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Hello, everybody. It's Thursday evening. Actually, I was going to turn in. Excuse me. But I wanted to stay awake a little longer because I have a job tomorrow. Yeah, I don't want to get sleepy early because I've been on a really early schedule. And so I don't have anything specific. I mean,
I could have finished the Coral Sea for my subscribers, but wasn't the right, I don't know, not quite right. But I did have something to show you because I think you'll like this. So I'm very fortunate to have my books published in many languages. And among my publishers, I have a Chinese publisher and
They do exquisite books and I wanted to show you. This is Book of Days and it's in a little box. See, there's the one side of it, the box, and look at the other. Isn't that nice? So Cairo is now gracing the box of the Book of Days in China.
A quick late night visit
Joan Baez and Cairo in China
May 03, 2024
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This is a perfect moment to finally listen to this May 3 post. First, it’s a Thursday, coincidentally, second it is late at night - midnight, and third I just got my ticket (& signed book by Joan Baez) to see her in conversation at Sixhth & I street Synagogue. The same place where I have seen you the last time, with Lenny . Now I can sleep. That was a nice moment.
such a lovely 'stopping by'...some sweet and beautiful moments shared...
Lovely to see your beautiful book, precious Cairo, and Jerry. Thank you Patti.
Dear Patti, Thank you for stopping by!!! Good to see you... as always.
How wonderful to see Cairo's beautiful face. I love that she is on the back cover of your book of days.
Thank you for sharing a few poems from Joan's book. XO
Nice mug with Jerry’s mug on it❤️
So good to see the China version of the book has Cairo too - and such a beautifully done book, with the box and ribbon and the cover surface/imprint (it shows on the video). I'll send this video to a friend who lives in China and loves cats too!
Thanks for all your sharings : feelings, words, trips, photos & images, thoughts, and kind moments, I did appreciate those months of walk in your company and people who matter to you, and other readers in comments too; I cant continue with the registration, but I remain registered as free subscriver and will continue to follow your adventures, and perhaps come back somtimes by monthly; I wish you and all a beautiful and long journey and thank you for being so true to yourself and what you believe/love ;) you reach out always^^
Thank you, what a wonderful edition <3
thanks 🙏🏻 🫀
You are right, we do love to see Cairo...well I do at least. And yes, the time will come to read more of The Coral Sea. Schedules are quite nice as long as they don't end up scheduling things too much, a little bit of schedule goes a long way. Just stopping by is a wonderful thing.
Why does it seem SO PERSONAL? I feel like you reach beyond — and speak to me. Thank you! ALSO, kudos to Cairo.
you are such a dear.....
Please don’t apologize for appearing to be scowling. Your words are gentle and your readings and messages are heartwarming. I love seeing your book in Chinese (with Cairo on the box cover.). I can always count on you to be you.
I LOVE Cairo's picture on the back of my copy!❤️
Beautiful edition of your lovely Book of Days. I love the photo of you and Cairo on the Nov 15th page, you can feel the closeness and adoration you felt for each other in the picture.
Wow. Some very heavy lines in Joan’s poem. Crushing. Patti please get yourself another Cairo. !
Speaking of poetry…the poem that you read last night at the Soundwalk Collective show at BAM was absolutely beautiful. I am assuming it was an original work? I would love it if you would post a picture of it. Such a moving performance. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Patti, isn't it such a comfort to know that Cairo's ninr lives allow her to travel the spheres and appear to us when she chooses? The Book of Days was obviously her latest place of choice to join us all. . . Maybe her way of letting us know she's always close by. I wonder where she's heading next...X Much love to you always X
Cairo's sitting poses are intelligent and adorable.The book below that is Federico Garcia Lorca's In Search of Duende, which might make too much sense.
Nice photo taken by Patti on Polaroid.
What a unique and very nice version of your book Patti! Joan's book of poems will be the next one on my list to get.
Love the Chinese publication of A Book Of Days, it's beautiful.
