
A message and a song

Hello from Tulsa, Oklahoma

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I like your smiling so much 🥰

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Thank you so much for your beautiful voice singing Bob Dylan from your hotel-room. I love the idea of a on-the-road-diary.

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Sending love ❤️ thank you for this!

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That's one of my favorite songs. It works very well in acapella with poetic lyrics. Even with your coy delivery you sang beautifully capturing the essence of the song.

You are doing a fantastic job with your Substack. I can't imagine how challenging it must be to commit to a weekly publication especially with touring and other obligations outside Substack. Your updates are a bonus. I especially enjoy the way you communicate with us in a natural way that feels like a good friend.

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O what a lovely treat. Thank you so much

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Fills me up. Beautiful.

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Such a special hello and a lovely song, thank-you Patti

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That brought tears to my eyes. You did it so well. Tears then laughter, you're funny 💕

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Every little massege from you is inspiring. ❤

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Thank you, Patti! I too love that Dylan song.

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Thank you.

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YES, please to your tour diary!

And thank you so much for the song 💖

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Thank you for the " One too many mornings ".. it put a smile on my face thought back to the time my brother took me to the beacon theater you opened up for Bob and then came out and did a killer version of "Dark Eyes " with him !! It was incredible !!!

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I LOVED THIS!!!! Thank you so much. I hope to get to Tulsa one day and visit the archive.

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Patti, I know how influential the Chelsea Hotel was for you. I'd like to tell you about a project to re-open the "old" Chelsea Hotel. donjon(at)magnificentmisfits.art

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I so enjoy your messages. It helps me get through the day.

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That microphone reminds me of the old days, when interviews and singing and such always had big ass microphones! I actually think it's very cool. And the sound quality captured perfectly your wonderful a Capella singing of One Too Many Mornings. I vote absolutely yes on the tour diary. Tell Bob Dylan he's a force of nature.

As are you. You continue to astound me with your great writing, singing, etc. Thanks for giving so much of yourself. As an artist, you are a great role model for us OTHER artists, even if we are working in different media. Take care of your bad self💖

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You humbleness about being you is inspiring. I wish I was as brave as you, you are a mighty force xxx

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Blessed be--- she most certainly is.

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Thanks Patti, you always make me smile BIG! Thank you for sharing with us...like Calgon, it takes me away!

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Thank you so much for that message and song, kind regards from Berlin

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Ah, loved it when you did 'One Too Many Mornings' at Royal Albert Hall last year....thanks!

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Patti your song is such a special gift. Thank you.

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Thank you for this beautiful song and the way you are.... sweet dearest patti smith I love you ... and have a good tour- hope I can attend one concert here in Europe ! ❤️

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Beautiful song beautifully sung. Thanks Patti, have a great tour ❤️🌿

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Looking forward to the tour!🔥

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Soooo Nice♥️❤️‍🔥

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Love you. Love Bob Dylan.

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Jackson's microphone may not be discreet, but the sound quality is remarkable.

Thank you Patti for this Bob Dylan song.

Can we expect one or more concerts in France during your visit to Europe? I pray for that and hope... 💙☕️❤️

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Can't wait for your tour report! We saw you in Austin last night. My 15-year-old would say during the pauses, "You got this, Patti." Of course you had it, but this was his first live show and he wanted to provide support.

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Really enjoying these little casual hellos & sharings, thank u. Stay safe.

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Appreciate these hellos and a capella songs. It's as if we're friends just hanging out. Lots of love to you, Jack and the rest of the band, if there's any with you. Looking forward to "going" on tour with you! Please be safe

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Beautiful. Thank you Patti 🙏

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I look so forward to theses and am thankful. You do Bob Dylan justice.

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Patti - you sang that beautifully, thank you. The Eta Aquariids Meteor shower lit up the New Zealand sky at 5.30am this morning. The planets Saturn, Mars, Venus and Jupiter all aligned and were visible in the same area of the sky at the same time - a rare occurrence in itself. Perhaps the stars were aligning in Tulsa, too. Some places in the world are a Bob Dylan free zone - like the mountains in Tibet where snow leopards roam, beyond the claws of human activity. This is a blessing. Aroha.

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Love this! And how you keep us on your mind. Have you thought of singing that one to us? 🎵 “You we’re always on my mind…”🎵Love you so much ❤️

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Beautiful song . . . love hearing you sing it! Thanks, Patti, for thinking of us and stopping by to say hi. It makes my day.

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Heavenly.......a good song before bedtime.

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Love it

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love the way you sang it Patti quiet and wistful

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You are just so cool!

