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Hello, everybody. It's July 11th. Yesterday was Prue's birthday, and I remembered. And yeah, I'm in Amsterdam, a bit tired. We're on our tour. Had two strong, well, really great, raucous concerts at the Paradiso, which we'd been playing for decades. And it's always fun. And playing with the quartet.
But Lenny came over from New York to visit, and he played with us. And that was fun. And, yeah. Yeah. I don't have anything. Like I said, I'm a little tired. I haven't seen you in a few days. And we have three in a row coming up, mostly festivals. But I'm just saying hello.
It's been really, really great. I think one of the most rewarding things has been, you know, we played in Spain, in Barcelona, and Lisbon before Amsterdam. So many young people. It just makes me cry, I mean, to see people even 14, 15, 20. It's really...
Hello from Amsterdam
Resting a bit our young people Lana and a visitor
Jul 11, 2024
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Tired but blissed out, I bet. Loving you are getting the recognition you truly deserve. The joy on your face is palpable!
So nice to hear lots of young people come to see you. I think maybe it's because what you do is so spirited and timeless and at the same time you don't blend out the current times either. Great to see you're doing well! Wish I could come to one of the shows too!!
Thank you Patti! These photos from your shows make me so happy I'm tearing up a little.
Love you Patti!!! Please come play in California again 🙏. And hooray! There’s hope for the world if todays young people are embracing you 🥰
Good to see you again. Thanks for taking the time to check in! ❤️
It's nice to see you are followed by so many young people and always nice to hear from you Patti .Peace Love 🎸
Hi Patti, I’m currently in the Shetland Islands taking in all the natural unspoiled land this area has to offer. I’m sorry I will not be anywhere close to where you will be performing. I’m in awe of your energy and stamina. This 71 yo is feeling her age and I can’t imagine keeping your schedule. I had the honor of seeing you and Tony at Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota. Safe travels from one Jersey girl to another. Thank you for all you do!
Hi Patti, you're looking besutiful! I'm so excited to see that you are in Amsterdam! Wish I was there. I was born and raised in the Netherlands, 71 years ago, now in Arizona, by way of Los Angeles. Oh my, the Paradiso, great memories of my youth. It looked like a lot of fun happy people in the audience! Patti, I am not surprised that young people love you and love your music, it is
timeless and you are so young at heart. You did a great job on the Lana Del Rey song, I had to google her and yes she is wonderful. Safe travels! Love, Tina
So often your videos bring tears of beauty for me, as does your writing - you are an absolute treasure ❤️
The Janine interlude is adorable 🥰
Thanks Janine :)
So nice to see you, too. Thank you for catching us up. You look great.
I love you!
i missed you by one week :( First time in Amsterdam, fell in love with it right away.
Nice to be with you Patti, great pictures, love your crowd! Love you.
I just love these videos from Patti. It’s so personal — like she’s a good friend FaceTiming to tell me what’s new! 💙💙💙
Very very special indeed. Good we all know how honored we are.
lookin' good patti
i love that recording of coral sea with kevin shields, it transcends
Patti, I love these little visits. Isn’t it fabulous how the younger generation is discovering you! It is so good for the world. Love you. Thank you. ❤️🎵❤️
Happy birthday Marcel Proust.NPR's introductory article on the video 0:47 to 0:49 shows Proust in motion
WATCH: Is This Proust? Scholars Say They've Finally Found Author On Film
Dear Patti, I can see you singing "Video Games". That would be so cool!
Thank you for your updates and being so beautiful and kind. You remind me to be present and my dear, you are SO VERY present. Have a great time and be well.
How nice of you, Patti, to refer to Lana Del Rey. Got me looking at some of her videos. A romantic, anti-Romantic in a time when technology and culture is trying to enforce limits on emotional expression of all kinds
Hiya. I was thinking about a song that might be cool to hear you sing. The Dream Syndicate’s,
“That’s What You Always Say.” It’s a great song with nice melody and guitar sections. I haven’t heard it in quite a while and I’m pretty obsessed with it. Anywho. Take care ‘over there’. Please come back to Cali. Love always. Avandra Ann
It was nice to see you this morning while having my cats are currently having their morning zoomies, so there's bushy tails and lots of silliness, even the oldest one is having his second kitten-hood! It's cooler outside this morning, so they're happy for the relief from the heat! My wee donkey is doing well with the heat, being a donkey, they're a desert animal, so she never breaks out in a sweat at all, and it helps with her arthritis. She just celebrated her 33rd birthday on the 7th and is doing great for her age. She's getting her hooves trimmed this morning, she doesn't like it, so it's always a negotiation process to get her to mind her manners and not kick. The thing about donkeys, they're not stubborn, they're very smart and cautious. I talk to her, give her a little sedative to relax her, she's such a good girl. It sounds like you're having a fantastic tour, and the songs have been awesome! Have a good day, Patti!
