such a beautiful passage from M Train. I would love to hear any part of it, one of my favourite books, which I return to again and again. Happy New Year 🙌🏽
Hi, Patti! I don't know if you're still reading these comments, but I'd love to hear readings of favorites of your own work and work that has particularly inspired you over the years! Happy New Year!
Hi Patti!! In this beautiful snowy wintertime, could you read a bit about your figure skater in Devotion? The next Winter Olympics are next month in Beijing so it will be lovely to see figure skating back on tv. I remember when I met Jesse in Charleston WV and the last Olympics were on tv and we bonded over the figure skating. My love to you all and Happy New Year to you as well.
I hope I’m not too late to suggest a reading Patti but as we are approaching the Year of the Tiger I was wondering if you would perhaps read some passages from ‘Year of the Monkey’ pages 169-171 when you talk about the future prospects of the oncoming Year ? The difference of course being that 2022 is the year of the Tiger and not the Monkey but still a beautiful ending to this treasured book and to the year . Thank you !
Thanks and happy New Year Patti. I would be happy to hear you read from your own works and also from some that are favourites of yours, because I often find that this can be a source for new inspirations for my own reading. I thank you for directing me to Roberto Bolano for example. I am sorry to hear that you are unable to join us in Australia this year. Though we could not promise snow. Hoping to see you in the future though, when the time is right. In the meantime, thanking you for your words and messages
Happy & snowy 2022, Patti! If by chance you'd care to do so, it would be neat to hear you read one of your (and/or others') songs. "People Have the Power" came to mind. Thanks for asking, Patti... and may your favourite reader/s read aloud to you! ;-)
If you are a Housman fan, do you like The Cherry Tree? I actually reside in the county he grew up in, although I am not from Shropshire originally! 😃 Great poet. The Cherry Tree is a fave of mine.
I apologize for taking so long to reply….to be honest, i believe I’ve read the poem and If I remember correctly from college (long ago) I believe it’s related to the “Loveliest of Trees”….AE poetically describing the cherry trees in Spring in
Washington DC. I’m a fan, but I’m certainly not a scholar on any poet. Regards. S
And I can’t be correct about the cherry trees in DC, because he would have died by the time they were planted…I believe….now I’ll be a scholar, by the time I figure it out!
And the part where u hear Todd’s voice saying “you can go anywhere”. Is something I need to hear. I’m afraid to go anywhere, and I don’t like feeling like that. I think it’s from my mother always telling me not to do what I want, it’s really effected me , in what I feel is a negative way. Constantly telling me to stay in. She hated when I went anywhere. Why? To be miserable like her? I always need to know WHY? So i have thought long and hard about this affliction . So yes, hearing that in this story could be of a big help to me, if I let it
Hi Patti, It snowed a little where I’m at. There were some flakes. Your old neighborhood (mantua) and all of S Jersey hit hit with 6” give or take. The media made it sound like 6 ft. 37 is very suspenseful, The Vapor. I do love and feel privileged to be able to be getting these chapters. Over the weekend I watched a bunch of Reels of the beat women poets. They make me feel like I write HALLMARK style. Deep words and rhythms and beautiful style. Looking forward.
Patti, anything that you choose to read is enjoyable to listen to! But, since you are asking for suggestions, I would especially love to hear you read, ‘When You Are Old,’ by William Yeats. . . Thank you so very much! 🥰
I love you reading from your own work, any and all! I am also reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle because of you and would love to hear you read your favorite passage from that if you would like to, but anything really. It is so nice to be read to like this. Thank you.
It is always good to hear from you, and hearing you read to us is always a delight! It has been bitter cold these last two days and nights, it warmed up today, but it's windy so I kept the blanket on my wee mini-donkey, Elizabeth, she's very old (30), and she doesn't like the cold very much, but she can be a lively little stinker in spite of her age, I'm not too overly worried about her in the barn, the stall that she shares with her tinier goat friend, Tessa, is cozy, and has deep clean wood shavings and straw bedding and they have plenty to eat. I wish it would snow a little more, the weather has been too warm, but the extreme change is not good either. It's going to be 40 by tomorrow, so back up again, and then down again by Friday. My kitty cats are enjoying our woodstove very much! I miss the winters that I grew up with in Lyons, NY, snow on the ground by Thanksgiving, a January thaw, then more snow, and it begins melting by March, and done by Easter. I'm turning 60 this it's been awhile. (I still like to catch snowflakes on my mittens, especially the lake snow, the flakes are to big and fluffy!) Keep well, hugs & love.
Did you ever receive the The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami last time you came to Geneva (French version sorry, had no time to get an English one).I handed it to the girl in charge at l’Alhambra but I still wonder if it ever arrived in your hands.
I would have loved to hear a line or two of it read by you 💝
I’d love to hear you read more, but this was a delicious message, about the snow falling. I wonder if you’d enjoy reading us some Rimbaud? Or Baudelaire?
Thank you everyone! This is great. I have copied down all your suggestions and will certainly draw from them. Thank you for the feedback, it's very energizing...
Oh Patti I would listen to whatever you are moved to share. We didn't get our snow yesterday did we here in NYC - maybe later in the week. Looking forward to your shows in February. Right now it seems like a long time from now. But grateful you are still doing them and just didn't cancel outright. Wishing you happiness in the new year.
Oh anything you have written! Or maybe a bit from On the road, or a poem from Ariel! So many possibilities.. Happy new year and birthday wishes from a restless lonely nomad!
Happy New Year Patti, I love hearing you read, so anything is fine by me. 🤗💜💚thank you so much for giving us your time & effort, blessings from Windsor UK.
Hi. I know you love A Child's Garden of Verse so I'd love to hear you read my favourite poem from that which is the Land of Counterpane. Happy New Year from Helen in Weston super Mare, UK.
