Hello, everybody. I don't have anything specific to tonight. Just actually another one of those nights when it would be good if Cairo was walking back and forth, because I don't really have anything prepared. I just thought I would say hello. And what have I been doing? Working on, I'm just, I'm at the finish line of my book.
I know you've been hearing about this over and over, but I am at the finish line, which makes it, means hours of, you know, you, you know, it's, once you let it go, it's, it's gone into the world. But I'm doing that. And took a walk.
I had lunch today with Lenny K. We went to an unusual ramen place in the East Village. And I got red miso. I got ramen with red miso and some stuff in it. Really, I just wanted to have the red miso because it's very healthy, and I like ramen, so it was an interesting combination.

late night hello

Some books ginger tea and the crescent moon

Hello everybody

Just stopping by to say help. Clearing my table of a book pile making ginger clove and cinnamon tea then off to dreamland. Sending good wishes to all….

Joseph Beuys Duras and Patrick Modiano.

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Discussion about this video

Patti is partial to foxes 🧡🦊🧡

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OMG that little burp.🙃

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Born in the south, grew up in the northeast, then collegebound midwest,

I , a Jewish woman, also fell in love with Flannery O 'Connor! For reasons similar to yours, Carman.

💫 Indeed, Hope is a lifeline for us all -and bound together- our hope reaches out of this world... 🕊💜🕊

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We wait for your books Patti! XO

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I saw "Queer" yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it--especially the drug sequence where the two men appear to be merging into each other.

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Who wrote Betsy’s Book?

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Please talk to us for hours about nothin’! Patti, you always make us smile. Thank you for being the true definition of “a worker” and for sharing your work with us.

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Hey Patti , I’ll listen to anything you have to say . As for the beautiful sights of nature it’s so awesome to see . Love you as always ! ✌🏼🖤

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We need a Patti Smith NPR Tiny Desk Concert!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Gosh, you remind me of my wife SO much

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Ginger clove tea sounds wonderful.

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The Band Icarus Line

The singer wasn't Iggy,

Wasn't Anthony Kiefis.

This singer was Lenny Kaye

With no shirt,

No guitar

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something about Mexico... One of the great coincidental finds of my life was the night I rented

from the video store (in the days of VHS) Under the Volcano, Malcolm Crowley's starring Albert Finney and.... a film entitled The Wrong Man with John Lithgow and Rosanna Arquette (Ayiyiyi!) it must have gone straight to DVD and they buried it but what a great double feature into the Dark Side of Mexico .. Gringo's beware..

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Miss Smith, I was so glad to see you are on Substack. This where normally I would say “We’ve never met, but ….”. Except we have :)

One afternoon in about 1999 or 2000, thereabouts. I got into the elevator in the building where I worked, about W. 74th Street, upper West Side. There was a dance school and the Aufbau newspaper had its offices in the building.

A little elevator. I get in and there’s one person, a lady. I say “Do people ever tell you that you look like Patti Smith?” The lady answers “I am Patti Smith.” Major highlight for me, in fact stands far and away above all my “celebrity” sightings in Manhattan. I’ve always loved your music. I also saw you backstage at a Nader campaign event (2000 election) in Cooper Union, I think it was. Must have been loitering in the same constellation orbit as you at the time.

And the cherry on top, I was born and raised in Rockaway Beach :) St. Camillus School from kindergarten until 8th grade (1969). I was delighted to learn you’d moved to Rockaway. Been gone for many many years. It’s a special place. Cannot put my finger on exactly why. But it is. God bless!

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“The right book at the right time may mean more in a person’s life than anything else.” —From the book titled Ex Libris compiled by Christopher Morley and printed as a souvenir of the First National Book Fair in November 1936—a festival sponsored by the New York Times and the National Association of Book Publishers. This is a quote from Lee Shipley in the Los Angeles Times.

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Hey ma

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Guess what who got buy ticket just to see you when in Brazil? This girl!!!!! Im sooooooooo happy and grateful! God really loves and take care of me! Some tickets simply appeared out of nowhere and thanks to my husband's efforts I managed to secure mine.Love you and see you soon💖🇧🇷

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Dear Patti, Thanks for showing us all the books and mentioning the movie, Queer. I can't wait to see it. I'll try the ginger tea too. I drink something like that...ginger root, water, organic flower honey, fresh lemon juice. You can serve it room temp or warm. The crescent moon was really cool.

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Loved the crescent moon this past week, one of the most beautiful was one night when the big bright star or planet appeared. I live in one of the most astronomical significant spots on earth. Telescopes up top of Mauna Kea make viewing our universe and beyond spectacular. Looking for suggestions for a great, simple to use telescope, good value would be terrific. Don’t need bells and whistles just good images of the beauty beyond…any recommendations?

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Everything you share is so synchronous with the world, or our own lives.

Writers, writing and books. Feel free to talk away any evening with those!

If you see this, would love to have you send something in for our Bombay Gin Literary Journal at Naropa. The theme is: In the Strangler Fig. And I can extend our deadline to accommodate you, of course! Naropa's 50th year! -- Frank Ortega

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I’m glad it’s just a helo and not an ask for help !

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I read "Queer" this Summer and can't wait to see the film.

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I love your sincerity, opennes and natural behaviour Patti, as always. You are like a fresh, clear air in this pretending world. ❤️

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Dear Patti Smith, you like to remember birthdays - today is Sinead O'Connor's birthday. You were on stage with her once, too... She was also a great artist for me. In a different way than you are for me, but she was - no, she and her music is - still important to me...

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Hello my beautiful, talented and the Greatest in everithing you do....Im a litle away from here because some healthy issues, but Im back and just finished my anual signature to follow you in all steps and news. But I'd like to ask you to open more dates for performances here in Brazil - Sao Paulo, because I couldn't get the tickets to see you performing live once again, because I was hospitalized the date opened to sale and sold out so quickly and im so sad about it. So, please if is possible open more dates to give the opportunite to me and many other fans get tickets and have a wonderful time with you and your amazing band. Love you so deeply💖🇧🇷

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As always, thank you Patti.

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Dear Patti,

Talking about nothing - lovely! I enjoyed M Train. I listened to you read it while I was driving across the Midwest. Your voice is a fun traveling companion. I also listened to Just Kids that way. Your voice is calming and the narratives you weave are stimulating, so just a real enjoyable combination for driving alone. Thank you.