Such a joy to hear your update Patti. I love your videos and posts so much, food for the soul, ears and heart ❤️ Rest well, sending love and thanks from a rainy Sussex, U.K.
Just sending love and thanks from Australia 🐨🦘❤️🙏
You’re looking so well Patti💛 The little snippet of song is the waltz from Cinderella, so lovely.
One of my all time faves…
I can’t remember the first gig I went to. I think it may have been at the Rainbow in London.
I remember some years later going to the Round House and not being sure what to expect as some years had passed. I remember being in the restaurant and hearing the opening line to Gloria at which point I left my girlfriend, headed to the front and didn’t meet up again until the end of the gig.
It was the first Patti gig my girlfriend went to and I was so surprised to find a much younger audience than I expected. In fact, I met another (older) guy there who had also been at the Rainbow which I think was in the late 70s.
I am taking two friends to St Paul’s Cathedral and told them it was about time they extended their education.
I have always felt that some artists are educators and through them we discover other works that maybe would lie forgotten or undiscovered.
I once gave Patti some CDs by the opera singer, Cecilia Bartoli who resurrects opera that we would not have listened to or discovered were it not for her. Patti is the same (for me anyway), I have read, Rimbaud, Blake and discovered Mapplethorpe through that iconic Horses portrait. His work was and remains a huge influence in my life.
I remember the tribute to Sebald at Snape Maltings which was the most beautiful and appropriate response to his work After Nature - I would never have known about Sebald otherwise.
I love to see younger audiences at Patti’s gigs and hope that through her work they too feel inspired….As the dormouse said Feed Your Head…
You're one of a kind genius Patti, you move the world!
Wow! You said it! She’s my hero right now, she makes sense, she…just like the song. Rock in Patti, love how you described the concert as raucous. Just right.
Thank you for your scintillating performance on Wednesday. We couldn't tell you were tired. But after that, you probably did, you gave it your all. Just like your wonderful musicians in the band.
(I did google translate, i hope to have the words right :) )
So lovely to hear you talking about your shows, your appreciation of your audience is moving. I really hope to see you live again next time you return to Ireland. I still recall 2 separate amazing performances you did at the Liss Ard Estate in West Cork in the late 90s, then again around 2010/2011. Let me know when you're returning Patti 🤗 Love to watch your videos on substack and to hear your news, thank you x
I watched a video of the concert in Dublin which was taken not nearly the stage but in the middle of the people, and all are looking so happy Patti, listen to you singing summertime sadness, moving with you, sharing their emotions with you, what a wonderful gift you give !
Thank you for all being here on this Substack!
Patti just a joy to hear your ramblings .
Wonderful. Thank you. I am still on a high after your concert in Paradiso. I was at the one on Wednesday and I enjoyed every minute of it. You were fantastic, the band was, and the audience was. Thank you for you and for playing and I hope you'll be back soon, and I'll be there again. Take care of yourself.
We were there, too. Such an amazing evening!
It was realy a great night with a wonderful vibe.
Thank you Patti for the news.
Dear Patti, Thank you so much for two amazing nights in Paradiso!!! 🙏🏽🌸❤️
Hello Patti. Good to see and hear you looking happy and well. Lovely photos, it’s been a long time since l went to the Paradiso, such a great place with a fabulous atmosphere and Lenny coming must have been great!
Enjoy your travels and concerts. Much love from a autumnal London 🙏
Nice to hear how things are going! I am lucky I get to share July 10th Birthday with Proust! Kept if very low key. Listening to this video as I am get ready to turn in for the night. I will miss being in LA once I move if only to realize you have more "jobs" in the LA area than in the New Orleans area so I will miss out at Pappi and Harriette's later this summer. Any how just wanted to say hello and express appreciation for this Substack and your sharing bits and pieces of life with us!
