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I don't know what that was about. I just put on start, and then I realized I don't know what I'm going to say at all. I mean, sometimes I have a small inkling of what I'm going to say. Don't have one. So what will we talk about? Let me see if there's anything... Hmm.
Well, I have this poor little... I think I showed you him before. This poor little deer. Has three legs. But I was remembering... I don't know if I told you this, but... I... had to do a job in this town called Larme in Wales. And, oops, are you okay? Yeah, I'm okay. Okay. So,
and it had a very small little, you know, a very nice little chapel or some kind of meeting hall that I was gonna read in. But also the little boathouse where Dylan Thomas lived for a while and wrote. And it's very small. That was about enough for 30 people.
A small inkling
A perhaps redundant reminiscence
Dec 23, 2024
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Love you, Patti.
Dear Patti Smith,
I have a question: What advice would you offer to a young writer who has discovered a passion for writing and hopes to pursue it as a career?
Dearest Patti, I love your nothing to say.
Maybe next time you have nothing to say you could read us a bit of Uncle Wiggly ?
Warmest hugs from Poland, x
Thank you so much for this Patti!
I remember the first time I heard a very dear friend of mine tell me a story the second time. I admit, it’s something that used to annoy me about people, but I loved hearing it the first time, and if anything hearing it again made me love her more, because it was part of the connection to her which had become so dear to me (no deer involved).
That’s the first time I heard that story from you. And not the last I hope.
Happy new light Patti. May we all find the luck we need
Patti, you are constantly inspiring me. I really enjoy the ease you have in these videos. I wonder if you have a few words of wisdom for those who struggle with feeling motivated to do their creative work?
hi patti !!! love you to the moon <3
Patti, your name has been associated with a list of celebrities on Substack who wear a pin celebrating the lynching murder of 2 jews in Remallah. Is it true?
Here we are with you our beloved Patti ... Thank you so much for sharing ... you resonate with all of us who have hardly anything to say -- and still, something to say, something worth sharing ... probably because in our hearts and souls, in a small way, we are all 3-legged dogs and 3-legged fawns. ❤🐕🦌
Any time spent with you is precious Patti! 🐕
Really quite interesting stories , thanks for sharing Patti ! Love you as always ✌🏼🖤
Gosh, I do love your human way. Thank you for being there and just you. It matters 🙏🏽❤️
Thank you, Patti, for sharing your story and your photo of your beach with us. Both fill my heart with joy and gratitude. I sometimes dream of 3 legged dogs, as I had 2 dogs who lost a leg. They’re both gone now, over the rainbow bridge. It’s a special joy when they visit me in my dreams. 💕
Always a pleasure to listen and hope you are in good spirits! Many blessings
Dear Patti, Thank you for the photos of the beach. I love the beach in the winter.
My mom used to retell stories all the time. I loved it. It was like reading a book over again.
My neighbor has a 3 legged dog who trys to keep up with the other dog he lives with. He keeps up just fine and is so sweet.
May there be less suffering in the world. This I pray everyday. XO.
A gentle account and a reminder that we are here for a reason, and not to be a judge, but a pilgrim. Thank you Patti, for your kindness towards all. Peace.
That's beautiful.
Thank you Patti for thinking of us during this busy time. I’m coming in late to the conversation but I really wanted to say a very merry Christmas and a balanced New Year to all.
That’s what I believe the three legged dog signifies.
It means balance.
Harmony doesn’t come through perfection, it comes from accepting imperfection, within you and in the outside world.
I wish I had said that, I don’t know who did. I believe it though.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you had a merry Christmas Lisa. I also hope the new year is a balanced one for you.
Merry Christmas, Jayne. Actually, Christmas has come and gone but what the heck? I hope you had a good Christmas Day.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas yourself Jim.
Mine was like a season of some old soap opera but that’s normal. I remembered the words of a friend who said, “just relax, pretend you are watching from afar, and nothing can hurt you!”
🤣life is really silly sometimes.
Merry Christmas, Jayne. I love that "Harmony doesn’t come through perfection; it comes from accepting imperfection, within you and in the outside world."
Thank you Lee. I wish I knew who said it, I would like to thank them. Maybe it was someone who owned a three legged dog!
It was Brene Brown. I did a little detective work:)
Oh, Thank you Lee, I do respect her work.
Love the Rockaway Beach photo!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas,Happy New Year,and early Happy Birthday wishes,Patti. Thank you for always being you and brightening my world with your magical writing,art,and music all these years...
Sending love and thanks to you Patti and wishing a joyous Christmas to all ! I will listen to this post and indulge myself in all the wonderful comments as soon as time permits ! Stay safe everyone and keep hope in your hearts always . 🎄⭐️❤️
Merry Christmas Patti and Family🎅🧑🎄🌲🔔
Inkle on with your dreams and remembrances - we love you
Sending love and 3 legged dog luck on this lovely Christmas Eve.
Dear Robin, to hear you have been set another challenge is disheartening.