Hi Patti, is 2:30 in the morning in Colorado and I couldn’t sleep thinking of so many poems…. But the one that really resonates with me lately is The Star splitter by Robert Frost. “ for to be social is to be forgiving”. Anyway I do love hearing you read. We do have snow here ! I wish it came earlier to have prevented the fire. 🙏 to all my neighbors
Love all your readings and messages. They are always a thrill to recieve. Thank you so much for connecting with us and your generosity. Happy New Year Patti.
I love to hear you reading poetry and also your own words but it would be terrific to hear you read from J.M. Coetzee's strange and enigmatic The Childhood of Jesus. I can imagine you bringing your wonderful reading voice to the part where Simón and David read a children’s edition of Don Quixote together:
"I don’t want to read your way,” says the child. “I want to read my way. There was a man of double deed and nandynandynandy need, and when he rode he was a horse and when he walked he was a porse.”
I think you will find, if you haven't already, Coetzee's Jesus trilogy to be great reading for snowy days at home, in contemplation of a coming year - especially in times like these.
Oh, and snow did come! To DC ! Oh, how lucky we were! Oh the joy! I made sounds all morning in anticipation of going outside!😃❄️💙 And regarding a reading. Rilke’s Duinese Elegies are some of my favorite writings. Or Rapunzel, the fairy tale?
Please read the liner notes to Radio Ethiopia 28 Sept 76. Coming to see you in Brooklyn in Feb of this year from Richmond Va. Last time we saw you was at 9:30 Club in DC many years ago after my band mates wife died and you came out in the audience and stood by him while Lenny sang a song and you said good things to him. Thank you.
I love being read to and I enjoy your readings. It's kind of a lost art, really. You have a wonderful voice that wraps and weaves itself into the hearts and souls of us, your rapt listeners. It's very calming, your voice. So please, read on. And belated very happy birthday to you.
Dear Patti, Happy New Year! I spent a few days in Paris from the 30th of December ´till the 2nd of January. On the 30th I drank some coffee in Café de Flore -it was my first time there- and I thought of you celebrating your birthday. Happy birthday again! So...I thought..would you read some piece you wrote there? Or a piece you think of when you remember Café de Flore?
On a surfing trip to the west coast ( living the dream) in the 1970s we took a break from the coast and took our young kids to Oregon and the mountains to see snow as they were unlikely to see it in Australia. Your picture is a wonderful reminder of that time. All rugged up and loving it. Now I’m on the east coast of Australia in sweltering heat which my ageing body hates.
For me I love your readings no matter what, and I appreciate your references to other writers that prompt me to read their works but personally I love hearing you reading your own work the best. Anyway like most of the others here I love seeing anything from you in my in box. I’ve got mail from Patti Smith seems like a dream. Thank you. Joni 💖🐨
I would love to hear you read the incredible poem ‘The gods abandon Antony’ by Cavafy, the one that inspired Leonard Cohen’s equally incredible song ‘Alexandra Leaving’ (which would be an amazing cover too). Both these so poignantly and powerfully address loss and change, but also seem so wise and hopeful too - hope and mourning. But then as the wonderful version of ‘The Book of love’ by The Magnetic Fields croons “I love it when you read to me - you can read me anything” (I’d all so love to see this song covered by you!)
I loved the M Train reading as well! I would love to hear you read some of your poems from Witt! 'Prayer' and 'Precious Little' are some as my favorites! Happy new year, Patti!
Love your readings - thank you for taking the time to post them for us. I love the passages in Auguries of Innocence- ie The blue doll; or selections from Woolgathering; Devotion, The Coral Sea.
I would love to hear you read some of your favorite poets from Babel. I lost my precious copy of that book years ago and I so miss it, There were poems in there that I could read by heart.
I began re-reading M Train last night after your reading the other day continued to resonate in my mind. Surprise readings from texts unknown or forgotten to me always bring delight and the possibility of a joyous fall into another rabbit-hole. ✨✨✨
Thank you Patti, i love listening to your readings and your lovely calming voice. I think snow is magical I've seen it falling only one time. We were the car and it was like driving through the milky Way! We don't get snow where I live. You are so lucky!
Being read to is such a delight and your voice is so soothing to listen to.
My friend bought me a book called “Fifty words for snow” for Christmas so perhaps you might like to check it out. The author is Nancy Campbell and there are also beautiful drawings of snowflakes throughout the book.
It’s currently wet and dreary where I am in Wales, UK, but snow would lighten the skies and minds. So fingers crossed.
Is it in M Train, the beautiful passage about the fish hook your spouse gave you, and you fishing.... I read it after I was widowed and had a good bawl and read it again. And again. Thank you for that--the bawl and again. Wishing you a wonder-filled '22!
The readings are fantastic. I would love to hear the Clock With No Hands section from M Train, anything from Just Kids, or a favorite passage from The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, The Master and Margarita, or any of the other books you mention in M Train -- but will receive with gratitude whatever you choose.
really enjoy hearing your voice and words - hoping you get snow. we finally did in NM although it came with no electricity and frozen pipes but still a blessing we needed.
read Ginsberg pls, Howl;Moloch; we did a video of the Moloch text w/music as 2nd Hand Beatnix on YT, check it too; cheers, Magura Happy NY of the Tiger!
I'd love you to read Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince". It features snow! but would require several installments. Thank you for such a wonderful offer. It has been 31 degrees in parts of Aotearoa this week. May you see snow.
Loved your reading Patti. Also loved hearing you recite the Emily Dickinson poem before Christmas - another poem of hers 'Good Morning Midnight' is one of my absolute faves. I was thinking of Emily on her birthday, December 10th, which was the same day I signed up here as a reader. Some hours later I received your reading of the Dickinson poem which seemed a very sweet synchronicity. It would be wonderful to hear you read an extract from your essay 'Devotion'.
Batsho was attracted by the falling of the snow as I am now hoping to feel the flakes over me in a sort of magical spiritual dimension which makes me still, excited as a child contemplating the whiteness weakening anguish and anxiety since everything seems to be in peace! a book, or thoughts ,lines on a notbook sheet- white outside a perfect setting !
