
Books books books

Some things to read when traveling

This is a long one. As requested, some books to throw in your traveling sack. More to come next week. Now I have to put them away…..oh boy.

Albertine Sarrazin Murakami and Mai Siowall. ...
Marabet and Mishimo and more

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LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Thank you

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Thank you Patti. I could listen to you talk about books for hours. I learn so much and as well as informative it is so relaxing having you take us on a literary journey. I love it and thank you for sharing your precious time with us, as always. XX

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Am I the only one? The image is reversed so that the text is backwards 😟

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Not too long, dear Patti! ❤️ I love to hear you talk about books. I ordered four of these and am looking forward to a summer filled with stories. Thank you!

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Thank you for your reading suggestions, Patti. I always discover something new in what you share and will be expanding my literary horizons with some of the writers you have suggested here. Do you have any words of encouragement for someone having a tough time getting through 2666?

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Thank you!!!!!!!!

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Thank you so much for messing up your bookshelves to give us this list of books. I love it. Please do it as often as you can without it becoming annoying.

Thank you also for not writing a blurb for Jo Nesbo, even if he used your not writing a blurb as a blurb.

Just finished “Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter.” You are right. Masterpiece.

“All the tired horses in the sun; how am I gonna get any readin done?” Safe travels and gratitude for sharing your book treasures with us. Love and blessings for your trip.

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Ooh, I love the Maj and Per books!

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I love the wide range or your taste - so many directions. I remember my mother checking out - every Monday night when we visited the George Mason library in the Washington, DC suburb of Annandale, VA - the Per Wahloo/Maj Sjowall Martin Beck series and everything by Agatha Christie week after week. With the Christie mysteries, Mom favored Hercules Poirot and, although Mom was not a regular drinker, she enjoyed treating herself with a tiny glass of whatever liqueur Poirot savored in each mystery. It was during these nighttime weekday visits to our local library, when, right before closing, I had to hurry and choose my check out books, that I grabbed a frayed paperback in a wire rack, and took it to the librarian in the last five minutes before closing time. The book had an oddly familiar black and white picture of a girl on the cusp of adolescence, a girl like me. Her name, according to the book, was Anne Frank. She was so compelling and familiar. And the fact that the book was a diary spoke to me in a way that mixed the wholesomeness and the secrets and intimacy of girlhood. I instinctively felt the compelling energy of this book with the bright, smiling girl on its cover, that compelled me to hang back and ask permission, and to at least show it to my mother before check out. it is no exaggeration to say that the Diary of Anne Frank changed my life then and now and is still exerting it's impact on me in my 60th year.

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and found The Lover on a trip to New York on the sidewalk

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I've bought Astragal years ago because you had written the introduction. Such a great book. Murakami is my 2nd favourite writer after you xx

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I love your book recommendations. I used to swallow books -- daily commute on the A train, the bus, the kitchen window, etc. Now in my 70s, I have forgotten so much of them. Living took a lot of my life. So thank you for the book list and I will be reading Rimbaud and others on your list, too. We need to save our books, especially now in our history when a looming shadow wants to steal our minds, and re-educate our children. The best thing we can do for them is to give them literature, music, poetry, and love, love, love. Thank you always, Patti. C.

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Thank you... appreciate !

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Here's an Anna Kavan story you might appreciate Patti.

D A Callard wrote 'The Case of Anna Kavan : A Biography'. Callard lived in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, where I believe you have performed, at The Trades Club. In fact he lived just up the canal from The Trades. (And of course, not far from where Sylvia Plath is buried, up in Heptonstall).

In 1979 Allen Ginsberg (with Anne Waldman, Peter Orlovsky and Steven Taylor) gave a reading at the Library Theatre in Manchester. Callard attended the reading and interviewed Ginsberg for a local magazine called The New Manchester Review. Callard then drove Ginsberg, Waldman, Orlovsky and Taylor to visit Wordsworth's Dove Cottage in the Lake District.

There you go!