Thanks Patti for the check-in. Glad to hear Lenny came over for a visit. You look like you're enjoying everything your work brings you. "keep an even keel" – right back atcha! 💞
It’s kind that you remembered Marcel Proust amongst the other physical dates you have to do at the moment, makes me feel a small contraction in honour of all artistic exertions everywhere, the effort of it is so moving.
What a lovely visit from one of my favorite cities in the world! I really love the photo you shared from your show at The Paradiso. So much joy and exuberance that seem to pop off the page and come alive. Thank you for being you. ❤️
Patti, thanks for the visit - always good to hear from you. I think no matter what age, people are
drawn to the "genuine article". And it sounds as if you've found something in waltz time with
"Once upon a dream". A melody from long ago, and a lovely choice. Thanks again Patti, and mind how you go.
So nice to see this little post after another day/ night of stupid in the U.S. that has my afib kicking in. You are so calm, Patti. Thank you for this peaceful interlude.
There's one thing about you that rarely gets written about in the press, and that's your sense of humor. From the first time I saw you (Hartford, CT 1976), you have really cracked me up. Thanks, Patti.
Patti! The best…You do look fetching tonight. Glowing extra brightly. Thank you for taking the time…to come by.
Video games is a great great song — would love if you covered it! As a still semi-young person, we do love and appreciate your work so much. Not only in music, but you have led me to so much history and books and poems and art. Thank you for everything!
Hello Patti - you are looking very young, yourself.
Thank you Patti for your time. You certainly have absorbed positive energy from your work as you are almost vibrating!
I hope it’s ok to say that I like your version of summer time sadness best.
It’s been stuck in my head for days now, not sure why.
In any event, as you would say, maybe something, maybe nothing.
I’m sitting in the sun at my usual post, waiting for my husband at the hospital. There’s not a cloud in the sky, all the trees are bare so there’s lots of light around. Hopefully the sun will bless the people coming and going, in and out. I certainly won’t forget that there are people facing real problems on a daily basis and that my whinges are of little importance.
Enjoy Amsterdam, they make the best hot chocolate in the world!
Patti, it is always so nice that you think of us especially when you are travelling! We get a unique perspective into your life! be safe and enjoy the journey!!
Great to see you Patti, and that you’re having a ball on tour!! Rest well. ❤️
My grandchildren (14, Near 16,) are in awe of you, not surprising to me. Keep safe, spread joy as you do. Thank you for showing the world we are not all ruined here. Love
Ciao Patris, a dear hug 🤗. Luca 🌸❤️🤗
And to you Luca, my best ❤️
Glad you’re happy💜
Both beautiful photos, thank you. Authenticity and humility are magnetising qualities - and we need those more than ever. Some sanity amongst all the craziness. To see people like yourself, who embody these qualities, gives everyone some hope for humanity I think, regardless of their age. We are drawn to it, to quench our thirst for something real and genuine, that also resonates with the goodness in ourselves.
Dearest Patti, Is there anyway to get advanced notice of your concerts at Paradiso? I love the people and the city. In 2018 & 2019, I visited Amsterdam, after you had played. The last time I saw a concert there was in 1987: The Butthole Surfers; they were amazing. And you’ve been consistently amazing for decades frOM BAM to Princeton U., to the State Theatre and Brooklyn Steel to Elizabeth Street Garden! Much love.
It's always such a joyous occasion to see & hear you right here in my apartment! I pretend that you're actually here in the flesh and I have to remember not to talk too much...I love you, Patti!
I love these little visits with Patti. I am smiling the whole time. Here is this artist who has been part of our lives for so long, who is a legend, who had meant so much to all of us, and then Substack comes along, and it’s like she’s our already incredibly cool aunt or old friend, super nice, sweet, enthusiastic about new things. Just delightful.
So honored that you share bits of your life…. Thanks so much for this.
Love to hear this window into your world. Peace, rest and joy to you. I love Amsterdam.
So nice to see you Patti! So great to hear from you whilst you’re on tour! I can’t wait to see you at Somerset house next week, happy travels! X
Dear Patti,
Thanks for the reminder of Proust’s birthday. Tomorrow, July 12, is the birthday of both Thoreau and Neruda. Indeed, a day for great celebration! Safe travels!
We are so lucky to have you and Lana! My son introduced me to Lana’s music/writing years ago now and I’m sure we all share souls don’t we? Take care too!!
