Happy Halloween! Hello. Happy Halloween. So, yeah, I have to... I'm in a little office room because my room, where I always send you a message, it's so loud. The Halloween parade is tonight and we're very close to the... the... get the we're really close and you you might not be able to hear it right now but
it's so loud and um so i i couldn't even send you a message in in my room uh it's pretty oh my gosh it's pretty loud i don't know if you can hear it but oh well anyway i just thought i would wish everybody happy halloween now this little guy um
This is Roy, and actually I named him Roy the Bat, or Roy Batty. I named him Roy, he's a little bat, and I named him Roy after Roy Batty, you know, the beautiful replicant in Blade Runner that Let's go, the dove. His soul and the dove go at the same time.

Loud parade outside. Low res video and an orphan bat. A good Halloween recipe. Thoughts of childhood and Little Lulu candy apples and pillowcases full of candy corn, snickers, licorice sticks and tootsie rolls….

Just a moment of levity. Happy halloween everybody.

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Discussion about this video

Belated Happy Halloween to you Roy the bat. Yes it does sound very loud!

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Jelly Cat is a brand. My son has a monkey which he was given when he was born. He was so devoted to it when he was small that when he lost it, we bought him another one to replace it. But they had stopped making the same size so we got him a slightly bigger one. When we gave it to him he said ‘monkey has grown!’ Then we found the smaller one so he now has monkey and monkey Pa. He still has them in his room. He is 20 at the end of November. You met him when I was about 8 month pregnant at a concert you gave at the Corn Exchange.

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This is so sweet!

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I watched this on November 7. What a lovely 7+ minutes with Roy, Patti and her microscope. I am smiling.

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Jellycat is a super cute/soft stuffed toy brand!

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Dear Patti, Wow! It was loud. Fun parade. I love Roy. I bet he's so happy he's in your home.

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this is wonderful. I can hear it!

Hey, Roy Batty!

I love that you would dress up as a hobo! My son would have loved to have dressed up like that.

At one point when we had sold our house but hadn't been able to move into our newer house, our son reveled in the fact we were hobos, rich hobos, but nevertheless hobos! Until we moved into our new house then we were poor but had a home!

I love that microscope! It's beautiful.

Patti, you are the best!

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Thank you for sending that little video, I think Roy is great, spontaneously found companions are the best :-) Wow, it must have been so loud, we could hear the noise in your office room video as well quite loudly.

I never really experienced Halloween as a child as it wasn't a thing in Germany in the 80s and 90s. We have a religious holiday called Allerheiligen (all saints) in some parts of the country on 1st November and then there's another remembrance day called Allerseelen (all souls) the day after that.

I find this time of year so interesting with all the different traditions from different cultures and countries!

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Patti- You and Roy put a smile on my face this morning! I missed you on Halloween, but seeing you took me out of my feeling of dread. You’ll probably hate this, but I have seen you as an icon, a woman finding herself as I was doing the same. I admired and still do admire your genuine-ness ( if that’s a word ).I am so grateful to you. I can’t quite express in words, but you helped me navigate the sometimes lonely life of an artist.

Thank you. It was so fun to see you again. Best Wishes to you and Roy. Be Well. Clare

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Roy is awesome! I felt so much joy watching this video. Your vibe is high and I appreciate your sharing.

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Hi Roy. You really made me smile Patti. Such a simple message through the orphan Roy. Thanks for sharing your story tonight it reminded me of halloween when i was young roo.

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Hello.In an unpublished 2017 interview with Wayne Kramer of the MC5, who passed away this year, he mentions Fred.

.Of course it says he was a nice guy.

MC5’s Wayne Kramer: The Lost Interview - SPIN


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Patti, I have a title of a new song you could write- “not quite for the whole world,” but almost…. People Tunes. What do you think?

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Patti, I watched this now, a few days after your posting, but I just wanted to say thank you (to you and Roy, of course). Seeing this, seeing you so full of love, so happy, so light, it made me realize that I’ve gotten so caught up in politics and the state of the world that I’ve been losing some of this lightness. It made me decide to pick up Just Kids and M Train again to read and be closer to the energy of this video – to your love. Thank you! And I’ll be seeing you here in Brazil in January yaaayyy!!!!!

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Late like the white rabbit to wish you a Happy Halloween Patti and everyone ! Roy Batty is adorable ! 🦇

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Happy Halloween on All Saints Day. I just got back from seeing Ragtime at city center in NYC

I pictured you, for Halloween, as the often-overlooked X-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin who was instrumental in the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA while working at King’s College. She never received credit for her work, not even from Watson and Crick!

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Happy Halloween! To see the children running around in the dark dressed up having fun is so heartwarming. You are right though there is so much stress In the world, can almost feel it.

