Jayne, as the circumstances in which I bought the pendant for myself have their own story, and it has been meaningful to recall this today! thank you.
Jill and Jayne, forgive me for interloping, but I’m so touched by this exchange about Moldavite, friendship, a pendant, and the magical town of Cesky Krumlov.
Thank you both for sharing this with us.
dear Robin, I really enjoy and value your contributions and presence here, in this great community of Patti’s creation, and am so delighted to know the unfolding exchange had a positive effect and you felt motivated to share. thank you. 🌺
Dear Jill,
Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I am grateful for you and all in this community.
With warm wishes and gratitude,
these are precious threads here... and warm wishes to you Robin.
Ahh! The power of Moldivite strikes again 😵💫
Actually when I bought my earrings, I chose a different pair. The sales girl looked at me, asked me where I was from as she couldn’t pick the accent, then she said, no, you don’t want those ones you want these, they were so much smaller and a bit more expensive but I quickly felt that maybe I was being shown to the real thing not a fake. They certainly do have a strange effect when worn.
so true... 🙏
totally have a sense Moldavite finds you. you are very fortunate to have been there.
im back home now and you’ve reminded me of a book,The Book of Stones-who they are and what they teach, which is like the bible of stones, by Richard Simmons and Naisha Ahsian. ive just taken the book down from the bookshelf. i remember when first realising what the stone was i looked it up straight away- the interpretations and meditations for Moldavite are really interesting and quite inspiring. if you haven’t already seen this book, i would be very happy to scan and send to you. i think you would enjoy. i’m going to re-read too as ive actually forgotten just how incredible it is. 🪨
That’s very generous of you to offer Jill. My daughter was a wrapper (of stones not music 😂 she has many, many books on stones and is quite knowledgeable about these things, unfortunately she can’t wear my earrings as they give her a bad headache, good for me though otherwise I might not get them back!
hi Jayne, fabulous to know of your daughter’s love and knowledge of stones!
im inspired to begin wearing my Moldavite pendant again....it has been some years.
thank you for this lovely exchange.
Oh and happy birthday in heaven to dear Brian! I will listen to him on my way to an orphanage today. It’s my first time volunteering there. I do music/movement and dance with children. 🎶💜🎶
What a wonderful thing to do
Thanks! They loved it so much. I’m just a big kid! It was my first time at this orphanage. They only speak Mandarin, so I use music to teach English (and easy story/picture books). I live in Taiwan. 🙂
What a wonderful thing to do. Blessings on you.
Thank you Robin! Love and blessings to you too! ✨🙏✨
Wow Patti! That rock is amazing! What synchronicity!
I love love LOVE Ralph Nader. I voted for him and went to one of his rallies when he was running against W. Jackson Browne performed. I voted for him and my family nearly disowned me (staunch Dems), but as he said, “vote with your conscience!”
Much love to you. Enjoy Mexico. Try to stay cool! 😎🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ah, the magic of obsidian. It certainly looks like unpolished obsidian, excepting for those white spots - maybe a form of snowflake obsidian? When the cooling lava has water trapped inside, the lava solidifies and the water is trapped, forming those little white spots. In your case, dear Patti, or in the case of your rock, water formed the Five Suns, the five white spots of the side of the rock. The Dine (Navajo) also have a story about the five worlds, the fifth world emerging from the fourth world, the Glittering World, into the new world of ( hopefully) peace.
Love it that you always remind us of important birthdays - lest we forget!
Well, goodnight to you in Guadalajara, a place name that just rolls of the tongue, named after the Spanish city of Guadalajara, a name derived from the Arabic meaning Valley of Stones. So we have come full circle, from the Valley of Stones to the new Guadalajara with a Five Sun obsidian in hand. Good day and good night, all, from sunny, and finally not so humid, Ningy Ningy land, Australia.
I was thinking snowflake obsidian too:)
And thanks for the music suggestions. Yee haw heck yeah!!