The inscrutable Chinese that publication looks perfect, especially with a little ribbon. And that cat, Cairo, please film Cairo, I wouldn’t be too surprised if Cairo can speak, not just Cat language - poem for Judy, (with you when you read my mind automatically goes to little movies) so, I buried my face in my hands is wonderfully powerful followed by the ‘and you buried your son in the ground/earth’ such a tiny little fragment of expressive hands doing difficult tasks, tragic tasks. Keep going soooo much better than international events. I wanted to come to America to see a Lama but wow, it really is heating up over there - when I read your subscribers comments, their contributions, sweet natures, makes wonder what is real but that is a huge topic -
A little late here ..busy week to Spring cleaning.. out with what is no longer useful ..clearing space for new adventures and beginnings….thank you for sharing Joan’s words and what a lovely edition of your book..and yes, Cairo on the cover..I am a relatively new cat “Mom”.. to two beautiful ginger cats…. that adopted me as I say..❤️❤️❤️Happy Weekend..
I think that would be a great version to have even if you don’t know Chinese.
I’m currently painting a small portrait of you and Cairo. I hope I can get it to you some day (not sure how). Good night!
Good work Patti! Just a voice // ... sharing.
Aw-w-w, there's that precious beautiful Cairo looking dazzling, right where she should be alongside her beloved Patti. The Chinese did your book justice didn't they! I want to trade my American version for that one! It's shockingly gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing with us, Patti, and also Joan's book and Jerry's mug…..sending love to all….xoxo
I love the photograph of Cairo with his beautiful almond shaped face. Miss him. ❤️
how u find the time for everything I know you do in a day inspires me to 'buck up' and and not only get more work done but to remember to make time each day to communicate with those who desire to hear from us. xox
Thank you for “stopping by” Patti 🥰 it’s always nice to see you. Some time ago, I saw your Book of Days in a bookshop and HAD to snap it up! I love it. It doesn’t have a ribbon (it’s a UK edition) so I am using a postcard of a Linocut of a Siamese cat by Enid Marx called ‘Feline Phantasy’ instead. 😻 sweet dreams and thanks again for being so thoughtful and kind.
A very nice looking volume!
My english version of a book of days has also cairo in it!!!!!!
I feel so uplifted by your sharing all these little treasures with us Patti. Thank you so much ❤
Thank you for your lovely words.
What fun encounter. Love Cairo on the box. A great honor to Cairo and you Patti. Congrats!
What a wonderful thing to listen to you before bed, your calm voice and the poems and your Chinese book. Thank you.
Hi Patti. I'm here late. I was out last night to see Robyn Hitchcock perform. Excellent, of course.
I don't know when the "Judy" poem was written, but it may have been for Judy Collins, who in 1992 lost her son Clark Taylor to suicide. Incredibly sad.
Thank you for showing the beautiful package of Book of Days. Great picture of Cairo too!
Thank you so much.It's like planting the seed of a topic through books.
In May 1968, the Grateful Dead played at an SDS-sponsored protest rally at Columbia University, performing Cold Rain and Snow, The Eleven ,and several other songs.
This is the episode that the movie "Strawberry Statement" didn't cover
Power to the peaceful.
"Grateful Dead - 05-03-1968 Columbia U. (video)" The Eleven ,The Others.Improvisation enters.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this video. Historic!
Awww thanks for showing us the beautiful Cairo Box... It is truly impressive.
And thanks for the Joan Baez reading - incredible poetry - she and her sister Mimi and Richard Fariña have been on my mind a lot lately.
I had a full conversation today with my students about cats - one from Russia, another Moldova, a third Estonia - cats are international and set sparks x
The Chinese edition of "A Book of Days" looks stunning. Cheers to Jerry Garcia on your mug ❤️
Remembering sweet Cairo. I miss her in your lap as she so often was.
You suit those colours.
Hi Patti, thank you for all you share. Would you mind telling me the name of your Chinese publisher? I'm planning a book of photos this year that would benefit from such gorgeous design and printing.
We saw Patti play a couple of times! She’s great!
I do astrology charts too!
Love from China
Hope I could soon find one edition in bookstores
Thank you for sharing this with us, Patti. The Cairo Box uplifts my spirits beyond words.
Hello to you dear one, and thanks for checking in to share your gifts with us.