I went to see Bob Dylan in Bournemouth UK on the 1st November and was travelling, so a bit late returning greetings. Bob Dylan’s performance was so beautiful at times I was moved to tears. I was sorry to miss seeing you at St Paul’s Cathedral earlier this year and must get more on the ball with keeping track of things to do. My friend of 50 years organised this one so feel so lucky to have caught him.

This is the best time of year, happy Halloween 🎃 Love Roy Batty, so good to find things that make us smile ❤️

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This was so sweet at a time when my head was full of gunk and agitation. Thank you Patti. xx

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Your substack is the highlight of my day! xx

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So much fun … Sat there smiling ..

Would really like to make you a Angel.. sculpture .. you can check out my work on instagram. my reels - a gift from

me ..

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Happy Halloween and welcome to Roy! I love bats! I live in a semi rural area and love watching them fly around at dusk! And they eat all those mosquitoes!!! What’s not to love?

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brilliant Patti, It made me laugh - Roy as Rutger Hauer ;):) what a match xx

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A hobo, always a hobo…except when I was 7 and my mom made me be Alice in Wonderland. We grew up in a different world for sure. XO

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Happy halloween to you Patti!!

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Wow Patti, they were loud. Happy Belated Halloween, love the little bat…

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Happy Halloween to you Patti🔥

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this brought such much-needed laughter to my saturday morning ... THANK YOU ... & THANK ROY ... by the way, roy has an INCREDIBLE voice; maybe he should forget science & look into becoming a singer !!!

speaking of singers, to combat the mounting case of my own battiness, i am using kate bush's eternal lyrics as my eternal mantra to get through these extremely anxious days : I JUST KNOW THAT SOMETHING GOOD IS GONNA HAPPEN !!!

and something GREAT has happened : you introduced us to roy !!!

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A little late to the party… Happy Halloweenies, nevertheless. Welcome, Roy Batty, Roy B for short. May love and light shine upon us as we await election results. I voted, sent postcards reminding people to vote, gave what money I could. So glad for this post, providing, as all your posts do, a balm for my soul, each time appropriate to the moment, sending me off in some kind of way. Thank you.

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I love this so much! me too I still can be so happy with a cute toy or something, even more than my children... 😅

The Jelly cats are very 'hot' amongst the youth, lucky to find one, so Nice

Happy Halloween 👻

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Hi Roy! Welcome to Patti’s (and our) world. My kitty, Tuli, couldn’t take her eyes off you. (We’re sitting up in bed watching on my iPad.) Tuli loves watching Patti. I think it began when she discovered Cairo. I hope you’ll come visit us again any time of year!

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Where we live kids still roam the streets pretty much like when I was a kid in the 60s. Right after sunset the packs form and move up and down the street. It was windy but mild, sitting outside and hearing the laughter and chatter really was magical. We served almost 250 goblins! We got lots of compliments on our ‘good candy.’

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So cute! I love Jelly Cat. They have wonderful stuff. And Roy is wonderful and I am so glad you rescued him!

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Trick or Treat..Yes we can hear the noise..Jelly Cat is the brand...they make all sorts of soft toys^^ Nice to meet Roy^^ Very Batty!

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Nice to see you like toys still. I have so many in my house, I can’t part with them. I even held on to my adult kids’ stuffed animals. The Roy “voice” is a cute side of you. Love it. Happy Halloween!

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Thank you Patti, Loved the post. We also live very close and above the Toronto Halloween Street festival which has 100,000’s of people on the street so we have the screams of joy, release and surprise rising up to us. The park behind us is attached to the street so it’s a very loud resting place for those needing a break from the street. Happy Halloween and as always thank you for all you do.

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I am thrilled to learn a cure for battiness may be on the horizon! :)

Warmest wishes to all!

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Hello, Roy! Thanks for helping us all feel a little less batty this season! <3

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Another Halloween story. We lived in Princeton in the sixties in student housing, barracks hauled up from Fort Dix, three apartments each, low-slung buildings, three apartments each. There was a knock on our door. There stood three small children. He was the tribal chieftain of a village in Iraq and lived in our barrack. No sign of this in his jeans, T-shirt and perfect English. Before I could bring a treat, one child stuck out his hand with a few sheets of paper rolled up in a scroll. Beaming, he gave it to us.

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My 1st costume was made of crepe paper in the 60s. In Montreal. It was Peter Pan. I was 8. The tunic and hat were crèpe paper. I wore dark green tights and had a plastic dagger hanging from my belt. It was pretty detailed. I’m a girl but Peter Pan was mostly portrayed by women. Mary Martin was my favourite Peter. Good memories:)

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We can hear it!!!

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O Patti Patti Patti, You made me smile and laugh! Thank you so much, for lifting my Spirits! Sending you Love!

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Lenses are a great invention. My girlfriend says she'd be the first to die in a zombie apocalypse because of her bad eyesight.

