
Hello from London

A Smithposium announcement and the series I forgot is Mr. Sunshine
Desk in the Library.

London Rooftopss

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miss this view of london rooftops at times... so long since i have been able to travel overseas with life with kids here in australia...

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What a lively library room! I would love to work in a place like this!

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Heaven is a hotel with a library.

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I also like the library you're in - it reminds me a bit of The Draycott Hotel in Sloane Square, though I don't believe the Draycott has a library that large. Am missing London looking at your photos. Still the best city in the world IMO, even given Brexit, etc :(

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Thanks for the Korean series' names! Looking forward to watching them and to delving into Rimbaud.

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Amazing post, Patti! So cool to hear about the series you are watching. Rally looking forward to seeing you in Scandinavia! Thank you,Patti!

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What a gift to be able to follow your travels! I can see how you miss Cairo (you must have a good cat sitter!). Take care and safe travels!

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Writing by day, detective shows at night - perfect. Looking forward to when Endeavor comes back here - love all things Morse - as my wife Hillary calls it the "Uni-Morse". 💙

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Thank you, Patti. What a beautiful room in the hotel. Seems peaceful.

Looking forward to everything. XO

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Hi Patti! ❤️ Have wonderful travels and thank you for the Korean series recommendations. Did you watch the series Navillera? I loved it so much and highly recommend. xoxo

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Happy travels in your Rimbaud boots!

I feel a burn I my heart when I think of Jeanne d'Arc being burned for her unwavering faith and passion.

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June 1st, that's great. in June 1969 when I left the States to live and travel abroad for 5 years with a few friends, I had one backpack with everything in it and 2 of the books were Arthur Rimbaud's. memories..

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Enjoy London! You talked about Joan of Arc in your Books of Days and I'm trying to kind of reconnect with the historical figure since then. I'm from (and living in) Lorraine, France, where she came from. As a child, I went on a school trip to visit the village where she was born. But I never really felt connected to her. First, because I'm not religious, and her quest was a religious one. And second, because in France, she's an emblem of the far right. But since I saw the beautiful picture in your Book of Days, I've been paying more attention to avery depiction I see of her, because there's statues of her in almost every church in France, and also several on town squares in my own city. I take my own pictures of her, now, thinking of you. I just took one two days ago, too bad we can't share pics in the comments here.

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Fanny, your comment on Jeanne becoming a far right icon resonates. I feel similarly about the US flag - it's become a symbol of the far right (for a very long time, now, going back to the Nixon Admin) - and I decided as one small personal act to take it back. I like to display the flag as an American patriot, always remembering that the US was founded upon radical ideas of equality, civil liberties, freedom of speech and belief, and these ideas emerged in part from the French Revolution.

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Enjoy London. Don’t forget about Mr. Frost. ‘C’mon shop shop!’

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Have a wonderful time in London and a joyful tour! Looking forward to see you in Ulm/Germany

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Such a long wait, and now only a few days to go. See you in Stockholm next Friday!

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Preparing for Smithposium - whetting our appetite

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The Extraordinary Attorney Woo is also a great Korean series.

I get so hungry watching Korean series... the food looks so good and they are always eating!

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London is my favorite city. We are going again at Christmas time.

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When you travel to Scandinavia, you may want to check out The Bridge (the Danish version). IMHO, one of the best detective shows of all time.

I completely understand not wanting to leave Cairo. I have a 20 year old cat. It’s so hard to say to leave her at that age:( safe travels!

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I love this post! Looking forward to future study starting June 1!

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Conducting Richard Einhorn’s “Voices of Light,” an oratorio set to the 1927 bxw film “The Passion of Joan of Arc” was a highlight of my life. It’s also out on Criterion. What an inspiration she has been for so many artists! I did not remember it’s her feast day, so thank you for the tribute.

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Your posts and Arthur Rimbaud’s poetry are getting me through recovery rn <3

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hi Patti, and welcome to London! it feels lovely being in the same city with you. If you have a chance, check out Ai Weiwei's exhibition at the Design Museum. Bon voyage!

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That looks like a beautiful library room! Not to put you on assignment, but when you get a chance, can you ask the hotel folks about the draperies? what is that pattern? They look Scandinavian or Japanese (?)

Just came home from a couple days on Lake Superior in Duluth watching boats come in and out of the harbor. Even today on Memorial day, no holiday for those guys. Now I have to catch up on my British detective shows, River is what I've been watching lately.

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What a beautiful room!