I believe you will find a way to turn it around to a better outcome. If anyone can do it, you can, I believe in you!🤗
I love you, Patti. You are good luck to us all. I think that stories only have life when they are told again and again. This one lives on. Happy almost birthday to you‼️
I absolutely LOVE the photo of Rockaway Beach. I wish I could take a stroll there for my walk on Christmas 🎄 Day.
Hi Patti, its Always nice to hear from you regardless of whether you have something
pre-planned, off the cuff or a spontaneuous chia pet stream of consciousness type of thing.
I do remember you mentioning three legged Animals in general on a fairly recent post (not a dogs specifically, I think) and them being Good Luck. I clearly remember that cause at the time we were thinking of adopting a three legged cat, which we were fortunate to do so and adopt this past weekend. I used your comment to garner support for this adoption with my wife and kids LOl! ;o) He's a cutie, about 7 months old, a real handsome little guy.
Take care and I hope you're having a great day!
Warm wishes to you and your family ;o)
Love the little deer! Love you sharing your life stories (and dreams). Have a beautiful Christmas - may good luck keep following you! Peace & Love - barb
Oh deer glad the little deer is alright. 😉 is the repetitive story telling genetic or a Jersey thing? My mother did the same thing. Even when I’d say she told the story before she’d keep going. Ok guess we’re hearing this again. I had not heard your story before either Patti thanks for sharing. Love hearing from you. Always make me smile. 😊
I’ve been to Dylan Thomas’ grave, too! Thank you for the three-legged dog story and the picture of your well. Merry Christmas Eve. Happy almost birthday! Yes, carry on…
I loved your story and especially that you ask animals before you take their photos. Not sure how many photos I have taken of sheep, goats and cows (particularly in the west of Ireland), but I always talk to them. However, I never ask them before taking their photo. Going to do that on my next visit. I miss cold, snowy-ish, empty beaches. Take care.
Thank you, Patti. May we all dream of a three-legged dog.
Dear Patti,
Thank you for a lovely reminiscence and reminding us to be thankful. I have a 3 legged white deer ornament too. Perhaps it’s the perfect metaphor for aging well. Carry on like a 3 legged dog going up and down. It was probably Dylan’s spirit wishing you well. Happy Birthday!!!
As always so enjoyable and calming to hear your thoughts! Made me want to go to Dylan Thomas boathouse... I've been to Wales, especially to the South, a lot in the past but the closest I'd been was the Gower Peninsula.
I love that you've had snow in New York. Lovely sunshine on the beach too! Cold and crisp and sunny is the best type of weather :-) (It was extremely windy here a few days ago, up to 60mph, but also very rainy and wet overall - no snow... I managed to go for a short walk and found a lone Christmas decorated bench in the storm. Wrapped with a few fairy lights and a silvery garland.)
Lots more good luck to you and every one!
Dear Patti, Thank you for sharing so freely and honestly.
When I was in college at University of Rhode Island, I was tasked with driving filmmaker Stan Brakhage around. I showed him my painting— an abstract black dog in a field of green and yellow, and layers of color.
I told him the title of the piece, and he said “i know that black dog.” I never asked him what he meant — just carried on with the driving.
Your dream life sounds so rich. And when I was younger, I used to say “i spend 1/3 of my life there”
Merry and white Christmas. I appreciate you
Thank you for your message Patti and your story about Dylan Tomas’ boathouse.
Two of my best friends live in Wales so I have spent a lot of time there over the years.
I remember going to see Dylan’s boathouse and walking along the stony, somewhat isolated path to get there with my husband and son, both of whom had zero interest in Dylan Thomas’s boathouse.
Anyway, when we got there it was shut, but we went through the little wooden gate and peered through the closed windows as a consolation. It was a nice walk and a perfect writing retreat by the lake.
I have a deer too, he still has all four legs but he’s very old, it belonged to my Mum. and his ears have worn a little over the years.
I do have two, three legged elephants though, who I apologise to whenever I happen to move them around the house, poor elephants.
We have no snow here but it looks very festive in your photographs.
Best wishes to you and everyone x
A girl I know has a three legged dog. She lives round the corner from my mum. When we met we really hit it off as she was friends with folk I know in the new traveller scene in Devon. She had a bad cold so was stand offish but when her dog saw me he was delighted, wagging his tale and snuffling into me. I am one of those folk dogs wander up to happily which reassures me I'm an ok sort of a person as animals have a sixth sense about these things. About 100 meters from this spot there is a quote written about six foot high in chalk. It must be quite fresh as it's not faded by rain.
"I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing, especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed.
Mary Oliver"
I was so delighted to see it as it's usually me that does this kind of thing. Not just the chalking but the writing and the singing at random and the poems. I hadn't heard the quote before and it meant a lot to me. I may not have many friends round here other than the animals but the person who wrote this would have been my friend I'm sure.
I went back to look at it closer up and there is a small sticker which has a picture of Nina Simone and the quote "We never talked about men or clothes. It was always Marx, Lenin, and revolution – real girl's talk.”
On the sticker is a QR code which directs you to Calton books, a radical book shop in Glasgow.