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I had a small microscope as a kid. You’re the soft version of Ozzy Osborn. ❤️

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So funny I love your new friend Roy 💙

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Halloween originated as a holiday during which children (and the young in spirit) would don colorful costumes, wear bright paint, make joyful noise and put on fantastical, colorful masks to drive away darkness and evil spirits. A season to brighten the lights and enjoy the comfort of sweets and warm drinks.

Now, as we feel the chill ... and fear the shadow of evil and harmful forces nearing our door in a few days, the Halloween parade in NY's Village was a jubilant, colorful celebration of diversity and laughter, sparking our hopes that the woman who will lift all our spirits and outshine that shadow will be our leading defender on Nov. 5th.

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I was herding a herd of large colorful cat puppets with Processional Arts Workshop in the parade. A joyous celebration in an anxious time...

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Roy seems happy. i may need his services since he's found the cure.

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Hi Patti. I love Roy! He’s defiantly a keeper! I have a very funny bat connection in that we have had a bat visit inside every house we have lived in within the first month or two of living there. All different locations but somehow a bat has always found us! I wonder if that means something. Anyway , thank you for sharing Roy Batty with us and yes! Definitely could hear the festivities outside your apartment! I hope it didn’t drive you batty!

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Finding magic, the underbelly.

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When you said "batty" I thought you meant in the Jamaican sense. Which is absolutely the case in my life at the moment.

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Blade Runner is my favorite movie! How apropos to name your little bat Roy!

The line he utters about memories being lost like “tears in rain…” was used by David Bowie at his brother Terry’s funeral.

May we all never lose those precious Halloween memories that keep childhood in our hearts.

Thank you Patti.

Sending prayers for us all for a calm and peaceful transition of power on Tuesday, and may the best woman win! 💙

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Happy Halloween! We love Roy

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Roy Batty lives...with Patti! How perfect that is. I feel a kindred spirit of Patti and all of you, with an open, childlike joy at this post. Thank you, Patti!

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I'm all giddy laughter and smiles after this post! Thank you Patti and Roy Batty for lifting my spirits.

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Loved this post and a Happy Belated Halloween Patti. I always enjoy your show and tell times.

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Happy Halloween, Patti!!! Thank you for sharing Roy Batty with us. He’s a charming guy. Hope he can cure battiness!! Glad you and Jesse voted today. And yes, I could hear the Halloween Parade!!! 💙🌊💜🧚🏼

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Favorite halloween memory from a 50’s small town in Ohio - corning houses. We kids would spend Oct. raiding area corn fields collecting dried cobs, shuck the kernels and wait for the week before Halloween. At night with our pillowcases full of corn, hard as gravel, the chosen house (always one with aluminum awnings) would be stalked, surrounded and on the count fistfuls of corn would be lobbed, creating a fearsome noise. Lights would flick on, people ran out and the neighborhood would be warned - the ghosts were roaming.

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I also have two plush bats. One hangs above my bed.🦇🕸️

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You made my day, Patti. I remember so well Brooklyn Halloweens. My mother always made our costumes. Of course the old sheets became ghosts, there were many hobos too, ans one year we were hula girls. I smiled the minute you showed us Roy. Thank you for your visit and for all you do. My heart sends halloween candy to you. 👏🏻❤️

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Roy is adorable, so sad that he became lost along the way to another destination, and I'm so glad he didn't get left alone outside and has found a new home with you! Jelly Cat is a toy company, a maker of plushies. I have several of their sweet critters, bunnies, bears and others, they are so soft and cuddly! The parade is quite loud, but I'm glad that people are out having a good time, it's been pretty rough lately. We enjoyed our Halloween outside having a bonfire. Halloween is much different from when we were kids, it's always been my favorite holiday, and we'd plan our costumes for weeks. One year my friend and I created two costumes each and revisited the same houses wearing different costumes! We had so much fun, running around in the dark!

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Patti, thank you! Your visit was the moment of levity I needed today!

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"Curing battiness"😆😂very cute babybat, I'm sure it will give you lots of tender loving care in the years to come❣️❣️❣️

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Just dropping in again to say that, last night, after your Halloween visit, I went to my bookshelf and took down my copy of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, the book on which Blade Runner is based, a book I haven't read in thirty years. I started it and, now, I'm hooked. It's different than the film but just as wonderful. Philip K. Dick was such a brilliant, insightful, imaginative writer. I find that I want to re-read more of his works. I always knew that Patti could influence my reading choices but now a bat has done the same. What a duo! I hope we have a reprise of the Patti & Batty Show.

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Wow! Thank you so much for this reading tip, Jim! I'll look it up. 🤗

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I can honestly say that Dick's Man in the High Castle changed the way I view reality. Happy reading, Anna. Take good care.

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Thank you Jim!

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Dearest Roy Batty, you are the best. Happy Halloween to you and to Patty.

