Thank you, Patti. I think you sound good, look good and are courageous to use new technology. It's wonderful to see you and your childhood book from 1954! Wow!
I know I’m late in commenting but wanted to say sound was great and framing was good - meaning your head in the frame and it’s on good eye level - as if you’re just sitting there talking to us. I don’t really need too much perfection Patti - that you’re willing to communicate this way is such a gift!
Very clear, in terms of sound, and image quality, and so nice on my Friday lazy mornings ( I do not work on Fridays 😀) to have you beamed into sight here in UK. Lovely to see you, as well hear you, and you look lovely btw … not messy at all. Great idea 😀🙋🏻♀️
This little demo looks and sounds very pleasing. Your set-up and the lighting also look good. It's wonderful to see you in almost-current time, and I adore seeing you so informally. Please keep this aspect, especially, for future video posts. Never mind the itchy nose! I'm grooving on this.
Both image and sound were good, Patti. If you like, you could position yourself a tiny bit back from where you were sitting, so your head is within the frame the whole time, otherwise it works really well.
Sound and image really clear! When you held up your book it was reversed (mirror image). I saw you in Ann Arbor around 1978 when a student… still look up to you!
I watch test two first and then test one, both brilliant great sounds lights blah blah blah keep it Goin girlfriend we need you! With love in this new year
Always great when you pay a visit:) I thought the look and sound were good. It gives a mirror image, but not sure if that will be an issue with what you are going to present here. Stay warm on this cold day.
Patti, always a joy & always brings a smile to my face to see yours! You are dearly self effacing. It’s charming! You looked wonderful and peaceful and your Child’s Garden of Verses, Thru the ringer or not looks good 68 years later! Like my copy that my grandsons now read from. The Land of Counterpane a favorite of mine as well as This world is full
Of wondrous things, I think we should all be as happy as kings, or close to that as I remember and how profound as an adult to hear those words which rang true as a child & now more meaningful as an adult! I look forward to all your work. I see you. I hear you. I appreciate you. I love you.
Just reading M train the second time, i love this book so much , i read it like enjoiing a very special Praline in small pieces, thank you for all you give Patti
It was wonderful, Patti! The sound and visual are just perfect, and you look lovely. It’s a gift to see and hear you. Your presence is making a hard time so much more endurable. I haven’t read the other comments yet, but I’m certain I’m not alone in my reaction.
Watching this, the poem that came to me is one by Emily Dickinson, no less wonderful for being well known. Thank you for always bringing hope.
Hi Patti! One note that I didnt see mentioned: you might consider getting a little ring light for when you do videos just so we can see you a little bit better. I think you are beautiful! Sound is great!
Video and sound are very clear (other than the mirror-image others have noted). The lighting around you is good. Great to see and hear from you! Being a techie geek, I'd love to know what device /app you're using. Please tell. Thanks!
Looks and sounds great. 2 comments: when you showed us the book it was a mirror image so we couldn't read the writing as it was backwards. For your privacy you may want to film yourself in front of a plain wall or blur your background - that's what I do in work meetings from home! All the best. Helen
I especially enjoyed the mirror image. When I started to write in the age of six (and I was really looking forward to learn how to read and write cause I wanted to do my own reading and writing), I used my left hand and mirror image. Lucky me, that in this time teachers already accepted left hand (my cousin, just two years older, was forced to change), but they didn't agree with mirror image. "Nobody will be able to read that", my teacher said desperately. To me, mirror image always looks familiar.
Somebody must’ve said it already, but the video is mirror-inverted. Apart from that, all is well and I even prefer the unprepared stuff to the well-prepared snd orderly one. Always good to see you, listen to your voice, read your words. You’re a blessing!
This is very special indeed, it was like having you sitting right here, amazing. The only thing was the book being reversed but somehow that was magical too - like Alice sharing something from the other side of the glass!
Nothing can beat the personal face-to-face meeting, but honestly, this is coming close!! Technology transformed into something truly human... thanks again a thousand times Patti!