That book really is exquisite. The box and how it’s embossed, both artful. It looks like it would feel good to hold. and the ribbon. Wow! Such a thoughtful and purposeful touch. The way they designed everything is the quintessence of your book.
I actually have The Book of Days on my library app. It’s so cool. I look at it regularly and see what’s up for the day. But of course because it’s borrowed it is temporarily mine, impermanence,the essence of life.
Hope your gig goes well and you are feeling good for it. As I tell my husband as he goes to work each night, sometimes tired and reluctantly, you’ll get your second wind once you’re on stage. He works as a sideman here in memphis. He’s plays the saxophone. And it’s not easy going to work at night. But he loves being a side man. He says it’s the best musician job.
One day if you’re in memphis for some reason check him out at BB kings on Beale St. let me know you’re coming and we can fix y’all some delicious food. He’s a wizard in the kitchen.
Anyway, lots of love and happiness 🥰🌿👋
Even your "scowl" is good news.
I just read that in ancient Chinese lore, the gods appointed cats to rule the world. But they weren’t interested. Precious Cairo, a true goddess 💛
Magnificent! 🐈wisdom!
I cannot resist a ribbon either, and often wish my copies of A Book of Days had one. I improvise by finding beautiful ribbons myself and placing each reverently ❤️
Patti, you are so busy, but if possible try to experience the Kathe Kollwitz exhibit at MoMA. I couldn’t help but think of you while I was there, exploring her deeply moving artwork.
Be well !
I did not know there was a Kathe K. exhibit at MoMA. Thank you for mentioning it.
If I saw that lovely edition in the bookstore, with Cairo on the back, a cloth bookmark, and enclosed in a box, I would definitely buy it even though I own the book already! And thank you for reading the powerful Joan Baez poems.
I love the Cairo edition, really beautiful xxxoooD
Patti I adore your videos. Thank you for being so generous with your time and reading us all bedtime stories and poems. 🩵
Dear Patti, thank you for your lovely visit. The Chinese edition of A Book of Days is so beautiful and elegant that it makes me want to buy one! And what to say about sweet little Cairo's lovely picture...her paws on so many bookshelves 🐈🐾❤️
Thank you also for reading Joan Baez’s poems…I didn’t know her book and so glad you get me to know it.
I’ve loved Joan Baez's songs and activism since I was a teenager. I still have some of those albums and I remember my mom putting them on the record player on Sunday mornings, the only day of the week that she didn’t go to work, while happily doing her domestic tasks.
I also remember Joan’s superb appearance on the Italian television, when she performed (in Italian!) Fabrizio De André’s song, La Canzone di Marinella, which I was so happy after so many years to still find on YouTube:
Below also a translation of this song in English
By the way, the other night I heard your conversation with Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Wiser than me Podcast on Spotify. So brilliant, full of wisdom about improvisation and other thougthful reflections on life, and also funny, with all the freezing glitches Ha ha ha.
Your memories of your brother and the reaction laughter in such a devastating moment (mystically beautiful, as you said) were so involving and your delicate singing of Memorial Song for Robert’s green eyes at the end of the installment sounded like a sweet and touching lullaby. It accompanied my sleep. Thank you Patti for sharing so much of you. With much love, Anna. 💕💕
Thank you for this Anna, also the information about the songs creation, about the historic Marinella. So beautiful to hear Joan’s voice, clear and pure, sensational.
Thank you Maree! I'm so glad for your kind reply and happy that you appreciated. 🤗 She is indeed gorgeous.
Thanks for letting us know about that podcast, Anna. Can't wait to hear it.
It's my pleasure, Jim! You will love it. 🤗
Congratulations on the beautiful Chinese edition of A Book of Days. I love the box and of course, Cairo. How wonderful that’s she’s there. The embossing sounds lovely. How strange it must be to have your work translated. It is by you, but the book does not contain your words. Have you ever discussed your work with anyone who has done translations of your books? Do you have a say in who translates?
You have a real color scheme going indeed, Patti! I have noticed for a while that your palette has softened into straws and golds. It was fun to see your leap into pumpkin and that bright orange of the “poor things” glasses case.