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I just recently found you had this space in substack, and I have to say it's fantastic when you have prepared something, and delightful when you haven't. Thank you for your comments on the books. I would advocate for more of this. It reminds me of a philosophy professor I had many years ago. After long freeform conversations we often had, he reminded me of the importance of it; "If a friend comes from out of town and you get them on you car and take them for a drive all over the city, pointing out interesting places, historical landmarks, personal favorites, and so on, and then get him back to where they're staying, after not arriving to any particular destination, and the person complains, well that is very narrow-minded way to understand going somewhere... it is the same with thought, with conversations that cover a lot without a prearranged order, it a walk on the park without destination. You did take the person somewhere. And it has value." I am grateful for this space, and you 💜

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Great reading list!! Some of them are already on my to read list (various pieces of paper lying around plus some on notes on my phone and some in my head..). I think I'm going to make some hot ginger and clove and cinnamon drink now for my sister and me :-)

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Hi Patti,

thanks for sharing these wonderful books. I really love Thomas Bernhard and have read maybe everything from him. Happy that you mentioned him too! I live in the vicinity of Colmar. So I dare to offer you an introduction and guided tour by myself to the "Isenheimer Altar". It would be a great honor for me showing you one or another detail of this great painting. Kind greetings Martin.

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Loved so many things about this—the Sam and crescent moon story—and Vali, the beatnik, Australian tattooist! But also, the nod to Seybold. I read Austerlitz this year and was mesmerized by his writing. I’m unfamiliar with his other works, so thank you.

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Same bright crescent moon over Edmonton, Alberta. How astonishing! Thanks for the chit chat. Always a pleasure to “talk with a friend.”

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Love ya Patti! Perfect time of year for warm water with cinnamon, ginger, and clove. I always appreciate the book and movie suggestions.

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Good night

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Good night!.

I met Vali Myers in Positano many years ago. She invited me the wild dwelling where she lived by concession of the mayor in Positano. A wonderful, wondrous person. Striking and beautiful inside and out.

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Hi Patti,

I realize it’s a longshot that you’ll see this question but I’ll try. I found a wonderful quote by you — “Never let go of that fiery madness called desire.” Although in most versions it’s “sadness” not “madness.” Could you say where this quote comes from? A google search isn’t giving answers. thank you!

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Dear Patti, was lovely to watch your show and tell book recommendations, covering so many different portals of the imagination. Many of the titles interested and intrigued me, and that may be as close as I get to reading them, so thank you, as just knowing of their existence is strangely comforting.

I noticed yesterday there is a new, second edition book on the Isenheim Altarpiece- the author is Michael Schubert.

It looks beautiful and sounds like a fascinating read.

“The book offers a systematic and informed introduction to the history, meaning, and background of the altarpiece. Moreover, numerous new interpretations are presented, which elaborate upon and fundamentally alter previous perspectives. Included are more than 200 high-quality color reproductions and in-depth visual analysis.”

Very good wishes for the completion of your book and the anticipation of its publishing in the future- a book I will definitely wish to read. It’s nice to know you will be surrounded by some excellent reading material across the coming weeks, and maybe be blessed by a white Christmas to hibernate within, with your book companions around you.

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Last year tomorrow 12/8 I saw you performing live All along the Watchtower, an experience I will never forget. A reawakening of conscience. Keep going, Patti, the world needs you.

Forever grateful,


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Good afternoon Patti and all. You were my passenger in the car this morning. Funny you bring up Cairo. Your book of days cover jacket was sent with Cairo on the front of it and it sits on my desk. Looked at Cairo phot last night before bed. Thought what a great companion she was and how much I enjoyed seeing her on your posts. Thought about my pet companions I’ve had. They all gave love unconditionally. Lucky we are to have them in our lives. You were a great companion for me this morning. I actually talked to you like you were there in my car. I went up north to decorate my family cemetery. Brushed off their stones. Spoke to them and let them know how festive it looked with wreaths and holly around their stones. It’s silly to some but for me it’s my way of thanking them. It is my promise kept to my mom. We did this together until she died. Honor your people in your way. Thank you all for this beautiful space of love and sharing.

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I would listen to your sweet nothings any time any where

Thank you dear Patti

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Saw the crescent moon two nights ago here in Oregon. Love your little talks about "nothing really." s. I have a MFA in writing and don't know many of the authors you talk about. You really are teaching a master class. I didn't discover you through your music, but through your writing when I picked up "M Train" when it came out. Saw you in Portland, Oregon when you came through on your "A Book of Days" tour, then read "Just Kids." Can't wait until your new book comes out. I am a poet, working on my memoir and I am learning a lot from you. Thanks.

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Thank you for the food, tea and books recommendations - one of the only reasons I still read a newspaper anymore.

This seems a fitting place to share a memory of the time I met Sam Shepard. Many years ago (and so the details escape me), I worked on a small CSA farm in Minnesota. Sam, Jessica and their children were members, or perhaps just visitors during a pickup. I believe they had or were planning to have a small flock of chicken, but had questions about their care and breeding. We had a small flock at the farm, and I had worked with other flocks, so I had slightly more knowledge than the other and was delegated with showing them how to candle eggs to look for cracks and also determine if the eggs were viable. I remember them being interested, thankful and not at all aloof. I hope they enjoyed many years of fresh eggs. ❤️

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Wonderful book suggestions - and I am just finishing reading "Just Kids" and read the part yesterday about you and Sam getting those tatoos - thinking of you both at the crescent moon!

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Thank you for sharing the lovely books (the Joseph Beuys book is by Schirmer Mosel publishers, they do fantastic work in the art field). Happy weekend to you 🙌🏼

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Your “nothing really”s are simply everything and touch the deepest levels and need for nourishment and rest and celebration of the Art of Living.

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Always a joy to see you and hear you talk about books ( and Ramen, Lenny and Sam). Our weather is also crazy and today we have weather warnings and gales. The poor birds are desperately trying to fly doing acrobatics in the sky. Take care Patti much love from London 🙏

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A stack of books is definitely not nothing.....'tis indeed a Big Something.

I saw that crescent moon, too!! In Santa Fe. Coupled with Venus so bright and the sky so black, all so iconic...it could've been a painting.

I only met Sam Shepard once, a long while ago when he typed at a long table-like desk at the Santa Fe Institute, his typewriter next to Cormac McCarthy's. A view of the high desert landscape out the big window in front of them.

I was there to offer him a vintage typewriter someone was getting rid of. A friend of mine worked at the Institute, and said she'd hold it, ask him if he wanted it. And as I was leaving, he came in. He was gracious when he told me how hard it was to service them, and that he had to decline. I admit, tho, it was a *real* moment for me to meet him, because he was always one of my favorite actors, one that I'd watch a movie just because he was in it....and I loved his writing.