I turned off the lights, placed the phone on my pillow and folded into the deep-comfort position my bed affords, turned on your story from two days ago which was devastating but so soothing in manner, comforting through sadness and your swaying tender voice, that I fell into peaceful sleep. (Just to comment on the audio alone)
The video and sound are both good. Is this the Photo Booth app on a Mac? I think that's why the image came out reversed. It records 720p video but for some reason it comes out in mirror view. So we see what you see in the mirror. Also I like how "personal" and immediate this feels. It's totally cool that you still have your childhood book, and it looks very well loved.
Speaking for myself, I am so grateful just to be in the same time as you, you could do it anyway you like, I am all ears. To me who knows nothing, it’s sounds and looks good, except for being backwards, but that’s what makes it so funny, do you even know just how funny you are, naturally good humoured👏
Test 1 2 3. The sound and image is clear. Some flickering light every now and then and I the image appears to be reversed, if you know what I mean..... the book is back to front. But nothing dyer enough to not enjoy. 💚
I can’t believe I saw this account two days on Instagram and now here you are speaking to me or playing for us. What an amazing world it is! Love to you Patti XX
Sound is clear - message is clear - and what a lovely pink blanket ! tee hee - thank you for always thinking of ways to give more to your readers, listeners, viewers - I think all of us subscribers should share with others who don't know about this offering from Patti with others who we think would enjoy it! and what a great gift it can be - that button is right up there on the top right of the screen .... let's build this community !!!!!!!
yes! Now I am wondering what your technology is, exactly! To be a poet/ musician and be able to use technology that also allows you to be normal: is so wonderful.
The sound is clear, Patti. I want to request that you read "Big Red" aloud one of these days from Year of the Monkey. I'm a little tight on money right now, so I can't subscribe. I hope the readings will be available to all. Love your writing, and I love this effort to reach out to this mindful community.
Sound and image crystal clear. You are so generous and thoughtful as always. Thank you so much for thinking of us. I too still have my childhood copy of A Child’s Garden of Verses and treasure it.
What a wonderful rainy Saturday morning in Australia surprise. Usually it’s breakfast and the papers but this morning we had an unexpected visit from you at our breakfast as well. The text on the book was mirror imaged on my phone. Not sure if you have an exceptional rare copy or if it’s part of the technology and science of image. It wasn’t off putting however. The image and sound was very clear. I loved it all. Generous soul thank you. Joni 🐨
Well I think you did well and came across as the sensitive soul that you are! Okay recording this end would like to watch you play and perhaps sing when your ready😄 anyway thanks patti.
all good. Love hearing you read and now seeing you will be great. I still have my 1950s Tall Book of Make Believe with Land of Counterpane in it. It's being read to a 3rd generation!
Test one loud and clear, totally lucky sort off in these days Patti you can record all the way up north and in seconds we all over can see and hear the stories and songs with the mod equipment these days. When I was young it would take forever for something like this to reach downunder.Ta so much Patti for real time uploads 🌻💙🙃☕🌈 keep safe
all was great. just read in other comments that the video was reversed and i had been thinking it was so cool you had a book written in reverse - kind of like alice in wonderland or solo in i'm only sleeping :)
The image and audio are great. Such a terrific idea. Seeing your copy of Stevenson's collection made me smile. I dug mine out after listening to you read. My edition is a Big Golden Book published in 1963. The binding is broken and it smells like my childhood home's basement. Love it. Thanks so much for reminding me.
As others have said, sound and vision perfect, though the image is mirrored so the text in the book was reversed. I'm sure all of us can live with that.
Excellent quality all around. And so generous of you. These small things that increase connectivity in these disparate times mean so much. Thank. You. Excited!
Perfect, Patti! Feels like we're sitting in the same room. It's always fun to get a glimpse of the backdrop too, a little peek into your world. Looking forward to more of your films!