Last year I was attacked in Perth for trying to stick CND signs up in a manger where the nativity scene had been stolen. As It involved threats of violence to my family (the perpetrator said we'd be getting slashed) and the Police had refused to do anything it meant I had to leave town which unfortunately put me in further danger.
How ironic for me to return here and for there the Oswestry Knife Angel to be installed outside the City Hall museum this winter. The manger has been fenced off. The angel itself looks quite aggressive and this statement reminds me very much of a Benjamin Zephania poem.
‘The peace garden is opposite the War Memorial,’
Said the old soldier.
‘We had to fight to make peace
Back in the good old days.’
‘No, the War Memorial is opposite the peace garden,’
Said the old pacifist.
‘You’ve had so many wars to end all wars,
Still millions are dying from the wars you left behind.’
‘Look,’ said the old soldier.
‘You chickens stuck your peace garden
In front of our War Memorial to cause non-violent trouble.
This War Memorial is necessary,
It reminds us that people have died for our country.’
‘Look,’ said the old pacifist,
‘In the beginning was peace
And the peace was with God
And the peace was God,
This peace garden is unnecessary but
It reminds us that people want to live for our country."
People become divided even in their attempts to find their different versions of peace. People compete to be the one who achieved it. I know we will never find meaningful peace this way but I know I might find it within myself one day. I hope and pray for that at least.
Hiya Patti...I just saw your comment about the orange dog. My friends dog is orange and the thing is the past few days I've been spotting orange dogs outside shops and hoping it's my friends dog but realising it can't be as it's got four legs not three. Also apologies for the bad writing. I did mean I had bumped into her by the Mary Oliver quote a couple of days ago but I appeared to miss that out and I can't fix it now. Happy Belated Solstice, Merry Christmas and a peaceful new year.
Thank you all for your comments and patience with a twice told tale. Today (this is the absolute truth) a red three legged dog passed me on the street. I'm taking it as good luck and wishing the dog a long and happy life.
No Accidents. Beyond Luck. Other - Worldly & Quite Magical which we always can use. I’ve no doubt you’ve been a Shaman in the past. Saw you last year on 77, but if I miss your post or show ( ? ) Have a Wonderful Birthday in just a few days. 78 is a Powerful one. God Bless 🕊️
I had not heard the story before and it sounds like a crucial detail was omitted in the original telling. Thanks for bringing that; it seems fresh as a daisy to me.
And thank you for captioning your content.
I love this post
Intentioned as it was.
Dylan Thomas is truly a poet who would be sorely missed if he were to be forgotten. That may be only in Japan, though.
"Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines
by Dylan Thomas “
I love it when you open your Cabinet/Desk of Curiosities to tell us a story about them. You did tell the story about Dylan Thomas' town before but I think the details might have varied a little...or maybe I listened a little differently. The values of repeating a beloved story!
I so agree on this! A good story can never be told too often :-)
I do love the little three legged deer, and the story about the three legged doggy. (I knew one once, he got around town pretty well!) It's okay with me if you repeat a story, I do it too. I think we do it naturally, to tell it to ourselves again as a fond memory, and perhaps someone listening will be kind enough to listen again, or maybe someone will be there who hasn't heard it before! You never know! ;)
Good luck to you! Merry Christmas 🎄 Patti
Dear Patti, I was moved by your story of the little dog, Dylan Thomas, and the priest. I live by the seashore on Cape Cod, and a three-legged fox visits me almost every day. She is comfortable with humans in her proximity as several people in my town have befriended her to be a helping hand. I wish her good luck every day. It is hard being wildlife. Now I realize it is she who brings me luck simply by her presence. Elizabeth
Dear Patti, while you began your anecdote on the 3-legged dog, Rosie joined me and became totally fixated on you and stared and stared at you to the very end, turning her head a little bit this way and that, and I became fixated with her. Wait till you meet her; you will not forget her. Lots of love XXXGerard
Yesterday I took a photo of a seagull on the grass waiting for a piece of my lunch, and I thought about asking it: can I take your photo? But I didn’t. Thank you for this story, which frames asking as a small act of reverence for it’s life.
Also Patti - it s fine recognition to say today is the Winter Solstice - and tis the beginning of Capricorn - it was 12/20/1995 Winter Solstice and it was the rock grounded day that my Mom passed = fluttered to Spirit- and too young!@ I adore my Capricorn Mom and you Patti Smith - PAIX☮️
Your mesmerizing and sharing >>>>>Always brings PS the inkling to flow like smooth yumminess ❄️🎄⭐ Merry Holy Days
Such gorgeous photos, Patti, especially the one of the beach with the light coming through the magical clouds. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us. ❤️🌺
Nice story Patti, l enjoyed hearing from you!
Nice to hear your story Patti, lm a new subscriber! Thanks!
Welcome, Danny!
Thanks Mary
I found this in my mailbox last night when I got home from a Christmas dinner and listened to it before bed. Now, after a detour to finish my 100th Substack (on Xmas music), here I am. Well, after all that unnecessary explaining I had to comment on the three legged dog dream. I am in no way a master at these things, or even a great student of dream interpretation but for some reason an interpretation of sorts came to me.