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Thank you for the recommendations, Patti. I learned of The Wind Up Bird Chronicle while reading M Train. I'm now reading A Wild Sheep Chase, which I think is the title you were trying to recall...

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This was great, Patti! I love hearing you talk about some of your favorite books, and am looking forward to getting started. Thanks for taking the time and taking them off your shelves for us!

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Thank you so much! Btw, Space Invaders from Nona Fernandez was recently translated to Portuguese (I'm a fan from Brazil) and there's a note from you in the edition - I'm going to read asap, everything you touch is gooold. ♥️

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It’s never too long to talk about books. I’m happy that you just love them, a certain light in your eyes tells me which is extra special! I now can’t wait to get my hands on Albertine Sarrazan. You had me at the first line! So glad you don’t like these new murder, mystery ( how many ways to kill and torture usually women) books, they make me feel sick. Thank you so much for these recommendations some I’ve read and others excited to explore 🙏

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Love the book recommendations. It's great to hear what you like about specific books/authors. Thanks for sharing!

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Love book recommendations. You sound like you work in a bookstore (like I do).

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Loved the selection, Patti!

I would like to know where you keep all of your books. Do you have many shelves????

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I love Patrick Modiano

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I like it a lot!! xxD

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Thank you !!

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A Summer of reading ahead ! Thank you Patti ! Always something new to discover!

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Oh, that was interesting - your choice for books ... really love japanese authors as well - do you know Riku Onda? She is awesome! And thank you for so much!

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Meanwhile... I have a stack of Rimbaud books here. ☺️

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Great video! I’ve got a stack of books on my nightstand and still need to finish “2666” but will choose several from your list as I can’t resist. Thank you! By the way, I’m amazed at your recall of the books you’ve read. I wish I could do that. I can only remember a dozen or so that really made a lasting impression on me.

I missed seeing Cairo tonight but I I love seeing you play with your hair as, to me, it’s almost as if you’re petting Cairo. Thanks again!

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yes indeedy. ❤️

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Patti, You are an indie version of Oprah’s book club! 🎉 Thank you for introducing so many writers!!!

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I love book recommendations from a respected reader/writer! This is the best. This is how I came to read Proust, Forster, Henry Miller, Blanchot, Bolano and so many others...the rest is now my history.

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I love this! Thank you. Not too long at all.

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Love the recommendations! Just starting Rilke's Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge today.

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I really enjoyed the Martin Beck series of crime novels by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahloo.

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Maybe my novel Tensile Town 🤷🏼‍♂️

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"The sky had lifted at least thirty feet" -- such a beautiful and intriguing opening. I think Sarrazin's incredible life story deserves an issue of its own, as you said towards the end. Thank you for this list, Patti. As always, so precious and thoughtful.

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It wasn’t too long! I love hearing why you liked the books. Please do more if you would! Thanks for sharing these:)

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Thank you for sharing some of the books you’ve enjoyed. I have written them down and look forward to reading them. Especially enjoyed you reading the first sentence. One of the musts when choosing a new book. The Snowman was brutal!!!!

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Thanks - I keep my little notepad at the ready to write down authors and titles. I'm curious - anyone else read non-fiction and fiction at the same time? Actually does anyone have several books going at once? I'm currently reading "The Creative Act" by Rick Rubin alongside the Rimbaud books and it's a great combination, oh yeah, always reading sci-fi and fantasy short stories too.

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Thank you for the book suggestions , I have added many to my collection. The video was not too long and it is always inspirational to hear your messages, readings and songs.

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Awesome Awesome Awesome!

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This was not too long! It was just what I needed to shake up my brain and expand my universe, as well as my bookcase. You are a gift.

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When we talk about books, we just get overwhelmed! Didn't feel these 17 minutes pass by. I took some references as I'll be heading out to my neighbouring bookshop later.

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Thanks, Patti.