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Enjoy your adventure and the detectives Patti...X check out the Broadchurch series...they're excellent! X

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Just to add, my MA tutor has offered to do us a mystical London walk ( you should come) , he's a Blakean and Shakespeare person. We were talking about how their London is still there, somehow, nested in modern facade, but you can see it from certain angles, or in certain corners, like rooftops. Organic chaos London, a veritable melting pot, from which anything can be pulled.

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Have a wonderful time travelling Patti 🌻 I feel very excited and honoured that you will help me understand Rimbaud a little better. X

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Hey there, Patti! Wishing you safe and happy travels. Looking forward to the Smithposium. It's such an honour to have guides with certain artists. I just had a Blake guide, which knocked my socks off.

I'm amazed by all the reading and writing/working you do, and still you manage such avid TV watching. How is your relationship with time? I'm fascinated. Maybe I need to be more hermity.

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May I suggest the Scottish series Taggart, '83-'95. The theme song is song by Maggie Bell, so good! Stay safe, happy and wise.

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Thank you for the name of the series you forgot.

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Dear Patti, Have a safe and inspired trip with love...

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A lovely visit. The desk and the phone complete the ancient atmosphere. The idea of taking us with you on this trip to different places and sharing Rimbaud is so generous. I think of St. Joan, too. The thought of her touched me so deeply. I painted a piece to try to describe her constraints, and yet, risking all to follow her vision. Glad you are there safely. Peace. C.

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i’m rereading Just Kids, audiobook this time. Rimbaud thread is stitched into your every move, maybe by Joan of Arc.

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That desk looks like a marvelous place to write. Thanks for saying hello from London. Keeping Cairo in my thoughts, too.

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Thanks for sharing! Safe travels!❤

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while in copenhagen try to see the paintings of von hammershoi. they are extraordinary.

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Thanks for checking in with us, Patti! I am so amazed by the schedule you keep. Love the photos of the library and roof tops . . . they share a sense of where you are and what you're seeing. Totally looking forward to your posts from the road, honoring the wandering spirit. Travel safe.

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I’ve decided to name my next dog or cat, Joan, after Joan of Arc. 🌠🌌🎇

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Ooh thanks for the Brit detective show and Korean drama tips, Patti! I live in Taiwan, and Korean drama shows are all the rage here! I visited Korea with Taiwanese friends, and one of my friends and their daughter went to this shop where you can wear the costumes that are worn in their favorite dramas! Looking forward to your Smithposium on Rimbaud! I still haven’t read his poetry but I will do that now, rather than watch Bobby Kennedy, Jr. interviews, which have become my nighttime ritual. I am campaigning for him, and have offered to write for him. I have written many articles on holistic health, including an article about vaccines, way back in 1998, right before my daughter was born. It’s not anti-vax, just facts parents should know! Much love to you, Patti. 💜☮️🦋

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Patti, I always enjoy your photographs - often polaroids and in black and white - especially your images when traveling. The color and clarity of detail and textures in "Desk in the Library" and "London Rooftops" are especially nice. The latter (London) has a similar quality as a oil painting by Lucian Freud titled "Wasteground with House, Paddington" from 1970-1972, Check it out here: http://lucianfreud.com/images/lucian-freud--wasteground-with-houses%2c-paddington--1970-1972-oil-on-canvas-167cmx101cm-_2x.jpg?crc=178532689

My you can check out the Edvard Munch Museum in Oslo - if that's part of your tour.

I'm looking forward our Rimbald Smithposium !


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May 29, 2023
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Karen, I'm a fan of Freud paintings . . and was struck by how much Patti's photo of London and Freud's painting had in common - and that Lucian took two years to conplete this painting and that it likely took a second or two for Patti to make hers. The use of phones has certainly made image-making much more democratic and affordable fot The Common Man! Freud's paintings are commonly sold for many millions of pounds - for a few bucks anyone can purchase a books with numerous beautiful images by Patti - often signed and with her insightful poems and/or commentary, too boot!

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Send you lots of love !

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Hi Patti, I'll be away from the internet until July 1. Looking froward to reading about Rimbaud when I return. Have a wonderful tour!

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Hello Patti! Thank you for keeping us posted!

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I've heard a lot of good things about Slow Horses, but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, I don't watch much television. I'm looking forward to the Rimbaud Smithposium!

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It’s fantastic!

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Love Under the Queen's Umbrella. Also agree that Happy Valley is great as well as Slow Horses.

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Happy Valley was so good! Have yet to watch the latest season. Did you watch it? So many fantastic Brit detective shows! I love Silent Witness, and really loved Cracker. RIP dear Robbie.🌷🦋☮️💟

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No I haven't started watching the last season. Thanks for that reminder. And loved Cracker too. Agree, the Brits know what they doing when it comes to detective shows.