Today, a big batty smile on my face. thank you. K

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Wow! This is so funny Patti! 😂 Hello Roy Batty, welcome on board! 🦇🤗 Good morning Patti Curie! 🔬How I wish we could cure the badness in this world by magic ✨ with a laughter 🎩🪄 Thank you for bringing joy to this world 🧡

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Happy Halloween Patti. Such a funny and joyful post. Thank you💛🎃☠️😈🧛🏻‍♀️🦇

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Happy Halloween ! I love this scene of Blade Runner, so beautiful ! And so full of questions. What make us human ? Our memories ? But nobody knows them, our loved ones share only a small part of them and all vanish with us, even the tannhauser gate. And what are memories for? So strange.

Long live to Roy Batty!

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Things are indeed somewhat "batty", but your calm, clear approach is comforting. Enjoy Roy, he is definitely a joy 😍

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Omg! I love Roy! And I almost spit out my morning coffee with a huge laugh at his mission to cure battiness! If he needs trial test patients, I’m all in! 😂 Have a good New Moon Day in Scorpio. 🌑🦇

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Dear Patti,

When I was seven, my mom received a copy of Just Kids as a Christmas gift from her longtime friend, Erik Friedman, who had become like an uncle figure to me. She has always been one to rip a present open–whereas I have always been gentle to not tear the paper, slowly peeling back the tape– as she uncovered the gift, I caught a glimpse of the image of you and Robert, immediately drawn to it. I don’t think she gave the book a second glance, instead giving it a home in the bookshelf in our kitchen, where it mingled for a while with her art history textbooks and novels in her native-tongue; but in my curiosity I couldn’t let it collect dust.

I kept finding myself opening the glass doors and reaching for it, feeling the weight of the memoir in my chubby hands. I memorized the cover, a photobooth square of you and Robert, and would look over my shoulder before placing a kiss on your black-and-white faces, frozen in youth. Carefully thumbing through the chapters, I inspected the words forming sentences that I was yet to comprehend, until reaching a stray photograph or art piece; becoming overwhelmed with the urge to eat the pages to allow them to live inside of me, to cradle them in my child-stomach. It was sacred to me, akin to a bible, and I wanted to be selfish, to keep this secret prayer to myself. Sometimes, though, my desperation would win and I would bring the book to my mother, timidly suggesting that she read it, hoping that through her I could gain insight— an umbilical cord, from her eyes to my swallowed paper stomach. Waving me off, she remained glued to the television as I retreated to my room, slipping the book under my shirt.

The months and years dragged on, there would often be an empty space in the bookshelf, like the gap in my gums after losing another baby tooth, and I worried some passing body would take notice, unearthing my secret. I devoted myself to reading– grocery lists, billboards, gossip magazines, milk cartons, gravestones– and my teachers rewarded my efforts, leaving higher level books on my desk each week. Despite this, my hunger for Just Kids couldn’t be sedated and I sat dutifully, tracing each sentence with my finger until the summer before I turned twelve, where it finally began to take real form.

Making my way through the book once didn’t satisfy me, I couldn’t help but keep returning to it. Slowly, through my adolescence, the book became my north star. I let the words guide me, let the ritual of rereading the familiar chapters become my prayer, developing into my own personal religion. I carry your words with me everyday, not just in my heart but also on my arm– a tattoo of a black lamb with two stars.

When I met the great love of my young life, I felt us reflecting the love of you and Robert, and for the first time I wanted to share the holy text with someone. Finding a copy of Just Kids in Urban Ore, a salvage yard in Berkley, I set to work– annotating the book to give as a parting gift to her, as we were separating at the end of that summer. I knew I could entrust the religion with her, that through it she would not only see me at my most pure form, but also see herself and where we intertwined– between ourselves and with you/Robert. During our final week together, I scored 3 tickets to your show at Stern Grove Festival in San Francisco. It felt as though everything was aligning– I pocketed my own ticket and gave one each to both my love and Erik, who had inadvertently put me on this path that 2010 Christmas morning. We covered the dirt with a picnic blanket and settled down onto the hill, surrounded by redwoods but still quite miraculously in the sun, as you welcomed the crowd.

I recently turned twenty-one, I have lived in Stockholm for the past year and am soon moving to Paris. My first thought when receiving the job opportunity in France was a recollection of your own trips there, of which I've traveled through you. The job, an au pair position, provides me with a great deal of downtime during the day and I took it hoping I could dedicate my time to writing. I have always written in some form, most notably my substack, and I am now beginning to work on my first book. You and your work have influenced me heavily, not just my own writing, but also my overall being.

Thank you, Patti.

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Aww Jellycats are a brand of stuffed animals like these!! There are so many cats but there are also other animals and so many random things like foods, I want to start collecting them :)

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Nice to meet Roy. Grateful for the laugh at the end when he becomes a scientist and you a ventriloquist. May he cure lots of things.

