

A little soundcheck, really bad with telephone

Hello Everybody,

This was a couple of minutes during soundcheck. It’s really bad but I will try again tomorrow. It’s just an experiment. We are playing at the Paradiso in Amsterdam; below is the Quartet. I have played this club many time since the seventies. Back then they sold hashish that was displayed on tables in the basement. That was pretty revolutionary at the time. Tomorrow I will send another tour diary entry and pictures from Belgium. This is just seeing if these cell videos will work. Apparently they will, though this one is terrible, kind of fake avant grade. haha….

My son Jackson, Seb Rockford and Tony Shanahan

We had a great show, though we always do in Amsterdam. I am getting the hang of the Led Zeppelin song and Jackson’s playing is awesome. The people are really appreciative, the Paradiso has great sound and it’s drenched in history. Speaking of drenched, it was really hot on stage and my jacket was soaked so I had to get it overnight cleaned. It’s kind of late, I have a mosquito in my room that’s messing with me. I still have adrenalin and was hungry so I had a late night peanut butter sandwich on brown bread and a glass of water. The exciting world of on the road….

I’ll be back…. Here is the setlist.

January 3 Setlist

Discussion about this video

Love your handwriting.

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I love the soundtrack vid too - I’m not looking for a pro filmmaker, just revelling in the intimacy. I also loved that mic shot as Sue said. That could def be a feature cos we get to see what you see.

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I love this video, Patti! Very atmospheric and evocative. I particularly liked the shot of your mic!

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Hello, Mim ❤

I must say your recording skills are quite magical. You are capturing divine sounds and images. This recording is so soothing. I can feel myself mending. I've been shattered. I've so many cracks to seal with gold. Goodness from people is gold. Art is gold. I feel better now. I needed a floatation device because I fell out of my lifeboat. I think I'm ready to tell my story. Voices carry. I'll be back soon.

❤ 💫

Last week Mac Miller came to my rescue 🐬


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Thanks for the taste of "One Too Many Mornings," a great song many of us love. Patti, you really know how to share the goods, thanks so much!

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I will fall asleep tonight with your voice in head..thank you for sharing

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I loved the purple effects: I am a sucker for that color! It was great ltening to all of the tuning, etc. From the age of 2 or 3, I'd.sit at the foot of my dad and his cohorts playing bluegrass music. He'd tune that banjo eight times a day back then. I'm trying to say I vote yes for your diary and especially sound checks and tuning, all and all. Thanks for reminding me.

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Love you, Patti. I am smiling now!

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Beautiful! Much love to you, Sweet Patti. Hi Jackson! ❤

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Oh Patti…..this is beautiful and moving to me. I’m so glad I checked the phone mail. It’s Monday night. So many times I pictured you at a sound check. Like while waiting for you to come out. Thank you so much. Ps. Shot 2 games of pool today and won both. I beat the cook and a “regular”. 🎱🐎🐎🐎🎱

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The concert tonight in cologne was great 💗Thank you for your songs, thank you for your lyrics, thank you for your kindness.....🙏🌟

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"Experiment is gelukt" one might say. Thank you so much and thanks to the band members for allowing us to be shadows during the soundcheck, it was a privilege to have a detailed look at the equipment! These bass amps... <3 and last guitars in the background...! A Dutch friend went to the Paradiso and she was so taken by "Gloria" this time (again!), the dance steps were passed on to her and everyone on the balcony, like a domino effect, a big wave. Real vibrations, no smartphone. Congrats to the Beethoven Award; Mr. Schreiber shared a clip on Facebook.

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I love these tour diaries! Thank you!!

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my ‘signed book’ was not signed :(

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Just watched the clip — wonderful to hear your deep voice! One of these days I’ll manage to see you live. I missed you when you played nearby in Jena (KulturArena) a few yrs ago.

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Cool about them selling hash in the basement. I was at a club in London, way back in the 90s, and they were selling ecstasy at tables, with security standing on either side, sunglasses & curly ear cables like the CIA or something. Not legal at all, but pretty much everybody in the club was buzzed. You could smell it in the air.

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Thank you Patti! Beautiful!

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Thank you for sharing.

Loved it!

