
Discussion about this video

Love rocks - the textures, the colours, shape, the heaviness …. and I don’t usually know what they are either.

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Los mensajes nocturnos son misteriosos.


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I wonder where you got that rock. I collect interesting looking rocks.

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Your rock rocks!

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You've got the magic touch, Patti... and now the magic rock as well!

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A very beautiful rock indeed…just catching up as been away for a week. Thank you for these loverly messages Patti 🤗❤️💚

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“Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham...” Patti, your post brought to mind a song I learned in grade school—4th grade, I believe. I also believe Peter, Paul & Mary recorded it: I can hear their voices in my head. This is going to be an especially beautiful week, weather wise. Enjoy spring. Breathe deep and slow down . . . you got to make the morning last (S&G).😌

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Magic - made my night

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That is certainly one cool rock. "The round stones beneath the earth have spoken through the fire"..... Xebeche, from 'Dead Man, Jim Jarmusch, 1995.

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Part of a meteor perhaps? Lucky find.

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Love your Ayers Magic Rock, good night

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I am enjoying these small wonderful messages more than I can actually describe. I just love that rock. It does look like it dropped from the sky. While I am unable to subscribe at the moment, I do so appreciate what you offer to everyone.Thank you so very much. xxx

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I love all this little and bigger creations of Mother Nature too…. rocks, crystals… you, shining rock-star…⭐️✨thank you!

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Patti Smith...you are magical! Thank you for the wisdom of Magic!

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I love the rock, it is magical!

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Thanks Debbie-likely represents the beginnings of the creation of an ocean (or, on the north shore, a failed attempt to create one a billion years ago). Now that's poetic and magical!

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My magic has a name since 2019 and it’s Patti Smith. That’s the year when I “discovered” you and your books, lyrics and songs. Quite late for me ( I’m 60) but not too late for the rest of my life.

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I love the magical rock you are holding and the delight of your smile and message! I am sending positive, good magic to you as well!

I agree magic doesn't have to have a name...it just is....and I call it Patti Smith ❤💜💙💛

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I believe there is mineral spirit with its own station of perfection of which we are connected. In your case a rock for a rocker lol

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Patti, when I was a little girl growing up in WV I use to find special rocks with "fools gold" and other crystallization in them and I too thought they were magic! I still do! Thank you for sharing your magic rock with us!

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what a beautiful special rock Patti. thanks so much for sharing. this is just the Dreamtime message I needed. with this magic rock travelling through the ethers, now I sleep. I'm sure its bringing all us Patti Smith subscribers and community of wonderful people a special magical good night and day. thanks Patti! xxx

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Good night, Patti Smith... Jane

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Great share Patti. Thanks. Magic is. You are so right!

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Will your magical rock make it into The Melting?

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I’m with the geologist further down, so to speak - my son would similarly have things to say about your rock, it’s lovely. May you be well wonderful Patti. Thanks for your loving words xx

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Thank you for the magic.

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I love Patti's childlike wonder about the world! what a sweet lady!

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Roll that Rock, Patti!

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I think it’s The Rock of Sages. It is a beauty and appears wonderfully magical…not to mention that it has also found it’s way into your magical hands. Thank you for showing us the photo of it. Really fun!

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a rock from space, meteorite !

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Love you Patti - true to form - you rock x

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful magic in your beautiful rock! We couldn’t love you more

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You are adorable. I just wanna tuck you in bed and kiss your forehead and send you off to dream of magical things. Love to you!

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Rock’s magnification felt!

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Thanks for sharing another magical moment . . . love it!

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Magic just is! xoxom

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Magic has all names inside.

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This magical rock’n’roll rock will be with you always, to light up your electrical dreams whether in black and white or color. Looking forward to more of your rock’n’roll chats *~~*

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And Magic back at ‘cha🖤

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Love all the love for that intriguing rock but I still love Shure mics. Used to have their headquarters in Chicago. Thought the big mic was really funny. Loved the Chicago show and yeah, it was hot at the Metro xxoo

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well who can't use a bit of magic..thank you Patti x

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It's hard to say Patti, but I think that rock might be what's called a gabbro, kind of the same as basalt but cooled more slowly so the crystals can grow bigger (the crystals don't look quite the right shape for gabbro which makes me hesitate a little). You can find them in many places, Gettysburg has similar rocks, also on the north shore of Lake Superior. In these places the earths crust has been pulled apart allowing material from the earth's mantle to melt and produce those types of rock (they are also produced underneath basalt at the spreading centers in the middle of the oceans that create new oceanic crust). It's fun that my first post on your substack is geological as I was discovering and connecting so strongly with your music when I was studying geology in college in 1978.

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what an amazingly thorough investigation of Patti's magical rock Jim. how fitting you were studying geology back then when Patti's music first enticed us all.

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It is a beautiful rock maybe Obsidian? ❤️Love you Patti

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I don't know anything about rocks either, but when I go to a rock store I go crazy. Houston has an incredible museum full of beautiful rocks.

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Houston Museum of Natural Science! Rocks indeed.

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And the beautiful bugs!

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You live here? Would be nice to meet you. Joanson.com

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I used to live in Houston. Now in Smithville, Texas outside of Austin.