Best wishes to all.

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And to you, Robin.

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Thank you, Sandra.

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Happy Samhain to everyone. Roy the Bat is from a British Company called Jellycat who l used to know many years ago when l used to work at trade shows. They were nice people and are now a huge company and sell all over the world! As someone who was brought up in Scotland l find Halloween a bit much these days. Like you as children we went out with old sheets over our heads and either sang a song or recited a poem. We then had a party with a bonfire for warmth and baking potatoes and played really fun games like dooking for apples! Times were so different then. Thank you for a lovely post. Much love from London 🙏

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I’m also london and im at the age where people go to house parties, i was going to but then ended up being too sad to haha. i regret it kind of

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My street was full of children shrieking and demanding more sugar. I stayed in 🤣 seriously though as the dark evenings arrive l have a great desire to stay cuddled up at home with a book 🙏

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aw <3 i kind of feel the same way but then it’s so odd for me because i am a teenager and i feel like i’m abnormal and get scared that i’m wasting my life lol. (i’m not saying you are doing that :)). growing up in scotland sounds so much fun i love it, its gorgeous

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You are still young but that doesn’t mean you have to be like everyone else be your own self and fly free. I’m now a pensioner and believe me you have so much more life and experiences to look forward to. When l was a teenager l loved dancing, listening to music and also loved curling up with a book. Books help you travel the world and understand other lives as well as taking you away from your troubles for a while. Good luck 🙏

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you’re very sweet. thank you so so much

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popcorn balls , and that candy taffy that came in black or orange wrappers .... lol "the good old days" right???

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lol I spent some Halloweens down near the clubhouse where parade assembled. This year waited for the Dublin Parade that was cancelled. Best Trick ever pulled on me on Halloween! Earlier I had visited Kilmainham Jail and payed my respect while doing so. After “parade “ I made my way to Vicar Street and third night of Kneecap,who wore uniforms of 1916 Rebels as costumes! They certainly channel the spirit of James Connolly. Magnificent show. Next up is seeing you in Kingston. Raise the batty Starry Plough

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Peace✌🏻️❤️Love All Ways🔥🚲🌹🙏🏻🖖🏼

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What a hoot and such a joyful post - I saw a recent film of you as a young angry and serious young woman - the same person but so different - I love your wisdom and humour and I always feel so connected - like you are talking to me -

Thank you Patti - brought me Halloween a day late

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Happy Halloween, Happy All Saints' Day here already!

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Happy Halloween dear Patti!

Roy certainly is a star!


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Oh how I needed this tonight...and yeah, I could hear the drums for sure. Roy though, what a find.

I'm glad your friend thought to bring him to you. To be left lying in the street, and now - looks like he found the perfect home - an orphan no more. Thanks Patti. I can head to bed smiling.

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To be left lying in the street is a terrible thing. I’m sure Roy is grateful for the rescuing.

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You are indeed a mirth bringer, as Janet said. I too chuckle to myself, we are never too old for joyful silliness.

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I love this — and that you named and referenced Blade Runner, that scene… 🥂

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Thank you, that bit of lightheadedness was uplifting.❤️

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Noooo, Roy!! Don't cure battiness! Find out how to synthesize it to cure NON-battiness! Some of my favorite people are positively batty (diagnosed positive for battiness?) and I love them for it. So please Roy, stay batty!

And thank you, Patti. :^)

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Greetings, Roy Batty. Jellycat is the toy company brand name. Love to you, Patti. ❤

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I'm so amazed to be sharing Halloween with you and Roy Bat!

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I love Roy Batty! (and Blade Runner) Thank you for introducing him. Hope you get some quite soon. I saw a video earlier of dancers in a parade doing the "Thriller" dance somewhere in New York - very fun! Happy Halloween Patti! 🕊💙📚🎶

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Happy Halloween Patti! Your charm is so lovely and I loved Roy's story! (How lucky is your assistant..a job that's probably quite fun.) XO

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This was so needed today, at 04.48 ... so many resonant points, `Love it' Happy first day of November. x

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Boo! Happy Halloween!

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Happy Halloween, Patti! Thank you for such a wonderful video! Loved it!

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Happy Halloween, Patti! Such a wonderful video. Hope you get some sleep tonight!

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You and your heart make me teary with love. A long-distance hug and a kiss to you, good night.

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The travels of Roy Batty. From a department store, to the streets of New York City where he could have met his end. He was rescued, and now has a new home, appearing for thousands on Substack. 🦇 🎃

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Oh man. That scene in Blade Runner! Incredible. I loved this post. Thank you for the nostalgia & levity!

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Thanks for the chuckle with Roy's little voice.

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The Patti and Roy show brought the sweet to my Halloween.