Thanks again, Patti. Love your stream of consciousness descriptions of the day.
I am in awe of the rock you featured in your ‘show and tell’. Enjoy your time in Mexico City and safe travels home…
Patti I feel so lucky to have you on the earth while I’m here. Thank you for sharing your time in Mexico with us. Like so many folks the kiss by gustav Klimt is one of my favorite works of art. I wonder if they picked that room for you specifically. I’m so glad you are taking care of yourself It’s true it is humbling to have new needs as we age. I hope you live forever😘your presence is a gift I love your show and tell. Everything about you reminds me of my childhood. So easy and familiar filled with wonder and joy
I have no doubt the art show was awesome
I needed a visit from you tonight. So muchas gracias amiga. Sweet dreams and safe travels. Can’t wait to see Mexico City. Stay cool and lots of love to you🥰 you are a rare gem
mmm magical obsidian! or onyx? What a relief that these alien rocks will be here long past us all... Dang, just left Cuernavaca and CDMX so i miss you again! Been 10 years or so so since we saw you for M train release book tour...i It will be cooler for you there than Guadalajara. Heat is also my nemesis. castor oil in belly button helps this - yes, what a dork! I highly recommend Anthro museum in Mexico City- Just spent 7 hours wandering back and forth in time there 2 weeks ago- what a blast! Unfortunately, the national palace where Diego Riviera murals line the stairwells, across from zocalo is closed to public now but maybe they let you in special. Que te diviertas en chilangolandia!!
That 'rock' is gorgeous. It looks like painted glass! Glad you are giving a performance there! Happy belated BD to Mr. Nadar and a Heavenly BD to Brian Jones, my favorite Rolling Stone! Enjoy your travels!
I'm intrigued by the "spots" in that rock - would they actually be slices of pencil-shaped streaks in the stone?
I love feeling happy for you, you are such a good person. Have a festive visit, the rock is awesome.
Wonderful photograph
Between the Buttons is a magnificent album, and an underrated one. It’s so moving to see you share your enthusiasms. Enthusiasm: when the god enters you. Thanks for the gift of your art and the example of your life.
Hi Patti. Thanks for your generous sharing. 20 million people visit the bascillica of the Virgin of Guadalupe there in Mexico City every year. To believers, She is the Queen of Peace. Ask about her and you’ll hear some fabulous stories… we all want peace don’t we? Thanks for your good work with the collective.
I love Between the Buttons too.
amazing rock love how it lit you up...as for heat: siesta demystified! the mural is stunning and again here a flashback to the steep stone-stepped streets of Guanajuato where Rivera was born and the s the faded pastel colors of houses and walls of murals even back then and can only imagine the many since
Your stone, powerful tool for healing, protection, and spiritual growth. Wonderful gift to receive on 29th. Great stone for tolerating the heat, suffering from stress being hot. The stone will help.
And 28th was Sandy Daley’s 84th birthday .
What a wonderful visit, thank you so much Patti-!! You look beautiful, refreshed, and glowing holding that beautiful shiny rock. Have fun in your journeys and get home safe and sound. Much love....xoxo
Love that rock - it does look like the sky with stars - beautiful!!!! HBD Brian Jones <3
Hello from CDMX!
Safe travels and thank you for this fascinating check in. That is a rock for a rock star. A true talisman with the 5 moons. Is it obsidian? With quartz? Beautiful and stunning. My sweet sister was born in the leap year of 1960, March 2. Tomorrow, Feb 29, gives me an extra day to figure out what to give her. I think one of Patti’s books! Happy Leap Year 2024 to everyone in this community of friends.
Happy birthday to your sister!
Thank you, Robin!
Hello to you from our city where it was rainy and wet all day. Hit me in my core today but I took a good walk in Central Park all the same. Thank you for reminding me the sun is always shining somewhere. That rock is amazing. Enjoy Mexico City!
I love that rock. The performance tonight sounds intriguing. All the best to you and the rest of the troupe!