Thanks for your reading and words, I remember the pic last me it will snow over there, wintry mood even in north Italy , it s said to fall in some days, IT IS SAID..!!??you never know!..I am expecting it..
Happy New Year to you, as well. And a belated Happy Birthday to you! It's cold here in Providence, RI today. Much like you in NYC, we're awaiting snow. I really delight and appreciate you reading passages from your own work. All readings (no matter the source) are certainly welcome by me. Stay safe and warm, and I'll look forward to your next posting. "The Melting" is both fascinating and intriguing, in equal measure. Hot tea is calling.
Patti, thank you so much for this. I would love to hear you reading the passage from "Just Kids" where you describe your first visit to Max's Kansas City with Robert and Sandy Daley. It's one of my favourite part in the book. Also, I would be delighted to hear you recite "A Step Away From Them" by Frank O' Hara.
What a delight it would be to hear you read Diane di Prima. Diane took me under her wing when I was a 21 year old poet in San Francisco and I studied Poetry and Art with her for many many years, assisting her teach during her Poet Laureateship, and much more. In fact she is my firstborn’s Godmother, and was a vocal advocate for mothers to be artists. City Lights released the posthumous book, Spring and Autumn Annals, this October, one year after Diane’s passing the veil. We’ve done a few readings with City Lights and SF Public Library to commemorate her books and much needed voice. In fact, her partner of 40+ years, Sheppard, gave me a copy of a poem she wrote a few months before she died, and you are in it Patti! It’s a beautiful poem. I brought it with me to Paris hoping to hand it to you at Le Grand Rex on October 8th, along with a rare first edition of Loba. Alas, I didn’t get to meet you, but I could email you the poem if you’d like. Thanks for all you create— you’ve been one of the most inspiring writers I’ve ever read.
Something from "Revolutionary Letters" would be amazing! Here in the UK, it's very difficult to find the 50th Anniversary edition published by City Lights.
Yes! Fantastic idea. I am hoping you can find the 50th Anniversary edition. It’s incredible. I’ll be in Paris for my art show in early February— I didn’t see one at Shakespeare and Co. When I was there in December but I’ll report to you if I see one!
Hi Patti, thank you for your message and the lovely picture. I would love to hear you reading "ps/alm 23 revisited" as February 5th will be William Burroughs' birthday and it would be nice to remember him with your poem when the time comes. :)
I am still reading M Train, I am a really slow reader and when I listed to the passage yesterday from the book read by you, well it reminded me to keep reading. I loved the part where you meet with Bobby F. Back to my book!
Dear Patti, thinking of you as I look upon a silent monochrome world outside my window here in Arlington, VA. We woke up to winter wonderland. I hope the snow will come to NYC, too.
Thanks Patti, i love being read to, i’d love to hear you read about your mother, mine is in her last days in hospital. Waiting fir snow sounds like the start of a poem x
I bought Babel when I was a teenager because someone told me I looked like you. They showed me the cover of Easter to prove it and played it for me then later I came across the book and I still have it! I will be 59 on January 14th. I would love it if you would read something from it.
Patti , thank you for the readings, when I was young my older brother used to fead to me; then he turned me on to Jean Shepherd on WOR New York radio. Joy for hours. I look forward to your every installment . I would love to hear you read a Burns poem on his birthday January 25. Happy New Year!❤️
I am wondering if it might be appropriate for you to read something by Sam Shepard. Perhaps it would be best if you chose the reading. I love Sam Shepard's work, and it was through him that I discovered you.
What a lovely message to receive. It is cold here in New York this morning. And it is cozy and comforting to be read to so yes, read us anything. I’m in a dark room, blankets over my feet, hoodie over my head, an IV in my arm. The window is open and my view is of a brick wall, but I don’t mind. As long as the window is open, fresh air coming in, fresh thoughts, I can dream.
I so miss watching snow fall, so hopefully you'll get your wish. And yes, I love your readings. It's so nice to take a break in the afternoon, have a cup of tea and hear you read. I like hearing from your books or any books/writers that have inspired you. Happy New Year!
I love snow too - 74 and I always have a beat-up sledge at the ready in case, although these days snow is a rarity in S England sadly. Also, I love being read to, and you are the best at it...I don't really mind what you read, anything you choose will be fine. It's just comforting and perfect when you read somehow. My mum used to knit and read to me, and I'd sit on a little stool by her and I can still taste those times. Sometimes she'd stop for a moment because she had to count stitches, or pick up on a mistake, but then she'd be off again - it was bliss. She could be of uncertain temper, but never at these times. I read in turn to my kids, and now one of them is reading to his... thanks Patti. And happy new year to you too x
I have to say Patti "Mother Rose" is very much a heartfelt song that you wrote.
I would love to know more about the lyrics and how the song came about.
Your music has inspired me throughout my youth.... Back then it was like LP's and vinyl records. New friends or anyone I would meet up with I was always saying have you heard of her ? Always a pleasure listening to you.
My mother used to read to me all the time when I was little, and then I read those same poems to her when she was in hospice. I was touched to tears as I read her "The Pasture" by Robert Frost. "I sha'n't be gone long.—You come too."
I read all your books during the pandemic and they were the most helpful of the various things read. I will love to hear anything you choose, but the passages I have shared most with others - are these: listening to the Tigers with Fred on a boat (I am a Michigan person, now living in the UK). I also loved the end of the chapter Covered Ground, in which your brother Todd helps you to remember your natural optimism. I guess that passage might feel hard to read, but anyway, I loved it as it seemed to bring together all human grief and our efforts to weather it, keep the person with us, but go ahead without them too. And in one of the books, can't recall which, there was a dream about Sam Shepard and writing. Anyway, I will love whatever you read. Just wanted to tell you of these. All good wishes.
I just checked the weather app. It looks like your wish is being fulfilled! I lived in nyc for 26 years. I miss those snowy days. It was like a beautiful sound blanket had been spread out over the city. Enjoy the peace. 🙏🏼
Would love to hear more about William Burroughs - any stories, observations about him and his philosophies, strange habits, and did he ever talk with you about shooting his wife?! I've always wondered how he lived with that after it happened.