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Hi, Patti. Someone posted 11 tracks of the Paradiso show. I just saw you in Austin and wondered what the band of four would sound like, so I watched part of the show. All I can say is.....JACKSON. My god, how proud you must be. Watching him rip on the Zeppelin song, the way he wailed on Southern Cross. I was just absolutely amazed. You've spoken of his talent but watching him in this configuration blew me away.

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This made my day! Thank you i love everything you do! I want to be you when i grow up

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I love the sound of the Paradiso, it came thru the video well enough!

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My daughter just finished “Just Kids”…she loved it! it’s amazing how little our kids know what the last 100 years have been like in this country…felt like a history teacher explaining NYC back then….difficult because she see’s it as an expensive place to live….$$$, safe, clean, post Guliani (sp?) NYC….I kind of like it when it had some stank!

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Brilliant! I love that place/ room. Your video is exactly what sound check is about. Thank you!

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This gentleman asks some interesting questions, Patti you maybe the most genuine person I’ve never met. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WFHTWuLRLzY&pp=QAFIAQ%3D%3D

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This was so perfect. Just the final incentive I needed to cross countries and not miss the chance to meet you! See you in Frankfurt, Patti!!

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The sound in that room is fantastic. Sounds like a high school bathroom

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So generous with your time! Love this!

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Thank you for the look inside sound check. I loved getting g a glimpse of that. Also really love your rendition of Dylan’s song.

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Seb is so cute looking. I always feel like I will hug him 🤭. I had tears in my eyes when you played this song in Cirque Royal. Big thanks again. Love your son for the guestlist tickets.

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Hello Patti! Thanks again for your messages. I love them !

Could you tell us the next dates of the European tour ? ❤️

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Thank you Patty! For that wallflower in sound check experience!


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Thanks Patti c est super de voir comment tu fais ! Et bonjour à mon pote jackson ♥️✌️👍see you later at Barcelona 😃 i have got a gift for you

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I do so appreciate that you showed us the Paradiso since many of the artists we follow perform there. We have been to Amsterdam several times, but we were so busy in the museums viewing art that we didn't get a chance to find the club. It looks like a really nice venue. Thank you. D 'n A Heck

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It ancreases my anticipation, then i reading and especially listening to your messages!In short time you u are in Berlin and i also ! After your message, i have dancing with my Friends under the sky! Thanks,Patty and have many good time in Belgien!

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This is a dream come true!! Love love love this!! Thank you Patti!!!

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The sound & visuals were fine, very fine, an intimate venue so it seems. Are those white butterflies I see on Jacksons shoes or is it just the hashish taking effect? 🖤

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This was so wonderful and I love the handheld spinning through your on stage perspective. And of course, the beautiful cover of a Dylan song that resonates so deeply. Wish I could see you on this tour. 🧡

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That sounded great! So much gratitude for your generosity of spirit, giving us a glimpse of what you are doing. Wonderful.

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I liked it!

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Paradiso! we worked there for 4 years in the 1960's-1970's we were the LIGHTSHOW there. we were on the balcony in that room. that building was our second home. the lightshow was our art . the authenticity of live performance. when i opened this us just now and saw you practicing in the room that we spent our formative years in, i got the chills. and we are now at the Conference in Tulsa of Dylan and The Beats and you are singing One Too Many Mornings as your sound check song@ I am blown away! love you!!

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Yeah… you got me all welled up inside. Always happens whenever our traveling Troubadour-ess-Muse exhales her words into pure lyric magic. So happy to see you with Jackson & company doing the good … the kind & generous work for all the World to experience. Looking forward to your Wiltern/LA stop.

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How do you think the shows are going? Love to get your perspective of “being a rock and roll star”!

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Thanks for 'taking us along with you'! This was fun! It's wonderful to be with your son!

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Patti, can we ask Jackson a couple questions or he could defer by saying “hi”…I know what it’s like being a parent, so I thought I’d ask and if he’s cool with it great, yes/no is fine…more curious does he play Fred’s guitars? What guitar is the one he’d take to deserted island?(with the caveat of there would be power for amp, nothing else)so he could go electric. Cheers!

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Thanks Patti, I love that your postings are always so real, personal and completely unaffected.

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That was fun! Love this vicarious tour! 🙏♥️

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So much talent, so much presence, so much humbleness....thank you.....inspiring as always...

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Absolutely loving the tour diary. So generous and humble to take us with you. The video was great and your writings perfect but as a small ‘m’ muso, I totally loved the handwritten song list. Who needs to go on a holiday when we can come on tour with you. Thank you 🎸💕

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Just one too many mornings.