To (try and) be brief...a three legged dogs presence in a dream can be symbolic of a feeling of vulnerability, loss or dealing with challenges you may feel ill equipped to deal with. Your response to the dog shows that you are up for the challenge(s) and embracing them.
The Preacher appeared unless you needed help or guidance and when he saw you so comfortable with the dog he left you alone with him (perhaps to think about what lay ahead) before taking him back.
That is what came to me immediately so I felt I had to tap it out on the keyboard:)
Okay, back to work here, but wishing you, your family and every one of the wonderful people here a very happy festive season!!
You have told that story before. But I enjoy repeats of stories. Well, interesting stories that is. This story is a good one! Keep on the lucky road to wherever it takes you. And may we all have lucky breaks now and again. Oh, and enjoy your upcoming Birthday! And, as Suzi and Janet and others are hoping for, Peace to us all this Christmas and throughout the new year!
Thank you, it was wonderful to travel all the way to Wales with you. Superlove from Detroit. --Marty C.
I dream of three headed dogs.
I hadn't heard the tale of the three legged welsh clergyman's dog, wonderful. Aren't dreams something though?
Stories such as yours only grow richer with each telling! Your tripedal deer seems to me a happy little symbol of luck and resilience.
You reminded me to read “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” today, which begins with the lines, “Years and years ago, when I was a boy, when there were wolves in Wales, and birds the colour of red flannel petticoats whisked past the harp-shaped hills…” Thank you for this little jewel of a visit.
Hope you're doing okay, Janet. Your quote from Thomas has inspired me to read A Child's Christmas sometime this season. Such beautiful language. Thanks for that.
You will love A Child’s Christmas, Jim. I’m doing okay! Today I feel lighter and brighter. The Winter Solstice is such a poignant time and of course when we are grieving the loss of loved ones it can feel so very dark. But reading Patti’s piece on Emily Brontë helped, as did a long evening walk under the city stars. I know from what you’ve shared here that you are no stranger to dark periods, and please know you are not alone. Your eloquent writing, and particularly your ability to articulate your deep understanding of Patti’s poems, is a gift to all of us. Of course the dark days take their toll. But oh, the light that shines forth, in spite of them! Happy holidays, Jim. Take good care of yourself.
Thanks for your kind words, Janet. I'm feeling good these days. It was nice to hear that you're feeling 'lighter and brighter'.
I will be reading A Child's Christmas tomorrow morning. I am very grateful, once again, for your inspiration. May your holiday be even lighter and brighter. And take good care.
I love the tiny voice of the three-legged deer! God bless you, Patti. You’re full of Light.
Patti- I love this unplanned story. I also have a little three legged deer and my sister has a three legged dog. I will forever connect them to your telling of the dream and the visit to Dylan Thomas’ gravesite. And yes how on earth can we complain when so many are suffering. It’s all perspective.
Thank you for this story and the photos. That of the shore in winter is just wonderful 🙂. Warm whishes to all
Nowadays somewhere within a conversation with a friend I'll say "Maybe I've already told you this...". Some stories are worth repeating, especially since memory doesn't always serve me well.
So please - keep retelling. The clouds in the picture of the winter sky at Rockaway look as if you
could grab hold of them they appear so low. Beautiful shot. Happy to see the wishing well, too.
I don't remember you telling the story, but I do remember reading how you came upon it.
So this is Christmas...(we know the words) - I'm heading out to deliver some baked goodies and
if time allows get a couple of swags made for the porch posts. I did get a large wreath made for
outside. The practicalities of the day to day take more time than they used to. That said, I better
keep moving. Ever grateful for this past year with you and this community. Wishing you and yours a beautiful Christmas and a year filled with all that is good. Peace to all.
Yes, peace to us all ☮️
Peace to you too, Suzi. Reading these comments is like spending the season with friends. Take good care.
I’m so grateful for this community, too, Suzi. Thanks for the reminder. Peace to you, as well.
"There are degrees of happiness.
You go from one to the other and then back again.
It's hard to be completely happy when those around us are suffering and groaning from hunger..."
- Bob Dylan
I am new to this substack and just found Patti's wonderful story. Moments before, I woke up out of a dream of a colony of young rabbits, each with its front left paw bandaged.
Thanks for the visit Patti. I loved your mention of Dylan Thomas one of my lifelong favorite poets starting when I was in high school. I've always wanted to visit Laugharne and hopefully will. I have spent many a day and evening in one of those rough wooden booths in back at the White Horse looking up at his picture and just channeling and absorbing him. It alway felt very cozy. Have not been there for a while except for once during covid in the little vine covered outdoor space they built, but hopefully, now that i've been reminded of it, I will get back there soon. Anyway, (sometimes like you, I digress) what a pleasure sharing some time with you.
