
Thank you !

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Beautiful! How thoughtful of you ... this was wonderful to see! x

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Words fail me now

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So cool, can you trust us your favourite poem?

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My wife, who was a friend of Maurice Sendak, once procured a copy of this death mask for him. He was a huge fan of Keats. My wife had visited the Keats House and photographed the death mask; she showed the photo to Mr. Sendak, who kvelled over it and said he'd love to have a copy--whereupon the very next day my wife contacted the Keats House and arranged to have a copy made and sent to her. Sendak was delighted. He used to hide the mask in his guestroom bed so that, when guests turned back the covers, they'd be startled by it.

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What a great surprise to see this photo was taken by an old friend and colleague. Thank you for posting.❤️🙏❤️

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Here is a thank you note for encouraging me to read 'A Year of Magical Thinking'.

Joan Didion:

We did not See,

How the Glaciers,

Cut through the Mountains.

Nor how the Sun,

Scorched the Sea

Bed over Time.

We didn't See

How the Ocean,

Shaped the

Cliff Edges.

Nor How it

Sliced Great

Continents Apart.

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Thank you Patti! I appreciate your insight and thoughtfulness in your work and inspirations. I’m grateful you are here and here with us. Happy Year of the Rabbit!

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Just like he’s sleeping

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So strange to look at the face of Keats who looks peaceful in sleep yet he left us so long ago 🙏

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Hello Patti, Hope you had a great night too.

Sorry Patti, my question is not related to your post : Your 2023 tour currently mentions the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and Germany.

Can we hope for a trip to France?

We love you Patti ❤️

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interesting quote

want to read him now

thank you so much

sweet dreams to you and Cairo

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Very human. Thank you 🙏

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I hear his name and read his work and picture the greatness of who he was. Then I see his death mask and am reminded that he was just a boy who also happened to be a vessel for fantastic muses. So young.

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