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That was so wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to think of us!

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I like it😍

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To short ... I love it. Thank you xx

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Wow.. such a wonderful moment

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Gracias Patti!!!

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Wish I could be there to see the show!

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Thank you so much for thinking of us and really sharing!

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I LOVE it. Bit long, but I love it

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love the mic shot and your cool dadaist camera work (phone).. black primo et dylan. 🕵️‍♀️

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Baci e grazie Patti was a nice …experimentó

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Thank you for sharing with us your everyday experiences!

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On stage with you for a sound check.. with your son🥰… can’t get more intimate than that. Thanks so much for opening your life and heart to us.❤️

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Same thougts💞

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Thank you for taking us along. Beautiful!

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I feel really honoured you share this beautiful moment with us !

Jackson has a good vibe around him !

Thank you Patti

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i feel so lucky to have a sneak peek and to be along for the ride with you on tour. thank you. xoxom

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Terrible? hardly. Very, very lovely. And I can't wait to hear your take on the Zeppelin

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Sweet, sweet moments. I feel so honored to have you share these with us.

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That brought tears to my eyes for some reason. Hi, Jackson! There was a fleeting moment when the camera caught your shadow and Jackson's shadow together in the circle of the spotlight. That was the millisecond with the magic.....

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AH. The Paradiso. I was there in 1976 while studying in France for a summer in college. Wish I was there with you now! Thanks Patti.

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OHHHHHH Patti, makes me want to weep - this song, the lyrics, you singing them, Jackson playing such beautiful guitar, the organ coming in -- Patti, take all your vitamins, breathe deeply often, sleep enough - you are a planetary solace and gift in these times of dire tragedy and exquisite beauty. Love Linda

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Sounds great from here! Thanks for the snippet & wish I was there in person! Have a great tour. Love & joy to you & yours.

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How perfect that this video ends with you saying: “I like it.” I’m glad you do, because it’s awesome.

I really don’t have words adequate to my gratitude for this, for the joy it brings, for the generosity it bespeaks. It is an elixir indeed.

Congratulations on another great show. I’m glad your jacket was able to be overnight cleaned and that you had a peanut butter sandwich (with all that heat and sweating, you needed the carbs and protein). Since reading “M train” I’ve wondered what you mean when you say brown bread. It doesn’t sound like whole wheat, but is it? Or pumpernickel? Or is there another brown bread that you are referring to?

And I hope that mosquito stopped messing with you.

What a treat to see everyone, especially Jackson, whose humor and philosophical bent has gotten me through some rough times, and is getting me through again. The two of you are manna and medicine. If you’re inclined, please say hello to him from me.

And yes, the video is great fun in its avant-garde-ness! I love the view from the microphone, a puffball dandelion that when you sing into it scatters magical seeds that disperse throughout the universe, which needs it.

Thank you so much, Patti. If I get through this, it will be in no small measure thanks to you.

So much gratitude,


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I've always wondered about the brown bread too. One of life's great mysteries. Take good care, Robin. Keeping you in my thoughts.

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I’m glad you wondered too, Jim. Thank you so much for your good thoughts. I truly appreciate them and return them for you, and for your Albuquerque friend.

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My friend in Albuquerque, Karen, thanks you for your thoughts. She posts on this site herself from time to time so you may be hearing from her directly. My thanks as well. Wishing you nothing but the best.

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And to you, Jim. And to Karen.

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So happy. Thank you Patti.

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Excellent! What a wonderful intimate venue...wish I was in Amsterdam to come to the gig....Enjoy...and thank you for taking us on tour with you X

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Good medicine, thanks for the cellular reconnect.

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Your experiment was a success! Wonderful!

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Wonderful. Verité is the best. That's a powerful set list, too. The running order looks excellent.

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Amazing! Thank you for sharing this Patti. You made me feel like I was there. Love


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Thank you, Patti and group! Amazing! Too short!

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I loved that sound check video! I thought it sounded gorgeous and rich. Looking forward to seeing you at The Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, NJ in September. I hope you’ll still be doing Since I’ve Been Loving You! My favorite Zeppelin song to sing.

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What a teaser… it stopped too soon! Xx

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Wonderful little video and beautiful song. Thank you so much for sharing!