I loved your three-legged dog story but where did you get the three-legged deer? I’m sure there’s an interesting story about him too! Merry Christmas to you and your photos were beautiful. Sending you blessings for the New Year
Thank you Patti.I do love your voice and all your stories
Love and blessings from Sweden
Your three-legged deer figure reminds me of the 'island of misfits' in the classic Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer' animation, on which atypical, broken and nonconforming toys live. It's a lesson for holiday celebrants of all ages to accept, encourage and love everyone, including those who appear, believe and speak differently than one does.
and love the title of this message- inkling is such a greatly underestimated word. 💜
Dear Patti- I vividly remember your first telling of the dream - it was particularly enthralling and hearing your re-telling this evening is perfect proof there is true virtue in the spiralling journey of the never-ending story-telling... a whole other dimension was opened, with different, mystical details which you chose to share this time. It certainly has the atmosphere of the dream of the seer, and then to actually encounter- conjur, the dog in real life. All while tenderly holding your three-legged deer in your hand. I am happy you have re-invoked this dream.. and the forests of Merlin - the strange magic of Wales- a place I can now say I have visited, and adored.
And thank you for the stunning winter photographs. The brave, leafless little tree, in the white wilds of Rockaway, dreaming the greenness of Spring.
A welcome and almost unbelievable counterpoint to the hissing summer of Australia.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing good luck and good wishes, and for affirming the need for us all to keep going forward, and never ever to leave our brothers and sisters behind.
Black blessing🖤
Of course, you are going to ask permission of all animals before taking a photo. And hope for luck from the 3 legged deer and wish luck for the deer, too. Thank you, Patti, for these small, important lessons.
Also so heartened and informed by Patti’s asking permission of the animals she photographs. I ask plants before I pick them but will now ask all our animal earth dwellers too.
Good story. In my mother‘s later years when she repeated a story, I remember deciding not to tell her I’d heard it before. It seemed an unkindness. Now I can’t remember if I’ve told a story before or not or if I’ve told it to the same person more than once, but I’ve noticed my older friends never remind me that they’ve heard it. The younger ones do with just a touch of impatience. It makes me laugh because someday it will be their turn.
Any chance of doing a book signing next month when you come to Brasil?
Another Sunday evening with Patti, the first being at the Bottom Line in December 1975, forty-nine years ago. The Dylan Thomas gravesite visit story is appreciated from another admirer of his.
Dear Patti, your small inkling put a smile on my face. A bright good start for my day, week and winter. Thank you! Thanks also for sharing this stunning view of the ocean. A beautiful light, I love the sea shore in Winter, or the sea of the Far North, the light so clear and timid at the same time, a sense of levity. One can really breathe. The backyard of your Alamo is especially beautiful covered with snow. It looks all so quiet. And the little wishing well is dreaming of peace, I’m sure. An inspirational source also for your neighbors. Oh, how wish I could be one of your neighbors…I'd make spaghetti for you!
Your “perhaps redundant reminiscence” brings to my mind a redundant happy reminiscence of mine... This is the last time, I promise. Last year, on New Year’s Eve I made this little wish for the new year, that was to be able to attend one more concert of yours. It went so well that it was fulfilled twice, truthfully three over one year, considering the one you had just held here last December. And then there was another one streamed live on the radio from Lyon in June that you kindly linked us. Four in total. Awesome. The cherry on the top was bumping into you in the street downtown Granada and your appreciation of my PHTP t-shirt. This will mean nothing to you, but it did mean the world to me. I was there for you and the concert, and there you were, just like that. I took it as a sign, one among a few others, not many but all curiously pivotal, I was fortunate enough to come across and recognize in my life.
I’m so happy for you that you are near the finishing line of your work and look forward to having it in my hands. I’m currently reading Year of the Monkey, I’m totally intrigued by your technique of merging dream and reality. It would be exciting if you could tell us something about it. And delightful to have one excerpt read from you, whatever you are willing to. If I’m allowed to ask … Black Butterflies. As far as I am concerned, my journey with you and this wonderful community has just started. I wish everyone here, old and new friends, the same deep and curious joy I feel each time you stop by to say hello with apparently nothing to say. I wish you a bright new day, Patti. 💛🕊️
Dear Anna, I have always had a wish to sit on Patti’s front steps with her while we enjoy a cherry pie I’d made for her. So you make the spaghetti and I’ll bring the pies!!
Much love to you and to everyone in this extraordinarily kind and caring community, especially Patti. 🌺🌺🌺
Oh that would be great, Mary Ann!!🤗 I may dream of it tonight ✨ who knows... 💫 Much love to you and to our nice neighborhood here, and to our dear Patti. 💖
This is the first time I heard this story,& my response is if it IS a repeat, then I may not be paying close enough attention !........with Ornette & his musicians & other jazz guys expats
here in Paris it was kinda a sin to repeat (permutations was the goto with these fellas, I
was the mascot girl) but Gathas & hymns & prayers so comfort me now & this felt like that........