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Welcome to London, Patti! I'm glad you're here now that we're having, at long last, beautiful sunny days. Very excited about the Rimbaud Smithposium and looking forward to hearing how it's going. Good luck with everything, and enjoy that lovely library!

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Thank you for the television show recommendations. I never know what to watch! Also, excited for the Rimbaud Smithposium to start. Thank you for all that you do.

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Ps: what a beautiful desk and also an awesome striped pencil.

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So happy to see you, happy (if sleepy) in a sunny library. What better place to be?

I’m very excited for the official Rimbaud Smithposium to start. I feel like a student again (really, I always am) because I spent a recent afternoon reviewing posts from the past and also the recent posts that are prelude to the actual Smithposium. So I’m ready, and eager to begin.

Thank you for the recommendations of shows.

I can understand your preoccupation on the eve of traveling for a month. The mind is in two places, like speaking a language that’s comprised of more than one, or being in two time zones at the same time.

Wishing you and everyone well.

As ever,


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June 1!

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Thank you Patti. I'll have to check out Mr Sunshine. Alchemy of souls. I loved Happy Valley, it's British, I think in it's 3rd season.

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I’m loving Happy Valley, too!

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“Happy Valley” is reviewed in last Sunday’s NYT Arts section. Great article.

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Dear Patti, tomorrow would be a perfect time to read "jenny" (babel p.150) to celebrate Joan of Arc! So many people have never even seen it as 'Babel" has become rare and harder to find and can be very expensive. It's such a beautiful and deeply personal piece of work, I think the people would love it !

When I first read it at 17 I was spellbound by the rhythm of the words as you "related the tale of the scissor". I had dreams that night of souls rising to the tune of "till victory". I hope that excerpts and pieces of "Easter" will play a part in Rimbaud month. June shows great promise as a time of exploring and learning . Sharing your vast understanding of Rimbaud, be it intellectual knowledge or work that resulted from fevered dreams, will be a gift to us all. de l'ame pour l'ame de l'ame.

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Thank you for saying hello Patti ! I miss London …. It is good to see the rooftops and the beautiful writing desk complete with Bakelite phone ! I hope your writing goes well ! Enjoy the tour and please come back to Scotland sometime! Today the sun is shining ! Safe travels !

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"Mr. Sunshine" was a wonderful series -- I was just talking about it yesterday, as a matter of fact!! Since you love police procedurals, Patti, I highly recommend "Stranger." I think you'll really love it.

There are so many great contemporary Korean TV shows for you to discover, in addition to "Stranger" -- Some that come to mind are "Queen Maker", "The Extraordinary Attorney Woo", "Mine", "My Mister"..... and so many more -- the names are escaping me (!) since I'm only on my first cup of coffee here in the Pacific Northwest.

And, since you love period dramas, have you seen "Rise of Phoenixes"? Another winner.

Looking forward to the "formal" Smithposium". I hope you have a great tour!

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love them british mysteries. ever watch thee ol gentle jack series? enjoy munchs sunsets.

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Also love detective shows. As a longtime journalist, I'm always drawn to a good mystery. Currently watching The Lost King about Richard III`s missing body, and how it was found buried under a parking lot.

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Thank you for reaching out to us, Patti. Wishing you a beautiful time on the road. Enjoy your British detective shows! 😊

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Lovely that you took time to post to us... great shot of the London rooftops... I'm a Londoner so good to see them as a I live away from London these days, but miss it a lot..

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Great pix! What’s that big black thing in the right corner of your desk? 😄

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Drops dead of nervous exhaustion wow look at that

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Antennae can insects even live there? The Death of London and The Anarchist's Dream? Endeavour one of my fav. Shows til I realised even the detective needs murder to exist. One rule don't kill, kids invent billions of ways to do that.

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Not enough green in your London roof tops no accidental bird capture in your shot are you performing onstage there without me? I like Greenwich

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Hear ye hear ye calls the town Cryer, see the see the says I. Even doves cry 😢 He merged perfectly with the wall, Johnny crashing his head, horses waves crashing in boney maloney

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Looking forward to the Rimbaud month! and I love that your hotel has a little library!

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Hello hello hello with the lights on its less dangerous? Not to the blind.

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I put my spell on her, here she comes Gloria.

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Could it be she's taken over me? I am dancing barefoot. Got this journal I don't want to give away, but your muse us in it. Healed how many broken bones so far? Me? None of my own, many of others but that could change who knows. Knock knock let me in.

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I think you are coming to cape cod this summer


I will buy a ticket !!