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So much encouragement. I will try another today!!

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Ugh! I love you so much.

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Sublime. Thank you Patti and all ❤️

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You all sounded fabulous here on a rainy Florida morning. Many thanks!

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Thanks, Patti. Fake Avant Garde Forever! Safe travels and lots of love to you and the band❤️

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You never forget us🖤 Thank you🎶🖤

Keep on truckin’🌹

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Thanks for that window from you all on stage into the intimate Paradiso. I liked the feel of the phone video. Wonderful setlist, please stay safe!

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Good morning, Patti! That was a fun video to watch while having my morning coffee, no worries about the quality, it was still fun to watch (and real.) Love the set list. Love & hugs

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Wow, such a beautiful way to greet the day, just saw Dream of Life, Jackson was so young there,

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What a show!!

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Can’t wait to hear “Since I’ve been loving you” ; stay happy and strong ☮️💙🎶

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Have a fab time …. I still have my Paradiso membership card from 1976 which holds great memories 😉

Am looking forward to returning to England from malaga to see you at Higher Ground 🥰🥰

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PATTI!! Thank you so much !!! The venue looks great !! Love the trio !!! The set list !! Please send some video of since I've been loving you !! Your voice on this one too many mornings just brings a smile to my face !!!!

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What an awesome treat!!!

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love it!

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Merci pour cette petite vidéo Patti ! Le son est bon même enregistré et filmé au téléphone ;)

Je pense que vous pouvez raisonnablement envisager un reportage vidéo de votre tournée. Vous êtes prête ! :D

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Wonderfull, Patti. Thank you. I loved it! 🎈

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Wow! Thank you! I wish Dublin was included on your tour - maybe next time?

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Ahhhh…. I loved it so much… I got the energy of being on stage with you … participate … I consider this a big big gift what you share with us. Thank you ❤️

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Thank yououououou!

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It was amazing. Thank you very much! Can’t wait for tonight’s show. 🖤

Oh, and I love your behind the scenes tour diary. Fantastic to see and hear all of you in an empty Paradiso - thank you for sharing. Have a great day in our little Amsterdam. 💫

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Thanks for sharing dear Patti! We will be @ Paradiso tonight. I saw you there a lot of times and I have a very special memory on one night in particular, when you performed at the Van Gogh Museum and I got to show you around the museum! You guys played upstairs at Paradiso and afterwards we went to dinner with the band and Andrew and we walked you to your hotel…. It was the most wonderful day of my life.

Hope you have a great day and performance tonight! Warm wishes to all of you! 🥰

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Aj, love to join your soundcheck, Patti <3 ..memories

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Love seeing the process. Thanks Patti. Hope all goes well

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Not ‘really bad’ but real, raw and heartwarming - love it.

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Thank you for sharing, Patti! This way i don’t feel sad that I cannot be there for all of your european jobs.

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This is wonderful. Thank you Patti. Good luck with your tour💛

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Completely missed that you were here in Amsterdam! I hope you will come back soon!

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Soul soothing! Man, I really dig the vibe that you all have going on. I can feel it through my phone!

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There's a little organ I once played at Hillmorton chapel..an institution for mental Wealth in christchurch, new zeeland..otautahi..aotearoa

I've found out where it's gone. The building collapsed in one our "earth movements" I'm going to ask the local Ferrymead heritage park people if I can play it once a week. It's so sweet and no other organ will be the same..' bought out for rest and recreation by the early westerners.

I love your sound check Paddy. I love Amsterdam..I don't know how the sound will be when you're packed full of people. .whatever. Our "love for you "vibe will be beautiful...always. Thankyou for your generosity and comfort Paddy. My daughter introduced me to you .my darling daughter. Artist in life and practise. Sam. Sam Norton x

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Oohh Paradiso. I love that venue so much. I saw you there once a few years ago. I'm going tonsee osees there in July. Good tour, thanks for the diary tour and see you at the Azkena Rock Festival!!!

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Hallo Patti, was für ein toller Ort! Der Name sagt schon alles!😃😃Danke für die kleine Musikeinlage....freue mich schon auf den Stadtpark!!!! WOW Du kannst so stolz auf deinen Sohn sein! Gute und sichere Reise! ♥️

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Oh to be in that theatre! Thank you Patti that was beautiful! “Howdy Jackson” ! 🎶🎸💙

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Go Patti! Watched this in bathtub …. Great way to start my day. Feeling connected. :)

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What a lovely way to start my day and wonderful to see The Paradiso again after all these years! Sounds like you had an amazing gig. Enjoy your travels 🙏

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Seen some clips from Paradiso on YouTube. PATTI YOU ARE ON FIRE 🔥!!!!!!!!!