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years and years ago my friends and i were traveling together & were at the airport very early in the morning & it was around halloween & starbucks was selling halloween themed finger puppets, one of which was a bat. i bought it & proceeded to torment my girlfriends over the next few days by putting on shows. any time someone sees a bat toy especially in an airport, they buy it for someone. happy halloween!

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Made me smile Patti! These stuffies always have a story to tell. Good to see someone else do the same. The Winchell-Mahoney Show must have rubbed off on us, don't you think?

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Happy Halloween! YES I can hear it lol. It was totally crazy down there. My friend and I tried to walk in the parade but it just wasn't moving so we headed through Thompson and McDougal Street to Washington Square Park then home:)

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What a delight, you and Roy! I had the biggest smile from beginning to end. What a sweet gift that we can share these fizzy moments while such stress is in the air. By the way, never underestimate the power of stuffies!

Happy Hallowe’en everyone 🦇🧸🧡

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I loved this post, Patti... So glad you mentioned voting... The Harris campaign says they're on track to win, according to early voting. Well, if that is so, and we can get back to children in the streets having a great time, unchaperoned on any night, especially Halloween with their old pillow cases and maybe even some better versions of treats - well wouldn't that be great.

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I pray that you're right.

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We can hear! 😂happy Halloween 🎃

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i love you Patty!!! energy is eternal delight!!! thank goodness ✨️✨️✨️✨️❤️❤️for you...and roy!!!

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Welcome Roy🦇 We already love you! And thank you Patti for sharing! Happy Halloween from Argentina🖤

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don't know if anyone mentioned it, but Jelly Cat is a brand name of stuffed animals- kind of like beanie babies -

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Happy Halloween from Austin, Patti. 👻

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Oh and strangely Fastelavn only happens in February.

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When I was young living in the southern tip of Africa Halloween was something we read about in comics and as far as I knew only celebrated in America but then my sister told me about Fastalovn, I think that is how it is spelt. In Denmark, all the children would dress up much like Halloween and go from door to door and sing Fastelavn er min navn OG boller vil jeg have , hvis jeg igen boller for sa lave jeg ballade. Fastelavn is my name and buns I do want if I don't get any buns then I will make trouble.

Danish boller are delishes often with a touch of cardemon but apparently sweet were given too and hot chocolate. I fully of questions and curious about what they would do if nothing was given. Well then we played tricks, knocking on doors and running away but sometimes an egg could be thrown. I sat there with my jaw dropped listening and demanding to know more, longing to have been part of their childhood and sad that my dad went off to Africa when I was two after having fallen out with his older siblings over an inheritance. Being a much younger sibling myself with parents who never really felt at home in their new home and a failing marriage, I would listen to those stories and wish that I could experience Fastelavn and Halloween. It took more than thirty years before I moved to America and experienced a real Halloween party. When I moved to Paris Ten years ago no one celebrated but the last few years it has become quite popular and our little village of Montrichard in the Val de Cher is just one big Halloween party. In fact this village is full of happenings if you catch them . They do really happen even the Movie Catch Me If You Can was based here. But the Chateaux alone are worth a visit. Enjoy Halloween . I spent yesterday helping my grandchild melt chocolate so that she could decorate REDRUM on her cake.

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That was great! Totally cracked me up ;-D

Happy Halloween to you and Roy...

And oh yes, the memory of the pillowcases... yup. I was a hobo or a pirate almost every year. Except when I was a hippie in 6th grade with my little minidress. Basically Halloween was always when I got to be who I really wanted to be!

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It is loud! Happy Halloween Patti and Roy :)

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Happy Halloween dear Patti!

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My sister and I were always clowns for Halloween. We had fabulous costumes with little hats fit over our nylon covered scalps. White makeup and red dots painted on our faces. Big pillowcases for all the treats. I thought you got to be one thing for your entire life! Once a clown, always a clown. Years later I saw photos of my older cousins in those costumes and realized I had hand-me-down costumes. It was never a choice, but I always remained a clown for as long as I trick or treated. I wondered where those cousins found new clown costumes…because once a clown, always a clown. Happy Halloween.

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Between your loud parade and the one behind my house (neighbors, kiddos and some sort of disco party going on), we can all barely hear. Happy post-Halloween sleep, Patti and Roy batty. And to a cure for battiness (in the USA)!

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I love your Roy voice, Patti! He sounds like a character out of a 50s-era cartoon. Happy Halloween x

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Happy Halloween!!

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I too read a book about Madame Curie when I was young and was determined to be a scientist. Like you Patti, the sciences were not for me. I recall how Madame Curie was the lead scientist of her time and suffered discrimination because she was a woman. Happy Halloween Patti and Roy!

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Thanks so much for sharing Roy Batty (an inspired name) with us. Just what we needed a few days out from your election. Now that's scary.

Happy Halloween. And, by the way, I love Roy's voice.