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As always thanks for sharing xo

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Where are you David?

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Oh Patti, have a lovely day in London. Will you have time to see Hilma af Klimt and Mondrian ? Enjoy Monmouth coffee ( I think I figured from your book your fav hotel in town , well, I went as far as to ask the porter once, he said yes x not that I`m any detective :) Enjoy meandering !

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After 2 years of reading Rimbaud's work and biographies I still felt I was missing the key into his poems. You and Dylan lead me to his door and I couldn't get in. To have YOU greet me at that door and usher me in through your keyhole is beyond belief and rather surreal. June 1 is the first day of the 2023 Dylan Symposium in Tulsa where I will be when I hear the creak of you opening Rimbaud's door.

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I concur with your sentiments . . . and am looking forward to entering the door.

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Have a good time in London! Enjoy the detective stories! Lookong forward to hear and see more of your adventures and of course, the smithposium ...

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Enjoy my lovely London

I like that we are twins today as two South Jersey girls of about the same age finding themselves in Londontown!

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It’s good to start the day with a brief checkin from you, Patti. I am a new subscriber—I only recently learned that you had a Substack. Like many here, I grew up with you. I love this personal connection and also hearing your comments and love for literature. It will be fun to follow you on your travels.

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Hi Patti! So glad you mentioned “Endeavor”! My husband and I are fans, but local PBS hasn’t given us the latest (6th?) season. I saw some of the behind the scenes with Shaun directing, when I googled it just last night. Love the look at London rooftops and the Hotel Library. Thanks for the reminder about Joan of Arc’s feast day tomorrow, too. Have a “Brilliant” trip.

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Thank you. I am in awe of your get up and go nature ❤️

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It’s very Harry Potter seeing you in an historic, revenant and sunny London library - a different world! Not only strange that the sun is rushing into what probably is a room designed to counter the dreary damp of the streets of London, but those medieval triangle window dressings evoke heralding trumpets and some sort of joust or entrance of a royal! I mean just a couple of mornings ago I was deeply absorbed into a whole other world where the seriously somber sixth avenue strolling threesome — you, Richard Stohl, and Carl Apfelschnitt probably (in my way of imaginings) wouldn’t have even hoped to be in that London library! Patti Smith!!!

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Happy travels, Patti. I looki forward to the Smithposium. Have you watched the Magpie Murders.? It's a short one and very good!

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I’m sitting beside the lake, where last night there were sweet deer drinking cool water. This morning, there are cardinals and doves, squirrels and ducks. I had just read Rimbaud’s “The Bridges” when your message came in. What a wonderful bridge it was for my/our imaginations! To see you in that library and to imagine what you are writing, which we will someday read. Thank you for saying hello! Good morning! Xx

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It sounds so beautiful there.

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So I've never been to London, but I have been to other destinations in Europe. What I love, as I'm seeing out your window is history, the age of Europe is well preserved. There is something in the air of it that connects me to a more thoughtful self. Now the telephone...very nice.

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Wonderful update Patti, have a great successful tour! If you like British detective shows, if you haven't already be sure to check out the incredible series "Vera" - based on the Ann Cleeves books about Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope, brought to life by the great actress Brenda Blethyn. One of the best character driven murder mystery series ever.

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British detective shows! THE BEST! Have you watched the new “Dalgliesh”series, remake based on the wonderful P.D. James books? I thought no one could ever compare with Roy Marsden as DCI Dalgliesh, in the original series, but I think Bertie Carvel does a great job! And they’ve kept the 1970s settings. AND Carlys Peer is terrific as Detective Sergeant Kate!! I watch it on Acorn here in USA. Enjoy your immersion in the Brit detective world!!

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I love London in the summer!! My daughter lives in London, but she is here in NY with me right now. Enjoy your time there. How I’d love to go to Scandinavia! I’ll look forward to a vicarious visit through you! 💜

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Love the vintage telephone and the rooftops. And Miss Marple! So looking forward to the Smithposium.

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Good morning 🌞. Thank you for sharing your adventures both big and small, it encourages me to reflect inwards. Have enjoyable travels!

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Oooh, more adventures on the road. Looking forward to your tales!

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I was starting breakfast when your post arrived. Perfect timing. I love that hotel library, especially the old-fashioned phone on the desk next to your notebook. You have me hooked on the British detective shows, thank you very much. I watch the ones I can find on PBS. Just started Endeavour last week and can't get enough Midsomer Murders. Anyway, enjoy the rehearsals and the London sunshine. Take good care.