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when sitting listening to you, at 7.30am, my cat Bush, who'd just been fed, was walking back and forth across my thighs, obscuring the view of her on my mobile phone screen, as if to say, yes, walking across, whilst Patti is doing her 'about nothing talking' is just the thing to do. and can you please now love me, rather than your phone.

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"nothing" with Patty is as full as any series of moments can possibly be. Such a gracious end to my day.

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It was so nice to think of Sam Shepard with you tonight, your crescent moon tattoos. I often do think of him when I listen to your talks or hear you perform. I recently read his last book, written when he was so sick. I so loved the book. I’m happy to think of your great friendship with him. As a fan, it is so hard still to think he is gone even though there is so much of his artistry left. I am certainly enjoying listening to you, Patti Smith, in your videos here. Thank you for sharing some of your world with us.

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In "Dora Bruder," a novel about the fate of a young Jewish French girl living in Paris, Modiano's method of pursuing the past and memories is a poignant exploration of the anguish of wartime and sentiments about what is lost. I read it once, thanks to your recommendation, and found it a rather poignant tale.

I would also like to mention the movie The Zone of Interest, which was released this year. This one is from the Nazi point of view and does a commendable job of illustrating how the Nazis of the time had a narrow interest that suited them, while they had all the latest industry and transportation.

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Well I wish I'd know how or where to start to my ever first message to Patti Smith but I believe it's Auguste Frédéric Bartholdi, the french sculptor and painter, who sent some neuron angels to wake me up in the middle of the night to write this. I woke up all of a sudden and was in that half dreamy half awake stage called hypnopompic. A word and a state that I like a lot. My eyes closed I started to recite the lyrics of Piss Factory, hypnopompically. Then found my self in a stream of thoughts and visions which led me first to a door gate in New York and then all the way to a canal in Colmar. I thought of Musée Bartholdi in Colmar and Bartholdi himself, who was the designer of the Statue of Liberty. It is so poetic to think that it's actually Bartholdi's mother looking over New York, like a stoned Gulliver looking over Lilliput... Then I lit the light in the room. I opened Substrack to watch the midnight hello from, may I say you?, Patti. You said you are going to Colmar. Please visit Musée Bartholdi if you haven't already and send greetings to Bartoldi and his mother. I am sending you mine, from a cold winter midnight in a farm in Denmark, forever in debt to your priceless spell on me. My name is Zoe.

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Thank you for your wonderful message. Greetings to your midnight farm.

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Thanks for this message, Patti.

I always enjoy your reading recommendations.

It's funny whenever I am listening to your messages - our dog Wyatt stops what he's doing and gets up on the couch with me - he likes the sound of your voice. And I suspect he's been reading books when I am at work. He's a very thoughtful Labrador.

I'm writing this a day late. It's been very cloudy and cold here in Michigan. No moon last night. I will look for it tonight. I am a bit of a selenophile as my friend, Teresa would say.

I am also fond of crescent moons, they make me think of my dad - he called them powderhorn moons - he was a big fan of James Fenimore Cooper. When I see one I will now also think of Sam Shepard.

Good night and sweet dreams from wintry Detroit...


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It was a rare, clear night outside of Seattle and I saw that beautiful moon and some stars. I said hello to my dearly departed loved ones who are up there and told them how much I miss them. 🌙

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You are a gift dear lady. I adore listening to you. You make life better. 🤗

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Felt like a neighborhood friend tonight in this easy breezy chat of Cairo, one braid, the crescent moon and books "Writing about nothing is hard, talking about nothing is easy"- hilarious...

and yes, the glee of waiting for favorite authors books to come out (wink) xx

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Hi Patti. I love listening to you talk about ramen with Lenny Kaye, the weather, three-legged deer, and books - the stuff of life; simple and beautiful. Please keep sharing. ❤️

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Thank you. I love your missives from the ethers. They’re palliatives— like dharma talks without all the unnecessary bullshit. I appreciate you taking the time to share your books and your thoughts as you belch and braid your hair. You, just being you, makes me feel like everything is going to be alright.

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Thank you ❤️

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Taking about nothin was fun. Love you, Patti.

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The crescent moon has been so beautiful these past couple of nights, hanging there so delicately. Thank you for this lovely visit, Patti, and reminding us to say hello to Sam.

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Oh Patti heartening to hear about Vali Myers. Had the privilege of meeting her on her return to Melbourne after her decades long adventures. Such a gorgeous soul.

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I love your ramblings! You cover so much territory with your books and your amazing sidebars! Thanks for thinking of us!

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Hello Patti

Loved looking at the books on your table. It made me wonder what the cover of your book will look like. Will the cover be in black and white or color?

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"I've been sort of internal and didn't think about what I'd be looking like." I love this so much! You make me love you.

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Your meandering unprepared visits are some of my very favorites, Patti….like having a cup of coffee, tea, or spirits near a warm fireplace with a dear friend. Stay safe and cozy in this crazy weather….love you….xoxo

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Patti, I love your updates. I also get a kick out of them. You're just chillin' thinking you don't have much to share but oh, you had lunch w/ Lenny K. Wink. You're fabulous. I like hearing about your books and your friends. i want to be you when I grow up. ;)

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Lovely to see you again, Patti. Your stacks of books are always a delight! I will be writing a third one eventually but I've been focusing on an LP of songs I wrote in the 1980s! Never got them made into a record! So much more involved than I ever noticed back then with the records that were released. Anyway as soon as you mentioned the Crescent Moon I was drawn into every detail you mentioned. I started adding a tiny Crescent Moon and Star next to my all lower case signature when I was about 12. I still have no tattoos...but this beautiful reference to Sam Shepard's is a serious consideration...very meaningful. WIth a lightnin' bolt on your knee...you must be related to my 21 year old cat, who was named after Lightnin' Hopkins. He's jumpin' around the Other Side Cat Universe with Cairo by now. Plus you guys got your got tattoos from Vali! I remember first seeing a photograph of her in a Life magazine ages ago and being forever inspired by her look...we redheads are just not quite like everybody else. It's good to know it's ok to be a an odd one...even remembering things from 50+ years ago. ~dg

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I always look forward to your musings. It's so n nice to spend some time with you.

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You are so dear and comforting to watch and listen to. You are part of my morning meditation, which sets me right for the rest of the day. Thank you.