Dear dear Patti: the image was sharp, the sound was crisp, and the idea of your gentle countenance being beamed right up into the thermosphere, bouncing off some random satellite, and making its way back down into our living rooms is nothing if not comforting. It thrills me to say that you have now become a daily presence in my everyday life. Immeasurable thanks to thee, O Great Creatrix! ❤️🎸😎💋
Dear dear Patti: the image was sharp, the sound was crisp, and the idea of your gentle countenance being beamed right up into the thermosphere, bouncing off some random satellite, and making its way back down into our living rooms is nothing if not comforting. It thrills me to say that you have now become a daily presence in my everyday life. Immeasurable thanks to thee, O Great Creatrix! ❤️🎸😎💋
Dear dear Patti: the image was sharp, the sound was crisp, and the idea of your gentle countenance being beamed right up into the thermosphere, bouncing off some random satellite, and making its way back down into our living rooms is nothing if not comforting. It thrills me to say that you have now become a daily presence in my everyday life. Immeasurable thanks to thee, O Great Creatrix! ❤️🎸😎💋
Thank you for taking the time to do this. I would love to see you reading us poems and stories. Of course to hear you sing. It has a special savior to feel to be included in this sharing. It has something more intimate and less ego-crowded than Instagram. Although, I appreciate our efforts to spread something profound which we believe in by all means.
I completely agree with all the positive comments made prior to my own, which is ‘BRAVA’ Bella! I love your format, the real, at home, relaxed you, the woman who is not afraid to be herself, ever, as none of us should be. In a world where superficiality too often rears it’s angry head, you are a breath of fresh air!!
Love the new technology I felt I was sitting across the table from you (the image is reversed so hard to read the book inscription) I look forward to seeing you again soon!
So wonderful. I have a similar childhood poetry book, in similar condition, with my name inside the front. A cherished possession. Love this new technology, whatever it is. Clear picture and sound. Thank you.
Perfetto, Patti. Ti sente e ti si vede perfettamente! Da tanti giorni ascolto in automobile Dream Of Life...e proprio ieri pensavo a quanto io possa ascoltarti e riascoltarti e riascoltarti sentendomi bene come...a casa. Un abbraccio, al prossimo test! Ps: quando sorridi sembri una bambina :)
As everyone else has already said, the technical parts of this video are excellent. I feel as though I have just met you and it has left me with a warm glow. This was a real treat! Would you ever consider some scholarships now and then for those of us who are unable to pay even if only for a short time?Thank you Patti, for sharing your life with us. xx
This is wonderful, Patti! To see you talking to me(and all the many other followers) is just a beautiful thing. It looks and sounds great. AND I have the same shirt! I love that you are experimenting with these new processes. Sending you love and affection from 3,000 miles and just six inches away on my screen....
The light and colors were really nice natural and vibrant. Love the plaid shirt. The shirt. Sound was good. Will need to flip the video so not in selfish mood as the writting in the lovely book was backwards. Thanks Patti for these wonderful distractions.
audio was low, but maybe my pc, otherwise it was great. Please read an excerpt from Little Women sometime or your own little movie narrating Jo? You know what I'm getting at. I hope. Luv ya!
Thank you, Patti. I think you sound good, look good and are courageous to use new technology. It's wonderful to see you and your childhood book from 1954! Wow!
So good to see you.
Loud and clear
a bit late to say something .. it is great! thanks for sharing your test. Super clear, sound and image. And loved Counterpane !
The quality of sound and image and frame is good ! And you look great too 👍
I know I’m late in commenting but wanted to say sound was great and framing was good - meaning your head in the frame and it’s on good eye level - as if you’re just sitting there talking to us. I don’t really need too much perfection Patti - that you’re willing to communicate this way is such a gift!
Very clear, in terms of sound, and image quality, and so nice on my Friday lazy mornings ( I do not work on Fridays 😀) to have you beamed into sight here in UK. Lovely to see you, as well hear you, and you look lovely btw … not messy at all. Great idea 😀🙋🏻♀️
This is wonderful.
This little demo looks and sounds very pleasing. Your set-up and the lighting also look good. It's wonderful to see you in almost-current time, and I adore seeing you so informally. Please keep this aspect, especially, for future video posts. Never mind the itchy nose! I'm grooving on this.