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i just love your bob dylan covers!

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tools smiles

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Love when you sing Bob to us. Love when you just say hi. My suggestion to you is get your own mic to use on your computer. The sound is outstanding imo. Glad I waited to listen while sitting on my balcony watching the Mississippi River rolling by. Hope you and all that see this are enjoying the day. Thank you Patti. You really brighten the day.

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Here is this thing, this page, and all the code behind it, and again it won't let me tell you with a little blip that I like it. But I do. So I guess maybe it's better I just tell you. Honestly, I can't imagine something you might show us that I don't like. But this I do, so thanks.

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It's a nice microphone. It suits.

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Thank-you Patti. I just love hearing from you wherever you are. It will be exciting to hear from you when you are in Europe. Peace be with you.

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Thank you Patti ❤️

I feel so blessed to be able to hear from you on Substack. Thank you for being you.

My weary heart was filled with love from your message and song. I understand Bob Dylan better through your interpretation of his lyrics.

I appreciate you dearly xoxo

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Thank you! I loved to hear that piece.❤️

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so lovely to hear you sing this song. thank you Patti.

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Thank you. A reminder how much I owe to Bob Dylan.

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dearest patti...long time listener, first time commenter. look forward to seeing you in Barcelona! safe travels...hugs & kisses from S.F.

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thank you Patti! it's always a treat to tune into your beautiful heart felt messages. The funny giant mic has a great open sound. A thousand thank yous! XO

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You're such a generous human and you never fail to make me smile..X

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Bob Dylan saved my life when I was a young teenager. I spent many late nights with his songs as my solace for a world in chaos and parents fighting. Thank you for gifting us with your real presence and beauty. You continue to be a great inspiration for me and for the work I give myself to. Maybe, while you're in Tulsa, you can go see the Leon Russell Church Studio, recently extraordinarily rebuilt by Teresa Knox. Thank you for being exactly you. All the writers and artists you inspire us to get to know, all the photos your sensitivity captures, what you share that you value -- how extraordinary that your children play with you. Honestly, I'm embarrassed because I could just go on and on about how much I appreciate what you gift us.

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thank you, dear Patti...

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Oh Patti you are so amazing I am looking forward the concerts diary

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Dear Patti

It’s still great to see you and listen to you, there, sitting in your hotel room and singing us a beautiful Bob Dylan song. You are amazing. I love to see you laugh at yourself. Enjoy your stay in Oklahoma! Love XXX

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Patti, your smile is infectious. Thank you so much. How your voice is ageless and still soothing for me; when I was an art student on the subways of New York, and my young restless spirit craved comfort, you gave it to me. Now that I am an old, aching mommy of a teenage boy whose spirit is taking off in all the colors, you soothe me again. Thank you. <3 Bless you.

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That is just beautiful Patti. Thank you !

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Having some heaviness within this week, not knowing if I can overcome it. You made me smile and I thank you, deeply and sincerely.

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Thank you as always. Your posts & songs always bring a smile to my face. :)

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Thankyou Patti...as always

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Thank you Patti. I hope your performance in Tulsa was great.

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Love the Dylan song and your singing today. Lovely, always, to see and listen to you. Heartwarming. 🙏

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Thank you Patti! Made my morning to listen and watch you. Love your idea of a tour diary. 💙

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Thank you so much for the song and for your time, it is always wonderful to see you! I’m very much looking forward to following your tour diary and to watch you live in Berlin ❤️

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How beautiful, to hear you sing this beloved song in such an intimate setting, as if we were sitting there with you! Thank you so very much for what you're giving us - real human communication and your devotion for all forms of art nurturing us as well.

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How can you possibly ask for patience from us when you give so generously of yourself, both through the quality of your work and the dedication with which you fulfill your obligations? And for the best version I’ve ever heard of “One Too Many Mornings”?

Also, I love the big microphone. It’s the coolest thing.

And yes to your question about missives from your tour. I can’t imagine anyone not welcoming that.

I hope and trust that it went well tonight. Thank you again, Patti. Enjoy the tour and take good care of yourself.

As ever,


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Patti, you are an exquisite human being. Thank you Thank you Thank you

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Danke Patti für deine Nachricht, du zauberst immer ein Lächeln in mein Gesicht!😍😍😍 Ganz viel Freude und gute Reise!!!😇😇

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This is like a travel diary already and it is great!!!! The way you delivered the Bob Dylan song was wonderful-really conveyed his poetry and music. Thank you

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Waking up to your message this morning and looking out at a beautiful tree laden with white blossom against a slate grey sky . I love your impromptu visits from these faraway cities and to hear you singing so beautifully ! I have been so grateful for you and for Substack over the past year ! My subscription renews tomorrow and I look forward to the next twelve months being part of this wonderful group ! Thank you Patti! 🌹

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That was special! Look forward to more!