I can’t resist a ribbon either! Why doesn’t every book come with one? What reason is given when you’ve asked for one and the request has been denied? Is it too expensive? It is such an elegance, and with a practical purpose. It elevates the whole experience of the book.
Patti, thank you so much for being here as you have, throughout this week as you have been. I am still getting my bearings over the loss of Helen. Your words, voice, presence, and the insights and enthusiasms of this community have given me much comfort and strength.
I am sorry about your allergies, Patti, and anyone else suffering with them. I have the same. I spent Friday convinced I had Covid, testing and retesting because I felt so awful. But if I’m inside, with windows closed, air conditioner on, the symptoms subside. A doctor recently told me that studies demonstrate that allergies are exacerbated from air pollution because as the air quality worsens, the plants go into a kind of fight or flight mode; they sense endangerment, so they double down in producing pollen. That’s why so many of us are sicker this year. But it’s hard not to suspect that some of us are having allergic responses to so much violence and suffering.
I began this in the night and fell asleep while writing so am returning to finish. I’m grateful to substack for not erasing my words as I slept.
Thank you again, Patti, for being here but not having finished The Coral Sea. I have so needed to be in it. There are no other books I can bear to read right now and that’s not at all usual for me. More people should know how powerful that book is for the bardo that we dwell in after loss - the painful time in-between. Thank you for writing it, Patti. It has so much power, reaching a place “slant” (as Dickinson would say) that can’t be reached “straight.”
Again, thank you for the visit and for reading the poems by Joan Baez. The first one, as you said, is heartbreaking.
Wishing you a good job tonight, wherever you will be. Good wishes to everyone here, and for the world, wishing peace.
With gratitude, as ever,
beautiful cairo, beautiful Patti, beautiful Joan - a delightful trinity of the Divine Feminine- thank you for the touching post
It's truly an amazing, wonderful thing..the small, subtle parts of a day that bring joy.
The unexpected picture of a treasured pet.
The feel, look and sound of craftsmanship.
The so very comforting (even if a bit grainy) salutations of a familiar voice.
Thank you Patti.
Thanks for "stopping by." Love this unvarnished glimpse into your life. There's a beautiful simplicity and authenticity that is delightfully at odds with the slick, short attention span videos that predominate on social media. I'm in China at the moment, volunteering at a school in Hunan Province. I'll have to look for your book. What a beautiful edition. Note to American publishers: give Patti a damn ribbon!!
It is good for the whole world that your Book of Days, with Cairo’s prominent photo, will be read in China! Readers and cat lovers will appreciate it, and perhaps move us all closer together. ⚡️👏⚡️
Just going to say it.. i love you. And I love listening to your voice, you may call it raspy but really there’s something very soothing about it. Listening to you is almost like mediation to me. Crazy I know. I wish I could get a copy of that Chinese edition of book of’s beautiful! I too love a ribbon! And btw, heard your interview on “wiser than me”! It was so great, you were so funny (the poop bit! I think you blew Julia’s mind there a bit) and yes, wise. It was so enjoyable.. even the technical difficulties didn’t mar it. Anyway, thanks for this late night (for me Friday morning) visit.
Thanks for the Joan preview. I’m getting it today. I’ll be in Manhattan in 2 weeks & wowza! How I wish your event with her was during that time. Glad to hear she has released those poems. Like Peter Coyote a couple of years back released his long collected poems. I’ve been rereading them, as well as Joy Harjo. Also, Ada Limon. More poetry!!…Be well. Enjoy the upcoming weekend. Thanks for dropping by. As always. 🌹
The Chinese edition is so nice with the box and the big picture of Cairo. You make us a pleasure, because We were used to her and we miss her. I do have your books both in French and English editions. (Just kids, Devotion, Book of days…)The Chinese one makes me wish to get some others. But first I should buy the us edition of the Coral sea because I have it only in a French edition and the one you showed to us looked wider and very smart. Thank you for everything !
Great bit of synchronicity tonight as I just saw you and Joan in Rolling Thunder, vibrant and "full of it"!