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That rock is pretty cool but you are the magic Patti. Thank you for thinking of us.

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Thank you for bringing magic to our lives. We sure need it!

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You are magic Patti and our special gift. ❤️

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‘Magic doesn’t need to have a name, it just is.’ Love you, Patti…

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My favorite too!

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Magic always finds magical people. I am thinking of us all as a magical tribe brought together by you Patti and it feels just great! Thank you for being you.

oh it in the wishing

oh it is in the believing

for this is where magic lives

in the hearts and minds

that have turned to the dreaming

hearts that soar

on the wings of a prayer

minds that are open

to believe the impossible

for wishing and dreaming

create the believing

and the heart of believing

is where miracles are born

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that is beautiful.

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Thank you. You inspired me to share my poetry.

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"Magic doesn't have to have a name. It just is." I love that ❣️

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It’s bedtime here in the antipodes, under the moonlight of an eclipse moon. Little greenstone on my bedside table and seems like we’re all in good company with the rocks. Goodnight all, sweet geological dreams.

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Thanks for the magic!

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Truly magical, as always X

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good morning. i can never stay up late enough to listen to you late at night. thanks for the magic

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Thanks for the magic! Sending some back your way

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Sending magic right back to you, Patti! Rock on!

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I woke up to your lovely message, which caused my mid to chant “natural mystic”

It leaves me feeling that the day ahead will deliver magic Off to listen to Bob Marley, too. Thank you

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I like the energy coming from that rock. It has more to tell us. Sub stack will not let me like “like” your message so I will do it here ❤️

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Every little thing you do is magic, Patti. Hope your friend was okay.

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Magic doesn’t have to have a name. It just is. 🤓

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Thank you for sharing your talismans with us, Patti. It is so generous of you, to share spirit! I send good magic back to you from the little stone picked from the Thames shore that lives on my desk, where, it seems to me, you can find two faces looking in opposite directions.

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Dear Patti, I’ve just spent an hour replying to this and it all just disappeared. I don’t have the stamina to replicate it. I’m so frustrated.

I tried to express my gratitude for your showing us the rock in color. I’d thought I’d seen what looked like Fool’s Gold in the black and white video of yesterday. The amethyst in it reminded me of my late brother, as I have a piece of rough amethyst that was his. I was especially touched by your slip in saying your brother instead of your son. I do the same thing for the same reason. It’s something when you feel their presence in your children isn’t it?

I can see why you’re taken with the rock and don’t doubt its magic powers that of course don’t need a name, for just as you say, they just are.

Rocks have always spoken to me and I have many, most of which I can tell you the provenance of. Now that health issues have curtailed my ability to travel, I ask friends to bring me a stone (I don’t ask for rocks because it seems an imposition to ask someone to lug something around). Just a stone from the ground beneath someone’s feet is a gift to me.

I’ve been in bed for a few days as happens from time to time and I’m exhausted. Apologies for the in-eloquence of this. What I wrote that disappeared was more clear.

Mostly I want to thank you for these visits in which your warmth and generosity of spirit shine through. They have been rescuing to me. When I was a little girl and would have such times, I had Emily Dickinson for a friend. Then other writers. You are in their company and I thank you truly.

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Sorry to hear about your health issues, Robin. Take good care of yourself.

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Thank you, Jim. I really appreciate your good thoughts. I am grateful that despite health issues, I can still work as much as I do. Since my work can be done at home, I can still be of use and that’s the most important thing to me. Again, thank you for your good thoughts. I truly appreciate them. All the best to you (which, if you try to type fast, comes out as: “All the beer to you.”)



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Rock on…

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Little Rock.. I love it so I got a small rock from Indonesia, Java, with little gold in it. These people had built their house on the gold ore mine! Such a lovely present for the memory of the ‘80’s up there.. Every stone:a story

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Under the moonlight and ☕ by my side a little laugh at your little magical rock helps heal a sore week 🤣🌻🌈☕🙃

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Hi Rachel Lee you here at Dear Patti’s ❣️Hope your wel 🎶🌺Some ☕️left? Miss mr t times.. Times are never to be repeated but we’ll see! I go see BD in June show. Im so lucky, via friend. I wish you keep very well Rachel 🌺🌹🌷🌷🌷🌹🌺

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G'day Olga, I've been here awhile allways like Patti's energy🙃. Hope you enjoy the show it will be out of this world and back that's for sure.

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Yes Rachel So nice to hear back.

I’ve been here a while too. Patti’s been dear to me, her voice, songs from ‘80’s..had it on cassette tapes then💥

Yes BD show will be out of this world and back. Love the expression. I let you know❣️🌺🌷🎶🌷🌺❣️

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Yes more Rock we want… more Rock stories💥🌺

But Patti dont let yrself be distracted..put yr sound on pingle device off while speaking.. so we get more good night stories of you…

👌💫🌗Thanks your messages are dear to me❣️🌷

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Thank you, Patti,

here's a red balloon 🎈

just for you.

Le Ballon Rouge

that magical little film.

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You amaze us and make our days more beautiful Patti.