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I have loved the Endeavor series since it began set in about 1963. Now they have finally reached the year I spent as a student in Oxford, 1971-72, so I pay close attention to all the details. At the beginning of each season, they usually show a quick glimpse of a dated newspaper story or some event announcement that states the year for reference. I hope you enjoy Morse and Fred Thursday as much as I did (I still think the Pilot "Overture" and Season one were the very best).

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That was my first Endeavour. This week, the PBS in Buffalo is showing them in the afternoon. How cool that you went to Oxford and can check out the authenticity.

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Rather than checking authenticity, I am more relishing being reminded what the world looked like then and how splendid it was going from Northern Minnesota where the ancient things to admire were pine trees to the fascinating old colleges, Balliol Library, the Oxford Student Union, the rivers running through, the covered market, and on and on. The sense of centuries of history that I got a glimpse of was profound.

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I certainly understand that. What an extraordinary thing to experience that history.

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PBS Passport has a series called "Walter Presents" and the last few months they have been adding loads of European detective series (in original French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, etc, etc - dubbed in English) Yesterday I finished a series that totally delighted me for the writing and for the beautiful setting on the Italian coast. It is named "Two Sisters". It made me want to find that town.

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Thanks for the recommendation, Linda. I will check it out whenever I get a Smart TV. I'm one of those who won't watch shows or movies on my phone or laptop.

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Wow you’re in London & I’m in Windsor preparing to travel to Cornwall tomorrow...so near and yet so far! Safe travels dear Patti 🤗🌸👍🏻🩷

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Hi, I was wondering... if you write with fountain pens? Sometimes it's a challenge being left-handed to write with them, but I love them, so the struggle is real!

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Enjoy your pm detective tele!

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Hi Patti, takes a day ot two & you’ll be reset. I just awakened & knew I could allow your gentle voice into my slumbering awakening mind. London is a favorite. The place your at looks familiar. Stayed one time with old wood with an old library on the river near the bridge and the eye.Have some tea or coffee & get some acu while there to help reset. I can give you a name if interested. Have a nice day in the light. Wish I were there, but with these post, I am

Stay well. Author & Joans spirits will be close. Enjoy 🕊️

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Looking forward to reading about your journey. Safe travels

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There's so much mystery fluttering around in the universe and it's nice to know you are out there and can transform it into discovery for us subscribers ! looking forward to hearing about and seeing your travels --- xoxo

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Always great to receive a post from you Patti.

Again, you add so much joy to my life.

Looking forward to June 1, ‘23

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I’m glad you’re ok . I too like others was concerned about you ✌🏼🖤

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Hi and bye Patti. “Write by day, detective shows by night.” Doesn’t get too much better than that. Unless, of course, one adds coffee and delights throughout the day to keep up one’s strength. And then the shows....

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I am sitting on my upstairs screened porch, it’s 8am, listening to the birds sing and mending my purse with needle and thread, a bing from my phone and it’s you, Patti! Saying hi. It brings such pleasure to have this connect with you ( we are similar ages, and tri-state area girls) - thanks for making me smile. Have fun on your tour...I’ll be watching endeavor tonight trying to catch up my episodes... keeping you in my prayers 🙏🏽💛

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Yes! It's always sweet to get your messages Patti. Wishing you happy work and smooth travels for you and your quartette.

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There was a brand new Midsomer Murders on last night here in the UK!

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How sweet to receive this on my 64th bday. Safe travels.

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Happy Belated Birthday, David. Hope it was a blast.

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Many years ago as I sang along to the Beatles

"Will you still need me, will you still feed me

When I'm sixty-four"

64 seemed so old. Now pushing 72 and looking back at 64, it has taken on the nimble sheen of "not old". Happy Birthday to all those newly 64.

PS: We still need you.

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Happy birthday!!

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Happy birthday!🎂🎉🎈🎊

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Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday David ! ✌🏼🖤

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My 64th was on May 5.

"'Cause we built that thing and it grew wings,

In Nineteen-Fifty-Nine."

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What was that quote from, Cindy? Happy Birthday🦋

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That is from Patti's song "1959"

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May 29, 2023Edited
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Great song, with a pretty guitar.👏🏽

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May 29, 2023
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Blue Öyster Cult is one of the most underrated bands in rock history. Thanks for referring to them, Karen. I think it's time for Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll.

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Along with Fanny

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Just saw the documentary on them. I'm so glad that it should revive an appreciation for this fabulous band that ran into a wall of misogyny.

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May 29, 2023
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Saw them twice in concert and I often put on a playlist of six or seven of their albums. Great stuff. Glad to know I can still surprise you.

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May 29, 2023
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I'd like to see it when you get the chance.

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