I was a bit surprised to see three Japanese authors in the list. They are all suitable for summer. Haruki Murakami is still an active writer and has a music programme on Japanese radio. I email him that Patti recommended Hear the Wind Sing as a summer book on that programme. Murakami-san is a super jazz fan and listens to some of the singer-songwriter's songs.

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I have always loved Japanese literature. I have just read A Dark Nights Passage by Shiga.I am an acquaintance of Murakami. He is aware of my admiration. Thank you...

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Thanks for your reply, Patti.The Japanese novels you have listed are all excellent short stories.

I wish Mishima had lived long enough to write short stories. I also wish that E.M. Hemingway had written short stories instead of trying his hand at a full-length epic.

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You’ve showed some Japanese authorities that they are my favorite. Thanks for sharing those wonderful books .

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Curious if you’ve read Lawrence Durrell, Justine et al ...

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I love your passion for books and hardly noticed that the video was long! I have gathered several of your recommendations over the years, I can't go wrong with any of them, they're great! Cesar Aira especially! And it warmed my heart that you have carried Moby Dick while traveling. I don't know if you've ever read anything by John Cowper Powys (Wolf Solent) or Janet Frame (The Carpathians), they're great writers that I adore and highly recommend.

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Thank you for your book recommendations, looking forward to more.

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Patti talking about books ❣️ I've read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle after reading M Train and blow it my mind, it's one of my favorites books too. Also, come back to Brazil, Patti. 💫🇧🇷

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Thanks for the recommendations!!!

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Hola Patri!

I want to see your record collection, nos that Would be amazing if you Show us Some of your records.....Saludos desde Granada.


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Also, wanted to share another book (which I suspect Patti Smith has already gotten into-) -would be curious to hear your thoughts if anyone has read it. The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien


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This video (and that list you just sent out (thanks Suze T) in a free newsletter just made me think -- you need to get paid for this kind of sharing so subscribed. I love all of your shares..so down to earth... (and Cairo is such a cool name if I ever adopt a tan cat... he/she will be called Cairo.) Anyway, I will find all of these books and absorb them in time so thank you for the wealth__ p.s. lists of music would also be a treat. (The first things I enjoy looking at in a new friends house is the lp pile, the bookshelf, and the spice rack haha...). Love to all ((((0))))

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How fabulous... thank you...

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Hi Patti. Thank you for everything you write and post but a small request if it is possible - would you be able to reverse your camera so that we see you around the correct way because at present things are as viewed in a mirror. Left is right and right is left. Blessings x N

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I've commented on this before .... Yes, please, do flip your screen so we can see the true covers of these books, not the mirror images that we are seeing now....thank you so much!

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Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing all this richness with us!! You fire up the juices of love for literature and discovery…lots of new adventures for the summer.

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Wonderful to be introduced to these writers, thank you for taking the time and thought to share some of your recommended reads.

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This is so great , I bought M Train at the airport (Houston ,I guess) some years ago and it was a great companion in my trip to Japan and it turned of my favorite books to travel with❣️ And I love Murakami , too😉

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Thank Youuuu

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I love Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo! One of my favorites is Roseanna.

The Swedes have so many good mystery writers.

Thank you for all the recommendations! 🕊💙📚🎶

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Thank you, I'm always reading and loving your recommendations x

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Ha ha so you are scared of Jo Nesbø’s books but I have seen him play guitar on stage with you at the Norwegian Wood festival in Oslo- then he looked a little bit scared😂😂

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This was great, Patti!