Good sound, good lighting. I love the idea and look forward to seeing more
Everything was perfect! I loved seeing your book & what you wrote inside.
Both image and sound were good, Patti. If you like, you could position yourself a tiny bit back from where you were sitting, so your head is within the frame the whole time, otherwise it works really well.
Sound and image were perfect. ❤️
Sound and image really clear! When you held up your book it was reversed (mirror image). I saw you in Ann Arbor around 1978 when a student… still look up to you!
Hi Patti I just returned as a paying subscriber. Belated Happy Birthday. So Hi Patti🙂
Looks great! Like I was sitting in the same room and talking with an old friend. Love it!
YOU look GREAT! And so does the video. The sound is good. I watched the Second Test (Peaceable Kingdom) first -- which was also excellent.
Keep it coming, Patti. We look forward to the videos!
I watch test two first and then test one, both brilliant great sounds lights blah blah blah keep it Goin girlfriend we need you! With love in this new year
Sound and lighting perfect!!!🙌🏻💫
The lighting and sound are very good!
You continue to enlighten, much admiration to you Patti.
Your love of books I get.❤️ The video is fine, apart from the reversal of the text, on & within the book, Children’s Garden of Verses.
Everything is perfect/ natural is sublime
Sound is good & clear thanks Patti 👍🏽
Thank you again. I am going to send a video from December 30 to test piano sound.
Video clear and you look and sound as wonderful and genuine as always.
Looks great, sounds great-your great :) Happy New Year xoxo
Sound is great and lovely to see you.
Sound and image are perfectly clear. Always good to see you.
Sound and image are perfectly clear. Always good to see you.
Always great when you pay a visit:) I thought the look and sound were good. It gives a mirror image, but not sure if that will be an issue with what you are going to present here. Stay warm on this cold day.
Thank you Patti, for all your love.
Patti, always a joy & always brings a smile to my face to see yours! You are dearly self effacing. It’s charming! You looked wonderful and peaceful and your Child’s Garden of Verses, Thru the ringer or not looks good 68 years later! Like my copy that my grandsons now read from. The Land of Counterpane a favorite of mine as well as This world is full
Of wondrous things, I think we should all be as happy as kings, or close to that as I remember and how profound as an adult to hear those words which rang true as a child & now more meaningful as an adult! I look forward to all your work. I see you. I hear you. I appreciate you. I love you.
looks great! only drawback is that the image is a mirror image, so the title of the book is reversed. but otherwise, wonderful : )
You sound great! You look great! I’m excited for the videos! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😘
Just reading M train the second time, i love this book so much , i read it like enjoiing a very special Praline in small pieces, thank you for all you give Patti
I adore you. The books I am discovering!
I love this so much! Thank you Patti ❤️
It was wonderful, Patti! The sound and visual are just perfect, and you look lovely. It’s a gift to see and hear you. Your presence is making a hard time so much more endurable. I haven’t read the other comments yet, but I’m certain I’m not alone in my reaction.
Watching this, the poem that came to me is one by Emily Dickinson, no less wonderful for being well known. Thank you for always bringing hope.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
Test went well. Sound and vision < hehehehe >
Looks and sounds great! So nice to see you this morning, and I love all your ideas for using this new technology. Again, many thanks, Patti.
Sound is great. Maybe increase lighting a tiny bit. Looking forward to your next check. Thank you❤️🙌🏼
Looks and sounds good 👍♥️
Hi Patti! One note that I didnt see mentioned: you might consider getting a little ring light for when you do videos just so we can see you a little bit better. I think you are beautiful! Sound is great!
Video and sound are very clear (other than the mirror-image others have noted). The lighting around you is good. Great to see and hear from you! Being a techie geek, I'd love to know what device /app you're using. Please tell. Thanks!