What nice packaging and binding of your book! It's a work of art, so pretty! I love the black cover with the embossing; it's very lovely! The photo of Cairo on the slipcase is a purr-fect addition! I'll have to add Joan's book of poems to my list; she's such a treasure! It's been a sad week; our tinier goat, Tessa, was laid to rest on May 1st. Her arthritis was giving her so much pain in spite of her medication that she could no longer walk or stand. We estimated her age to be 14-15 years old, which is very old for a little goat. The wee donkey, Elizabeth, was with her when the vet came; she seemed to understand what was happening and stayed close by. She misses her little friend and still looks for her in her usual places. I thought I had seen her a few times since then, but her little spirit is lingering with us for now. It will take time. For now, I'm spoiling my wee donkey and keeping her company while trying to maintain our normal routines and chores. Time moves on as it always does, and I often wonder these days, where did the time go?
I’m so sorry about Tessa.
Thank you, Robin. I posted about her life, she was a very silly little goat.
Oh your poor little donkey. They do fret when their friends are gone, they understand better than we do. I hope your donkey gets a new friend, when the time is right.
Thank you, Jayne. So far, Elizabeth seems to be doing fine. Perhaps it's a relief in a way, as Tessa was very uncomfortable on her last day and quite restless for about a week in spite of medication. I just posted on my Substack about Tessa's life and what a silly goat she was.
Sorry to hear about your goat, Laura. I'm so glad you're spoiling your wee donkey. As you say, she misses her little friend. And, yes, as Willie Nelson wrote: 'Ain't it funny how time slips away?' Take good care.
Thank you, Jim, I just posted on my Substack about Tessa. Lots of pictures and video
Your book looks gorgeous, and I love a ribbon in a book. Beautiful photo of Cairo.
I saw Joan Baez in NZ a few years ago and she created a beautiful connection with the audience.
If I don’t have my sound on and I miss you saying ‘Hello Everybody’, I always go back to hear it.
Same here!!
That was lovely. Nite.
Love, always.
What a lovely post. I'm having a stressful day and you calm me with your presence and your beautiful readings.
You can glue your own ribbons in the spines of hardbacks….just cut a length of thin ribbon, dab a spot of superglue on one end, open the spine out gently, slip in the ribbon, close the book
(secure with a rubber band if the spine is loose) and job done ! I do this to all my hardbacks.
That’s a great trick. I would never do it correctly but I love that it can be done.
What a beautiful edition of your book!!! No you were not scowling! You never do that! ❤️
What a beautiful presentation of Book of Days. I too love a ribbon (so easily pleased).
Lovely to hear you this morning in London where the rain is pouring down but the birds are still singing and last night two ducks slept on our roof!
Thank you for sharing your box cover and book, Cairo brought a tear to my eyes and how l love a ribbon.
Joan’s poetry was lovely and l shall look out for her book when it is published here, you two are great together. By the way you weren’t scowling. Much love from London 🙏
I agree that she was not scowling that I could see.
Hello Patti 👋
It's a very nice version of "A book of days".
Cats have conquered the hearts of the Chinese and in their culture, the cat brings good luck.
It’s a great omen for “A book ok days”
Love you Patti 💙☕️❤️
I like our late night talks Patti, although it is morning here in Scotland, blue skies and the blackbird 🐦⬛ singing on the telephone wire! That book is beautiful, what a keepsake, I like a ribbon too, and little Cairo 🐈 just lovely. Would love to see you and Joan Baez collaborating together. Hayfever season has started here… so has the sneezing! 🤧 Have a good day everyone 🍂
Cairo's Book of Days....with Love....
How wonderful to see Cairo on the back of the Chinese edition of Book of Days! Some years back when I lived in China, i noticed a book on a colleagues desk. It was Just Kids, in Chinese! I was so surprised, 1) that there was a Chinese edition, and 2) that my colleague was reading it!! "Do you like Patti Smith?" I asked her, in simple awe. "Yes," she replied, "She's such a great writer."
it was remarkable and I'm so happy that people in China can read your work dear Patti. Thanks for reading the great Joan Baez poems. "I buried my face in my hands, you buried your son in the ground." What an impactful couple of lines. How terrible for Judy.