You are for me, and despite the language barrier, the most complete and pationant artist.

You are also the only one for whom, when you come to Paris, I buy concert tickets for several evenings even if I am far from Paris (the only one or almost because when U2 and Bono came in 2018, I I also tried this experience of attending two concerts in a row 😉).

I love you Patti, take care and sweat dreams 💙☕️❤️

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I bélieve in magic.

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Thank you Patti and I send a lot of kisses back to you! I hope to catch a piece of your magic stone!

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A magical rock can take you far.

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Sweetest dreams

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We humans have a magical power: love. We love each other, art, animals, things, even rocks. The centre of creation within every manifestation, sentient or non-sentient. Keep on in love. Thank you, Patti.

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Good morning from London. I called your rock magical in a previous comment and now seeing it glinting and projecting magic and love to us all. Thank you dear Patti 🙏

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You are the best Patti! I love the rock! Maybe a moon rock? By the way I found the t shirt you're wearing and ordered it from Electric Lady Studios. They still had it available. Maybe the magic from the rock? Thank you for all the good karma this evening. Sending love.

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Watching this just before going to sleep. Good night, dear Patti! Thanks for all the love you give us. ♥

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What a nice thing to see right before I go to sleep. I’m always picking up interesting rocks.

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It looks like hematite!Where did you pick it up? Must’ve been a magical place. Thanks again for the message… you actually got me laughing with all those dings 😅

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Definitely magic! ❤️

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maybe it's obsidian, made of cooled lava (and there are bits of other stones inside it, almost like fossils) x

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Goodnight Patti and the magic rock

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Night night. Sweet dreams

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thank you Patti...surrounding you with magic

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It is Saturday morning here in the U.K. Perhaps there will be a little magic for me sent from your rock today ! I am hopeful ! Thank you Patti ….Hold on to the magic always ! ☄️

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Nighty night Patti. Sweet dreams.

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Patti, you have invited subscribers to let you know what we would like from you. I would like to know what the poet sees in the rock.

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Magic all around 🌹

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Scientists have just grown thale cress seeds in soil from the moon. Your magic rock may enchant beans to become a Jack and the Beanstalk reality.

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Goodnight Patti, again your calm tone is a wonderful end to a stressful day. Have to believe in something so it might as well be magic with no name just that it is.

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That is no ordinary rock. Maybe it's your muse for the finale of The Melting.

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Going to sleep like a rock. Love, and thanks for the magic.

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Beautiful! I love this so much!

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How do we not have a geologist among us??

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Absolutely delightful. On my road trips the trunk of my car gets weighed down with rocks.

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As the Warriors were playing for the semifinals

In the other room you said "magic doesnt need to have a name.."and they won with Wavy Gravy yelling on our phone💗

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Thank you for sharing your magical rock! I certainly felt the special powers! And those lucky people who can ask YOU a help! Hope the problem solved at this time!

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Perhaps the rare natural carborundum. Does it cut glass? Thank you in any case I truly need your magic now.

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snug in my bed on a friday night, enjoying a goodnight video message from patti smith about a cool rock that she has. life is so nice sometimes.

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There just aren't many rocks in Manhattan, so exquisite

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Awww .... that was so sweet...Thank you Patti! And for your good magical rock energy 💫💖

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You rocked the rock with the rock talk Patti😂

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friday the 13th. 🐈‍⬛

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I just get a thrill over how much you enjoy your "Rock of Ages." When we moved to Reno, NV, I was so excited to be shopping for rocks, I called my friend Jane back in Northern Virginia to share the news. No more grass!!! (Teeny Tiny Teacher)

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Bejeweled rock. and "Magic doesn't have to have a name, it just is" are good words to sleep by

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I so love it when my internal muse Patti and the real life Patti align!

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G’night Patti

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super flower blood moon lunar eclipse. coming on sunday. go watch it with Sir Rock 🪨

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You should try doing photographs of it...

I'm sure Robert would do amazing work with it... You think ?

Take care and good night....

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You are the magic Patti! After a crummy day, you made it so much better! You are a delight! Good night!

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You are so great!

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rest well!

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love that magical rock! Thanks Patti!

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Thanks for the magic

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Take it to Namaste on 14th Street when you can..... They should be able to identify the magical Rock....

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More rock adventures to follow. Night everybody 🐚

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More rock adventures would be awesome.

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I have a vessel of Andi’s that a keep energized rocks in. When I go out to photograph trees I grab a few and carry them with me to communicate with the forest gods. Your rock will take you far and land you in a valley of mirrors surround by petals of fallen magnolia petals.

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🖤 🖤

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Magic received with gratitude! You are a geologist at heart ❤️

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Shure is a nice rock 😁

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Prayers for peace, prayers for all.

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Patti, you and your magical rock are adorable and are sure to bring on good dreams.

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Whispery night messages, best distraction 🤣💚 we're all loving the rock 🤘 🪨

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On Sunday night, I'm told, the full moon will be blood red, the last one of this century. G'night from the West Coast

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These night messages are Tony-the-Tiger GRRREAT!

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Good night rock

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Could u be cuter tonight?

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May 14, 2022
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Me too!!

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