Magical rock! Was also thinking of Brian Jones today, his early guitar work, the musical flourishes on other instruments that he gave to so many songs and made them special...Recently saw the documentary The Stones and Brian Jones by Nick Broomfield.
Welcome to Mexico! I would love to grab a coffee at the beat generation hang out the Bounty Bar to pay homage to your friend William Burroughs. There’s a picture of you and him on the wall. ❤️ marko
Thanks, Patti, I really look forward to your messages, hearing from a friend living an interesting life who happens to have some pretty good show and tell!
Love the Aztec rock. 5 suns. Grateful for these gentle posts of Patti-flaneur. Jen (fellow flaneur)
Flaneuse… just love this term. And all it represents.
Hi Patti,
I hope your performance goes well tonight! I’m sure it will! It’s funny that you would still worry that no one would be interested after all these years. You are so loved by many. I can’t imagine people not caring!
I love that rock! It’s absolutely beautiful- stars set in deep mystery. And very cool indeed that it would contain five suns!
Have a great evening!
By the way, I often really want to record a video response to your messages , I guess to make it more of a conversation. 😂.
Why not? Life is short. Great idea.
Beautiful piece & beautifully mural ! Thanks Patti ! ✌🏼💜
i am a small women as well , i hope one day i have a chance to stop you ,say hello to you and take a picture with you , that will be a amazing !
Thank you for your generosity! Welcome to Mexico, can’t wait to see your performance on Friday! 🫶
Hello Patti,
The look of absolute wonder on your face when looking at the rock was priceless, I had to smile and laugh with you.
It reminded me of a time spent in the Czech Republic in a town called Cesky krumlov. A meteor had crashed on Earth about 15 million years ago and left in its wake these glass like stones called Moldivite. I really love green and that is the colour, so I went to buy earrings. When I wear them now I can only wear them a short time as my face gets red hot. It has something to do with the vibration coming from the stones. I completely understand it when you say that the rocks “ talk” to you.
It is the 29th already in Australia and it is a beautiful day. All the birds are singing, sun is shining, a nicer day than yesterday which brought with it bushfires. I hope you enjoy your time in Guadalajara a blessing to you all 💫
The robins are back in NYC. They said hello at 6 a.m. I am not a morning person but felt overjoyed.
Let’s hope the return of the Robins is a positive omen for our community friend Robin and a renewed hope for good health !
Dear Jayne, I am so touched by your good wishes and your thinking of me at all. Thank you, with all my heart. Warmest wishes to you, as ever,
Robin it was the first thing that I thought, when I read Leslie’s message
I’m truly touched, Jayne. Thank you so much.
We mourned the death of Flaco, the New York City owl whose presence brought so many people together!
I think he’s still flying, just a bit higher now !
It did indeed.
It's so difficult to paint on a curved dome ceiling and have to compensate for the distortion. Thanks for that picture of the ceiling, beautiful!
Thank you for checking in and sharing so much with us!
Hello dear Patti, well for a very short time were almost neighbours. I'm in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco until May about a five hr. drive by car to Guadalajara. I hope your stay in that wonderful city was a real pleasure and now you're off yo Mexico City- lucky you. I love Mexico and the Mexicans - so open-hearted, non-judgemental and ready for a laugh. I have been coming to Mexico for 23 years and I love it more every time I come. This place is soul home for me. Mexico city is an exciting one and I'm so appreciative of the brilliant Mueum of Anthropology - I 'm told it is the 2nd best one of its kind in all the world! There is ma Mexican architect that I admire by the nam of Luis Baragan and I haven't made it there yet but apparently one of his houses has been made into a museum and you can visit. Mexican blessings to you and safe journey home. xo p.s. for how long is your installation up?
A little wave back from Oaxaca, southern Mexico, land of the Zapotecs. You’re right Patti, mornings are best for walking, and such lovely cool nights for meeting the ancestors of the Aztecs in sleep.