Patti, your "quick late night visits" are solace and sustenance and the colour scheme of your clothes tonight is earthy and gorgeous.
Thanks for dropping in and talking to us all.
linda demais, e esses poemas de hoje? chega a apertar o coração. incrivel ver a cairo na capa do seu livro na china, obrigada por dividir. bom dia
Thank you for showing us the lovely Chinese edition of your Book of Days with beautiful little Cairo on the back. Also for sharing Joan Baez’s poetry. The feeling I get when I listen to you is a mixture of solace, delight, and inspiration. Is there a word for that? I’m a fellow allergy sufferer, too. Hope you get some relief from it soon!
Cairo ♥️
Cairo is so beautiful! I love Joan's poems; I can't wait to read that book.
Hi Patti
Those lovely peach and tan colors you are wearing give you a special glow.
Thank you for sharing your warmth with us tonight.
Now I wish I could read Chinese. Thanks for introducing a couple greats books. Sleep well now.
Dear Patti, thank you for a late night message. Listened to late at night. LOVE the picture of Cairo. So sweet!
Cairo!!! How sweet.
Cairo, a lover of literature - or, noticing her paws on Lorca's In Search of the Duende - possibly she was the "guardian of the mystery". Now, a guardian angel. Beautiful edition of Book of Days. I was smiling at you smiling at "us" with a twinkle in your eyes when you said you had something to show... It was obvious how delighted you were with how the new edition turned out - and to have
dear Cairo grace the box. But there's always more - and tonight it was Joan's poetry.
Thanks Patti - a good way to end the day.
Yes, the twinkle in her eyes when she said she had something to show. I saw it too and it was beautiful. Thank you for mentioning it.
So lovely to see Cairo’s sweet face peering out from the cover of your book. And always, always a treat to see your face. Not scowling at all. Thank you for the visit.
Is that a kitty cat cup? Did a fan send that to you. If someone wanted to send something to you, where would they send it? I know I shouldn’t ask such a question when you’re trying to get rid of stuff.
Cheers to Cairo and for a job well done to your Chinese publisher! Thank you for sharing such a proud moment. 🕊💙📚🎶
I was thinking about Cairo today. Whenever I need to quiet my stormy mind I think of Cairo to attain a catmind. The Way of the Cat. Cairo’s lessons on letting go.
Beautiful edition of Book of Days. That’s the one I want. Cairo & a ribbon. Congratulations, Patti. 🌹 🌈
After getting knocked off course I’m back on the road again.
Dear dear Cairo. Also I didn't notice one scowl! All sweet and color coordinated. Thank for the Joan entries.
lovely Cairo
Translated to a sacred language six thousand years old, embossed in black leather, adorned with the author and their camera eye, along with Cairo, who like a gatekeeper, maintains her post in steadfast. Our animal companions are the finest ever! I just saw clips of your show on youtube from Salt Shed in Chicago, December 2023, Please pardon my delay seeing this, I've been concentrated on gathering steam, and summoning Spring blooms. Thank you for this late night visit. I love your book. I wish you good wishes for allergies, please send me your remedy if any. Joan's poem is beautiful. My aunt lost her son who was his in early 30's last year, my cousin, though I have many fond and gentle memories of him. Cairo continues to watch over, she's always a devoted companion, and she loves you so.
Cairo. Joan. Patti. The last lovely creatures I see and hear about before I take my new puppy to bed, perchance to sleep tonight. Joan’s and Patti’s great gifts of music, compassion, poetry, and the beauty of the lives they’ve lived will stay in my mind, continuing to enrich my life, as they have for decades. Merci, Patti!
Wishing you so much happiness with your new puppy. What a gift. May you have great joys together.
My mother lost one of her sons (to suicide) and for decades I could not bear to contemplate or face her pain and sorrow.
A book by the writer Yiyun Li, Where Reasons End, is a conversation between a mother and her child who died. They speak across or in the bardo the child occupies after taking his own life. It is one of the most moving and exquisite pieces of writing I have ever read. I think I read it in one sitting, literally weeping throughout. Tears spring to my eyes even as I write this. If you have lost a loved one through suicide, the experience of reading creates almost a dream state, of pain and healing, or it did with me. Approach it carefully, though - and help is available, as always, at 988.