Speaking of young people, you look like a kid, yourself, with your braids and and smiling face. Of course the young people are coming to hear you sing! And in time their children will, too. My three daughters are right when they describe you as “ageless”.
I agree that the children of the children will come to see her. My three (grown) children love her too. And I agree that she is ageless with her braids and smiling face. We’ll put, Janet!
Summer in Amsterdam seems relatively pleasant.The higher latitude means more hours of sunshine.
I am also a little relieved by the change to left-liberal governments in the UK and France.
Hooray for that!
Thank you! it’s such a big stress the rising of the far right in France and Europe ! We must go on with human values, art and poetry in this world .
Hello to you, Patti! Amsterdam looks beautiful! Enjoy your time there! Your concert looks amazing!
Dear Patti Smith, my artistic hero, I hope to see a live concert sometime soon!
Such an irresistibly magnificent photo of you and your adoring fans at the Paradiso, Patti -- you look radiant and glistening! How could the young people possibly resist you? Answer…."resistance is futile"….of course they adore you! Love you precious Patti…..xoxo
Patti greetings from Ireland and yes what a beautiful mixed audience to be part of x
You don’t know it but you are incredible . We saw you in Dublin the second night . One of the most moving , real and rock hard shows I’ve been too . Incredible musicianship . The way you use your voice . A complete force but with a soft centre . You take care now
No matter the generation, the signal is received ❤️
Hi from Germany
Have fun Patti Amsterdam great place enjoy.
Cool that the generations are relating to the message 👏 as said before it's so very important
See your on the next update oh and hi to Jeannine
Getting hot out here and yes good idea to have water nearby
All the best Cal
So happy you are coming to Iowa city in September! Yay!!! 🥰 see you there. Love the pics on this post!
Seeing you makes me smile, thank you for checking in - as busy as you are!
Dear Patti, Thank you for dropping by. It was so good to see you and catch up a bit. The photo of you in front of the crowd at the Paradiso is amazing. You look ecstatic. It must have been a fun show. Welcome to Janine! Take care Patti... and everyone. Very hot here on the East Coast.
I’m so glad new generations are discovering you. What a treat for them, as well as for you.
I was about to turn 60 (8 years ago) and I wanted to see Patti for my birthday— not the first time it’s been on my birthday list! My husband was looking to buy tickets and the next thing I knew, we’d booked a flight to Amsterdam where we saw you at the Paradiso, a magical venue. What a trip! What a show! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
What an awesome 60th birthday present! I’m so happy for your having had that experience!
Hi Janine!!
Love you Patti!
"At noise"! WOOHOO!
How wonderful the diversity in your audience, you look like you’re having a fabulous time, positively glowing.
She is glowing; I see it too!
Hi Robin, I really don’t know how she does it, all that travelling, performing, art installations, writing and checking in with us on sub stack. Incredible.
Hope life is treating you well.
Hi Claire,
I feel the same; Patti’s stamina is extraordinary. It brings me such joy to see her on the go! Wishing you good health, great joys, and good energy.
With warmth, as ever,
Patti, You continue to blow me away with your vibrancy, your endurance, your curiosity, your relevancy to generations to come. Those two pictures : Of Peace, Of Noise, make me so happy!
I agree that the pictures are great! I forgot to say it in my reply!
Thank you so much Patty, thinking of us despite the commitment that such a beautiful tour requires and, as you told us, which evokes such deep emotions.
It's so nice to see you happy and satisfied and sei davvero bellissima and radiant!
It is also a great privilege for us to be able to see and hear you in these videos that are so beautiful, spontaneous and full of compassion and joy in loving others.
I hug you with lots of affection and salute all those who share this beautiful experience on Substack with you.
Luca 😊 🌸❤️☮️❤️🌸
this time too I looked for the cricket that was calling me from the phone until I remembered that it could, as we later saw, be yours 🦗📞
Warm wishes to you, Luca 🍀
Thanks Robin, you are always so kind! Sending you a warm hug and lots of joyful love .