Sounds fab here in south east Ireland ,so real in fact that I was just about to make you a cup of Lyons tea and fetch you a scone
Hi Patti. I viewed this on my phone and it looked and sounded great. Many thanks xx
Looks and sounds great. 2 comments: when you showed us the book it was a mirror image so we couldn't read the writing as it was backwards. For your privacy you may want to film yourself in front of a plain wall or blur your background - that's what I do in work meetings from home! All the best. Helen
The video picture and sound are clear and stable.
I especially enjoyed the mirror image. When I started to write in the age of six (and I was really looking forward to learn how to read and write cause I wanted to do my own reading and writing), I used my left hand and mirror image. Lucky me, that in this time teachers already accepted left hand (my cousin, just two years older, was forced to change), but they didn't agree with mirror image. "Nobody will be able to read that", my teacher said desperately. To me, mirror image always looks familiar.
Hello Patti , nice vidéo, good Sound. So everything ist fine. Thanks you for tout fantastic Songs....
Took a while to start, maybe because I’m in UK but apart from book being mirror image, it was loverly to see you dear Patti. 🤗💛🧡
Hello, nice to see you, what an entertaining journey through the world behind the mirror. Thanx and have fun
Somebody must’ve said it already, but the video is mirror-inverted. Apart from that, all is well and I even prefer the unprepared stuff to the well-prepared snd orderly one. Always good to see you, listen to your voice, read your words. You’re a blessing!
This is very special indeed, it was like having you sitting right here, amazing. The only thing was the book being reversed but somehow that was magical too - like Alice sharing something from the other side of the glass!
It’s perfect
Nothing can beat the personal face-to-face meeting, but honestly, this is coming close!! Technology transformed into something truly human... thanks again a thousand times Patti!
evrything is perfect! as always! like a private conversation.....merci
evrything is perfect! as always! like a private conversation.....merci
It’s perfect! Your conversation feels very warm and personal.
James, you look great and sound great. Thanks for being who you are at this point in the history of this planet. x
Love from Aotearoa New Zealand. Thank you for all that you do.
I turned off the lights, placed the phone on my pillow and folded into the deep-comfort position my bed affords, turned on your story from two days ago which was devastating but so soothing in manner, comforting through sadness and your swaying tender voice, that I fell into peaceful sleep. (Just to comment on the audio alone)
The video and sound are both good. Is this the Photo Booth app on a Mac? I think that's why the image came out reversed. It records 720p video but for some reason it comes out in mirror view. So we see what you see in the mirror. Also I like how "personal" and immediate this feels. It's totally cool that you still have your childhood book, and it looks very well loved.
Speaking for myself, I am so grateful just to be in the same time as you, you could do it anyway you like, I am all ears. To me who knows nothing, it’s sounds and looks good, except for being backwards, but that’s what makes it so funny, do you even know just how funny you are, naturally good humoured👏
✔️ all systems go.
Test 1 2 3. The sound and image is clear. Some flickering light every now and then and I the image appears to be reversed, if you know what I mean..... the book is back to front. But nothing dyer enough to not enjoy. 💚
I can’t believe I saw this account two days on Instagram and now here you are speaking to me or playing for us. What an amazing world it is! Love to you Patti XX
That is, speaking to me OF playing
Looks and sounds perfect. You just need to hold your book up to a mirror so it reads correctly out here! Ha!
Video, sound, great!
All good, Patti. It's lovely to see you!
I don’t think you could ever disappoint us ❤️
The image is fantastic and so is the sound! Crystal clear!
It was great!
Crystal clear, great sound and picture!!
Coming through visually and audibly!
The sound and video were both clear and the lighting was also good. Yes, you also look good! Very calm and relaxed!!
Oh no!! .. sorry Patti and viewers .. it posted 4 times!!
Crisp, clear audio and excellent video quality - I love it! What a treat! :-)
Loud and beautifully clear from OZ Patti👍👏👏👏🙏❣
Sound good. There was a slight flickering in lighting (intermittently) throughout the video.
I think this is beautiful tech! You and your voice are clear and layered/rich. Feels like I’m with you. And I am.