In any case, Yiyun Li is a writer whose books I press into people’s hands. Just a tremendous writer.
Thank you so much Scorpio. I will definitely find "Where Reason Ends". I am glad you mentioned 988 - a relatively new helpline number whose existence deserves to be amplified. My daughter has become a Dr. of Psychology in the field of Suicide prevention.....the ripples of a butterfly's wings.
I’m so sorry for such a loss and can absolutely understand why it was hard to contemplate your mother’s pain and sorrow.
Thank you Robin. Hearing Patti read "the conversations we never had..." and then that last line in Joan Baez's poem, and commenting on "...any women lose her son is a terrible painful thing.", struck a nerve that is deeply buried but can be suddenly touched.
I absolutely understand, Linda. I felt the resonance of those words that Patti uttered too. I can only imagine how deeply they affected you. I hope you can be gentle with yourself as you feel what got stirred by Joan’s poem and Patti’s words. Sending comfort and strength.
Such a deep pain, I’m sorry, I have witnessed it and it leaves a mark on you
More than a decade later, four of us remaining siblings were together for a holiday, late in the evening we finally began speaking of Randy and everyone of us thought that something we had said or done made him leave.
My mother never showed her pain, or burdened us with her grief in any way. She was very kind and strong. After having my own children, I began to fully realize the depth of loss and pain she carried, but kept to herself.
Very true. I am sorry for the family’s loss.
Thank you Judith.
Such a fine, dignified photograph of Cairo. It’s perfect (purrfect).
Love you💕
Sweet little Cairo, and gorgeous version of your Book of Days. I might have to buy a new one. And that poem; wow.
What a beautiful book! Cairo looking exquisite.
So happy to see your Book of Days, Chinese translation. The paper smells so good and fresh, I’ll bet. Love that it has a ribbon and that Cairo is pictured on the back of the cover/box! Thanks for reading from Joan Baez’s new book of poetry. I love when you read to us at bedtime. My parents read to us every night at bedtime. Your voice takes me back to that place of deep comfort.
Seeing Cairo on that beautiful edition of A Book of Days, and seeing your smile as you presented it, was a real delight. Thank you for that.
In 1987, I stood in line as Joan Baez was signing copies of her fantastic autobiography, And A Voice To Sing With. Despite the number of people waiting, she took her time with everyone. I thanked her for her commitment to non-violent resistance which remains an inspiration to this day. She was so gracious and signed my book with a little heart and arrow. It is a treasured possession to this day.
I was also fortunate enough to see her in concert a couple of times. Once was the Rolling Thunder Revue where I had the absolute honour of watching her duet with Bob Dylan. And she performed her great song, Diamonds and Rust, that night.
Thanks for reading from her book of poems. I wish I could attend your appearance with her. What a thrill that would be.
What a thrill it must have been to have Joan Baez sign your book, and to see her perform with Bob Dylan. Thank you for telling us, Jim.
Oh Jim, I’m so jealous of the special souls you have personally witnessed!
Yes, Jayne. I've been blessed with a lot of wonderful musical experiences.
I hope all is well with you and your family. Take good care.
We will know very soon how we are doing, I will let you know, fingers crossed 🤞🏼
Sending good thoughts and wishes your way, Jayne.
Thank you Robin
Wishing you nothing but the best. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.
Thank you Jim
Cairo in China! Beautiful! Like another sphinx, staring enigmatically the spectator through the picture 🖼️
Hello Patti, what a fine book! I loved the sound the pages made when you ficked through. And… it was the right way round. I look for the ☮️ sign.
The first poem you read made me burst into tears, don’t feel bad, it was just that powerful, and such a pure thought from Joan, I loved it! “I buried my head in my hands, you buried your son”
As for Cario, you know I always feel her there, even though I can’t see her, she’s in the air and the bed, the walls everywhere! I would not be surprised to see her pop up on the desk for a cuddle, not surprised at all.
Now she is there on your book, history will recall her regal self, just waiting, at the end of your book of days.