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Till tonight in Paradiso

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oh thank you what a beautiful sound and your voice goes right into my heard!!

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Wonderful soundlist!

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Wonderful soundlist!

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that was beautiful - thank you 💚

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Love this. We are all there with you. ❤️

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And the wonderful guitarist Jackson!!

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great!!!!! waiting for you in Toulouse, France!!!

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That was amazing. Sound was great!

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Sounds great, thank you Patti this was so special and so generous ❤️

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You rock, Patti, you and your guys. Jackson looks like his papa, and plays beautiful guitar. Thanks, as always, for bringing in some light at the end of my day. Xo from lili in the desert.

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Thank you Patti for this video 🙏.

My feelings are intertwined. The joy of seeing you on this video and the sadness of not being able to attend this fabulous tour 💙☕️❤️

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I'm going to stop be sad. There are so many people who have never had the chance to see Patti in concert. I had this chance so...

Thank you for your posts, your books, your concerts... I love you Patti 💙☕️❤️

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Love you so much! Tears🙏💕… those guys let you sing - that’s good

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I think this snippet is darn near perfect. A slice of sound check. Thank you.

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Love it Patti - it’s great being ‘on tour’ with you!

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See you tonight!!🥰

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Sounded great

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I just love this sound check snippet. Merci encore. May your band and you enjoy this tour and stay safe.

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Oh Patti, you make me laugh, you make me cry….you help me to remember…Stay strong and keep well. Merci! Promise you’ll come back to us in San Francisco as soon as you can. Bisous.

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Hello Jackson, Seb and Tony! Thanks for the note Patti, too bad it was hot on stage. That must have made it difficult to perform. Hope the mosquito is gone.

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Your posts are always so lovely and authentic. Thank you, Patti.

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and we like your multi-tasking !

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I been trying to like your comment Lynn, but Substack is having issues. So this is just me saying, I agree we do like her multitasking, and love her all the more for doing it for us.

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What a lovely room. For a moment, I was there.

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I love G.L.O.R.I.A and the pict very cool ❤️

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Jun 4, 2022
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I may need to be corrected by Patti or other’s but believe the original that inpired Patti’s version was from Van Morrison and/or Jim Morrison’s cover of Van’s, but of course her version is her own unique and brilliant. Regarding the “punk” scene, it was the Ramones who alerted her that she had become one if not the first person on the cover of mag. using “Punk” as identifier back in the day and it’s important to note Patti’s husband Fred Sonic Smith’s early band MC5, arguably the most influential punk band (coming out of Detroit no less) that created the genre rockin’ us all. So many brilliant folks I can’t even list but are in her books they actually knew that merged into the revolutionary scene. Love the documentary "It might Get Loud" when historical rock guitarists, Jimmy Page, Jack White and The Edge - all from three of the most influencial rock bands by today’s standards, make this clear and pay homage to punk's influences for their own music.

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Jun 4, 2022Edited
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What makes this version unique quite singular are the lyrics by Patti Smith, where she added lines from her poetry ‘Oath’. Even in Oath, one notices that she says she has had enough of religion and is finally breaking free from the restrictions imposed by it —

“So Christ

I am giving you the good-bye

Firing you tonight

I can make my own light shine

And darkness too is equally fine”

So I was incorrect…I believe that makes it one million, four hundred and sixteen thousand and one times I’ve been incorrect. Wonder if Guinness book has a category for WRONG!

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Van Morrison wrote a song Gloria, Jim Morrison did a cover of that song. Patti created a masterpiece standing on it’s own merits that asks us to see G.L.O.R.I.A as divine vs objectified. By changing the lyrics, music and meaning she engages us with social commentary and justice. We know who sings it, what it’s intent is and if we listen carefully to it’s clever message we realize we have already lived too many years with the Van Morrison song’s reality. Right on sista!

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You are 100% correct!

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Per the soundcheck, “is it rolling, Patricia?”Beautiful, thanks for sharing that.