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So very appreciative of your substack Patti - thank you


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I just wanted to let you know that you are on the cover of the most recent issue of Wisconsin Magazine of History pictured reading the Milwaukee Bugle American!


I do image research for the magazine and didn't even have to put up a fight to get that on the cover. :)

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Dec 6Edited

© MC5 'Kick Out The Jams ' Tom Morello & Steven Van Zandt at The Roxy in LA 12/5/24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--OItizFOA0

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Thanks for that!!

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You are amazing

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Love Margurete Duras. Read many of her books.

Would love a copy of Days for Christmas/Hanukkah

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Thank you, Patti. Your book recs are always precious. I discovered exceptional writers and books through you. And BTW, the Modiano book you tried to remember the title of it's "Sundays in August" and it's one of my favorites of his, too. :)

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Thank you as always Patti. A late night chat in your company is just a pleasure. I look forward to seeing Daniel Craig in Queer. For whatever reason, always positive ones, your recommendations are spectacularly good.

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Thank you for your late night hello. I love to listen your stories and what you are reading or which books you are recommending. M Train is one of my favorite books. At the moment I have a cold, so I drink a lot of hot ginger tea made from fresh ginger, cinnamon and lemon juice. I also like turmeric, good for health. I will try your recipe with cloves. Sending much love

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Yesterday was Joan Didion’s birthday and I thought about her astute power of observation. Thanks for sharing your books. Love the recommendations

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I am so happy when you recommend books or just talk about the ones that you love. I learn so much. I loved reading Queer recently. And not so long ago we were talking about how much we both loved Fulgentius by César Aira and I realized I couldn’t remember a thing about it and read it again, happily! Love you xxDimitri

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Oh,Miss Patti...loved Late Night Hello! The way you describe things:your night walks,the snow,Sam's tattoo...gives me the coolest mental pictures.You look cozy in your soft flannel...I miss seeing Cairo too.Thank You for this...always look forward to seeing you and hearing what you're up to...

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I always appreciate the book referrals, and yes, a stack of books is not nothing.

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As always, your message is so appreciated, and I must admit I laughed at your comment about loving a book but not remembering what it was about. That certainly has happened to me, and I thought I was starting to lose my mind. Then I read an article entitled “Great books I think I’ve read” and realized I wasn’t the only one who experiences this type of phenomenon. After watching your video, it felt somehow reassuring that it even happens to the greats… I just got my tickets to the Carnegie Hall event honouring you in March, and I’m very much looking forward to being part of celebrating you as you deserve to be.

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Hallo Patti, yesterday I read an essay in the German issue of Lettre International about the influence of W. G. Seebald. about the influence of you. Literature from all over the world is so important for my life, from Seebald to Baldwin, from Brecht to Camus, from Claudio Magris to Italo Svevo and to Melville and Ann Petry, L.A. Kenndedy and Philip Roth.

But now I´m getting old and I must begin to give a house full of books away

to friends. It´s not easy for me to give away a whole part of my life, but it`s good if they came in good hands.

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Hi good morning. it's 6:30am, tea in cup sitting listening to you. I can't wait to read your new book when it comes out. I've listened to and read Just Kids maybe 3 times... You and Annie Erneaux I keep reading/listening to. I love how you love books. We, Jews, are the people of the book, supposedly. I used to think it meant all books when I was a kid, just like I used to think the potato famine never made sense to me because I thought everyone had to eat only potatoes -- not that they didn't have them. Anyway, I wondered if you would tell us why you chose to have a lightening bolt tattoo. What did it mean to you. My daughters and I all have the Eye of Horus or Toth, I can't remember which because Heather told us it was older than the Greek. PS I love Margaret Dumas. I lived in France between 20 -25. I dreamed about it last night. Thank you again for being here for us -- you're a best friend in cyberspace to us all!

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“ beautiful Beatnik gypsy” is a paradigm I wanna strive for in my life. Love the idea of you and Sam Shepherd just hanging out. One of America’s greatest playwrights…..

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The crescent moon, reclining like a cradle, carrying an infancy. How lovely to remember Sam Shepard and 3 legged deer and little foxes.

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Good morning, Patti! We have lots of snow up here on Irish Hill this morning! The sun just came out and it's so pretty, it's that nice fluffy Lake Effect snow from Lake Ontario, it's so beautiful! It's really bitter, 19 degrees with a windchill of 9 degrees. I tried measuring the snow with my old yard stick, but it's drifted in some places and blown nearly bare in other places, but I'm figuring it's about 6-8 inches. The snowbanks from the snowplows are knee high, so that's a drag to walk through to get to the barn. My wee donkey is keeping warm, wearing her blanket, and is doing well. I gave her a warm beet pulp mash early this morning, (she loves it!) She won't go outside with all the snow, she doesn't like it very much when it's deep like this. The farrier is coming this morning to trim her hooves, the weather doesn't deter her very much, but where she lives up North of the Thruway, they've received several feet of snow. (I'm surprised she didn't cancel this morning's visit.) I'm glad you're in the final stage of your book, it's a good feeling to let it go at last. So much work and deep focus, it's quite an experience to write a book. Your hair is tamer than mine, with the dry air and static my hair is a wreck most of the time, I can't do anything with it this time of year. Your talk about "nothing" is always a good talk about "nothing" and I love the books, I keep adding to my list. I just started reading Annie Ernaux's "Happening," I like it quite a lot so far. It's nice to have a short book to read after finishing Moby Dick. As always, it's a treat to hear from you! Take care!

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Good morning! This popped up in my e mails last night as I was trying and failing to sleep so made a welcome diversion. My HVAC system is awaiting a new thermostat so does not turn on, leaving me with two space heaters that, although heating the apt, seemed to leave the air too cold to breathe and left me coughing non stop for a while - something about breathing in cold air makes me cough.

Now wasn't that absolutely fascinating:)

On the much brighter side was the moon last night. When I looked up at it around 5pm it had a glow around it and I swear it was smiling. I took a pic of it and posted it to my Instagram and Notes here.

Much work to do today uploading CGM data from patients. As another side note, aren't CGM"s (Continuous Glucose Monitors) amazing?!

So there is my little response about nothing (and everything).

Wishing everyone here a wonderful day!

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I think I love best your visits where you just talk and share your books and experiences with us. You think it is talking about nothing. But you always enlighten and inform us — me-and my curious soul. Perfect night talk for your night time visitors. Last night, the crescent moon here (which follows Venus to her setting in the southwest) was a beautiful snd big orange-y gold color, and Venus was brighter and larger than ever - with spikes that seemed to reach in and out of her. Thank you. C.