Sound is clear - message is clear - and what a lovely pink blanket ! tee hee - thank you for always thinking of ways to give more to your readers, listeners, viewers - I think all of us subscribers should share with others who don't know about this offering from Patti with others who we think would enjoy it! and what a great gift it can be - that button is right up there on the top right of the screen .... let's build this community !!!!!!!
The sound is clear - and your authenticity is LOUD. You inspire.
Perfect, Patti! Thank you for always inspiring us. Love from Brazil.🌹
You came across clearly and beautifully, Patti. And you look lovely. Thanks from a non-subscriber but true believer.
yes! Now I am wondering what your technology is, exactly! To be a poet/ musician and be able to use technology that also allows you to be normal: is so wonderful.
You look and sound great all the way to Sweden, Patti! 👌❤️👋
you're coming through loud and clear! cool
Looks and sounds good Patti...tho as someone else pointed out, the text on the book was mirror image...good for the brain!
The sound is clear, Patti. I want to request that you read "Big Red" aloud one of these days from Year of the Monkey. I'm a little tight on money right now, so I can't subscribe. I hope the readings will be available to all. Love your writing, and I love this effort to reach out to this mindful community.
Great sound & vision x
Awesome. Looking forward to visuals!
Sound and image crystal clear. You are so generous and thoughtful as always. Thank you so much for thinking of us. I too still have my childhood copy of A Child’s Garden of Verses and treasure it.
Yay! So nice to see a video post. Looking forward to more. Sound and image were very clear. Thanks Patti!
I love seeing and hearing you - it's looking great so far, Patti - thank you so much for doing this for us.
The writing in/on the book are backwards to the viewers.
Coming through clear and beautiful!
I love seeing and hearing you - it's looking great so far, Patti - thank you so much for doing this for us.
I love seeing and hearing you - it's looking great so far, Patti - thank you so much for doing this for us.
Looks and sounds very good!
Audio ✔️, video ✔️ - so great to see and hear you. Thank you for doing this!
Sound clear. Picture clear. You are gorgeous, as always. X
What a wonderful rainy Saturday morning in Australia surprise. Usually it’s breakfast and the papers but this morning we had an unexpected visit from you at our breakfast as well. The text on the book was mirror imaged on my phone. Not sure if you have an exceptional rare copy or if it’s part of the technology and science of image. It wasn’t off putting however. The image and sound was very clear. I loved it all. Generous soul thank you. Joni 🐨
Well I think you did well and came across as the sensitive soul that you are! Okay recording this end would like to watch you play and perhaps sing when your ready😄 anyway thanks patti.
You are simply splendid! The recording was clear, the sound clear and you are adorable!! Thanks, Patti. ❤️
all good. Love hearing you read and now seeing you will be great. I still have my 1950s Tall Book of Make Believe with Land of Counterpane in it. It's being read to a 3rd generation!
Sound and image very clear. Frankly I was so excited I waved at you as if you could see me. Was a great and welcome surprise.
Test one loud and clear, totally lucky sort off in these days Patti you can record all the way up north and in seconds we all over can see and hear the stories and songs with the mod equipment these days. When I was young it would take forever for something like this to reach downunder.Ta so much Patti for real time uploads 🌻💙🙃☕🌈 keep safe
all was great. just read in other comments that the video was reversed and i had been thinking it was so cool you had a book written in reverse - kind of like alice in wonderland or solo in i'm only sleeping :)
So fantastic. Thank you.
Crystal clear sound and image. Thanks for stopping by, itchy nose and all. xx
Feels like you just dropped by my house for a chat, it's lovely. Thank you Patti. X
Patti - this is perfect! Yes, the reverse of the letters - but all good.
I love this idea and would be thrilled to see more videos from you.
I love this idea and would be thrilled to see more videos from you.
I love seeing you (almost) in person. It's wonderful and warm. Sound and video quality is great. Can't wait to see more! Thank you!
Sound clear & good. Love the mildly mussed up covers on the bed. Lovely
The total experience now…seeing you! Sound is good, lightning is good, and you’re great!