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Absolutely wonderful! Thank you for this! Boy do I miss Amsterdam!

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Love all this!

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Thanks for thinking of us, Patti, while you’re touring 💗 I love this little video 🥰

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magic! thank you

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Thank you. I saw you in Austin last month- it was really fun to hear this sound check, stay safe. ..Oh and to see the set list, I love that sort of thing

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That was beautiful. Thank you xx

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Thanks Patti. That was fun

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I love this so much. Thank you for keeping us all in your pocket.

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love this, could watch the world from your eyes all day! thank you for bringing us in! x

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That was wonderful. More sound checks please. Your voice captures the haunting lyrics of Dylan's song perfectly. The organ sounds great and Jackson's guitar playing is wonderful. I heard your quartet's version of Since I've Been Loving You on YouTube and Jackson is incredible. It must be such a joy to get to tour with him. Thanks so much for sharing this, and your written notes with the cool personal touches about your jacket and the mosquito and the adrenalin and the peanut butter sandwich. Love it!

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I echo all these comments ... especially the noting of your written cool personal touches. Thank you, Patti, for bringing us along.

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Beautiful,wish I could be there,big love from Australia 😘

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super patti🦋

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In great voice…

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Love the Dylan song- guitar and organ beautiful. Can we hear since I've been loving you soundcheck next time? Pretty please. Xx

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Next best thing to being there. No apologies for the cell video. Perfection is a myth. Have fun, sound check sounded good.

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Now that is just lovely - mellow with the reverb, and slow enough pan that I don't get dizzy! I wish that I could do so well. Cheers!

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I remember being at Paradise in 1978 when very young in a fog of hashish.

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Love it . . . this was awesome! Thanks so much, Patti.

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Not bad at all! Aloha Jackson!

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great little video patti, thank you for sharing :)

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Very nice Patti. Thank you. Tell Jackson substack says hi back. (I waved)

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Ahhhh Devine

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Sounding great!!!

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I so wanted to keep listening. Beautiful.

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Beautiful. Wish I was there to see the show.

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Thank you! Beautiful space bathed in violet 💜

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A nice surprise. Thank you Patti😊

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Lovely to hear you and see a stage moment , good sound too:)

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What a lovely intimate space. I loved seeing you in Austin.

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It isn’t bad. It’s perfect. It reveals your reality in shadows and half glances and light flickering. Empty stages and half sung songs. Guitars that will soon be rung. The cries of the audience still to come. A life we can only halfway imagine. It’s just right.

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My thoughts, exactly ... and beautifully expressed by you, Su.

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Love having the set list! Thank you! We're awaiting your Seattle return one day!

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i loved this — and it is beautiful

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So good sweet dreams may the mosquito find peace

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Oh Patti, it was all wonderful, as it always is, because you touch it, fill it, with the sincerity and passion of your life as an artist. The gift of inspiring others to do the same~ ♡♡

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Patti, you are choosing some great Led Zeppelin songs. You look and sound beautiful. 💜

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I once had a dream that I was standing next to your friend Bruce Springsteen on stage and had the same view of the microphone, except in front of me was a sea of humans! I screamed myself awake!

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Love it Patti !!! I have been a Big Fan since 1975. 😎 Bob

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Love this ❤️Sounds beautiful, wonderful Acoustics in the theater🎸Thanks Patti wish I could be there 🎤🎵🎼🎶

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love this travel diary

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that was wonderful - really the sound was fine from my way of thinking and so nice to be witness to a bit of your tour.

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i wish i could be there - you were going to play in my hometown in New Zealand but unfortunately covid got in the way. you have, i think, the coolest setlist ever and i very much hope we could hear you play 'since i been loving you'! maybe for a next video?

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I Love It!! Feels like we’re there. How fortunate are those in that small club. Peace and love sister 🌺🙏🏼💚

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Thank you for the peak.

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Hi back Jackson! Thank you Patti.

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Very cool. These sound check clips will be great!

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Patti - You are fantastic! Was bummed when the video ended!

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I love it!!!

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I love the warm rich sound of the guitar and your soulful singing. Thank you for the video and the lovely photo of your trio.

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Thanks Patti! Really wonderful to see you all working things out. You sounded great (beautiful song) and Jackson's guitar was gorgeous.

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thank you for sharing the sound check..beautiful......feel so privileged ...thank you Patti.....🙏

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