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Icon , thank you ❤️

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Good morning Patti, lovely to ‘see’ you in my mailbox this morning. And thanks for the book recommendations. Also, I like knowing that you and Lenny still find time to go have lunch together. I was admiring the moon last night and Joe Cocker came to mind, maybe because of his song ‘The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress’. Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

-Eugene Senger, St. Paul, MN

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Dear Patti The cadence of your kind sharing invites me into my own gratitude & presence - heartfelt vibes! 🙏🏽🕊️🎶❤️

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I always feel such a sense of calm after your chats.

It's meditative.

If and when the time comes to start dumping all the paid subscriptions - yours will be the very last subscription I cancel.

It's simply perfect.

Thank you.

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Hello :)

I had a very important activity to do at work this week, and I really took courage from your knowledge and wisdom and it went great, even better than I expected. I just wanted to thank you because you are a great power that helps me I improving to be the best version of myself by reading and studying.

Thank you for keeping us posted, be safe!

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Dear Patti, this was just what i needed right now, i am so grateful for you. It is very generous of you to share your thoughts in this way, enabling strangers to feel like friends. So kind and so inspiring as always. Sending love from the West Coast of Scotland.

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Patti! Greetings! Talking about nothing? Discussing books, the current crescent moon, & thinking of Sam with a friend are what I would consider to be a good slice of life. Really looking forward to your latest…The cold, dark season requires good tea, poetry, friends. You have a special place in that…As always, may you be well, safe & happy. Love to Jess & Jax. ✌️🥂🌒

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Thank you for the book recommendations, Patti! I saw the moon last night for the first time in a while. I always say hello to the moon. Small things that bring joy.

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I missed your post last night but what a wonderful way to start my early morning day. Thinking of Sam as I look at the moon. I hope you had a dream filled slumber.

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The crescent moon you tell us of is a glowing smile from 'beyond'... a reassuring sign in stormy, clouded times. It promises that, as time goes on and as we turn, it will grow brighter and fuller again.

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I'm reading Motel Chronicles and the crescent moon and starry sky has been stunning here the last few nights - a salute to Sam in the Sky with Diamonds - and i so look forward to your next book. Thanks as always patti for all the gems of wisdom & creativity

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Hi Patti! Here in Paris the moon is hidding… rainny night in Paris. Its always a treasure to hear you talking , about books or about cinamon warm water. And with a such autenticity, with your half braid… Thank you to share with us… last night i had insomnia, and just connected on your Substack and listening to you help me to enjoy the beautiful night.

Take care.

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Dear Patti. When it´s going to get to tough in the US, come over here to Europe! We will welcome you with open arms! :-)

Just bought a ticket for your show in July. Can´t wait! :-))

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and if the going gets tough in europe too you can all come and hide out with us here in the misty remote moutains of costa rica.. !

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Yo vendre! Gracias. 🌞😘🙂⛱️

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Thanks urvashi, I will 👍😉

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Waking up at 4:30am to find that you have created another Substack just in time to start a new day brings me such joy. Thank you for just being.

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Your posts are so appreciated Patti, especially the impromptu - and I'm going to try that ginger clove tea recipe - here in Scotland it's the calm before the storm - the weather is crazy all over the world !

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Hi Patti. Funny you mention Sam Shepherd with the crescent moon. My daughter saw his movie "Paris, Texas" last week in Boston. I just packed an old paperback of his, "Day out of Days" in my big purse. I like to read it when I'm in waiting rooms or on short bus trips because the stories are short and sweet and amusing. Sam will never be forgottin. Take care and pleasant dreams.

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Thank you so much for this visit, Patti. It was reward after a challenging day. I watched and listened to you at 4am as I ate something in bed, and noticed that I nodded as I sipped my tea, said yes in agreement when you sang the praises of Sebald’s “After Nature.” It was his first work, published posthumously and the translation is by the wonderful Michael Hamburger. I love this book too and also often recommend it.

I’m exhausted and have to be up in a few hours to continue working, but just wanted to thank you so much for this and to ask why not sit and analyze books? It’s a joy to hear you and I know I’m not alone in feeling so.

I saw that crescent moon hanging in the early evening sky. No matter what is happening, when I see that I smile. Thank you for sharing the story of you and Sam Shepard getting tattoos together in your 20s from the beautiful red-haired mystic Gypsy. I will look again and think of him.

Thank you especially for visiting with us while you are in that late gestational inward state, before the world you have made is released into the world. As I think of it, I have an image of your open hand. This is a holy time in the birth of your book and I’m moved and grateful that you choose to spend some of it with us.

Because I think of you as a poet no matter what you are doing or making, what comes to mind is what Paul Vàlery said: “Poems are never finished - just abandoned.” What you cast off will be our endowment, Patti, and we’ll all be grateful for it as we are for all of this.

With warmth and gratitude always,


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Your reading tips are always so captivating that they make me want to buy all the books you show us. The times I’ve done it I have never been disappointed. Anyway, this year I’ve decided to purchase a few copies of the new Italian translation of Woolgathering to give away for Christmas to friends who are not so familiar with English. I guess they might feel kinda beset by me with your Substack and you 😂 but that’s what it is. Good seeds will grow into beautiful flowers. Blessings upon Sam and all our loved ones who live in our hearts and in the memory of a small tattoo or of a simple moment of joy lived together. May the crescent moon enlighten the sky and our heart with hope.🌙🕊️🌱

This place is so special, Patti. Thank you.💖

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We saw the crescent moon , just awesome. Love when you share your books with us. You can talk about anything & I’ll listen . Love you as always


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Dear Patti Smith,

I am reaching out to you as the founder of Écho Antonin Artaud, a publication dedicated to the work and influence of this visionary artist.

The upcoming issue, scheduled for January 2025, will focus on Artaud and Rock. It is particularly important to us to highlight iconic figures who, like you, have resonated with the spirit of freedom and rebellion that Artaud embodies.

We would be deeply honored if you would consider contributing to this issue by sharing your reflections, a written piece, or any other format that inspires you.

Notable figures such as Stephen Barber, Matt Melia, and Olivier Penot-Lacassagne will also contribute to this issue.