Safe travels back to the cafe with the pink blanket. ✨🪨✨
In the collection of a New York artist for whose work — in art & poetry — I’m archivist, editor & preservationist is a wonderful small sketch of Jose Clemente Orozco making a mural at MoMA. He’s working atop a raised platform. I don’t have a date, but I think circa late 1940’s/ early 50’s. The lines w/ color depicting the artist at work by an artist at work are fluid & joyful.
Just clear the plate by flying to Guadalajara. That's what Jim Harrison said.
Between the Buttons is an awesome, overlooked album. I listened to it and other early Stones this morning on my walk in tribute to Brian. Fabulous rock. Which I guess also applies to the volcanic piece you showed us. Absolutely captivating. And I love the five suns reference. It all connects. Music, art, nature, ritual. Wishing you a terrific show this evening. Sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing some of your time. Keep cool.
Beautiful rock and lovely city. I was there more than 50 years ago when a friend and I drove cross country and took a trip to Acapulco on the way to California. We had quite an adventure in Guadalajara as I recall. And thank you for telling me about Ralph Nader’s birthday. Adios.
Dear Patti, Thank you for the picture of the mural by Jose Clemente Orozco. It is truly beautiful.
The volcanic rock is so beautiful. I really felt like I was looking at the night sky.
I don't know what the soundwalk collective is. I'll to do some research. XO
I really can’t handle that kind of heat any more either. I don’t like the limitation…..
Thank you for showing the Rock. It’s like a reflection of the Cosmos 💫✨💫 Stay cool ☮️
Thank you for this fascinating post. Don't get too frazzled or frazzled. The volcanic stone reminds me of a ring I have made from a deep blue synthetic material called "Galaxy". It is made from compressed melted glass and sand quartz with other minerals infused such as copper Feldspar and Manganese to give it a sparkly appearance. Nice try to beat the natural elements for beauty and mystery! My cousin was born on 29th Feb, so although she's now 72 she's really on 18 in leap years. If she lives to be 90, she'll only be 23 in reality. Look after yourself in Mexico.
That’s amazing!
The Galaxy stone has metaphysical and healing properties. My Leap Year Day cousin was also born in the Year of the Dragon, so this must be a very significant year for her.
Rest and stay hydrated! Please.
Dear Patti, you are a treasure and testament of humanity for our generation. Just listening to you talk brings me a sense of peace in these crazy, troubled times. Thank you.
I agree.
The rock is amazing Patti, pretty cosmic!🕉💙😎
Thanks, Patti. I was in Guadalajara in 1987 and bought some espadrilles that I found out later were made from car tires. I wish I still had them.
Have a blast tonight and safe travels.
They make velvet espadrilles with bicycle tires in Friuli, near Venice. I bought a pair at the base of the Rialto bridge.
O la la, tres chic. Velvet! Mine were made of straw. I hope yours lasted longer than mine.
Jigsaw Puzzle!❤️
My mom passed on leap year day,was born on Groundhog day!Thanks for checking in Patti, travel safely!❤️
I’ve spent time in Mexico but certainly between the buttons and beggars banquet
That is so cool!
🥰love you Patti
Hey Patti<3
We just finished working on your interview today, we’ll upload & send it to you tomorrow - to celebrate the leap year:)
It turned out wonderful! Cannot wait for you to see it.
Thinking of you constantly. Enjoy Guadalajara & Mexico city!
Your girls from Georgia
hello! I think of you both a lot and send all good wishes.
Thank you for taking the time to connect with us. I wish I was there to share the experience.
I have now been coming fromCleveland to Mexico City in February fo the las 3 years, and it has changed my life. I hope your experience is wonderfully meaningful.
You're so inspiring and I love the rock, like a fractal of the night's sky, beautiful, enjoy the performance
Thank you for creative knowledge .
Appreciate the rock as you were holding it it looked like stars . Constellations. Enjoy