Sound and image are great!
thankyou Patti! sound, light and you are all clear and beautiful
sound quality very clear and look is crisp!
All better than good technically. And good to see you. You made me smile x Jody
Yes next time sing! And probably everyone is telling you about the reverse effect 😳
It was fine.
You look beautiful, you sounded beautiful, you are BEAUTIFUL!
Thank You PATTI!
Sound was great ! Thanks and next time please sing !
Sound was great ! Thanks and next time please sing !
The image and audio are great. Such a terrific idea. Seeing your copy of Stevenson's collection made me smile. I dug mine out after listening to you read. My edition is a Big Golden Book published in 1963. The binding is broken and it smells like my childhood home's basement. Love it. Thanks so much for reminding me.
Hi Patti
Everything was really fine
Do not worry
We just love to see you anyway
Thank you for this Patti! Sound and look great!
As others have said, sound and vision perfect, though the image is mirrored so the text in the book was reversed. I'm sure all of us can live with that.
I could hear and see you clearly. Looking forward to more postings.
Excellent quality all around. And so generous of you. These small things that increase connectivity in these disparate times mean so much. Thank. You. Excited!
Sounds and looks great!
could be a little louder please...
Here's me...a gushing, blushing fangirl falling hard all over again for you, Patti. Love the video message.
All good
Sounds good and looks good, though it's a mirror image.
Perfect, Patti! Feels like we're sitting in the same room. It's always fun to get a glimpse of the backdrop too, a little peek into your world. Looking forward to more of your films!
Sounds very clear. Looks very clear too. All good! 👍
Just perfect, Patti!
Just perfect, Patti!
Dear dear Patti: the image was sharp, the sound was crisp, and the idea of your gentle countenance being beamed right up into the thermosphere, bouncing off some random satellite, and making its way back down into our living rooms is nothing if not comforting. It thrills me to say that you have now become a daily presence in my everyday life. Immeasurable thanks to thee, O Great Creatrix! ❤️🎸😎💋
Dear dear Patti: the image was sharp, the sound was crisp, and the idea of your gentle countenance being beamed right up into the thermosphere, bouncing off some random satellite, and making its way back down into our living rooms is nothing if not comforting. It thrills me to say that you have now become a daily presence in my everyday life. Immeasurable thanks to thee, O Great Creatrix! ❤️🎸😎💋
Dear dear Patti: the image was sharp, the sound was crisp, and the idea of your gentle countenance being beamed right up into the thermosphere, bouncing off some random satellite, and making its way back down into our living rooms is nothing if not comforting. It thrills me to say that you have now become a daily presence in my everyday life. Immeasurable thanks to thee, O Great Creatrix! ❤️🎸😎💋
looking great, sounding, 14 yr old me would have died dead to have this tech back in the day when i discovered your music.
You're comin' in strong. Keep it going. A breath of fresh air in a tattered existence. Mirrored or not.
Looks and sounds fine. No apologies for mess or whatever.
Your camera is great! Looks great, sounds great. ❣️
Looks and sounds fine. No apologies for mess or whatever.
Thank you for taking the time to do this. I would love to see you reading us poems and stories. Of course to hear you sing. It has a special savior to feel to be included in this sharing. It has something more intimate and less ego-crowded than Instagram. Although, I appreciate our efforts to spread something profound which we believe in by all means.
Just that the image was reversed (mirror selfie) - I think it’s an easy fix in post tho; otherwise, all is good 😊
I completely agree with all the positive comments made prior to my own, which is ‘BRAVA’ Bella! I love your format, the real, at home, relaxed you, the woman who is not afraid to be herself, ever, as none of us should be. In a world where superficiality too often rears it’s angry head, you are a breath of fresh air!!
Love the new technology I felt I was sitting across the table from you (the image is reversed so hard to read the book inscription) I look forward to seeing you again soon!
Lovely. In all possible ways!!!