If you wish to discover our work, I invite you to explore our latest issue, dedicated to Artaud and the Tarahumaras. You can download an English version via this link: (it’s totally free) : https://echoantoninartaud.com/echo-antonin-artaud-issues-to-download-in-english/

With great admiration,

Ilios Chailly

Écho Antonin Artaud

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Lovely to wake up to your post. Appreciated always. Love your gentle words, so interesting. Greetings from the UK

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What type of tea do u uesd to make ginger and clove and cinnamon with

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Thank you, Patti 🤍

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Thank you

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Hi, I rarely say or respond to your visits here. Mostly cause I like thinking we might’ve met in the past . P. Hudson is an old friend and Kimberly was also a part of this circle of friends and artists in Boston. When I first started out as a club Dj for women and rock. Horses was one of the most requested lps. Seems so long ago but yet it opened up a lot of space not only for other independent women musicians but it gave me an opportunity as a young woman to expose a different sort of music to others- and it did spread to become alternative.

Nonetheless I have always been interested in literature. I taught for years, sometimes I could get away with dropping some of your prose into a class. So I m gradual for having you in my back pocket over the decades. And yet, somehow we’ve never met nor have I ever participated in one of your shows as much as so many of my Boston friends. It’s kinda like when I’m asked have you ever visited San Francisco I humbly say not yet. How could this be possible. As I age and feel those small aches and pains given to us so freely although unwarranted I am truly grateful for today and my past. I’m blessed for my musical days wrapping cords for bands and taking chances in clubs to endear others to hear such important songs and styles and art music from so many independent lyricists and musicians. Horses was my start. I hope one day I can slip through a door and hang out and listen to Patti Smith at

67 . Blessings. Your upcoming celebration must feel awkward I guess. Enormous amount of attention to a woman who goes to work everyday.

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Thank you for stopping by Patti. I don’t really have anything to say either!

Maybe I will just say hello to all your community.

It’s been a strange year, a new one soon to begin.

I hope the transition will be a smooth one.

Our lives are all so different but the one thing we have in common is Patti and if you





It’s even more special than a three legged deer. 🌙

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Thanks for visiting Patti. XO

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always a nice break in the evening to just hear what you've done. No actual plan is a great plan to just share a moment. My friend Joyce, who shares the love or your work along with me. is in the hospital and I am not sure all what is up. But Joyce if you see this feel better soon. Look at the moon from the window in your room, Vali Export fits into this feeling this evening as Patti says hello! Hello to all and the moon says rest well! P.S. I almost bought a copy of The Lovers by MD earlier tonight but instead I ordered the 3 book in the Count Julian trilogy by Juan Goytisolo instead. I am not sure if you have mentioned reading his work or a fan of his writing? Anyhow it's late and I am sleepy.

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Patti - if your stopping by to say "help" was a Freudian slip, it must be that your work to get across the finish line with the book, is driving you demented. The best thing to do is to take a break from it, and talk to us about nothing and everything. Weather here in Aotearoa is mad too - we have an out of control wildfire of 900 hectares at present. The problem with getting tattoos on your hands is that over the years, the ink "bleeds" the outline to become blurred and fuzzy, because your hands are constantly in water. You were wise to get your tattoo done on your knee. Thank you for all the book reading tips. aroha.

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Crescent moon me too! China

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Patti, I saw that same beautiful 🌙 crescent moon tonight and almost cried from sadness at how beautiful our world is, despite our madness & destruction.

Always wonderful to hear from you!❤️❤️

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Me too. All the time.

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thank you so much for this video. i had a horrible day, like a real nightmare one. (someone going after me for everything i go after myself for) this is so calming for me!! it’s so nice to hear from you 💕💕

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Always such a pleasure to hear you talk about your thoughts and experiences. I'm so curious about your book! What's the title? Is it non fiction? When can we hold it in our hands? Love to you!

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Dear Patti I’m here in Minneapolis visiting a friend and was just extolling all of the benefits of keeping up with your Substack videos over a game of Scrabble. We too watched the moon aglow tonight. This little bedtime story with a fox and a fawn and a hand marked with a crescent moon felt almost conjured and really hit the spot.

ps • solidarity with one braid in one loose - when I was in elementary school in Grosse Pointe Michigan I used to leave the house with two braids most days, catch one in the radiator and it would always fall out. It’s a way to be ❤️

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Hi, I love when you talk about memories of Sam Shepherd. They are happy. Thank you for visiting. Always interesting.

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Hi Patti ☺️🌙 I just read M Train and am happy to have found your Substack, excited to follow along!

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i feel better. thank you.

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How wonderful to wake up to this in Sardinia, where I also loved that beautiful crescent moon a few hours ago - tried to photograph her,but the moon, she's elusive, at least to my cell phone. I am the same about books I love Patti, it's as if I travel to another world and something stops me from bringing a detailed description back - sounds like an episode on the original Star Trek! Sleep well Patti, much amore to you.

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Love your meandering talking about books and life. Patti, just being yourself. Hug Hanna

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I drove home tonight facing with that sane crescent moon leading the way

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Haha - love how my fingers or autocorrect made it a sane moon instead of just the same one. I think I really need sane celestial beings right now to balance the insanity of our country

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A stack of books is everything.

I'm so glad you dropped by tonight.

Among the books piled on my coffee table is a copy of Babel which I was going through today... or yesterday now. I think its final poem, Zug Island, could serve as a benediction for this night's gathering of the substack community.

'i know


your secret dreams

i know where

you are


sleep tight

sweet streams

sweet beams

god light

you from


Tonight's beams will come from a crescent moon and carry dreams of three-legged animals, Sebald, Burroughs, books, films and thoughts of Sam.

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Beautiful Jim, thanks for sharing. Sweet dreams to you 🫶✨

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Thanks Anna. All the best to you.

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Really lovely, Jim. Thank you for the Babel derived benediction.

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Thanks for posting that, Jim. Reading those lines before turning off computer - perfect.

May those beams be shining on you. Be well. Be warm - and mind how you go.

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Thank you for the visit and your beautiful authenticity. Have a beautiful night and sweet dreams Patti!!

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Thankyou Patti for your tour of books. It is like hearing of your friends. The crescent moon with Venus is so captivating. Letting my dog outside before bed, I will think of You and Sam as I watch for it tonight. ⭐ 🌙

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I hear you missing Cairo. I'm so grateful for my little Abyssinian Sweety. Her fur is black flecked with gold. I hope you get another kitty to keep you company, Patti. <3

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Gorgeous Patti, in fact not only waiting for Bob Dylan’s next record, but Patti Smiths too! All of the above, it’s lovely, and thank you once again for sharing what you make sound like an ordinary life…well I guess it is your ordinary life! That crescent moon has Venus by its side! 🥰

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I love your stories. I imagine the endgame of writing a book is difficult! I just ordered "After Nature" and can't wait to spend time with it. Have a lovely evening, Patti, and good luck with the finish of your writing!