Happy New Year Patti! yes please more readings!..I'm going to re read M Train as I have no new books to read yet. as kids we used to catch snow flakes with our tongues
I would love to hear you read anything from Auguries of Innocence... such a brilliant book!! Thank you for everything Patti, hope your new year is off to a wonderful start ❤️
Happy New Year! I am 71, and I still love being read to, and I love to read aloud to others. And I love listening to you read, whether it be from your work or from something that is meaningful to you. Would you like to read to us from some of “your” beloved writers in 2022? Verlaine, Rimbaud, Blake, anyone - from anywhere - that holds special meaning for you?
Stay warm and safe. I think we all need to be especially careful and vigilant right now; the COVID numbers are up.
Love this photo! We have a light covering of snow that arrived overnight. My dog is so happy - he loves to make snow angels. I'm afraid it's not going to last though. Forecasted to be in the 40's by midweek. Hope you get to enjoy at least a bit of new snow.
hi, patti! i love your own readings, of course, but maybe would be interesting to listen to something from roberto bolaño in your voice, maybe an extract from “2666” or a short tale. the last last year i was obsessed by “murdering whores”... happy new year!
Happy third day of the New Year. Readings in 2022 is a wonderful idea. Reading is my lifeline and being read to is a joy. I appreciate most anything. Rimbaub comes to mind. I just came across "Woolgathering" at an independent bookshop. I carry it in my purse and read it when I have to wait wherever I am. Thanks for your kind words. Means a lot. ❣
❤️ No need to apologise … Just nice to know someone else likes it too 🙋🏻♀️
Thank you, Patti. So good to see you in the snow. Yay! More reading in 2022!
dear patti, are you a fan of rockwell kent? it would be doubly transcendent to listen to you reading him.
love you
such a beautiful passage from M Train. I would love to hear any part of it, one of my favourite books, which I return to again and again. Happy New Year 🙌🏽
Please read Blake! To Tirzah, Ah Sunflower or Tyger Tyger would be amazing. Xx
GM Hopkins for example The windover *
Oooh I’d love to hear you read something by Gerald Manley Hopkins.
Hi, Patti! I don't know if you're still reading these comments, but I'd love to hear readings of favorites of your own work and work that has particularly inspired you over the years! Happy New Year!
I would love to hear some of your earlier work, poems perhaps - your favorites or most memorable xx
Indian Rubies please
Hi Patti!! In this beautiful snowy wintertime, could you read a bit about your figure skater in Devotion? The next Winter Olympics are next month in Beijing so it will be lovely to see figure skating back on tv. I remember when I met Jesse in Charleston WV and the last Olympics were on tv and we bonded over the figure skating. My love to you all and Happy New Year to you as well.
I hope I’m not too late to suggest a reading Patti but as we are approaching the Year of the Tiger I was wondering if you would perhaps read some passages from ‘Year of the Monkey’ pages 169-171 when you talk about the future prospects of the oncoming Year ? The difference of course being that 2022 is the year of the Tiger and not the Monkey but still a beautiful ending to this treasured book and to the year . Thank you !
Très belle année ma Patti et ta famille.
Que cette année 2022 soit une poésie sur la courbe de ton âme.
Je t embrasse Ann du pays de Rimbaud
Belated Happy New Year to you and yours.
Happy New Year 🙏🦉!
Hello! Would enjoy hearing you read from your book Devotions. Thank you!!! Your voice notes are sunshine in my days!!!
A little late as I have been catching up with the posts … but how about ‘The Thought Fox’ by Ted Hughes? x
Such an infinite joy to hear you reading Patti. It's such a meditative moment in time. Happy New Year to you too. That snow does look beautiful.
Thanks and happy New Year Patti. I would be happy to hear you read from your own works and also from some that are favourites of yours, because I often find that this can be a source for new inspirations for my own reading. I thank you for directing me to Roberto Bolano for example. I am sorry to hear that you are unable to join us in Australia this year. Though we could not promise snow. Hoping to see you in the future though, when the time is right. In the meantime, thanking you for your words and messages
Finding comfort and delight in everything you read, thank you, Patti.
Happy New Year Patti lots of snow in Vancouver bc Canada and thats surreal so close to ocean hope you get snow flakes to watch 😊🌿
Happy & snowy 2022, Patti! If by chance you'd care to do so, it would be neat to hear you read one of your (and/or others') songs. "People Have the Power" came to mind. Thanks for asking, Patti... and may your favourite reader/s read aloud to you! ;-)
I love hearing you read from your work, I’m also interested in poems, passages in books that resonates for you.
The sum of things to be known is inexhaustible, and however long we read, we shall never come to the end of our story-book.
AE Housman
If you are a Housman fan, do you like The Cherry Tree? I actually reside in the county he grew up in, although I am not from Shropshire originally! 😃 Great poet. The Cherry Tree is a fave of mine.
I apologize for taking so long to reply….to be honest, i believe I’ve read the poem and If I remember correctly from college (long ago) I believe it’s related to the “Loveliest of Trees”….AE poetically describing the cherry trees in Spring in
Washington DC. I’m a fan, but I’m certainly not a scholar on any poet. Regards. S
And I can’t be correct about the cherry trees in DC, because he would have died by the time they were planted…I believe….now I’ll be a scholar, by the time I figure it out!
And the part where u hear Todd’s voice saying “you can go anywhere”. Is something I need to hear. I’m afraid to go anywhere, and I don’t like feeling like that. I think it’s from my mother always telling me not to do what I want, it’s really effected me , in what I feel is a negative way. Constantly telling me to stay in. She hated when I went anywhere. Why? To be miserable like her? I always need to know WHY? So i have thought long and hard about this affliction . So yes, hearing that in this story could be of a big help to me, if I let it
Hi Patti, It snowed a little where I’m at. There were some flakes. Your old neighborhood (mantua) and all of S Jersey hit hit with 6” give or take. The media made it sound like 6 ft. 37 is very suspenseful, The Vapor. I do love and feel privileged to be able to be getting these chapters. Over the weekend I watched a bunch of Reels of the beat women poets. They make me feel like I write HALLMARK style. Deep words and rhythms and beautiful style. Looking forward.