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Love Up ^

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Hi Patti, thanks for the recommendations. I made a list. (I may have missed something)

Books while traveling:

1. Suspended Sentences: Three Novellas

by Patrick Modiano 2006

2. The Divorce

by César Aira 2021

Forward by Patti

3. An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter

by César Aira

4. Rashōmon

Short story by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa 1915

5. Murder in the Age of Enlightenment: Essential Stories

by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

6. Hear the Wind Sing

by Haruki Murakami 1979

7. The Wall

by Marlen Haushofer 1963

8. The Lover

by Marguerite Duras 1984

9. Me & Other Writing

by Marguerite Duras

10. The Man on the Balcony

by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö 1967

11. Star

by Yukio Mishima

12. M'Hashish

by Mohammed Mrabet 1969

13. Amulet

by Roberto Bolaño

14. Baron Bagge

by Alexander Lernet-Holenia

Forward by Patti

15. Astragal

by Albertine Sarrazin 1965

Introduction by Patti

16. Wittgenstein's Nephew

by Thomas Bernhard

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Wow that is fantastic. I am very grateful Suze. That made my night. Goodnight and thank you so much... 🌟

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I feel honored to have been able to view this post. Thank you...it was informative and amazing. You are amazing.

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Thank you for sharing Patti. I love book suggestions so please keep them coming if you have time. Thanks again and take care.

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I’d love if you’d write these down. It wasn’t always clear the titles and authors. We can’t read them in the video, as they all appear backwards.

Thanks for doing this. What do you mean some of them are rough?

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Love it! Thanks Patti. Keep it coming, this is fun. (consider including more stories about the authors or books.x)

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Thank you

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Yes, it’s very generous of you to share so many of your recommendations and deconstructing your bookshelf. It’s telling how much you read as a writer yourself, and they way you’ve written so many introductions to books you love. Thank you very much from me also!! Oh, I’m also curious as to your mention of sensing all sorts of things and the state you said you’re in before you tour... quite reasonable if you prefer to keep this private though. As always, look forward to seeing you again next time.

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Thank you. After reading several of Jo Nesbo's books, I felt the same as you! We have a writers festival on in Auckland now. I hope one day you will be a guest speaker.

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I loved this list, and with so many new authors for me to discover! I wonder if you might consider doing a post on your favorite women authors? You mentioned five here but I know you would have many others you have enjoyed reading. Can’t wait to read Anna Kavan. Ice sounds amazing. Thanks as always Patti- I love your posts and watch/read all of them without fail

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Hey, Patti.

What do you think about Stoner by John Williams?

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Thanks for the recommendations Patti. Much love and peace to you

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some great recommendations, thank you! have a nice little tour!

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Oh my stars Patti! I am spellbound! This was fantastic of you, and I do appreciate the mess you made; sorry. You are true to your word and I love that you go "all in" with anything you do. So gracious of you to take this time for the request. With much gratitude! Definitely owe you many coffees! Thank you.

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I was more interested in compiling a list of the authors then in the actual recommended, specific titles. I am a lover of non-fiction and am more interested in the authors' lives. Unfortunately the books you featured, appeared as in a mirror and I had difficulty reading the covers.

Still is was as if we just happened to catch you on the fly. Thanks for the anecdote about bounding up the an author (I'm hearing impaired and didn't catch the author's name), and arguing about the significance of his book. Or the author who used your quote about not being able to read his stressful horror story, as a blurb.

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This was marvelous….and I agree with your take on modern mystery and Criminal Minds….A compelling mystery builds on the suspense of the details of what has happened as well as the characters’ motives and not the graphic violence that keeps you awake after watching.

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Are you kidding me? You talking about books is about the greatest thing I can imagine. I am curious. Are you a fan of Iris Murdoch at all? There is something so atmospheric about her worlds and the time she writes. She feels a little like a guilty pleasure to me. I just finished The Severed Head for the third time. Very Shakespearean.

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I feel the same way about Iris Murdoch and agree that she creates worlds with an atmosphere like no other. I have also read “The Severed Head” numerous times!

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Thanks Patti! I really appreciate your book recommendations!

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Thank you! Perfect timing. Taking a two-week break from the airwaves and heading to Alaska! Needed these recomendations. Grateful.

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Patti, you are such a great teacher and sharer of ideas! Thanks so much for caring about us and helping us find new things!

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Thank you Patti and I could listen to you on a loop.

Patricia Mcgreivy

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thank you!

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Thanks Patti! Added lots to my 'to read' list. I read Astragal based on your introduction to the book and I loved it.