I’ve also inherited the retelling gene from my mother and enjoy your stories as perhaps the retelling is like a nearly finished painting that could use a dab of this colour or that so it doesn’t fade and always stays bright and true to its original. Blessings to you and all this season where blessings are especially needed to get through such wintery days. 💖
Thanks for telling the story again, Patti! It was the first time hearing it for me anyway, and I expect a few others. My mom does the same thing, but as I get older I find it's something to be grateful for, because I remember them at those times that they become relevant to my own life and experience. (She really does have some good stories; once I get my own 'stack going, I'd like to record her telling them and share them. That, and get my dad to talk about his paintings.)
Dreams are a powerful aspect of life; I've had a few unusual ones in my life--like dreaming about snow on the night of the Solstice even though we never get snow here!
And speaking of good luck, I found a copy of 'Just Kids' in a local bookstore just yesterday and snapped it up; it'll be the first of your books that I have the pleasure of reading.
A warm winter to you, Patti, and to all! The sun is on its way back!
Oh, and a happy birthday to Mr Ralph Fiennes! I've admired his work since 'Quiz Show' and he's done a lot of good work since.
Merci Patti pour ces photos !
Chère Patti j ai pas tout compris mais j aime le timbre de ta voix et tes histoires véritables.
Mes meilleurs vœux de cette fin d’année à toi et ta famille
Dear Patti you can appear on my screen and say hello anytime. It’s just nice to have you here and l never mind a repeated story ( I’m also guilty of that )and l love the three legged deer and the Dylan Thomas one with the three legged dog is always welcome.
Beautiful photos and the well looks fabulous in the snow, quite magical! Have a restful and peaceful xmas . Much love from London 🙏
Precious Patti Smith, you embody St. Francis in the way you are with animals. I felt sorry for your little deer until I was transported back to winters at my family’s country house in New Hampshire. There I played in the snow with our neighbor’s three legged German Shepherd. The dog loved life and played vigorously as any life loving dog would do
The photo of the beach is masterful. A perfect source for Advent reflection. The lines of perspective, lighting and solitude all demand reflection
Bless you for remembering the suffering of others
What a beautiful idea, Suzanne, to mention the photo of the beach as a subject for Advent contemplation.
Yes Suzanne! And when Patti mentioned the suffering of others, I couldn't help but think of all the poor homeless animals, the factory farm animals, the wild animals too. May all sentient beings be free from suffering. Peace and Love to All.
I had the same thoughts, Marilyn, about all the animals. Patti read a poem to us once on that subject. It was called “The Bells of Heaven”. I join you in wishing all sentient beings freedom from suffering. Peace and Love to you, as well.
When you were paused at the beginning then like a surprise said hello it made me laugh! I remember you telling about the dream of the dog but not that you met a tripod pup the next day. Great story.
Thank you for this impromptu message, Patti.
I just got off of work and it was good to get away from the stresses of the holiday bustle. And to be carried off to Wales.
It had to be good luck to dream of a three legged dog, and then to conjure him whilst making a pilgrimage to Dylan Thomas's grave in the forest of Merlin. I have a Welsh friend who would love that story.
Thanks again for the visit and a very happy birthday to Ralph Fiennes...
And most importantly happy holidays to you and the wonderful Family Smith.
Good night from chilly Detroit...
Thank you, Patti✨
Dear Patti...Sure wish you were my neighbor so we could get together over a cuppa and tell stories no matter how many times. LOL...I also repeat stories (maybe genetic too) yet some stories need to be told for ourselves I believe to integrate experiences in our lives and others to learn from. No matter how you say it, the important thing is to say it and say it often. We need compassion, kindness and love now more than ever. Someone left a CBS greeting farther down in the comments and I'd like to leave another (Thanks to Nikki) : are my international amity and goodwill friend. May you and everyone here find a wonder-filled holiday season and let us look to a hopeful New Year!
Thank you for the clip! Love.
Your oral histories are precious. It is important to share stories. Thank you for sharing the luck of the three legged reindeer. 🕊💙📚🎶
I love your inklings, Patti! Enjoy your birthday and the holidays! Grateful for you.
I have thought about the repetition of stories that you mentioned here. I had a friend when I worked for the USPS - OIG named Cornelia, who would repeat stories, but I got a kick out of them every time, partly because I could see that she was reliving them. It gave her so much pleasure to feel what she had many years before, that it also gave me pleasure. Keep telling your stories and don’t worry about the fact that you may have told one before. I can tell by the comments that I am not the only one who enjoys them, even though previously told.
Kathy. I am touched by the fact of you realizing that the storyteller is reliving the story in the retelling— especially as it indicates a profound listening. When people tell us their stories, they are letting us know what is important to them, what matters. Thus, it is a gift to listen, and to tell. For me, it eases loneliness when it is present, and the encounter offers friendship, even if only for the moment.
Thank you.
Thank you Sandra. It is nice to find like minded people.
Thank you for your well wishes and for your splendid story 🙏
Much love - thank you so much for the stories. Have a wonderful Christmas and birthday!
Thank you. ❤
11th Street & A
Caught the Model Citizens and Urban Verbs
In CBGBs, February 1979. Walked thru Warhol's
Shadows the next day, towards
The slushy Silver Factory.