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Happy halloween Patti!!!!!

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Happy Halloween, Patti and thank you for your generosity! Here's my response: https://halgill.substack.com/p/happy-hal-loween

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Happy Halloween! 🎃

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It's the most wonderful time of the year...

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If you haven't, please read up on the Tears in Rain story... It's gratifying to know that the monologue evolved and grew and finally was manifested but Hauer.

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Roy Batty is amazing. Happy Halloween 🎃

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Happy Halloween! You, Roy & your microscope are adorable. Here's to little gems found & loved.

I found a stuffed teddy bear in the middle of a two lane highway in the middle of the night in south Texas; I rescued the bear, whose head was split down the middle and held together with a long row of safety pins. I eventually removed the pins, stitched him up, as my dog liked carrying him around. Thirteen years later, they were buried together along with pictures, poems, and other burial offerings.

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Patti you crack me up! Hope to see Roy in more of your adventures! Happy Halloween too.

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Yes we can hear the revellers outside! Happy Halloween to you Patti and Roy Batty!! 👻🎃

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How apropos that Roy was found on this day, I like him too!! He landed in the best place ever! 💘

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Love your batty little Roy -:). Happy Halloween and I hope the noise dissipates soon. Yep, can definitely hear it. Thanks for the giggles ~

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Roy for joy! happy halloween Patti, and thankyou. thinking of you all in America, with love xx

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Happy Halloween dearest Patti - love Roy Batty and story of the microscope delightful ....

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Very cute bat!

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Roy made my day! Happy Halloween

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Microbe Hunters! I’d forgotten about that book! I love Roy! I have a little bat, too. He’s an Ugly Doll. He travels with me. He enjoyed watching Roy.

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Happy Halloween Patti!

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Happy Halloween Patti ! 🎃🦇!

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Happy Halloween to you! 🎃👻🧡

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So, so cute. I love Roy. I’m glad he found you.

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Happy Halloween Patti! 🎃👻🐈‍⬛🧙🏻🍭

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Thanks for your time Patti.

I think Roy might fill a hole just a bit, that Cairo has left.

Roy will be able to go with you wherever you go to work. But don’t forget him somewhere though.

We had a baby bat living in our umbrella outside. We named it Buffy. It stayed for a while, and I must say I felt really cool having my own real bat, but sadly it flew away, hopefully to find its friends. We didn’t celebrate Halloween in Australia when I was a kid. It probably caught on maybe 20 years ago. It’s very structured. Houses clearly marked if they accept the children. Parents go with them everywhere. My granddaughter dressed as a zombie and even frightened me!

I will be thinking of you all in the States over the next week. I pray that it all goes smoothly 🤗

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I love Roy! And thank you for reminding me to re- watch blade runner! Happy Halloween

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Your videos always make me so happy, you're such a sweet lady. I hope you, Roy and the microscope all have a great Halloween!

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I love Roy! wonderful post! Happy Halloween, it's also Diwali tonight, festival of lights, interesting convergence of the two holidays - the Dark and the Light - sign of the times.

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A resonant thought, urvashi. It brings to mind T.S. Eliot’s lines in his poem, “Wait Without Hope”:

So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

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Thank you robin I just went and read the poem for the first time - how perfect. How beautiful. Yes.. stillness is the portal. Silence is the language of God, as Rumi and many other greats remind us. Nothing could be more true.

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Amen, urvashi.

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Yes! How beautiful. So many lanterns. His holiness spoke of it with gratitude.

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thank you for keeping your flame so brightly shining patti, and for lighting up many other beings around the world ~ this post is so full of the joyful innocence this world needs ~ blessed are we to recieve this medicine ~ and to pass on the joy! Like the shamash I think it's candled -the candle used to light the other candles. Let's light up the whole world.

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Love, love, love this! 🦇👻🐈‍⬛

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Hilarious & charming Roy Batty !

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Hello Roy

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And Happy Halloween back to you Patti 👻. Thanks for introducing adorable, newly-adopted Roy, and bringing a smile to my face! 💛🧡💛

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Happy Halloween Patti! This made me giggle. I just adore you!

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Patti- your ability to ignite the inner child in all of us is a gift beyond the pale. Curing battiness can only happen if we open our hearts to the difference between us--by using you as a prime example of informed questioning, enlightenment and tolerance. We are blessed to have you as a guide through these tumultous times. Your example is our talisman. peace to you on this all saints day...

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Such a gift

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we did have magical Halloweens in the 50's! Gathered candy from house to house for hours - no supervision! No one was mean to us or tried to 'grab' us! Lots of freedom. At 10 years old I would walk several miles to take myself to lunch at the deli, go to the movies or go to the library. Kids now have no freedom ;(

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Happy Halloween! 🎃 Thank you and Roy for the smile.