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Thank you, Patti! I would love to follow your tour diary 🌹

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Oh,... And have a wonderful time in Europe. Btw, I think you're the only person who can sing Dylan's songs.

( Nina Simone did a great job ,too.)

Thanks, a lot ..terrific ..and a capella..

Gosh !

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Agreed, more Dylan please. <3

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Beautiful singing Patti Smith . Only You can pull it off . Style grace .. perfect . Thank you

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Always good and uplifting to hear whatever you have to say, and the rendition of 1 too many mornins' was delightful. Tour diary is something to look forward to. Would love to see you again in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Strange not seeing Cairo with you. But a tour journal sounds intriguing. Loved the song. All the best in your performance and travels.

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Toi-Toi-toi for the tour! 🤙

You sang that so beautifully. Cool. A voice to own that song in a way…

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Oh, I loved that! So looking forward to seeing you in Austin tomorrow night. Take care & travel safe.

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nice song, thanks for that. I'm really looking forward to seeing you in Germany next month. I will hear and see you on June 06 ✌🕊

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Always enjoy spending time with you. Thanks for the song .

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I’m so touched always by how willing you are to share with us. Love you so much.

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Thanks for the song Patti!

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It is always a pleasure to open my email and see a message from you. Thank you for the song. and sharing your time with us. Have a great evening.

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Mahalo, Patti! Have fun tonight!

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One to many mornings thanks Patti.

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Patti, when you smile I smile, when you sing I dance, so, subscribe I must🙏🌏✌️

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Thank you for the song Patti. I’m so glad you have the giant microphone. Thank you for being real.

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Happy Mother’s Day! 💐

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its so great to be a PS subscriber! I look forward to all Patti has in store for us. i say 👍 on the tour diary! maybe invite Lenny to join us all sometime along the way! 😎

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Love you, love this. Happy Mother’s day!

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Wonderful - thank you !

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So glad Patti is in my life. Coolest granny ever.

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Have a wonderful Mother's Day, Patti; you are the ultimate Earth Mother! Love you!

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Love ya Patti! Have fun!

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Holy Shit Patti, I wish I was in Tulsa tonight. You are so youthful and beautiful. Have a great show!

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its not weird. you are so genuine and always make me smile

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thank you. a cosmic connection to Bob.

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Thank you! You have been my heroine since I was a teenager and you still are❤️

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Amen, sister

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I've never been to Tulsa but your song brought me there. Thank you, Patti!

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I was applauding!!!! Love it Patti! Love you!

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You are so fucking delightful. Unpretentious. Beautiful. Brilliant.

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Love this song and you❤️😍

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Thank you Patti …grateful you are sharing your voice and heart💕

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Thank you for the Dylan - the other great artist of the age.

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the greatest artist of the age

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Hi. Patti. It was great to hear your voice tonight. And the beautiful song you sang. Have a great time on your tour. Please continue to share with us. I really look forward to seeing you. I feel as if I am in the same room with you.

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Very cool 😊 A travel diary sounds awesome 🙏✨

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always a pleasure to see what you are up to- thinking of cains and greenwood 😞

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I loved this! We have decided it is too soon for my husband as he is still too weak to go Saturday so my son is going with me. I can't wait!

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Have a great show!

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We are looking forward to the show tonight! Thank you for the song!

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Breakfast in Oz with Patti singing Bob. Fantastic. I’m ages with Patti and can’t believe in my lifetime that technology has enabled these opportunities. As any admirer will agree, anything you do is perfect including the idea of a road diary. Thanks Patti.

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Have a wonderful show and time at the archives! Wonderful song.

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Wonderful to get your message and song, what a relief! I’ve been in doc office for 3 hrs now. Necessary, but blick. So thank you, Patti!


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you make me SMILE ear to ear

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Your a visionary

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...and you're always on my mind, Patti.....

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Perfect video Patti and so cool you are in Tulsa after 30 years - I think Elvis is in the building with you! lol

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both Elvis's spirits rather, but Costello was in the same building you'll perform at so cool

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Great show in Chicago 5/4! Thank you!

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So exciting to be in Tulsa before the opening of the Dylan center. I look forward to each of your posts, so wonderful. One Two Many Mornings is one of my favorites as well.