Luca 🌸❤️🐞❤️🌸
Fantastic! You continue to inspire so many, young and old. And you look incredible while doing so, your heart and truth speaking keep you ‘forever young’
❤️ you Patti
Love you 🥰 when your phone rang I thought it was my phone. My husband noticed and commented that we have the same ring tone.i told him that we are soul sisters. And if I could meet any famous person and hang out, it would be you. I’m certain we would be kindred spirits and friends. Anyway, thanks for sharing your ramblings with us. Maybe one day soon I’ll be in a place where you are performing. Until then, be well and stay cool. Take care of yourself
On a side note
After I watched the video of your performance of summertime sadness I could not stop singing it. It was made for you. I had never heard anything by Lana del Rey. So glad you are doing it
Have a great day and enjoy your travels
I’m so sad I missed you in my city this time around. Summertime sadness indeed… wish I could have heard that cover!
You can find it on YouTube. Not the same as in person, but it’s a great cover. Also, Patti included it in her last post - or the one right before that.
Thank you!!
Thanks Patti for this hello, you look radiant and I'm so happy for you! 💖 You are a blessing for young generations 🤝 I've seen amazing clips and read stellar reviews of your concerts! Enjoy your days and have a rest whenever you can! There's a lovely crescent moon tonight and beautiful stars 🌙✨ a perfect night 🌌 for double wishes ☮️🕊️
Ciao cara Anna,
It's always so nice to find you back here on Patti's Substack! And with you dear Robin, Paul and all these dear people. This morning, here in Lugano, there was a big storm which cooled the air which was already too hot. Fortunately it did not cause any damage even if we have to wait to be sure that the streams in the side valleys do not swell too much as happened last week in Vallemaggia - a beautiful valley above Locarno and whose river enters Lake Maggiore - where, unfortunately, there were five victims and big damages. Sorry if I wrote a little about our region.
Tu saluto e ti mando un affettuoso abbraccio 🤗 .
A presto cara Anna!
Luca 🌸❤️☮️❤️🌸
Ciao Luca! Grazie per il tuo messaggio! I've been out for work and I was knocked out by this tropical-like heat…so much humidity… indeed I can't stand it at all. I heard about the environmental damage in Switzerland, and unfortunately also about the victims... a friend of mine here has two grown children who live in the Zermatt area…she was very worried about the flood which occurred a few weeks ago…Hope you are doing well, Luca, thanks a lot for your kind message! Blow down some cool breeze…🍃🍃 Un caro abbraccio a te! 🤗 A presto, Anna
Good to see you, Anna. I agree that Patti looks radiant. I will look for the crescent moon tonight.
Hello Robin! Thank you for your kind message. I'm always so grateful for yur lovely comments! Hope you're doing well.
I'm pleased to link below one of the stellar reviews of Patti's concerts I found particularly intriguing...
Take good care, Robin. 🌙
I love your “rambling” videos, I feel like I’m having a conversation with an old friend! Also love hearing how young people are coming to see you. How do younger audience find you, when we were young ( I’m your age birthday tomorrow actually) we had radio playing all kinds of music, record stores , music press etc. I would love to hear how a younger crowd came across you, what it felt like to hear you for the first time etc. ( asking a lot I know)You’re impacting three generations!
Happy almost birthday!
Hi Patti
Thank you, as always, for popping in and saying hello. So very happy to hear that young people are catching your shows…great artists, great music, transcends time.
BTW, you look radiant.
Hi Patti I so wish you played here Chicago area as much as you play in other countries . I know they love you so much out there tho . Hope to see you play here soon love you as always ! ✌🏼🖤
How absolutely Marvelous you're in our old home town Amsterdam + performing @ Paradiso ..was just there !! Its another one of those: wishwas there wishes / much Love !
Loved the visit from you today. It’s always good to see and hear you, even if you call it « rambling. » You light up the day and make it special! I’m so glad young people have discovered you and fill your concert venues!
Thanks for the beautiful photos from Amsterdam!
This was awesome! How I wished you would have kept it going, opened the door - just like Mr. Rogers - and in would have walked: Janine! Another guest could be Lenny. How fun that could be. You would be an amazing Mr. Rogers. You share with him gifts of kindness and goodwill that seem so sadly absent from much of life now.
Thank you, Patti, for the visit. I am very grateful that in the midst of such an output of energy, you took time to share some of your energy with us. If gratitude gives sustenance, let this be fuel for you. It was a joy to see you. You look beautiful, your hair and hands like blossoms. I hope that Janine is taking a lot of photos of you. You are always photogenic, but to my eye you are in a way right now that is especially luminous.