A beautiful thought, Jayne.
What a comfort to hear your “hello everybody” and to catch a glimpse of Cairo on the cover. A moment of sweet goodness in the day. Your book is beautiful!
all hail to Cairo … a beautiful photograph of her, in all her Abyssinian mystery ways.
and all hail to you Patti…thank you for your turning-in message. seeing the edition you have shared this evening from China has motivated me to take your Book of Days off the shelf again and have on my desk, where it will infinitely more fulfil its purpose- to travel alongside, to accompany, to give pause to companion in repose and thought. and to delight with all the beautiful images, to become congruent with the turning of the page of one’s personal days.
and it was interesting to hear you read Joan’s poetry. this highlighted and helped me appreciate even more the individual poetic mind and voice.
the sparseness of poetry; the precision of it.. no matter whether of few words or stream of consciousness, and everything in between.
gently asking something of the reader… of their mind and heart.
come and feel something with me, allowing for something to be revealed.
Being read poetry before I sleep is so lovely- thank you, Patti. And the book is stunning - hello, sweet Cairo.
Love the Cairo tribute! Love your Jerry mug! I also have that one. Thank you for your grace full presence.
The book is beautiful! I do wish mine came with the ribbon - I usually use business cards as book marks. Thank you for sharing Cairo and Joan with us tonight. Good night Patti and everyone!
Walt Whitman was read by my sister at my Father’s funeral on April 12 …. and he’s been reunited with Catzandra who passed away the day you played the Anthem in DC, Patti. She, like Cairo, was our dear companion living with my parents for 16 years…May we all cherish life while we yet live. You help me do this…
so good to see cairo honored on that slipcase! ♥️
ah dear cairo lives!! 💜😻🐾
Love that you love
Ribbon Book!!
What a sweet surprise
To find Cairo staring
Back from the back!!
It’s the little things…
Thank you for sharing!
What a perfect visit- Cairo, your rich book, poetry- pristine pensiveness.
Yes, the book and ribbon are just beautiful. Thank you for reading to us. It's a comfort.
Oh how I love you Patti. And lovely Joan.
Cairo!!!!! 🐈⬛❤️
“Sweet dreams are made of this” love, Sandra
Always love to see sweet Cairo. ❤️ Good night, Patti.
Lovely visit! Thank you!
Very tonal, if I might say, and at this hour I am reminded -- because of all the golds, and siennas, and tangerine tones, of putting orange peels on a cast iron stove and that citrus scent.
And, more seriously, of the craftsmanship of your books. I just got the paperback, so-called, version of your Book of Days, to save wear-and-tear on the hard cover one, and was so happy at how beautiful it was!
I love the work that goes into these things.
Thank you for reading Joan’s poem. Best to you.
Thank you for this.
Thank you Patti. Beautiful Cairo. Beautiful book. So generous--you are, I mean.
The book looks exquisite! Lucky the people who are able to get it. Thank you so much for reading us poetry before bedtime. Love, Paola.
Rockin it Cairo!
and thanks for sharing again.
Sweet dreams.
Just checking in means so much..and we do love Cairo, what a lovely box she graces. Thank you for the lovely readings. Have a peaceful night.
Wow such a beautiful presentation of your book....and with Cairo. I cannot even imagine how that feels to see your work presented like that and holding it in your hands. Perhaps one day my memoirs, 'Misfit" in a simpler format will give me the same joy:) I have my ticket for the Joan Baez event and will be at BAM tomorrow. Always grateful for your presence and influence in my life and for your friendly posts here on Substack.
And I hear you on allergies. I never suffered from them before and now an annoying tickly cough that is forever there!! The price we pay for the beautiful blossoms of spring I guess.
BTW I listened to the Julia Louis Dreyfuss podcast loved it...though my bird, being emerald green now has delusions of grandeur:)
Sometimes I just like to hear you say “hello everybody”
I feel exactly the same!
Exactly! Puts me in the best mood!
Me too!
Patti you were an answer on Jeopardy’s Master competition last night! And the contestant got it correct.
Yes!!! The category was famous Smiths I think!!!