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What a wonderful rendition of a great song. You had me smiling with delight all the way through. And I loved the inflection you put on the word ‘morning’. The tour diary sounds like a terrific idea. Thanks for taking the time to share with us. Can’t wait until I can check a set list tomorrow and see what the other two Dylan songs will be. Wicked Messenger? I’m so thrilled for everyone who gets to experience this show with you.

Just saw that the third song was Boots of Spanish Leather. What an inspired choice. Wish I could have been there.

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I love how simple but touching it is. I hope you will enjoy your stay at Tulsa and can not wait for your travels in Europe

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Thank you Patti dear for the check in and the song. I think I speak for many of us when I say we have patience and gratitude for what you send.

Have a great show tonight. Rock on!

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Love your check-ins, especially when they come with a song. Have a great night! ❤️

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I am choked up right now… how touching and simple - so close and intimate your singing of this song. I hope hope HOPE I can meet you in person this time when you’re in Florence. I translated the catalog Perfection in Form for the Michelangelo/Mapplethorp exhibit in the Accademia and missed meeting you. Have a wonderful opening at the Archives🎶

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What a sweet, beautiful rendition. Thank you!

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I will miss the microphone when your computer gets fixed 🙂🙂. Thank you Patti for the lovely rendition of "One too Many Mornings".

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Patti. Love you and your offerings are always gold. Thank you for the Dylan serenade.

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Thank you for this sweetest serenade. Bring on the tour diary! Oh, and thanks for saying hi from the road.

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You are pure sweetness. You stay in touch in the best possible way. Just showing up, being who you are and sharing it with us. These moments are gold! Thank you for the Bob Dylan serenade. One of my favorites of his. Wish the two of you would go on tour together. Sending love.

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How sweet and lovely!

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Thank you, dear Patti! I love this song and you singing it! ❤️

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Aloha dear Patti , can't wait to see the new Dylan Museum in Tulsa. Maybe you'll have time to visit Church Studio or the Woody Guthrie Museum . Have a terrific show and have FUN ! The road diaries sound like a great treat. Here's to safe passage for you and all the good people who travel in your company ! Mahalo nut loa

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Your exactly there where I long to be :Tulsa at the pre-Opening of the BDC wow❣️🌺🎶🌺❣️

Where Mavis and maybe you will sing! What a sphere it must be and become even more when on going to May 10th… Lots of love

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Thanks Patti, for my birthday song 🙏

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Thank you for visiting. I can’t wait to be on tour with you. Unsolicited advice--the MacOS built-in microphone isn’t great. You are better off using a separate mic.

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Love you and thank you. You made me smile and it has been so hard these past 2 years. I've been a fan since 1981 Patti! Have a great show. xo, kathy in durham, nc

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Tour Diary? Exciting!

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O Patti, thank you for sharing the words of Bob Dylan today, and Allen Ginsberg's last week, and for sharing your heart all the time. Enjoy Tulsa.

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Thanks Patti :a Beautiful song for my birthday 🥰🙏🏻🎶😘🌸🍀🎂

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That was great Patti. Don’t worry about details as far as in perfections. It’s ok your hand looked gigantic. I’m sure we all giggled with you when you said that. I did. The way you’re meeting with us is perfect. We aren’t here for some slick post. Just your words, your sharing. These are sweet little postcards and your heart comes across. You know what I mean? A travel diary would be lovely. Looking forward to your next bits from the road and then from home. Much gratitude from Greenpoint. 🙏

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Lovely! I had tickets to the 3.13.20 cancelled Kennedy Center show.

When are you back in DC.....

I mean Tulsa.... but not DC?

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Thank you Patti. My Dad grew up near Tulsa and his brothers had a band that played at Cain’s Ballroom about the same time as Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys were regulars there. Wish I could be in the audience tonight. .

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Wonderful to be serenaded here in the early Japanese morning, Patti. Have a great show! And yeah -- do a tour diary with tunes, please! 🙏☮️💙

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A tour diary sounds terrific, I would love to hear your thoughts on the places you visit, and please do post long entries, they are wonderful, safe travels! Thank you for thinking of us!🥰

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Tour diary, yes! What a privilege and a gift. 🌹

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I’m supposed to be at tonight’s show but recovery from two knee replacements is taking longer than I thought. Getting a little sample of your Dylan tribute is the balm I needed today. I know the magic of Cain’s will be with you tonight!

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💜 you Patti-goddess/poet. My 1st date w my husband at your 1978 Park West show. Together since.

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Please come to Finland soon Patti!

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Patti, you’re such a rare treasure. Thank you for being authentic. Can’t wait to see and hear more.

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Thanks Patti! Have fun tonight!

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That was a treat! Thank you!

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