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Good nite, Patti. And much better to end it in this space with you, the crescent moon and Sam. No need to dwell on appearances - projection of the internal is the essence of beauty.

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I love hearing you talk about books!

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Me too.

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Hearing you talk about books is marvelous. I am particularly intrigued by Sebald’s After Nature. I will read it (after I finish M Train). The altarpieces and private devotional paintings currently on exhibit at The Metropolitan Museum of Art are exquisite. And, of course, you will take a pilgrimage to Colmar. The exhibit is called, “Siena: The Rise of Painting.”

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So good of you to drop in. I just banked up the stove before bed - grateful for the wood heat.

Your visit was the extra blanket adding another layer of warmth. And you know Patti, it's never

about nothing - maybe nothing in particular sometimes. Just sharing a few minutes during your

day is always appreciated. Tonight though we got more recommendations for reading and gifting, a little bit about your day, a health tip, and a "tea" recipe. A perfect way to end the day.

I'm sorry I missed the moon tonight - got caught up with boules and dinner. Now she's too low

in the sky for me to view from the holler. Oh but the sky is awesome. A frigid crystal-clear night -

with a sky filled with stars that appear larger than usual. Warmest wishes Patti, and all...and please mind how you go.

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Thank you, Suzi, for the extra blankets: the crystal clear night with larger than usual stars, the “mind how you go,” itself an added layer of warmth. I appreciate it so much and bid you the same.

As ever,


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I told my daughter to get me a book for Christmas. After Nature sounds perfect! Thank you! Good night.

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A wonderful choice! I hope you enjoy it!

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Love your flow, Patti 💦

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You talking about nothing is everything.

Thank you for the visit. 🕊💙📚🎶

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Hi Patti,I always love it when you speak to us in such a genuine & generous way 💙

Lots of love Brigitte

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Here morning & the snow is melting like honey & ginger. It was so cold the past week! Love this season & truly great to hear your night expose!

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Thanks, Patti, as always. We're happy to take you as you are, braids done up, halfway, or not at all. That's a lot of books, and I must admit to being unfamiliar with most of those authors and haven't read anything by them. (Their names are planted in my mind now, though, so I'll keep an eye out.) But, I know what you mean about getting into an artist and looking forward to their next release, be it album or book; I never really did that with authors, however, perhaps as a 90s kid, albums were more accessible and easier to absorb. (My reading habits in those days primarily consited of fantasy and sci-fi--fun but largely insubstantial.)

It's lunch hour here in the office (twelve hour time difference?), so the crescent moon will have to wait, but I will spare a thought for you, Sam, and everyone here. Thanks again, and sleep well, Patti!

"You came from nothing; you're going back to nothing; what have you lost? Nothing!"

- Always Look On the Bright Side of Life

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Thank you 💜🩵💚❤️🧡🩷💛💕

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Wee token of play,

tough talisman of

the competitive

race round the gameboard,

durable totem

of old property

under pressure. The

unshielded finger

feels needles, the cute

metallic doggie

follows food to its

master, the little

cannon, overreached,

easily tips. Stand

and pay, advance and

render. Surrender

to the rentier

its due. Papers trump

silver, primacy

mobility, a

full row of hotels

beats a flush of ones

and mortgaged railroads.

Go and go, fresh with

cash and alive with

the prospect the cards

today might flip your

way, your thimble might

prove as nimble as

the tiny race car

you chose to forgo.

Feel your piece, know your

place, the four corners

owned elsewhere. Know the

give and take. And know

you’ll never break the

geometry of

monopoly. Pay.

—James Kobielus

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Tidy the man

inside the

Chinese ideogram.

Steady as the steed

figurine within

its containing pen.


as delicate sky

brushed over

eye and mind.

Still as the chill


of stone.

—James Kobielus

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Cicadas roaring

over church and neighborhood

on this Pentecost

throng in unison

voicings over precious time

and testify in

tongueless rapture of

death’s demise in shells of life’s

struggle up tree trunks.

—James Kobielus

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I’ll definitely look up at the crescent moon and think of Sam, who’s writing I loved…

Thanks Patti - the tea sounds good

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I’m just happy to see a hello from you. I hope you’re having a nice evening.

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We’ve already put

the mass dying behind us.

So much Spanish flu.

Wrestling with fascist

tendencies we lean roaring

into the Twenties.

Flush with the rash of

a disorderly art we now

call generative.

—James Kobielus

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God’s providence is

no more mysterious than


Both transmute the fine

immaterial into

daily sustenance.

We embody them

both. We rise with the sun and

partake of the bread.

—James Kobielus

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Oh, you can ‘talk about nothing’ for as long as you want .. It’s a treat.

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I like your unprepared visits best

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A talk about books and the moon- nothing finer. Except, read today about an upcoming event at Carnegie Hall in March that sounds pretty awesome!

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Spirit is second-

hand balm, recycled mist of

communal refresh.

Spent energy is

the release of pent-up breath

and remembered hurt.

The exhalation

returns the body to its

natural blackout.

—James Kobielus

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When I looked up tonight, sliver Luna was winking at the stars! Thanks for evolving a little hello into a book talk that had me taking notes for my next trip to the book store. Those hardbacks make for meaningful gifts, too. Sweet dreams all

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When all’s a blur, you

can barely tell shadows from

their casting objects.

Hardly make out mites

cloaked in the penumbra of

their wee skittering.

Vanishing into

an interference grid of

corporeal light.

—James Kobielus

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Suppose that inside

It's rich with color, asplash

In light and beauty.

Suppose that flattened

Matter, stripped of all structure,

Is superstringy:

A harp of music

For the many-dimensioned

Almighty's fingers.

—James Kobielus

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Your “nothing” was so enjoyable Patti! Good night.

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Jimmy bro, hey!

Jimmy bro, hey!

You awake?

You awake?

Phone is set for seven.

Phone is set for seven.

Hit the snooze.

Hit the snooze.

—James Kobielus

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Here’s what I’d ask if

someday I’m seated in first

class right next to Cher.

I’d like to know if

she ever gets tired of the

grind of being Cher.

Having to sit next

to total strangers who won’t

just let her be Cher.

—James Kobielus

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It’s fun to listen to you just chatting. ✨ 🌙 😊

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great chat with 'nothing' to say. Loved it. good night

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Congrats on book. Can’t wait to read it.