Over a year later, a foreign cab driver
Took my money, didn't understand me.
The Kenneth Rexroth suits
Of Reckless Eric McSorley’s
I love listening to you . So special , reflective and helps me to appreciate the little things in life . Thank you Patti!
Happy holidays Patti!💫
Glad you’re coming to Switzerland this summer I will come and listen to you
It’s interesting that amongst indigenous peeps around the world stories are for repeating, and kids in particular want to hear the same stories over and over…Patti, I love you telling anything over and over. I love that I landed on this Earth within the same time frames as you did…inspiring and comforting, both! All and everything.
Amazing story. It is so nice hearing it from you. Merry Christmas Patti. Big hugs from Greece
The Atlantic and Rockaway, my first ocean and first beach. Was visiting my Uncle in the city from Missouri. Now I live near the Pacific, a few miles North of Rockaway Beach in Oregon.
Dear Patti. I can certainly understand why so many people all over the world love you. You are always the best of the best, the friend we always want to drop in for tea and just chat about anything. You lift us up and make us thankful that you’ve welcomed us to your world. Somehow, you make us feel everything will be bright each morning when we rise.
Thank you for the message, Patti. I love that your mother was undaunted upon being told she was repeating a story. She was right. Wallace Stevens said, “The poem is the cry of its occasion,” and the same could be said about the story, told orally. Each telling is its own occasion.
Your story of the three-legged dog is such a good one. I’m grateful to hear it again.
Thank you for the lovely photos. The little antique well is beautiful. Thank you for showing us.
I received bad medical news and am trying to absorb it. Your presence, Patti, and all the voices herein are comforting.
Wishing everyone good night, good morning, good midday.
With warmth and gratitude, always,
Just reread the comments of some posts here and wish you all the best for your health! All good wishes, inspiration and above all freedom! Happy New Year!
Thank you for your good wishes, Philipp. I wish the same for you.
Thank you, Robin!
O so sorry to hear of your news . Wish you all best as you deal with it Keeping good thoughts for you Robin take care ✌🏼🩵
Praying for you, Robin.
Thank you, Lisa. I really appreciate it. Warmest wishes to you.
I am sorry for your difficult news, Robin, and wish for help and comfort for you both in body and in spirit.
Thank you so much, Robin. I greatly appreciate your kindness and good wishes. Wishing you happy holidays.
Wishing you the very best Robin:)
Thank you so much, dear Lee. Warm wishes to you and Rico.
Hold on to all that is good, Robin. Wishing you strength and resilience to weather the
bad news. Warm be well wishes for you from the holler...and as always, mind how you go.
Thank you, Suzi. I’m grateful for you, for every mind how you go, and I bid you the same.
Sorry to hear about bad medical news Robin. Warm wishes and comfort to you
Thank you so much, Dora. I’m very grateful for your kindness.
Sending you strength and courage, and as always gratitude for your sensitive and illuminating commentary. Stay strong, Robin. And take gentle care of yourself.
Thank you so much, Janet. I truly appreciate your warmth and kindness.
So sorry to hear you’ve received bad medical news. Sending love and good wishes to you.
Thank you so much, Claire. I truly appreciate your love and good wishes and send the same to you.
Sending kind thoughts your way Robin 💜
Thank you so much, Jill. All the best to you.
sending you blessings Robin, so sorry about the medical news. You have a really special way of fitting appropriate poetic texts to patti's posts, it's beautiful. “The poem is the cry of its occasion,” wow.
I’m so glad that Stevens’s words resonate for you, urvashi. Thank you for letting me know. With warmth, always.
I'm so sorry to hear this, dear Robin. You are in my thoughts, as always. Sending you a dear and warm hug. And a ray of light 💫💕💕
Thank you so much, Anna. Your warmth and a ray of light are fortifying.
Sending love and big hugs to you 🙏
Thank you so much, Annie. Wishing you all the best.
I love that Stevens quote, Robin. So sorry to hear about the bad medical news. As always, you are in my thoughts and I wish you nothing but the best.
Thank you, Jim. I really appreciate it. Wishing all the best to you too.
As ever,
Hmm...maybe go gently into the night......Music by Parra for Cuva / Belle de Nuit^^
^..^ Rage into the night.
Patti, your stories are so good. Thanks for the three-legged tales. I will sleep on them, rocking away…
Patti, is that the same wishing well that you and Jesse saw in the antique store a while ago? Just wondering 🤔
I love the childlike magic it offers in the yard. All magical moments of childhood—from secret gardens to wishing wells—must be preserved…
and I sense that you had a wonderful magical childhood.
Yes it is the well. So nice of you to remember.
Thank you, Patti. I know you are a December baby, too. Powerful time of year!
I love you so much. Merry Christmas. xo 🌲
Thank you, and a good season to you.
An off shore wind.....Oh deer here is a spell to restore your leg^^
Just love ya Patti!
Patti, instead of non living disabled animals, please help real animals that need support, please contribute to farm sanctuary and so many others.
humans have a special bond with dogs. 🐶 three and four legged.