Any poetry is greatly appreciated. I am currently catching up on the Melting!
Thank you, Patti, for these wonderful readings. Your voice coming from a retro radio reminds me of simpler times when the world was less noisy.
I'd love to hear a reading of 'Written By a Lake'
Each new snowfall is just like the first.
Happy new year and hoping for snow.
Happy new year again Patti 💙☕️❤️
I recall some gumshoe writing (somewhere) of yours and wished for more.
me too! check me out a patti type tale :) happy new year!
Patti, anything that you choose to read is enjoyable to listen to! But, since you are asking for suggestions, I would especially love to hear you read, ‘When You Are Old,’ by William Yeats. . . Thank you so very much! 🥰
I love you reading from your own work, any and all! I am also reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle because of you and would love to hear you read your favorite passage from that if you would like to, but anything really. It is so nice to be read to like this. Thank you.
It is always good to hear from you, and hearing you read to us is always a delight! It has been bitter cold these last two days and nights, it warmed up today, but it's windy so I kept the blanket on my wee mini-donkey, Elizabeth, she's very old (30), and she doesn't like the cold very much, but she can be a lively little stinker in spite of her age, I'm not too overly worried about her in the barn, the stall that she shares with her tinier goat friend, Tessa, is cozy, and has deep clean wood shavings and straw bedding and they have plenty to eat. I wish it would snow a little more, the weather has been too warm, but the extreme change is not good either. It's going to be 40 by tomorrow, so back up again, and then down again by Friday. My kitty cats are enjoying our woodstove very much! I miss the winters that I grew up with in Lyons, NY, snow on the ground by Thanksgiving, a January thaw, then more snow, and it begins melting by March, and done by Easter. I'm turning 60 this it's been awhile. (I still like to catch snowflakes on my mittens, especially the lake snow, the flakes are to big and fluffy!) Keep well, hugs & love.
Thank you very much for this caring gesture!
I would find something really exciting from Sylvia Plath.
Passages from the first chapters from Woolgathering would certainly be enchanting (heartfelt wish)
Perhaps there would be as many suggestions as snowflakes fell from the sky and we would like each selection.
Did you ever receive the The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami last time you came to Geneva (French version sorry, had no time to get an English one).I handed it to the girl in charge at l’Alhambra but I still wonder if it ever arrived in your hands.
I would have loved to hear a line or two of it read by you 💝
I’d love to hear you read more, but this was a delicious message, about the snow falling. I wonder if you’d enjoy reading us some Rimbaud? Or Baudelaire?
Thank you everyone! This is great. I have copied down all your suggestions and will certainly draw from them. Thank you for the feedback, it's very energizing...
Thank you Patti🌹
Stay safe and warm🖤
It may be too heart-full to read aloud...but I would like to hear the prologue to, Just Kids.
Oh Patti I would listen to whatever you are moved to share. We didn't get our snow yesterday did we here in NYC - maybe later in the week. Looking forward to your shows in February. Right now it seems like a long time from now. But grateful you are still doing them and just didn't cancel outright. Wishing you happiness in the new year.
Oh anything you have written! Or maybe a bit from On the road, or a poem from Ariel! So many possibilities.. Happy new year and birthday wishes from a restless lonely nomad!
The Declaration of Independence!! Followed the next day by the Gettysburg Address….(summer reading?)
me too! check me out a patti type tale :) happy new year!
Would love to hear you read "Notes to the Future"!!
Would love to hear you read "Notes to the Future"!!
Happy New Year Patti, I love hearing you read, so anything is fine by me. 🤗💜💚thank you so much for giving us your time & effort, blessings from Windsor UK.
Hi. I know you love A Child's Garden of Verse so I'd love to hear you read my favourite poem from that which is the Land of Counterpane. Happy New Year from Helen in Weston super Mare, UK.
Hi Patti, is 2:30 in the morning in Colorado and I couldn’t sleep thinking of so many poems…. But the one that really resonates with me lately is The Star splitter by Robert Frost. “ for to be social is to be forgiving”. Anyway I do love hearing you read. We do have snow here ! I wish it came earlier to have prevented the fire. 🙏 to all my neighbors
Hi Patti,
Listening to you read or tell us about your hope for snow, is so incredible ! So, I will listen to you.
Happy new year ! ❤️
PS : waiting for snow in France too ;)
Happy New Year again Patti.
I adore hearing your voice, thank you, are a generous soul.
I HOPE the snow falls gently upon you.
I would love to hear you reading something by Sylvia Plath, and more of your own work!
Love all your readings and messages. They are always a thrill to recieve. Thank you so much for connecting with us and your generosity. Happy New Year Patti.
Happy Belated Birthday, Patti.
Dear Patti,
I love to hear you reading poetry and also your own words but it would be terrific to hear you read from J.M. Coetzee's strange and enigmatic The Childhood of Jesus. I can imagine you bringing your wonderful reading voice to the part where Simón and David read a children’s edition of Don Quixote together:
"I don’t want to read your way,” says the child. “I want to read my way. There was a man of double deed and nandynandynandy need, and when he rode he was a horse and when he walked he was a porse.”
I think you will find, if you haven't already, Coetzee's Jesus trilogy to be great reading for snowy days at home, in contemplation of a coming year - especially in times like these.
Hey Patti,
Happy New Year to you.
Could I request that you read us some poetry, your own poems and your favourite poems. Could you also talk to us about the poems and about poetry?
This would be something to look forward to this year.
Thanks so much xx
Oh, and snow did come! To DC ! Oh, how lucky we were! Oh the joy! I made sounds all morning in anticipation of going outside!😃❄️💙 And regarding a reading. Rilke’s Duinese Elegies are some of my favorite writings. Or Rapunzel, the fairy tale?