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Happy Halloween ! You were so funny today . So yes. I recall Halloween as a kid , and just like you said go trick or treat at night no adults , just walking all around to houses . That was a blast ! Very different today like you said . So as always love you Patti ✌🏼🖤

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Roy needs to record a song! ⭐️ I love his voice. Happy 🎃 That parade makes the video sound like a 30’s movie. Wonderful to see you! 🐈‍⬛

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Simpler times. Loved those Halloweens too 🎃🧙

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Hi Roy!! Happy Halloween!! You found a great place to hang!!!!!

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Blessed Samhain Patti

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Happy Halloween!!👻 I love bats!!! In the summer I watch them fly over our pool. it was a warm New England Halloween we handed out candy on the porch and talked about Halloween in the 60’s. I had a neighbor who gave home made cookies and cupcakes. Before all the safety precautions of course. How times change.

Happy Halloween to everyone.

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Happy Halloween Patti 🦇

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Oh this is priceless! So much fun! And with the soundtrack of the zany Greenwich Village Halloween parade in the background 🎃

Pretty certain that Jellycat is the brand name. Roy sure is a cutie !

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Very funny, I was chuckling, and have a big smile

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I always wanted to be like Louis Braille and invent things to make people’s lives better. I’m happy Andi saved Roy. 🦇 Enjoy the parade sounds. 🎃 celebration of the happy youthful spirit in these reactionary times is a good thing. Peace!

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You do invent things that make people’s lives better, Robert. You’ve made mine better.

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I can’t be the only one who laughs out loud through your videos for the sheer joy of them! You are a mirth bringer! Yes, we can certainly hear the revelers out there having fun in good company. Happy Halloween, Patti! 💀🎃👻

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Happy Halloween, Patti and Roy(that is a PERFECT name!). You're such a joy! ❤️🎃🦇

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Roy will live forever in my heart as Roy Batty Smith. Happy Halloween y'all!! Big hugs from Buenos Aires!

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Candy apples! I wish (might pull my teeth out lol)

Happy Halloween Patti 🙀🧛‍♂️😈

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Happy Halloween to you and Roy!

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I love the empathy your assistant showed to rescue Roy. It’s empathy that will win out on Nov. 5. ❤️Happy Halloween.👻🦇

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Happy Halloween, everyone!

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PS - I think Roy has real star potential -

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We probably need to make a Roy t-shirt ;)

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Hello, and Happy Halloween to you, Patti! Roy is quite dear! ❤️

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Yes please cure “battiness”….love the visit and the sound of the party….we need to release some tension for sure!!🦇🖤

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Happy Halloween! 😊

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Did you ever have the wax teeth and mustache on Halloween?

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Definitely! I forgot about them, thanks for mentioning them-the wax tasted so bad if you inadvertently bit into one ( were we supposed to eat them, I’m not sure) And they cost a nickel, maybe less.

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The bat made me smile during a rough time. Thank you.

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Happy Halloween! Welcome, Roy! Thanks for the smiles.

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we all can hear the celebration of life on the Village streets - love Roy - and I don't think he's an orphan any longer you have taken him in !

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I love Roy. Mine is black also. I call him bearcat because his label said he was a stuffed panther but I think his face looks more like a bear cub. I’m glad you brought Roy home.

Happy Halloween to you. Thank you for the video post. I recently got into substack and it’s been delightful finding all of these fascinating people/writers/artists who are sharing their stories. It feels like a bit of a revolution or maybe evolution is the more accurate word.

I, too, am a child of the fifties and early sixties and remember the biggest decisions were whether to wear our coats under or over our costume and then later, how we would divide up the candy. Nice memories.

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Loud & Clear Patti , Roy is cute, finds are the best! All Saints Day tomorrow then the Feast of the Holy Souls ,Blessings & ❤️

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OMG !!!! I just spelled your name wrong !!! I'm so sorry..... I've loved you since the 70's .... it's so embarrassing... a Halloween blunder.... 👻

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Thanks Patti ..... I feel redeemed ...... 🦇

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Haha. No. A Halloween disguise!

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Yes !!!!

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Yes, I can hear it all, sounds so energetic. Love Roy 🧡🧡🧡

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Happy Halloween, Patti! We love you 🧡

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Happy Halloween Patti and Roy Batty.

Yes can hear all the joviality.

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Awww happy Halloween Patti and Roy! 😄🖤

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Yes !!!! I Can hear it !!!! Happy Halloween Patty 🎃

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👻 Happy Halloween! We can hear the loud hum of the parade. 🕸️🕷️👻🎃🎃

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Happy Halloween Angel Patti 🎃🧡🌿

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This is so cute 🖤

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Happy Halloween, Patti! See you in January here em Brazil! 🇧🇷🙏🏻

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Happy Halloween, Patti ⭐️❤️

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Happy Halloween

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