
Beautiful and the Pierrot Le Fou link was amazing!

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That was really really great🖤

Thank you Patti🌹

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I’ll rewatch Pierrot Le Fou. Such an amazing film!

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Wow. Bang! Well that woke me up this morning. I watched the film many years ago and think l may have to revisit. Another lovely poem by the young Arthur. Thank you Patti 🙏

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That movie ending sequence of Pierrot Le Fou made me think of Hiroshi Sugimoto‘s photography.

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Thanks for the film recommendation Patti! We enjoyed it very much! And the poem is precious.

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Thank you for reading to us.

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Oh ! This poem and this movie 💓

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Endless waves of energy

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L'ÉTERNITÉ Arthur Rimbaud

Elle est retrouvée, the opening verse of

Elle est retrouvée, Quoi?


leaves a strong impression in Godard's work

It seems to be a cry to believe that there is an eternity that remains even after one's own extinction.

The Polish poem by C.K. Norwid, quoted in the film Ashes and Diamonds, is also about eternity.

It may be the glimmer of life that remains when all is extinguished.

For the philosopher M. Foucault, eternity is a persona written in the sand after the disappearance of human.

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Thank you Patti.

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Oh, this poem!

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Such a pleasure to hear this little poem. Thank you for that, and for everything ...

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Forgive me if I’m missing something obvious, but I’m a little confused about the translation. I am reading it from the Louise Varèse edition that Patti wrote the preface to and the translation is a bit different from what Patti reads herein. And there, the Latin comes in the fourth stanza (Byron has it in the fifth stanza):

Hope never more,

No orietur.

Science and patience,

Retribution is sure.

I love Byron’s point about the progressive darkness -- “No more tomorrow” -- yet the poem closes with the “recovery” that begins it: Eternity, the sea mixed with the sun. Whether it is heard or seen, it is recovered.

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Every night from my mountain in Lesvos I watch the sun slip into the sea. Every morning it rises before me.

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