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Thank you so much for doing this!!

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It’s never too long, I get a little sad when you say goodbye, I could listen to you talk all day. I have your books on audible now as I’ve wore my eyes out reading too many books. It’s a whole other vibe hearing you read them!

Thank you for sharing that’s what books are all about, after all 👍🏼

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Thank you Patti! Safe travels later this month. See everyone in the summer stacks!

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Add Dawn Powell A Time to be Born and Janwillem van der Wetering’s detective series set in Amsterdam.

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Oh this is a good thing.

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Hi Patti 👋I love this & all your books!

I’m going to start with Astragal because of that incredible opening line.

This is a wonderful idea .. I was jotting down each book you suggested.🙏

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I will type the list this week end and add some more...

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I’m sharing this with my family Great recommendations 💕🌷Thank you

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Thank you! I am always looking for book recommendations.

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César Aira total genius. Agree. My favorite Bolaño is The Savage Detectives. Thanks for this little visit. I love the Mankell blurb story.

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Ways of Being by James Bridle. A luminous, mind blowing wonder - the writing is clear and witty and utterly unpretentious, but the subject matter! It will change *everything* about how you see the natural world and our place in it.

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Thank you. Time well spent. Please a winter list later on this year for us fervent devotees

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Thanks Patti! I love being in your literary school, ha! I have added these to my World of Books booklist, although I'll scourer charity shops and try local books shops too. For someone who must be very busy I wonder when you read?!

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Thanks for tearing your bookshelf apart, Patti. A Wild Sheep Chase and 2666 are two of the best books I've ever read. I could listen to anyone talk about the books they love for hours. Maybe we could all share one or two of our favouriites here. My top two novels would be Slaughterhouse Five and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas though I'm going crazy because of the dozens I've left out. Right now I'm finally reading The Goldfinch and am transfixed by it. Anyone else want to add to the list? I see that some already have. This is great!

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I've just started Angela Carter's Black Venus, a collection of short stories, and her language totally bamboozles me.

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Bamboozles! What a fun word. When I worked in a bookstore in the 80s, I had a friend who was obsessed with Carter. So I read A Night at the Circus and was amazed at her amazing use of magic realism. Let us know what you thought when you're finished Black Venus.

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This was terrific- thank you. And by the way, you’ve written a couple of masterpieces yourself!

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Don’t know how many people I’ve recommended Just Kids to, as a starting place for your work.

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And Jim Carroll's Living At the Movies (Highway Report),

Kerouac's Big Sur,

Hubert Selby's Willow Tree

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Love to see you talk about your first love. BOOKS 📚

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Safe trip, Patti! Thanks for the exposure to other reads, I was in a consignment shop today and bought “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson, and have become completely entranced, both by Isaacson’s writing style and the content. 571 pages + Bibliography + Notes. Yo mentioned “The Master And Margarita”. The Penguin edition is apparently the truest translation. I’m not sure what happened to my copy, but no matter..I inaccurately “quote” when items in the news of chaos, disorders (Putin, Trump). Although written in Russia under Stalin, the almost farcical events in the novel are not too far off the events in today’s news. Fascinated by it. For anyone who believes that our modern chaos is unique.

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Oh my gosh!!! Thanks for the mess! I tried writing them down but I’m sure I mangled some names. So many are totally new to me.

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I couldn't keep up with the titles and names!

I hope Patti finds time to send out a list of her favorites.......just 100 of her favorites.


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Not too long at all, Patti. Thank you for sharing those book recommendations, I will look out for them.

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Thanks for the recommendations Patti!!!

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“Oh my it’s 17 minutes that’s too long”. Made me laugh. Such a funny woman. Love her. Anyone get that list or do I need to grab a pen and re listen?

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Wild Sheep Chase- Murakami

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Another (eye-opening) book to read is ‘The Genome Defence - inside the epic legal battle to determine who owns your DNA’ by Jorge L. Contreras. Sounds dry but very easy to read.

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