It would be wonderful if you read Sam Shepard's text such as Motel Chronicles, Days out of Heaven and so on.
Could you maybe read some Emily Dickinson?
Do one of your favorite passages from Rimbaud or Genet.
great idea!
Just got a refund for my Aussie Tickets for April 2022. So anything you do is much appreciated, now I won’t get to see you live this year.
Please read the liner notes to Radio Ethiopia 28 Sept 76. Coming to see you in Brooklyn in Feb of this year from Richmond Va. Last time we saw you was at 9:30 Club in DC many years ago after my band mates wife died and you came out in the audience and stood by him while Lenny sang a song and you said good things to him. Thank you.
You are a riot🤣
Read to us…anything…I prefer you reading you. 🌹Thank you so much🖤
I love being read to and I enjoy your readings. It's kind of a lost art, really. You have a wonderful voice that wraps and weaves itself into the hearts and souls of us, your rapt listeners. It's very calming, your voice. So please, read on. And belated very happy birthday to you.
Would love to hear you read some of The Thief’s Journal…or maybe a favorite Corso poem in your Gregory voice :)
Dear Patti, Happy New Year! I spent a few days in Paris from the 30th of December ´till the 2nd of January. On the 30th I drank some coffee in Café de Flore -it was my first time there- and I thought of you celebrating your birthday. Happy birthday again! So...I thought..would you read some piece you wrote there? Or a piece you think of when you remember Café de Flore?
Kind regards, Nathalie X
Thank you Patti, great to hear from you. Take care❤️. I love to hear you read, Good night 🌙
On a surfing trip to the west coast ( living the dream) in the 1970s we took a break from the coast and took our young kids to Oregon and the mountains to see snow as they were unlikely to see it in Australia. Your picture is a wonderful reminder of that time. All rugged up and loving it. Now I’m on the east coast of Australia in sweltering heat which my ageing body hates.
For me I love your readings no matter what, and I appreciate your references to other writers that prompt me to read their works but personally I love hearing you reading your own work the best. Anyway like most of the others here I love seeing anything from you in my in box. I’ve got mail from Patti Smith seems like a dream. Thank you. Joni 💖🐨
I would love to hear you read the incredible poem ‘The gods abandon Antony’ by Cavafy, the one that inspired Leonard Cohen’s equally incredible song ‘Alexandra Leaving’ (which would be an amazing cover too). Both these so poignantly and powerfully address loss and change, but also seem so wise and hopeful too - hope and mourning. But then as the wonderful version of ‘The Book of love’ by The Magnetic Fields croons “I love it when you read to me - you can read me anything” (I’d all so love to see this song covered by you!)
I loved the M Train reading as well! I would love to hear you read some of your poems from Witt! 'Prayer' and 'Precious Little' are some as my favorites! Happy new year, Patti!
We love being read to by you! Looks like we got cheated out of our snow today.
I would listen to you read the phone book 😂
Love your readings - thank you for taking the time to post them for us. I love the passages in Auguries of Innocence- ie The blue doll; or selections from Woolgathering; Devotion, The Coral Sea.
Thank you, Patti! Whatever you want to do is fine with me. I consider all of it a gift, and it's all very much appreciated. Stay warm!
I would love to hear you read some of your favorite poets from Babel. I lost my precious copy of that book years ago and I so miss it, There were poems in there that I could read by heart.
We had a nice snow fall in the Seattle area, but it is Melting. Pun intended.
Thank you Patti
I began re-reading M Train last night after your reading the other day continued to resonate in my mind. Surprise readings from texts unknown or forgotten to me always bring delight and the possibility of a joyous fall into another rabbit-hole. ✨✨✨
Thank you Patti! Looking forward to listening.
Thank Patti
Happy new year
Thank Patti
Happy new year
Thank Patti
Happy new year
Thank you Patti, i love listening to your readings and your lovely calming voice. I think snow is magical I've seen it falling only one time. We were the car and it was like driving through the milky Way! We don't get snow where I live. You are so lucky!
Being read to is such a delight and your voice is so soothing to listen to.
My friend bought me a book called “Fifty words for snow” for Christmas so perhaps you might like to check it out. The author is Nancy Campbell and there are also beautiful drawings of snowflakes throughout the book.
It’s currently wet and dreary where I am in Wales, UK, but snow would lighten the skies and minds. So fingers crossed.
I’d love to hear you read from Just Kids. That book exemplifies what it truly means to love.
Maybe a reading from Burroughs? Pessoa?
Thanks Patti I love all of your messages.
Is it in M Train, the beautiful passage about the fish hook your spouse gave you, and you fishing.... I read it after I was widowed and had a good bawl and read it again. And again. Thank you for that--the bawl and again. Wishing you a wonder-filled '22!
The readings are fantastic. I would love to hear the Clock With No Hands section from M Train, anything from Just Kids, or a favorite passage from The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, The Master and Margarita, or any of the other books you mention in M Train -- but will receive with gratitude whatever you choose.
really enjoy hearing your voice and words - hoping you get snow. we finally did in NM although it came with no electricity and frozen pipes but still a blessing we needed.
read Ginsberg pls, Howl;Moloch; we did a video of the Moloch text w/music as 2nd Hand Beatnix on YT, check it too; cheers, Magura Happy NY of the Tiger!
I'd love to hear you read that story from M Train about running into Robbie Coltrane after binging "Cracker" - priceless!
I'd love you to read Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince". It features snow! but would require several installments. Thank you for such a wonderful offer. It has been 31 degrees in parts of Aotearoa this week. May you see snow.
Thank you, Patti! Happy New Year from cold NJ! No snow yet!
Forgot to mention earlier... There's plenty of snow in northern Minnesota. Come. Bring your warm coat. ; )
Happy New Year Patti !!! Let it snow, let it snow.......