So wonderful. I have a similar childhood poetry book, in similar condition, with my name inside the front. A cherished possession. Love this new technology, whatever it is. Clear picture and sound. Thank you.
Looks nice. One thing is that everything is reversed so the text in the book and titles etc is all like a Cocteau mirror.
Itchy nose but such beautifull long hands
Thanks so much Mrs Smith. We all love you so much. Silvia
Patti, you look and sound great! Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments with us. I feel so lucky.
Everything was perfect.
Perfetto, Patti. Ti sente e ti si vede perfettamente! Da tanti giorni ascolto in automobile Dream Of Life...e proprio ieri pensavo a quanto io possa ascoltarti e riascoltarti e riascoltarti sentendomi bene come...a casa. Un abbraccio, al prossimo test! Ps: quando sorridi sembri una bambina :)
All technical aspects are good to go. I love how your original idea for this has expanded and evolved.
As everyone else has already said, the technical parts of this video are excellent. I feel as though I have just met you and it has left me with a warm glow. This was a real treat! Would you ever consider some scholarships now and then for those of us who are unable to pay even if only for a short time?Thank you Patti, for sharing your life with us. xx
You look and sound beautiful Patti! I passed a letter to Jesse for you in Glasgow - I hope you got it okay! :)
The sound is great. The Ligh too. And you are what you are. A wonderful person.
Merci d être à mes côtés. Tous les livres que tu conseilles je les lis aussi
Je t aime aussi depuis mes 13 ans
Magnifique reportage sur toi sur la tv Arte France
Ann du pays de Rimbaud
It looks and sounds great!
All looks and sounds good! Lx
Sound and video are great. Sweetness! Thank you
The video and sound quality is superb!
I love you, Patti Smith. This made me smile.
Hi Patti, video and sound are very clear and you look great ❤️
Everything is great. The image is mirrored, so when you showed your book, the writing is reversed, but otherwise things are nice and crisp.
video and sound are great - love to see you
video and sound are great - love to see you
I love this video, Patti!! Thank you so much.
I love this video, Patti!! Thank you so much.
This is wonderful, Patti! To see you talking to me(and all the many other followers) is just a beautiful thing. It looks and sounds great. AND I have the same shirt! I love that you are experimenting with these new processes. Sending you love and affection from 3,000 miles and just six inches away on my screen....
Cheers to the new technology. Everything works perfectly.👏👏👏
Such a pleasant bit of cinéma vérité !
Honestly, everything you sent makes me smile and think.
Oh and btw: I never would've clocked you as a pink blanket kinda gal.
The light and colors were really nice natural and vibrant. Love the plaid shirt. The shirt. Sound was good. Will need to flip the video so not in selfish mood as the writting in the lovely book was backwards. Thanks Patti for these wonderful distractions.
Self ie not selfish arg spellcheck
It all works well , and it’s so great to see you.
Looks great. The lighting works, your voice sounds clear and the color looks authentic. It’s fun being able to
see you!
so very lovely seeing you in person (please keep them coming)
No one can be sweeter then you!! The audio was great for me!!! Much love ❤️
The letters in the book run from right to left... Otherwise fine.
You had a great idea! Sounds and looks perfect to me. Thank you for your messages. Have a wonderful day plenty of adventures.
Audio was clear and of sufficient volume. The visual was sharp and you looked wonderful in you plaid shirt.
Hello Patti ! Perfect 👍 ! To see you, is so nice. You’re so nice ❤️
such a lovely surprise to have a video today! the sound was great, and it is truly a JOY to see you xo ps looking forward to the BKLYN show next month
It's perfect! So looking forward to seeing you more!
Sounds and looks good!
The audio was perfect. Love you Patti. Greetings from Chile. Nicanor, Bolaño and Nona Fernández’s Land.
Great idea Patti! Looking forward to it. The video looks and sounds fine but the image is reversed so we couldn't read your lovely notes in the book.
audio was low, but maybe my pc, otherwise it was great. Please read an excerpt from Little Women sometime or your own little movie narrating Jo? You know what I'm getting at. I hope. Luv ya!