That’s for sure.
Yes, we hardly have the right to complain about anything. Thank you
Cheeks so rosy and filled with comfort
I love this! Thank you. sweet! Thank you for posting this. It was my first time watching it. Right back at ya...
The mystic ' are dreams gateways crossroads where messengers impart ' portents and goodwill? X
Seasons greetings Patti. It's always a pleasure to hear the little memory stories, whether repeated or a cozy friend dropping by.
Tell us about the little deer that is so precious to you.
Wishing you well and Merry Christmas.
Thank you for your company tonight, Patti. We are all that 3-legged deer:)
Beautiful picture of the beach and sky! I also was thinking about how lucky I am. It snowed here, 6-inches. feeling unhappy that the snow removal service hadn't come by until 9 pm, but, at least I didn't have to go out since I work from home. Better off than what most go through. I'm glad you stopped by to say hello tonight 💞
I really enjoy your impromptu stories Patti ! Good Health, and continued good luck!
happy dreams... 🌙💫
Can't believe your nearly 78 Patti, but then again I can't believe I'm already 65. Much love Patti Your my hero or should I say heroine ? ❤️
Thank you son much dear Patti. We're lucky enough, such a good reminder. Loved your story. Big hug from this argentinean in Brazil.
Hello Patti,
I love that image of your wishing well in Rockway and the snowy landscape! I hope my little garden I will be making in my new home in New Orleans has a little charm such as this.
Hope your Holidays are filled with warmth and good thoughts and strong coffee on a cold morning! My best to you.
Good to hear you. 💜 Peace to you & aLL
And to you.
Merry Christmas!
We are indeed lucky to have warm homes on these cold days.
Where did you find your 3-legged deer?
3-legged dogs often have great spirit and determination. 🐾❄️🎄❤️
How comforting with your story and wonderful sense of humor and compassion! Happy Holidays. Rockaway pics are always beautiful. I am sorry but every time you say Rockaway I think about the Ramones song Rockaway Beach (not a bad thing, eh?). Your Rockaway is a peaceful place and kudos for enjoying all four seasons. Yes Sol, the deer! I love that too! Patti, thank you for answering for the deer in the deery little voice. To everyone, Happy Holidays from Mpls, MN.
“In the deery little voice” is itself so dear. Thank you.
I feel as if we are all 3 legged dogs in some way. Yes, we must keep going…Thanks, as always, Patti. May you enjoy the holidays (especially your birthday!🎂)! Be well. Greetings to your family. ✌️🌹🥂
I agree that we are all three-legged dogs, keeping going on. Best wishes to you, Al.
You told us the story of the three-legged dog, including your dream the night before, back in May of this year. You also mentioned that your mother repeated stories but they were 'always riveting'. I think we can say the same about yours. Great tales grow with each telling. It's such a pleasure to have you drop in and share a memory with us.
I was thinking about you yesterday, telling a dear artist friend to get “Just Kids”. She’s already deep into the audiobook, the tales themselves and how you tell them. So it felt happy to see you tonight and hear the three-legged dogs story. You didn’t know what you were going to say, but there it waited. For you, and for us. Thank you for trusting. 🌞
Thank you for the post. I meant to get tickets to see you in São Paulo but they sold out so fast. Merry Christmas Patti!
Hi Patti! Just saying hi to everyone myself. ✅💙
Lovely post today, thank you. I had not thought of this prior as I’d always simply imagined you were out shooting Polaroid, but are you? What is your primary camera on hand these days?
hi Patti!!!! you are just so sweet, talking to the little deer, i love that. i am so excited to see you in a month in Buenos Aires! so glad i get to be in your presence. sending love and good luck your way xx
Happy Christmas, and may your luck spread to all of us.
Thank you. Much love from snowy and cold Quebec City.
Lovely, the story, the three legged dog. I think of Dylan Thomas's Portrait of the Artist As A Young Dog. Laugharne, a magical place.
Thanks Patti, nothing like spontanaity! stunning photos and lovely sweet sharings.. happy birthday Ralf, I was a runner on one of his films many years ago!
That’s so cool, Urvashi! What film was it?
Hello Janet! It was called the End of the Affair, about 20 years ago or more! It was made at Shepperton Studios near London - Ralf Fiennes and Julianne Moore were the main parts, directed by Neil Jordan!
Oh, I saw it when it came out! A beautiful and haunting film. I often think of it. What an amazing experience it must have been, working on the set! Thanks for sharing.
Gladiator was being made at the same time and I remember sharing a lot of taxis from the train station to the studio with fully clad gladiators! not sure why they were in costume but it was fun! Sleepy Hollow was also being made at the same time and I used to sneak into as many of the studio sets as possible when no one was looking!! Magical!
Oh, I saw it when it first came out! It was a beautiful and haunting film. I still think of it. What an amazing experience working on the set must have been for you! Thank you for sharing.
Good luck 🤞🏽
Happy holidays to all. May conditions at least start to improve in 2025.
Merry Christmas, Patti. A Hug from Mexico!