It is balm to spend even a few minutes in your presence during what feels to be a darkly surreal time and truly heartening to hear that there are so many young people at your shows. I’m not surprised. There are a lot of people like me who took their children to see you from a very young age and who saw your books around, among the most beloved. All three of my children grew up going to your concerts and reading your books. Now they are having children who will grow up loving your work.
It is wonderful to see how widely your net casts. So many people are feeling despair over the cynicism, defeatism, unkindness, cruelty that has taken hold. You are an antidote to the very thing that is so sickening.
It brought tears to my eyes that you remembered Proust’s birthday. The highest praise I can give, other than that a person is kind, is that they live according to Henry James’s advice to “try to be one of those upon whom nothing is lost.” You are such a person, Patti (and that doesn’t mean you don’t forget things). I’m so grateful for your existence and for this platform.
With all my heart, thank you, and thank you to all in this kind community.
Very truly,
Salutations Robin,
It’s funny that you brought up Mr Rogers. How fortunate you were to have such a wonderful man to help share the day with. We didn’t get this show in Australia and there was no equivalent person here. I only learned about him a few years ago. I have watched a few things and they made my cry. When I was a kid I cried at the end of every episode of Lassie, so I would have been sent quite batty if I’d seen Mr Rogers.
I too was dying to meet Janine as I always had so much respect for her work but alas it wasn’t to be.
I hope you are feeling ok and that Max is giving you lots of love and cuddles
Hopefully Jayne
Dear Jayne,
I’m sorry that you didn’t have Mr. Rogers in Australia. Oddly, I do not recall watching him when I was very little. I checked and the show started in 1968, so I would have been 6 years old and my brother 9, but for some reason we didn’t watch it then. The show aired for 33 years, so I ended up seeing it when I would babysit as a teenager and then when I had my own small children.
What most amazed me was how respectful of and interested he was in others, and how kindly he spoke to children. I’d never experienced that growing up and at first I didn’t understand it. I remember thinking that he must be being ironic.
Lassie was a tear-jerker, that’s for sure!
I agree that Janine’s work is awesome. Hopefully, we will see her another time. It was fun hearing her voice over the phone!
I hope that things are okay with you. Max and I send love, as ever,
Thank you Robin for your interventions, always so passionate and full of interesting and detailed information. It is a great pleasure for me to have met you here on Patti's magnificent Substack!
Another affectionate greeting ❤️ and hug 🤗.
Luca 🌸☮️🌸
Thank you for your kindness, Luca. I’m grateful to have met you here, in the house that Patti built. Sending heartfelt greetings and warm wishes, as ever,
Yes, luminous is the right word, Robin, that and all your others. This post was dropped into my afternoon like one of the blossoms you describe. What a delight!
So good to hear from you, Janet. Wishing you peace and joy.
I absolutely love the idea of "guests" dropping by like in Mr. Rogers. lol. XO
I’m so glad it resonates with you! Patti would be such a welcoming and fun host!
Bonsoir Patti
C est génial you have Little Rimbaud at your concert it s extraordinaria and Beautiful
Profite en fais passer your humanist message
À bientôt à Nîmes le 19 juillet je serai là pour toi et la France a besoin de toi de tes human idea
Ann Elliot PERU ❤️
Enjoy beautiful Amsterdam!
Dear Patti I hope you got the cd and memory stick of the song we wrote about you that I left at Brighton stage door. Hoping the tour is going well and say hi to Seb. Love in music Sarah Jane x
It’s awesome that the younger generations are experiencing your music 🎶 🤩
Thanks, and same to you: rest, fluids, art, joy!
I am lucky too. I was late to find Patti Smith, but now I adore you. I feel so lucky to get your live messages on substack. My friend in England just got tickets for your concert in London. I'm soooo jealous!
I, too, came late to LDR but it's always a joy to find a new artist to explore especially one as wonderful as she is. I can see that same joy of discovery in you. Like you, LDR is a gifted songwriter who also does fantastic covers. I like her take on Season of the Witch.
I look forward to the website on which you and Janine are working. Thanks for dropping by. Take good care.
Hello Jim! Hope you're doing well. I didn't know Summertime Sadness before Patti's performance and now it has become "Patti's new song" that I keep on singing! Take good care, Jim.
Hi Anna. I'm doing okay. Hope all is well with you. Summertime Sadness is a wonderful song. I was thrilled when I heard Patti covering it. LDR is one of the great contemporary songwriters. And song stylists. To have the worlds of Patti and LDR merge is amazing. You take good care as well.