I like this message it sound you are in a good lovely mood speaking about snow and it's so nice to hear your voice. Happy New Year to you ❤️🕯️
I wish you once again a Happy New Year and a nice fluffy snowy day. You might even catch a snow flake in your hand .❄️💙
Song by Allen Ginsberg please
Love to hear you reading. Especially from your own work. Your voice is very calming. Stay warm! ❤️
Loved your reading Patti. Also loved hearing you recite the Emily Dickinson poem before Christmas - another poem of hers 'Good Morning Midnight' is one of my absolute faves. I was thinking of Emily on her birthday, December 10th, which was the same day I signed up here as a reader. Some hours later I received your reading of the Dickinson poem which seemed a very sweet synchronicity. It would be wonderful to hear you read an extract from your essay 'Devotion'.
"Tis the first snow-
Just enough to bend
The gladiolus leaves!(M.Batsho)
Batsho was attracted by the falling of the snow as I am now hoping to feel the flakes over me in a sort of magical spiritual dimension which makes me still, excited as a child contemplating the whiteness weakening anguish and anxiety since everything seems to be in peace! a book, or thoughts ,lines on a notbook sheet- white outside a perfect setting !
Thanks for your reading and words, I remember the pic last me it will snow over there, wintry mood even in north Italy , it s said to fall in some days, IT IS SAID..!!??you never know!..I am expecting it..
again, peaceful and exciting new year!HUG ALE
Happy New Year to you, as well. And a belated Happy Birthday to you! It's cold here in Providence, RI today. Much like you in NYC, we're awaiting snow. I really delight and appreciate you reading passages from your own work. All readings (no matter the source) are certainly welcome by me. Stay safe and warm, and I'll look forward to your next posting. "The Melting" is both fascinating and intriguing, in equal measure. Hot tea is calling.
Read alouds are great for all ages xx
Patti, thank you so much for this. I would love to hear you reading the passage from "Just Kids" where you describe your first visit to Max's Kansas City with Robert and Sandy Daley. It's one of my favourite part in the book. Also, I would be delighted to hear you recite "A Step Away From Them" by Frank O' Hara.
What a delight it would be to hear you read Diane di Prima. Diane took me under her wing when I was a 21 year old poet in San Francisco and I studied Poetry and Art with her for many many years, assisting her teach during her Poet Laureateship, and much more. In fact she is my firstborn’s Godmother, and was a vocal advocate for mothers to be artists. City Lights released the posthumous book, Spring and Autumn Annals, this October, one year after Diane’s passing the veil. We’ve done a few readings with City Lights and SF Public Library to commemorate her books and much needed voice. In fact, her partner of 40+ years, Sheppard, gave me a copy of a poem she wrote a few months before she died, and you are in it Patti! It’s a beautiful poem. I brought it with me to Paris hoping to hand it to you at Le Grand Rex on October 8th, along with a rare first edition of Loba. Alas, I didn’t get to meet you, but I could email you the poem if you’d like. Thanks for all you create— you’ve been one of the most inspiring writers I’ve ever read.
Jenny Jo
Something from "Revolutionary Letters" would be amazing! Here in the UK, it's very difficult to find the 50th Anniversary edition published by City Lights.
Yes! Fantastic idea. I am hoping you can find the 50th Anniversary edition. It’s incredible. I’ll be in Paris for my art show in early February— I didn’t see one at Shakespeare and Co. When I was there in December but I’ll report to you if I see one!
Thank you Jenny and good luck for your art show!
I have always taken comfort from The Woolgatherers: "On clear, peculiar nights I sometimes saw movement in the grasses."
Reminds me of my own childhood gazings, when day was done and the magic of night beckoned from beyond a bedroom window.
"...with no task more exceptional than to rescue a fleeting thought, as a tuft of wool, from the comb of the wind."
Thank you so much.
Hi Patti, thank you for your message and the lovely picture. I would love to hear you reading "ps/alm 23 revisited" as February 5th will be William Burroughs' birthday and it would be nice to remember him with your poem when the time comes. :)
Wonderful suggestion
I am still reading M Train, I am a really slow reader and when I listed to the passage yesterday from the book read by you, well it reminded me to keep reading. I loved the part where you meet with Bobby F. Back to my book!
Thanks Patti, I love to listen your readings <3. In Finland, we have lot of snow, so beautiful :). Hope you'll have it, too.
Dear Patti, thinking of you as I look upon a silent monochrome world outside my window here in Arlington, VA. We woke up to winter wonderland. I hope the snow will come to NYC, too.
Thanks Patti, i love being read to, i’d love to hear you read about your mother, mine is in her last days in hospital. Waiting fir snow sounds like the start of a poem x
Lovely message. Thank you. Maybe a little something from Auguries of Innocence. Love the photo and hope the snow falls for you.
I too, live in NYC. I woke up frequently last night hoping to see some snow. Very weird that it is January and we haven’t had snow. 🥲
I bought Babel when I was a teenager because someone told me I looked like you. They showed me the cover of Easter to prove it and played it for me then later I came across the book and I still have it! I will be 59 on January 14th. I would love it if you would read something from it.
More reading for 2022 it’s a pleasure and a privilege to hear you
A coffe to go
On the snow
Patti , thank you for the readings, when I was young my older brother used to fead to me; then he turned me on to Jean Shepherd on WOR New York radio. Joy for hours. I look forward to your every installment . I would love to hear you read a Burns poem on his birthday January 25. Happy New Year!❤️
I am wondering if it might be appropriate for you to read something by Sam Shepard. Perhaps it would be best if you chose the reading. I love Sam Shepard's work, and it was through him that I discovered you.
so enjoy your readings to us. perhaps a jim m poem, the beats, or something from the earlier days.. babel. witt. Or the phone book is fine. 😹
What a lovely message to receive. It is cold here in New York this morning. And it is cozy and comforting to be read to so yes, read us anything. I’m in a dark room, blankets over my feet, hoodie over my head, an IV in my arm. The window is open and my view is of a brick wall, but I don’t mind. As long as the window is open, fresh air coming in, fresh thoughts, I can dream.
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few.
- Emily Dickinson
Happy New Year!