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Patti, I'm writing a piece of Supernatural America and would love to get your input on that. It's art and writing and music, so let me know if stirs something for you...cheers Mike

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I’d like to render a judgment on this.

Might take a plunge out over the abyss.

But I’d risk botching the syllable count.

Might exhaust the inspirational fount.

Who could possibly stay true to this form.

Even Shakespeare knew ‘twas far out of his norm.

That’s why he mangled his phrases to fit.

If clunkers popped out, folks ate up his shit.

And he knew he could go back to his plays.

Where he’d bask in their inordinate praise.

Then woo some wench to his second-best bed.

All the time stress of lines crunched in his head

would drive him batty till the poor girl left.

Leaving him sadly unshagged and bereft.

—James Kobielus

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Been thinking lately

about Brian Wilson at

home in his sandbox.

Relaxed. Wiggling his

toes. Plunking down pet chords from

"The Warmth of the Sun."

Getting lots of thoughts.

Harmonizing in his head

with Dennis and Carl.

—James Kobielus

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Wonderful visit- Enjoyed every moment .. Loved the books.. & recipe..Thank you .

Sleep Blissfully.

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G'day Patti, just got back from hospital and downunder is muggy and hot with a storm here and there. I was feeling a bit yuck with a mind full of radioactive goo and wishing Patti would upload a late night true blue creative insight into the world of words, suffering, hope, heartbreak and love.

I love your little reindeer. Thankyou so much for the Christmas book list. 🌈🙃🌻☕️. Sometimes it's good just to talk about nothing or something


Try and get some sleep

Keep safe and well


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Waving at you from muggy Melbourne Rachel. Hoping that 'radioactive goo' will leave your mind very soon. Sending you strength on your journey with that. See you on X where I follow you. You keep safe and well too. Margo xx

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Ta, the radioactive goo has left a clear picture of what's to come. Hope the muggy weather goes soon. Have a beautiful weekend Margox

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I'll keep a watchful eye on you on X. (X)

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Best wishes for you Rachel 🤗

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Ta. For the wishes much all we can do is try and not become unbalanced by all that yucky stuff. Keep safe and well Murphy

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I call my mom in CT and tell her what weather she is getting the next day. Sounds like your weather today was like our crazy Chicago snow squalls yesterday. Sunny and dry today so nice in NYC tomorrow. I miss the East Village so much. Sidewalk Cafe, Context Studios, Veselika… so many great book recommendations Patti. Thank you. I recommend The Sounds of Life by Karen Bakker and American Cosmic by DW Pasulka.

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You lay your lust for

women down alongside your

weariness of them.

You and your sisters

of mercy engaged in such

unholy coupling.

When you left they were

sleeping, having suffered your

dank veneration.

—James Kobielus

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As much I appreciate your words of poetry, don't you have your substack to write on?

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The silver sliver of the crescent moon shines over the Berkeley sky for Joan Didion’s birthday tonight. Here we challenge. Here we educate. Here we look up and see truth in the sky. Here we play it as it lays. 🌙

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Oh, what a beautiful birthday encomium to Joan Didion! Thank you for such singing, Robert.

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Snow's not much but it's

better than having

to shovel away

predictions of its

complete and utter

absence from future

forecasts of advent

seasons to come. This

is the sixty-sixth

annual cycle

that I have been blessed

to experience.

Snow's lacking but it’s

preferable to

another sad old

sit and watch session

around the hearth with

A Charlie Brown

Christmas, where Baby

Boomers reenact

ancient mysteries of

trees that magically

spring to life just to

decline into the

final darkness of

one last commercial

break and a message

from this year’s sponsor.

--James Kobielus

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Hi Patti. I've been reading your books lately, and I’m especially touched by "Devotion". I'm also in love with your recording of "Piss Factory" listening in loop. I'm a young Brazilian poet who also plays the guitar. Can't wait to see your poetry books translated into Portuguese. You've gained a new admirer. Good night!

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I love your honesty and even what we don't see, we do see because you're being open. It's like those three-legged animals. Good luck, huh? To share? I will. All the best Patti!

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Year’s almost over,

but it already

feels like it’s gone on

too damn long. Weighing

what’s well versus what’s

gone wrong and can’t help but

wonder why all still

feels like it’s hanging

in the balance. So

I’m content now to

voice my scattershot

gratitude to the

statistical void

of outcomes that

could otherwise have

swung against us

and raise a toast to

hedge against the odds

that conceivably

could overturn our

best-laid plans. Let us

give praise for cloudy

skies that harbor no

sleet and due credit

to ourselves that we

sustain. May lucky

streaks endure and

our turkeys turn out.

—James Kobielus

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We have a 3 legged cat, she’s a lucky one and I suppose she had probably brought us good luck as well ❤️

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Sweet dreams, Patti !

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G’night Patti.

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Oh so lovely to see this. Ginger, clove & cinnamon tea is one of favourites. Do you have a song/album you’re listening to lately that you could recommend?

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I’ll grind my own beans.

But geek over the brewing

machine? Not for me.

I’ll take day-old. Not

cold. Caffeinated. Never

half and half. Hate it.

I’ll take whatever

recipe. Not specify.

Come on. Pleasure me.

—James Kobielus

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Hello from California 🌞

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People of conscience

aren't obligated

to absorb the buzz

and overload. You

can flip it off with

a dismissive hand

gesture and witty

quip. You can signal

to brethren that you

are all-knowing and

all for not going

on and on with the

same-ole same-ole. It’s

things you choose to not

care about that can

kill or liberate

you. Take the state of

the world, for instance.

It’s been on the verge

of full nuclear


since long before

I was born. If it

were to happen,

it would have happened

under Truman. I

would not be here. You

not be reading this.

—James Kobielus

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Love your impromptu hellos Patti. It’s so nice hearing you speak this way about your life and the day to day things you do. 💝

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It’s great to hear from you Patti ❤️

Im so stressed and tired of school. I just got a few exams left but it feels like it’s never gonna stop. Trying to write as much as possible at the same time and even though it’s hard cause I have a lot of things to do, it’s beautiful to find peace and faith in my writing.

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Patti my brother is a musician who dedicated a song to you ‘This Movie Is Mine’


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So nice to hear your voice. Good luck with the book release!

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I so love listening to you.

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Gloria was my most streamed song on Spotify this year according to "Wrapped." (281 streams) Timeless and powerful. Much love❤️

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Hi Patti. Get some rest. Stay sweet.

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Just watched your musical cameo in Perfect Days. What a profound film! Good night

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Sweet dreams, Patti. Isn’t it wonderful. ❤️

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