You're right, Jim! Thanks for pointing it out. Take care. All the best, Anna.
Hello Jim, hope you are well. Upon reading your post, I just had to look up the cover of Season of the witch. As a die hard Donovan fan I’m afraid his version has my heart, and certainly Patti’s version of summertime sadness.
Cheers though for bringing it to my attention.
I know you care and would want to know, my husband is doing ok, very tired now, two weeks to go 👍🏼
First of all, I'm so glad to hear that Wayne is doing okay. I hope the next two weeks fly by. I'm sure it's been quite the ordeal.
And on to other stuff... Donovan is one of my faves too. I think he's totally underrated. I agree with you. I like his version of Season of the Witch better than LDR's but I also enjoy the vibe she brings to it.
Thanks for the update. Now I think I'll listen to Atlantis. Take good care.
"Let us rejoice and let us sing and dance and ring in the new - Hail, Atlantis.
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be, she may be..."
Thanks, Jim, for bringing that to mind. Thinking of you and wishing you well, with a
mind how you go.
My pleasure, Suzi. Take good care.
He certainly is eccentric, but I just adore him, enjoy Atlantis!
Just like an old friend, eh? Best to you Jayne and wishes for the next two weeks
to be as good as they can for Wayne.
Haha! Yes! Thank you so much for the good wishes Suzi.
Hi Jim, I agree that LDR does fantastic covers. Warm wishes, as ever.
Thanks for checking in Patti. Glad your getting downtime, been thinking of you out on the road!
Patti it’s always great to see your personable updates. Amsterdam is such a cool city and my husband and I went to the Paradiso in 2022. Wish we could have seen you and your band play there. We are excited to see you guys in October at Pappy + Harriett’s 🙌 Safe travels
Saw the posts of your concerts in Barcelona and also Amsterdam. So lovely to tour with you. such a privilege! Merci!
So nice to hear your hello from Amsterdam. I came upon the video of you singing Summertime Sadness and found it so lovely and haunting that I had to put it on repeat.
You always bring beauty or thoughtfulness or laughter to my day, Patti Smith.
How wonderful all this time in Europe has been for you! I so enjoyed listening to you today. I was in beautiful Scotland for two beautiful weeks recently (one week traveling with my wonderful daughter, one week at the International James Joyce Symposium, where I gave a paper). The day before I flew home, I developed a cold, which is never a surprise for me when I travel. But a few days after my return hime, I realized it was more than a cold (NO COVID. I always test). It turned out that I had strep pneumonia in both lungs plus influenza. I was in hospital for a week with WONDERFUL care and attention, and then had home nurse care to administer IV antibiotics for several days. That aftercare, too, was excellent, and I am ever so much better now and well on the road to full recovery. But I had not heard your Substack since before I left Scotland - except for the adorable use of the Taylor Swift Dylan Thomas Patti Smith line. So hearing your happiness about the young people at your shows, and just hearing your love and respect for them shine through, was another good health treatment for me! Thank you, dear Patti. Your photo of serene Amsterdam is so lovely, and you look so full of joy on stage! 💜💜💜Much love!
Congratulations on delivering your paper at the symposium! And thank goodness you made it home before becoming so ill. Glad you received good care and are recovering.
Wow, Vivian, I’m sorry that you became so ill but grateful that you had such good care. I have often had IV antibiotics at home and while they aren’t fun, it is so much better than being in hospital. How wonderful that you were in Scotland with your daughter and congratulations on having given a paper at the James Joyce Conference. I would love to hear what it was about if you want to share it. Most importantly, you are well!
Thank you! I spoke on two biofictions about Nora Barnacle Joyce, Joyce’s partner and later wife.
That sounds interesting! Thank you for letting me know.
It’s nice that you were interested!
So glad to hear you're recovering, and received fantastic care, Vivian. And congrats on giving a paper to the Joyce Symposium. Take good care.
Thank you!!!!
Wow, tough few weeks for you. It's good to hear you are getting better.
Many thanks!
It is so nice of all of you to wish me well! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. Patti’s community!
Love this post. Thanks for stopping by.
Must be an amazing tour! I'm happy there are younger people there! Enjoy and come to Durham, NC!