When you spoke of snow falling, i thought of "Wild Leaves". Would love to hear a reading of that.
I so miss watching snow fall, so hopefully you'll get your wish. And yes, I love your readings. It's so nice to take a break in the afternoon, have a cup of tea and hear you read. I like hearing from your books or any books/writers that have inspired you. Happy New Year!
An excerpt from "Woolgathering" would be nice.
I love snow too - 74 and I always have a beat-up sledge at the ready in case, although these days snow is a rarity in S England sadly. Also, I love being read to, and you are the best at it...I don't really mind what you read, anything you choose will be fine. It's just comforting and perfect when you read somehow. My mum used to knit and read to me, and I'd sit on a little stool by her and I can still taste those times. Sometimes she'd stop for a moment because she had to count stitches, or pick up on a mistake, but then she'd be off again - it was bliss. She could be of uncertain temper, but never at these times. I read in turn to my kids, and now one of them is reading to his... thanks Patti. And happy new year to you too x
Happy New Year, Patti! Thank you for reading to us! :)
Read some Rimbaud? ❤️
Maybe something by Rumi? I have been reading out loud from "Just Kids" to someone dear to me, thank you for that.
I have to say Patti "Mother Rose" is very much a heartfelt song that you wrote.
I would love to know more about the lyrics and how the song came about.
Your music has inspired me throughout my youth.... Back then it was like LP's and vinyl records. New friends or anyone I would meet up with I was always saying have you heard of her ? Always a pleasure listening to you.
My mother used to read to me all the time when I was little, and then I read those same poems to her when she was in hospice. I was touched to tears as I read her "The Pasture" by Robert Frost. "I sha'n't be gone long.—You come too."
I read all your books during the pandemic and they were the most helpful of the various things read. I will love to hear anything you choose, but the passages I have shared most with others - are these: listening to the Tigers with Fred on a boat (I am a Michigan person, now living in the UK). I also loved the end of the chapter Covered Ground, in which your brother Todd helps you to remember your natural optimism. I guess that passage might feel hard to read, but anyway, I loved it as it seemed to bring together all human grief and our efforts to weather it, keep the person with us, but go ahead without them too. And in one of the books, can't recall which, there was a dream about Sam Shepard and writing. Anyway, I will love whatever you read. Just wanted to tell you of these. All good wishes.
Merci! Merci! Mille mercis!😍😍😍
A Fleet of Deer and Grant. I loved your reading of Jim Morrison’s on the Collected Works new cd. ❄️❄️❄️
Thank you, Patti, for this and everything else you've brought to us. How your words and music sustain me!
I just checked the weather app. It looks like your wish is being fulfilled! I lived in nyc for 26 years. I miss those snowy days. It was like a beautiful sound blanket had been spread out over the city. Enjoy the peace. 🙏🏼
As I listened to your message It began to snow here in Scotland ! Magical !❄️
Would love to hear more about William Burroughs - any stories, observations about him and his philosophies, strange habits, and did he ever talk with you about shooting his wife?! I've always wondered how he lived with that after it happened.
Thank you so much beloved Patti...please read Rimbaud 🙏
Patti, being read to is so comforting! I would love to hear you read an occasional poem: your own or some of your favorites by others? Rimbaud?
I love your messages, because we get to hear your conversational voice and your laugh!
Thank you. I’d like to hear you read Phillip Larkin
Happy New Year. 🖤
My favorite thing to do as a teacher was to read aloud to my class. I’m retired now
Please read from Early Work!
Beautiful Message!
Happy New Year Patti! yes please more readings!..I'm going to re read M Train as I have no new books to read yet. as kids we used to catch snow flakes with our tongues
I loved your read and replayed it for my family
Your voice is so soothing, Patti! I love it greatly
Happy new year Patti et so happy to hear you..take care and see you later...des bisous de Rose line
Love when you read to us Patti Smith! Another type of meditation.........thank you!
I would love to hear you read anything from Auguries of Innocence... such a brilliant book!! Thank you for everything Patti, hope your new year is off to a wonderful start ❤️
A Happy and Healthy 2022 to you and yours. I would love to hear you read Her Kind by Anne Sexton. Thank you.
Can you read à little passage of Virginia Woolf's The Waves. Thank you so much.
Happy New Year! I am 71, and I still love being read to, and I love to read aloud to others. And I love listening to you read, whether it be from your work or from something that is meaningful to you. Would you like to read to us from some of “your” beloved writers in 2022? Verlaine, Rimbaud, Blake, anyone - from anywhere - that holds special meaning for you?
Stay warm and safe. I think we all need to be especially careful and vigilant right now; the COVID numbers are up.
It was really great to hear you reading your own text. I have read The M Train, but your reading it gave the text another level of depth and feeling.
Happy New Year, Patti.
Could you please read excerpts from "Woolgathering" and "Auguries of Innocence"?
Love this photo! We have a light covering of snow that arrived overnight. My dog is so happy - he loves to make snow angels. I'm afraid it's not going to last though. Forecasted to be in the 40's by midweek. Hope you get to enjoy at least a bit of new snow.
Yay! We finally got snow here in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Has been too warm, now we have between 4 and 7 inches of beautiful snow.
I would be happy if you started reading with your first book of poetry and just kept going right up until the present moment.
Happy New Year!
Thank you! Happy New Year Patti! ❤️
hi, patti! i love your own readings, of course, but maybe would be interesting to listen to something from roberto bolaño in your voice, maybe an extract from “2666” or a short tale. the last last year i was obsessed by “murdering whores”... happy new year!
So nice to hear you laugh at yourself with yourself …Suzy Snowflake visited us in nashville! I tried to catch her but she was evasive..
Looking forward to all your readings this year!
Happy third day of the New Year. Readings in 2022 is a wonderful idea. Reading is my lifeline and being read to is a joy. I appreciate most anything. Rimbaub comes to mind. I just came across "Woolgathering" at an independent bookshop. I carry it in my purse and read it when I have to wait wherever I am. Thanks for your kind words. Means a lot. ❣