Hello Patti ! So good as always to get a visit from you especially tonight as for once I was actually online when the message appeared ! It’s heartwarming to know that your positive energy and music transcends the generations! I Sending good wishes to you and the band and of course to Janine whose videos are very much appreciated ! Enjoy Amsterdam ! 🇳🇱
Hello Sue, I’m hoping you are doing ok and that everything went well for you.
Hi Jayne , Thank you ! More medical investigation ahead I’m afraid ! However i have great family around me as well as this incredible substack community for which I am so grateful! Sending all good wishes to you and yours .
Just keep believing in the positive, you are one of the lucky ones to have a supportive family, it’s also a big journey for them too.
As long as you all stick together things will work out. I will keep you in my thoughts 🍀
I was there.
Hi Patti, loved, loved, LOVED seeing you last night at Paradiso - dream come true & the best venue in Amsterdam. We also noticed the very mixed audience and how you captured all of our imaginations with your wonderful energy 🥰 come back soon, please, we miss you already 🙌🏻
Enjoy Amsterdam ! miss the Paradiso a lot...
Dear Patti, thank you and your band, again, for a wonderfull evening of rock 'n roll!! I enjoyed every minute of it.
It is a little bit weird seeing you on the stage after seeing your substack posts for already a long time now.
You are so powerfull and yet so kind and loving 🙏
I love this characterization. The truly strong individuals don't need posturizing; only insecure bullies do.
Hello Janine!
it’s so nice hearing these amazing news from you. i truly adored the version that you did of “summertime sadness”, i think it sounds splendidly (of course, because of your voice, but also because of all the meaning behind those lyrics). i hope you have fun in the next concerts too. to feel emotional and to show it it’s a blessing. sending lots of love from brazil, patti 🩵🙌🏼
fantastic photo at The Paradiso!
Hi Patti! Congratulation for inspiring the young people!! My young sister, who died in 1975 (when you released horses) was called Janine too. Synchronicity??? 😄✨ I lost my father 11 months later…. And you saved me with your song “privilege” in 1978 💖💖✨✨ 🙏🏻. Can’t wait to attend your concert in Nîmes !!! On 19 July ! Have a good night 😘 👋🏻✨💖🌙
Qq si Cd. De ce. Dcs ce derreeeee. S de d. C dos✨🎉🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💪🏻
I’m so sorry for the losses you sustained, and in such rapid succession. I’m grateful that you had Patti’s “Privilege” for strength.
Thank you Robin for your gentle words 🙏🏻 💖 I wish you all the best. ✨✨🌟💗
Thank you, Marianic. I wish the same for you.
Ooh! I know the Paradiso! (Not like you do, but still...)
Patti, seeing you in Lisbon/Oeiras was life changing. So happy to be part of the “young people” you mention, what a show !! Come back soon
Thank you so much for your heartwarming hello and sharing the moment. I am especially happy to see your Substack from Amsterdam because I didn‘t get a ticket, it was sold out already. Loved, what you shared about the Young people. Feels good to know you have a good time in my second home country. Lots of Love and blessings!🕉️❤️🤗
I have to say again how much I LOVE 'Summertime Sadness' - even though it has taken on a new meaning with me laid up with a pesky ankle injury during these hot days!
You are going from strength to strength crossing all amazing!!
Wishing you swift healing.
Thank you so much Robin. I'm just a grumpy patient lol.
It’s easy to be grumpy when one is injured, Lee. Here’s to a speedy recovery!
Patti .. enjoy the tour .. and yes LANA !! Love your version of summertime sadness !!!
Paradiso How nice you was there. Would Carré be some next stop? Lovely round circustheater from old days.. Next time..🌹🌺🎶💥❣️
Hi Patti, nice to be in the same hemisphere for a change… thanks for the lovely hello message.
Nice to see you, again. Your little visits are a day brightener for sure!
The temps are still high in New York, but the humidity is down and it’s windy and kind of exciting! Happy travels!
Wow ! Very special nights @ Paradiso. Patti and Waxahatchee tonight. Just beautiful.
Your sincere humility keeps you from realizing your legendhood. I'm not a bit surprised that your work touches the young.
I agree. Thank you for putting it so well.
Patti you look spectacular ! This hotel backdrop becomes you to no end 🤍
I agree on both counts.
Van Gogh Museum Always So Nice ✨
Hello from stormy Nova Scotia 💦💚